♥ Love Story #2: Character- revealed;

Don't Let Me Fall

-Minji's Pov.-


"What did you get for number 12 on page 322?" I tried peering over his textbook to see if I could copy more answers.

He covered them up with his hand. "Yah, I already gave you 11 answers! There are only four left.." 

"Might as well just give me all of them, then!" I eye smiled, and snatched his notebook with all of his answers, copying each down.

"You're so lucky your my best friend.." He groaned.

"Love you too, honey!" I playfully blew a kiss at him as he just rolled his eyes. I then closed my textbook, and put it off to the side. "I'm bored, Minwoo." I gave him a pout.

"Aren't you always?" He chuckled and poked my cheeks. All of a sudden, I heard a pitter patting sound. This could only be one thing. Rain.

I stood up, and ran to the door, opening it, and running out to beautiful, drenching paradise. I laughed as I spun around in circles.

"Moon Minji! Get back inside! You're going to catch a cold if you stay out here!!" Minwoo said. What a worry wart.

"No!! I love it out here! Come dance with me, my best friend!" I skipped around, getting wetter and wetter every second. 

I laughed when I saw him do a facepalm. He's so cute sometimes. Hahaha. "Minji!!!" I heard him whine. "Please come back inside."

I shook my head, when accidentally, I tripped on my feet and fell flat on the ground.

A millisecond later, Minwoo was by my side, checking me for any injuries. "I'm okay!" I smiled, happy that he cared.

"You worried me so much! You could've twisted an ankle!"

"You know me, I'm tough!" I tried flexing, but failed.

"You're so cute!" He pinched my cheeks and laughed.

After talking for about 10 minutes, we were still in the rain, completely soaked with water. "Let's go inside now." Minwoo said, as he stood up.

I frowned. "But I'm too lazy to walk.."

He bent down. "I'll give you a piggy back ride."

I grinned, and quickly got on his back. As he walked back to the house, he was making sound effects, sort of like an airplane, which made me giggle the whole way. Oh how I love my best friend.




username ; firebirdchild

name ; Moon Minji

age / birthday ; 11.2.1995

ethnicity ; full korean

birthplace ; Jeju

height ; 152 cm

weight ; 50 kg

blood type ; a

personality ; Minji is clumsy with herself. She doesn't care about getting sick while playing in the rain or she doesn't care about falling while climbing trees. Minji simply isn't worried about anything she does; she's fearless as long as it's fun. Minji is a playful girl who loves role playing games and being active.  She loves to show affection to her friends, although she rarely talks. She only speaks when it's necessary or around those that have known her for most of her life. Even her best friends that she's known for a few years don't hear her speak that much. When she does speak, she has a soft, quiet voice that's always insightful. However, her closest friends that she doens't mind talking to get to hear her every thought.

background ; Minji lives with her mother in Jeju. Her father passed away when she was only 7 due to a car accident. She and her mother are very close, but her mother has never been the same since her father died. Minji takes care of her mother, who is very frail and sickly. 

likes ; dried fruits, candies, playing games ( not board games ), climbing things, the ocean, stormy days ( on these days she goes swimming in the ocean ), gardening, swinging

dislikes ; strangers, when people other than the closest of her friends ask her questions, sports ( doesn't like how there are rules ), being restricted, being in pictures, cafeterias

hobbies ; collecting seashells, helping beached sea creatures get back to the ocean, catching fireflies, taking pictures with her mini, polaroid camera, putting stickers on random objects around school

habits ; [G] making a blowfish face when she's bored -- hiding behind her friends when there's a stranger in the room
[B] spacing out during class -- taking off her shoes in class ( she wears socks )

partner ; No Minwoo

partner's personality ; He's a total sweetheart. He's gentle, kind, and innocent, although he wants to let the man inside of him show. Minwoo worries constantly about Minji's health and well being. If she falls, he's immidiately at her side, checking for injuries. He pleads with her to be more careful; for her own sake and his. However, he is her best friend, constand companion, and playmate. He'll play with her day and night if it makes her happy, as long as she doesn't get hurt. They enjoy lots of friendly, childish skinship, but Minwoo longs for something more intimate.



CONGRATULATIONS TO: firebirdchild DONGSAENG! :D All of you guys are so sweet, in the comment box wishing happiness for the previous chosen girls ^^. I feel really bad that I can't choose all of you! D: I wanna just go hide in a cave.. T.T LOLS. *cough* loner *cough* ANWAYS ~ :D Sorreeeh for not updating for like three days too O: My laptop was on retardo mode, and it didn't let me update this ONE story =='; OKOK. Sorry, I ramble a lot :3 I'll go before I bore you to death :P Muakakaka :{D <--- mustached smiley face >:D HOW AWESOME IS DAAAT!? *poofs*



JJ/ Jiji

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Sweetie, what happened to this?<br />
Please update? )));
An update!<br />
I tortured myself like crazy just waiting for your updates ):<br />
HAHAHAHAHA. Please give us lots more now! xD<br />
Great job, loved this <3
OMG I LOVED IT :3 so cuteeee~~~ all of them are making great plots ^^ and i love your new color scheme :3 kkk~~ update soon eonni ;)oegoewgwl
urbanlatte #4
C: you updated unnie. xDDD i loved this update~! ^.^
:OOOOO Busted with the notebook.
Wah, love the update~! <br />
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I seriously thought Jinyoung was gonna fall for Kyoung Mi's chocolate trick! XD and I can't wait for Minji's and Minwoo's ice skating date! I bet it's gonna be cute~ wah, I wonder what Hyunseung's gonna say to Haneul o.o<br />
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Can't wait for the next two!
Jinyoung and Kyoungmi xD They really do despise each other don't they? :3<br />
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Minji and Minwoo are so adorable <3 I want to see how they develop ^o^<br />
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Haneul getting the shock of her life by Hyunseung, damn that must have been embarrassing! xD<br />
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Update again soon~
chubbyriceeater #8
Updated everyone =3
awwww i can tell this love story will be be a tearful one *sobs* so cute thougggh keke<br />
omg the story will start?? i cant waittttt!!!! :D *jumps*
urbanlatte #10
ayyyyye! its ur character now~! :D your character's personality is like...super close to mine... O_o lawl~ ahhhh! gongchannie~! can't wait till this story ends. x3