
Oneshot/ drabble collection ^^


Love, Jongin decides, is like drip coffee.
Drip coffees take a long time to be finished, the waiting time spanning over a very long period. Jongin doesn't remember how long he has had his eyes set on Kyungsoo, but he knows it has been long. And when he finally mans up to approach the chorale boy because according to Sehun, “I'm sure Kyungsoo doesn't like wimps", he finds himself staring back at wide innocent eyes, before Kyungsoo smiles at him in a manner Jongin knows is different from his ideal version. He is bent on changing that look. Jongin's sure he spent months courting that boy because it took him 2 months to even get Kyungsoo's number, ~not that he was very obvious in trying to get it anyway~, and oh. Oh. Jongin remembers. He remembers how he first stepped into this school and how Kyungsoo had captured his heart with his lovely voice during the orientation performance. And now he feels happy, because finally, finally, 1 week before his graduation, Kyungsoo has agreed to be his boyfriend. Jongin sighs happily as he reviews his courting process, occasionally squinting his eyes at bad memories, (let’s not talk about that once when Jongin had fell flat on his face while trying to impress Kyungsoo in physical education, and also the other time when he had jammed up the vending machine because he had pressed the button too many a times in his anxiousness of having Kyungsoo talk to him voluntarily for the very first time) but mostly satisfied with what he did. He looks to his left and smiles at the boy napping on his shoulder, fingers intertwined while they sat on the bus after a long day at the theme park. This, Jongin decides, was worth the wait.

Love, Kyungsoo decides, is like frappe.
Kyungsoo enjoys waking up to see Jongin’s face beside his every morning, little whimpers and snores breaking the silence of the morning. He enjoys detangling their legs from the blanket while trying not to wake Jongin up, while making his way to the bathroom to wash up. He enjoys the back hugs that Jongin presents to him every morning when  he is in the midst of brushing his teeth, while the younger rests his head on his shoulder and murmur incoherent words that Kyungsoo learns over time are along the lines of “I love you”. He enjoys meeting Jongin for lunch in their cafeteria, the two of them sitting in the very corner where many avoid because it’s too cold. Jongin never minds the cold, while Kyungsoo, well, Kyungsoo experiences first-hand the warmth of Jongin’s body. Kyungsoo enjoys waiting for Jongin while he finishes up with his dance lessons, taking the chance occasionally to peep in to see Jongin in his own little paradise. He enjoys having Jongin bring him to different eateries every single day for their dinner, although in a few days they will be back to the same one because their choices are limited like that. Kyungsoo enjoys the way Jongin always eats messily, slurping noisily and causing a mess around his utensils, while helping him wipe off the dirt thereafter and calling him all kinds of stupid but yet still receiving a smile back. He enjoys the walk back to the dorm, arms swinging in the chilly breeze with grins splitting their face. Kyungsoo enjoys doing their assignments together, sometimes having to smack the younger boy because hey, Jongin really procrastinates like a queen. And when the clock strikes 11, Kyungsoo enjoys climbing in bed with Jongin, facing each other and starting another round of their endless arguments on what they love about each other, while poking each other and sounding like mindless fools giggling into the night. This, Kyungsoo decides, is so sweet he can die from diabetes.

Love, Kris decides, is like liqueur coffee.
Kris finds himself questioning his sanity as he steps into the club once again, the loud music drumming through his body setting a certain satisfying boom boom boom through him. Using his height advantage, he scans across the dance floor, trying to spot that feline looking boy once again. And he spots him, right at the middle of the dance floor, losing himself in the music like always. Kris smirks, and orders 2 shots at the counter. Tonight, he’s going to approach the boy and ask for his name. He’s only a body away now, and Kris watches as the boy becomes aware that someone is staring at him with an emotion that screams anything but . The boy arcs his brows as Kris extended one hand, only to smirk back as his fingers close around the cup in Kris’s hand. He downs it in one shot and Kris smiles as he repeated the motion himself. The feline looking boy stalks up to him as if he was prey, and Kris catches himself before he gulps. Tracing his nails behind Kris’s ears, he whispers airily into his ears a simple one syllabus word- “Tao.” Kris finds himself laughing, before he is silenced once again when the boy pulls him harshly into a room, backing him hardly towards a wall and attacking his neck. “What,” Kris breathes, “the are you doing.” He receives a snort from the boy, before his head is pulled awkwardly at an angle that hurts his neck. “You want this right? . This is what you want, right?” Kris vaguely notices the sadness swimming in Tao’s eyes before he wraps his hands around the younger’s wrist, turning him around so that this time, Tao is the one against the wall. “Let me treat you better than the rest, Tao.” Kris decides that he doesn’t know where this is going after all, and he realizes he doesn’t mind when tears drip from the boy’s eyes. This, Kris decides, is because he is too drunk in Tao’s appeal.

