♥ Love Story #3: Character- revealed;

Don't Let Me Fall

-Haneul's Pov.-

I started writing a poem in my notebook expressing the feelings that I've never had the guts to confess, to Hyunseung; totally blocking out the lesson plan Mrs. Yoon was explaining.

' Love is meant to be open,
  Love is meant to be free,
  Love shouldn`t be hidden,
  But this time it has to be,
  I`m not saying this is "love",
  It may mearly be a crush,
  But if it is a crush,
  Somebody will be crushed,
  I know I think I like you
  I know I think you like me too,
  But I need to know one thing,
  Is any of it true? 

                    - Your Secret Admirer '

The bell rang.

I stood up, grabbed all of my materials, and walked to my locker. I opened it, neatly putting all of my stuff where it was supposed to go. A few lockers away from mine, I saw Hyunseung talking to the aegyo kingka, Yoseob. I couldn't clearly hear their conversation, but I heard Hyunseung declined the offer to go to the most-popular-girl-in-the-school's party. 

I turned around and looked in my locker. Darn. I should really buy a mirror.. I whimpered in my head. I looked at the notebook that I wrote the poem in, and quickly ripped out the paper. Time to put this note in my locker. After everyone left to lunch, I sneaked down to a few lockers, and checked if anyone was looking. Just as I was about to slip the piece of paper in the locker slit, I heard someone's footsteps. I turned around, and saw what seemed to be Hyunseung in the distance. As he was getting closer, I was sure it was Hyunseung. I quickly went two lockers down and pretended to be looking at them.

"Hi Haneul!" He waved and smiled, while I waved back. Why is my face so hot.. Aish.

"What brings you down here? It's lunch time." I stated the obvious.

"I just wanted to be away from all those clingy girls for a little while, you get what I mean, right?"

I nodded. So, he doesn't like so many girls around him. "I haven't experienced what you mean, but I still get you."

He pinched my left cheek, "You're so cute."

W-What??! I slapped myself mentally. "C-cute?"

He nodded once. "Yup!"

Someone wake me up from this dream..

"HYUNSEUNGIE!" The most popular girl in the school, Sumin, called.

"What?" Hyunseung looked annoyed.

"Kikwang needs to tell you something! Let's go!" She took his arm and started dragging him to the cafeteria. I waved and sighed.

' Gaaahh. '




username ; reverie

name ; Yoo Haneul

age / birthday ; 16.3.1994

ethnicity ; Korean-Japanese

birthplace ; Kyoto, Japan

height ; 162 cm

weight ; 45 kg

blood type ; ab

personality ; Yoo Haneul has a very simple personality that makes her bland and forgettable compared to others with more dazzling personalities. She's not loud nor is she quiet like a mouse - she can be both, but she's usually neither, just somewhere in the middle. Her looks are not magnificent either because she could care less about dressing up and wearing make-up. Martial arts were never her thing either so she can't fight, and comedy always alludes her. Don't get her wrong or anything, she loves jokes, but it takes her weeks to think up a decent joke or prank since she's not naturally funny (which she blames her late stern father for, lovingly of course). One thing Haneul believes she has some talent in is playing the piano which she has been learning ever since she was five.

Dear Haneul cries easily; she cries when she's happy, sad, mad, nervous - you name it. When she starts crying, it usually takes awhile for her to calm back down. It's amazingly easy for her emotions to overwhelm Haneul, making her feelings evident through her facial expressions as well as gestures. She doesn't like the fact that she's pretty much an open book for everybody to read because it does make her feel vulnerable, which she absolutely hates feeling, so she always tries to cover it up with a smile or hide her face with something, anything, anybody.

Patience isn't something that can be related to Haneul, no matter who she's waiting for or what she's doing. She's easily frustrated, but she doesn't blow up or anything, she just deals with it. Haneul is a hard worker and likes to focus on only one task at a time because she's a horrible multitasker. No matter what the outcome is, she's humble in her opinion of herself and believes she can always do better.

Haneul’s can undoubtedly be described as someone who’s awkward. She’s graceless (but not entirely clumsy), uncomfortable meeting new people or being in new surroundings, and breaks down under pressure. Stuttering seems to be her third language while blushing is second nature to her.

Towards her friends and family, she's utterly loyal and affectionate with them. There's no wall that was built up against the world, meaning she effortlessly trusts people. However, she isn't a pushover - not because she knows she'll be taken advantage of, but because she believes people should not be lazy; she'll help but only so much. Haneul can also be extremely optimistic, looking at the bright side in any situation. She thinks before she speaks or acts, but usually says or does what's on her mind anyway. Basically, she's a happy-go-lucky girl trying to make a living in a cruel world.

background ; For fifteen years, Haneul called Kyoto her home.

For nine long years, her widowed mother struggled to support the two of them, to keep them off the streets.

She was young, around the age of six, when her father developed pancreatic cancer – one of the most painful terminal illnesses. That was around the time when everything seemed to be going smoothly for the Yoo family; her mother’s orchestra concertos received raving reviews and her father was one of the most sought-out detectives. Little Haneul was even doing well with her piano lessons. But when her father received the news, all income was used to pay for doctor and hospital bills to the point where they had to start selling some of their most precious possessions to keep up with the payments.

