
Oneshot/ drabble collection ^^

Sungmin is 5, and in his own little world, that lollipop on the shelf must belong to him – No. Matter. What.

Kyuhyun hated kids. They were whiny, dirty, unhygienic and practically loudspeakers screaming by your ear in their high pitched voices. They annoy him.

It does not help that he had to get a job in a candy store. Of all the jobs he could have gotten to pay for his tuition in college, he had to be stuck with serving snotty brats and whiny princesses all afternoon.

Jolly, no?

It was an awfully bright day stoning behind the register counter when the door chimed open. Kyuhyun took a deep breath and mentally reminded himself to smile, to appear friendly, and not to glare and seethe at the kid’s back.

He turned to the door and greeted. “Hello, welcome to-“he stopped and stared. There was nobody at the door, not even a glimpse of a shadow.  Had it been just his imagination?


He flicked his head to the front, where a boy stood staring at him. The boy looked barely 5 and he looked adorable, and that was saying something to Kyuhyun because the last time he checked, he wanted kids to disappear.

But the kid in front of him was definitely adorable, that he cannot deny.

The boy was wearing a sky blue cap that was way too big for his little head. It looked wobbly as the kid walked forward and a small pudgy hand was raised to put it back in place. He was wearing a suspender over a red and white striped shirt. The suspender was also too big a size and one of the straps was falling off one shoulder. A short arm with a tiny fist was dragging a bunny soft toy behind him, and again the kid was too small and the poor soft toy was being dragged on the floor.

Put together, Kyuhyun almost approved of the kid.



He gaped at the kid, and then narrowed his eyes. “I’m not an uncle, kid. I’m a college student.” He straightened and sent a scowl towards the boy when the boy furrowed his brows and said “but you look just like my uncle.”

Kyuhyun took a breath to calm down and plastered on a small smile. “Okay. So, what do you want to buy?” he asked and waited as the boy looked around.

“Hmm…” the boy spun in a slow circle several times, dragging his bunny across the floor, and then stopped to pout at Kyuhyun. “I don’t know.”

Kyuhyun sighed, then leaned forward, ready to tell the kid a random candy and exaggerate the taste just to make him buy and leave. But as he leaned forward, the kid’s eyes lit up, and a finger was suddenly in his face.

“That one! Uncle I want that one!”

Kyuhyun tried to stop his eye from twitching and turned to look at what the boy was pointing to. He held on tightly onto the sudden urge to crash his head into the cash register multiple times.

Because the candy that the boy was currently pointing to, was a lollipop on the shelf; a picture that was printed onto the wall.

Kyuhyun clenched his fist and mentally kicked himself for choosing a job as strenuous as serving children. “Kid, you can’t have that. It’s just a picture.”

The boy pouted, and he crossed his arms across his chest with a small huff. “No! You’re lying. Meanie uncle, I want that lollipop!” He gave Kyuhyun a glare, but it was a glare coming from a kid less than half his age, size and height. So Kyuhyun scoffed.

“See?” the boy shouted, pointing a finger at him. “You’re laughing because you don’t want to give Sungminnie the lollipop. Meanie!”

Kyuhyun shook his head in disbelief; a 5 year old was accusing him of lying. Slightly annoyed, he reached a hand and slid it across the picture. “I’m not lying. It’s not a real lollipop. Why don’t you go and choose something else instead?”

Sungminnie’s eyes widened and his jaw slacked open. “Y-you,” he looked up at Kyuhyun, an unreadable expression on his face. Kyuhyun was happy that the kid finally got it.

“You meanie!” Sungminnie screamed at him. Kyuhyun cringed as his ear rang. The kid was walking over to the shelf crying out. “Where did you put it? Where? Where’s my lollipop!” Luckily for Kyuhyun, the counter had a door that was locked and it kept the kid at bay.

Feeling an intense urge to kick the kid out of the shop and onto the streets, Kyuhyun glared down at the boy with frustration. Sungminnie realized that he might have gotten too far with the yelling when he saw the glare and shivered in fear.

“Listen up, brat. You will not shout in the shop, understand?” Kyuhyun grounded out through clenched teeth. Sungminnie nodded and shuffled back.

“It’s rude to shout and to accuse people of lying, understand?” Another nod, then a sniffle. Kyuhyun was startled, but did not let it show. “Now be nice.”