Love, Baekhyun decides, is like americano.
As they sit across each other in the café, Baekhyun finds himself drawing random circles on the table surface, looking at anywhere but Chanyeol. He recognizes the glances that Chanyeol takes at him, and he grows mildly annoyed by that. What are you even looking at, he thinks, go do your own stuff. Baekhyun forgets when it became like that, when they started taking each other for granted, when he started growing annoyed at Chanyeol’s clinginess. The first few times it happened, Baekhyun ignores it, because he knows that such a time period is common amongst many couples. But then it never stops. In fact, Baekhyun thinks, it grew. And now, Baekhyun looks back and realizes how long he has been sick of Chanyeol. So sick it makes him sick in the stomach too. And now that they are sitting across each other, Baekhyun takes one good look at Chanyeol. He panics when he realizes he doesn’t find it anymore- the special feeling he gets when he used to look at him. Chanyeol meets his eyes, and Baekhyun finds no glint in them anymore. Oh. And like the time that has passed, Baekhyun realizes that this is going nowhere. The blandness of their love is almost repulsive, and Baekhyun wonders where they went wrong. The waitress passes by, and Baekhyun flags for her. He orders while looking straight into Chanyeol’s eyes, “An iced americano please. Make it as bland as possible.” The waitress stares at him funny, but Baekhyun ignores her, because he sees the recognition pass through Chanyeol’s eyes. As the waitress leaves, Chanyeol nods his head and gives Baekhyun a final smile. No words were shared when Chanyeol makes his way out of the café, but Baekhyun knows he understands, for when Chanyeol walked pass his seat outside on the street, he is holding his own cup of iced americano.

Love, Luhan decides, is like instant coffee.
Meeting at a beach has never been Luhan’s ideal method of falling in love, but it happens to him all the same, just like how everything never goes according to his plan. Sehun had been there too, crouched into a ball, screaming his worries into the sea while tears streamed down his face. Luhan had felt sorry for the state of the boy, taking out his own pack of tissue and squatting down next to him. When the boy had turned his head however, Luhan forgets all the words of encouragement that he had prepared for the boy, only being capable of opening and closing his mouth like a goldfish. The boy had looked at him curiously, and Luhan realizes that it doesn’t matter if this was not his ideal method of falling in love since he was already plunged into it. Call him stupid and foolish, but Luhan believes in love at first sight, and like instant coffee, Luhan relishes in the taste that this meeting had instantly offered him.

Love, Sehun decides, is like espresso.
Sehun watches as the porcelain falls and hits the floor, cracking into little pieces. He watches as the potted plants spill everywhere, and pages of books get torn out from their spine. Sehun watches as Luhan goes on a rampage, hurling things everywhere. And when he finally runs out of things to hurl, Luhan turns to Sehun with so much rage in his eyes Sehun is afraid. Luhan hurls words and insults next, and Sehun grows angry. He has never asked for this. It wasn’t his fault Luhan was always rejected by big companies. It wasn’t his fault Luhan’s family passed away in an accident. Why was Luhan always taking it out on him? And so Sehun makes a decision. It’s a stupid decision, but in his anger Sehun forgets to think properly. Sehun fights back, with equally hurting words that go along the lines of “You deserved this” and “No wonder your family left you, look at you, who would want you!” Sehun cries at the bitterness he receives in return, and he slams the door in Luhan’s face when he receives a slap from him. Sehun shakes involuntarily at the anger and hurt pent up inside of him, and he squeezes his eyes shut when the door behind him shakes from the pounding that Luhan is throwing at it. Choked sobs escape his mouth, and Sehun wonders why they even started this from the beach in the very first place. And as the pounding dies down, Sehun hears the equally pained cries from behind the door. “I’m sorry,” comes Luhan’s voice, and the rest is history as Sehun opens the door and collects the man in his arm, collecting the hurt from him and letting it snowball in his heart. This, Sehun decides, is too bitter for his liking, but he is addicted to it all the same

Love, is like coffee.
It’s coffee, because when you leave it alone for a very long time only to lift it up after to get rid of it, you realise that even as you throw away the cup, it still leaves a stain on the place you rested it, just like how love has tainted your heart, and you’ll never be able to get rid of it. 



Hello! Here's my finished prompt. Hahahaha this wasn't the original prompt that took me very long tho. I was stuck at the previous prompt so oye changed it for me and here's the new prompt! Hope you liked it :D

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hello! oye and i are graduating next week and our major exams are in a month's time so we won't be writing much anytime soon. please understand~ ^~^


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Chapter 5: the EXO OTP feels <3 this is beautiful :)