The stress did horrid wonders to the family. It quickened the father’s imminent death and all creative energy out of the mother. Grief and sorrow gripped the family tightly when the father passed away. Haneul seemed to see tears no matter where she looked especially from her mother who cried for their loss, their situation, and their life.

Soon, her mother was able to strike a deal with a man she worked with: they would be able to stay with him as long as they acted as his maids. That was around the time Haneul was eight years young. She was suspicious of the arrangement as they seemed to be friendlier than acquaintances should be, but she forgot all about her uncertainties when she realized he owned a piano to which he gladly continued her forgotten lessons. So for seven years, she cleaned, played, went to school, and played some more.

Things were looking up, but they couldn’t stay there forever.

On one drunken night, her mother and her companion had an argument over Haneul. Although, the details were never clear for Haneul (the companion wanted to use Haneul as means to earn money *hint hint*), her mother believed it be best if they left. And so brought on the journey of travelling from one homeless shelter to another, never being able to stay longer than a few days or so.

And like a light filtering through the shadows, Haneul’s aunt (father’s sister) found them by chance when she was on a business trip in Kyoto from Seoul. Haneul’s mother was already starting to see her final days so she encouraged Haneul to leave her in Japan and to start a new life in South Korea. This idea appalled Haneul and she refused earnestly. Her aunt gave her the night to think over it.

That night, they stayed with the aunt in a hotel.

That night, when the clock struck 12:00 AM, her mother disappeared, leaving a note telling her that the living must live – finalizing Haneul’s decision.

likes ; road trips, piano, viola, smell/ taste of vanilla, acoustic & classical music, origami, food ( esp. fruits ), green tea, photography, radio shows, nature ( esp. meadows ), skin ship, cartoons, cafés, heart-to-heart talks, smiling/ laughing

dislikes ; texting, all insects, swearing, rude people, bitter food, failing, not being able to say what she wants, lightning, tight spaces, smoke, getting sick

hobbies ; learning how to play instruments, composing her own piano pieces, writing notes and leaving them around to be found by people, taking walks in the park, riding her life, taking pictures of things or people and putting them up on her wall like a collage, making lunches for people

habits ; [G] cleans her place every Sunday - brushes her teeth three times a day no matter what
[B] ignores people if there's too many people talking at once - speaks Japanese if she doesn't want to be understood or if she's at her wits' ends

partner ; Jang Hyunseung

partner's personality ; Charming and alluring, his magnetic personality attracts attention from everybody of all ages. He is the epitome of the guy that makes the girls go ‘ooh-la-la,’ the one the guys invite to all parties, the boy who would be the perfect son-in-law in the eyes of mothers all around. A true gentleman through and through, but that doesn’t stop him from being mischievous and terribly playful at times. He’s somewhat sadistic and sometimes doesn’t know how to control his teasing, going too far at times.



Congrats to: reverie!!!! <3333333. Sorry for picking Hyunseung, instead of your first choice! D: It's just that I don't know who the other guys were ><' *Bows* MIAHN! :C If you have a BIIIG problem with this, just feel free to pm me on my wall, okiies? <3

`&& Sorry for not updating for a few days! I just came back from my vacation to the Bahamas, and surprisingly, I'm still pale :3 LOLS. It was sooooooooo fuuuh- reaking HOT! DX I felt like I was gonna drown in my own sweat XDDD. Bwahaha~ Ewwwwwh that sounds unattractive. :P Oh weelllls, I'm forever alone anyway O: Hahah. Okaaays-- gotta gooos~ gonna update soon; SINCE THERE IS ONLY ONE GIRL LEFT O.O ROFL. I just realized that XDDD. In advance, I'll let you all know that I was stuck with the last love story ( =.=' lmao. ) so the last girl I chose is for Love Story #4. I hope you guys don't get angry that I didn't pick you :"< Remember, I LOVE YOU ALL!!! <333333



JJ/ Jiji

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Sweetie, what happened to this?<br />
Please update? )));
An update!<br />
I tortured myself like crazy just waiting for your updates ):<br />
HAHAHAHAHA. Please give us lots more now! xD<br />
Great job, loved this <3
OMG I LOVED IT :3 so cuteeee~~~ all of them are making great plots ^^ and i love your new color scheme :3 kkk~~ update soon eonni ;)oegoewgwl
urbanlatte #4
C: you updated unnie. xDDD i loved this update~! ^.^
:OOOOO Busted with the notebook.
Wah, love the update~! <br />
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I seriously thought Jinyoung was gonna fall for Kyoung Mi's chocolate trick! XD and I can't wait for Minji's and Minwoo's ice skating date! I bet it's gonna be cute~ wah, I wonder what Hyunseung's gonna say to Haneul o.o<br />
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Can't wait for the next two!
Jinyoung and Kyoungmi xD They really do despise each other don't they? :3<br />
<br />
Minji and Minwoo are so adorable <3 I want to see how they develop ^o^<br />
<br />
Haneul getting the shock of her life by Hyunseung, damn that must have been embarrassing! xD<br />
<br />
Update again soon~
chubbyriceeater #8
Updated everyone =3
awwww i can tell this love story will be be a tearful one *sobs* so cute thougggh keke<br />
omg the story will start?? i cant waittttt!!!! :D *jumps*
urbanlatte #10
ayyyyye! its ur character now~! :D your character's personality is like...super close to mine... O_o lawl~ ahhhh! gongchannie~! can't wait till this story ends. x3