Sungminnie shuffled back again, his stubby feet so short that he had to move in a waddle-like manner. He had his head bent down and he was clutching his bunny tightly. Kyuhyun heard a sob, and knew he was dead. A kid would only do one thing if they got yelled at.

“MOMMA!” Sungminnie raised his head and wailed. “MOMMA!”

Kyuhyun panicked at the time. The kid was not exactly quiet and if he kept crying, it was bound to attract unwanted attention to the shop and if the shop gets badmouthed because it made a kid cry, his manager would slaughter him.

“,” he unlocked the swing door to the counter and hurried to beside the wailing kid. “Sungminnie, don’t cry.” He was awkward at comforting people, whether a kid or not.

The kid did not listen, and continued shouting at the top of his lungs for his mother. By now, his face was covered in tears and mucus and a hand was balled to a fist and was rubbing at his eyes in an attempt to stop the tears. The other hand lay limp by his side, the bunny once again on the floor.

Kyuhyun saw a couple of people staring into the shop, and promptly acted. He carried Sungminnie up and cradled him to his chest, hoping that the cries would be muffled by his shirt.

Apparently Sungminnie surpassed his expectations. He stopped crying immediately, and a look of anticipation and excitement washed over his face. Kyuhyun had a bad feeling, but for the moment, he was thankful for the silence.

Sungminnie tugged harshly on his sleeve and Kyuhyun almost yelled at him again, but bit down on his tongue to stop himself.

“Yeah?” he asked instead.

Sungminnie looked up at him with enlarged eyes that glimmered due to the tears. His lips were formed in a pout and Kyuhyun knew on instinct that Sungminnie was giving him the puppy eyes look.

“What do you want now?” he sighed. He had to babysit the kid until either the kid got bored and left or until the kid’s mother shows up, he knew it.

“Aero plane!” Sungminnie exclaimed, hands thrown over his head excitedly. Kyuhyun, even with his limited knowledge about kids, knew what Sungminnie wanted.

With a heavy sigh, he lifted the kid into his arms and heaved, throwing up the kid into the air and groaning when he had to catch the falling boy. He repeated the actions a few times, and each time he did, he found Sungminnie’s crinkling laughter and the ways Sungminnie’s face would scrunch up in happiness surprisingly endearing.

When he finally stopped and put Sungminnie down to rest his aching arms, Sungminnie was smiling at him with the brightest smile, even brighter than the sun outside.

“You’re not a meanie no more,” Sungminnie declared and stumbled forward to hug him, stunning the older to no ends. How fast children can change their prospective of people.

Kyuhyun found himself grinning. “Yeah, you’re not so bad either, Sungminnie. When you’re not being a brat.” He patted Sungminnie on the head and stood up.

“But,” He paused, hearing the sudden sadness in the kid’s voice. “I want the lollipop.”

With a defeated sigh, and laughing at himself for finally succumbing to the charms of children, Kyuhyun took a penknife and went towards the shelf with the lollipop picture. He made a few quick slashes and soon had the picture of the circular swirl of color on a stick in his hands. He went back to where Sungminnie was sulking and pushed the paper into the kid’s hands.

“It’s really not real, Sungminnie. But you can have it.” Kyuhyun figured that the manager would most probably slaughter him, but at the moment he did not really care, much to his own surprise.

Sungminnie took the paper into his hands and held it up in the light, studying the picture. All of a sudden, he smiled, then laughter erupted and soon he was headed for the door.

“Thanks, Meanie Kyuhyun. Now I can show momma what candy I want for Christmas!”

It was minutes later, with much pondering on what Sungminnie said that Kyuhyun came to a conclusion. He let out a roar, and hit his head multiple times as punishment for his own stupidity. The annoying him, the tears, the aero plane session…all of it was just to get the damn picture.

Cho Kyuhyun had just been officially conned by a 5 year old kid; for a damn lollipop. 





Okay, firstly, I have to establish an understanding with you guys that I do not write fluff. It's hard for me to write. So if this was weird for you, I'm sorry, but yeah it was weird for me to write it too so I guess we're even?

Anyways, this is my second prompt and I hope you guys have enjoyed reading it! ^^


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hello! oye and i are graduating next week and our major exams are in a month's time so we won't be writing much anytime soon. please understand~ ^~^


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Chapter 5: the EXO OTP feels <3 this is beautiful :)