Going Out With A Bang

Fix Me... I'm Broken
a/n: Before anything else... *BOWS 90 degrees*

*bows 90 degrees again*

I am very sorry for a looooooooooooooooong hiatus.... my only excuse is that life happens and ithad been a bit y towards me...

*bows 90 degrees again*

and because of that... i'm doing a double update... and quite longish updates too... tehe!

"That's too simple." Luhan dismissed nonchalantly, munching on his third cookie in the last ten minutes.

"That's what you said a couple of outfits ago." Gabby glared. "Who am I going to meet anyways that I have to wear something out of my usual attires?"

"Someone you need to make a good impression of." Luhan replied with that same air of nonchalance. "These are really yummy, Grandma Han."

"Thank you, Luhan." Nana smiled as she went with her cross-stitch without faltering. "I am curious about this new boyfriend prospect of yours."

"Oh! He's actually a second son of business man. He's actually a friend of a client of mine and when I mentioned I was looking for an eligible bachelor to set up with a friend, he mentioned this guy."

"A son of a business man?" Nana raised an inquiring brow. "What sort of business exactly?"

"His father is supposed to be dealing with trades and his older brother is trying his luck on the stock market, aside from the family business that is. This guy actually has his own business too, but for some reason he's not working for his father, something about wanting to do his own thing, you know how second sons would sometimes use their freedom to explore other field of interest. Lucky for me, even if I was an only son, I get to do what I want and not be forced to do whatever family business we have."

"Technically, you're doing whatever family business your parents had, other than working for that firm anyways." Gabby interrupted as she tried on another outfit as Luhan was talking to her grandmother. "How about this?"

Luhan turned towards the girl but before he could say a word Gabby cut him.

"Never mind, I don't want to hear it. Whether you like it or not, I don't care. Either you let me go wearing this or I won't go at all. All this changing outfits is annoying!" she grumbled.

Luhan just smiled, eyes getting soft and somehow without that mischief he always have. "I wasn’t going to make you change it again anyways. You look really pretty in blue."

Gabby gaped, and tried to hide her blush with a scowl. She was not used to compliments.

"Whatever. When are we leaving?"

"Eager, aren't we?" the mischief in Luhan's eyes was back as he grinned widely and stuffing another cooking into his mouth. 

"Shut up."

"Well, we'll actually be just a little early if we leave now. Do you want to go?" Luhan didn't even get affected by Gabby's glares anymore. "Or if you don't want to look so eager and come too early, we can pick the kids at the studio first. It's on the way and we could buy just enough time."


"Don't make that frowny face or you'll be stuck like that forever!" Luhan cooed.

"I don't care!"

He clucked his tongue, "Such a cold-hearted person you are, really! How are you going to have a boyfriend if you are like that?!"

"I don't need a boyfriend!"

"Then why are you going to the blind date?!" Luhan challenged.

"Because I don't want you to be trouble for being a troublemaker bothersome neighbor because my grandmother actually like you and I don't want her to get upset with me because I had bashed your head for all this ridiculousness and believe me I would have had bashed your head for all this trouble a long time ago you should be thankful I still hadn't!"

She was out of breath after that rant but Luhan was still smiling. That only made her want to pull her at her hair and stomp her feet but she couldn't because firstly, it was not something someone her age did, and secondly, that would only prove she was letting Luhan affect her.

"Wah, how can you say all those words in one go, I have no idea." Luhan shook his head in amusement.

"Are we leaving or you're going infuriate me until I actually act on with my threats?"

"We're leaving, we're leaving! Sheesh! So demanding!" Luhan laughed, snagging another cookie before going for the front door. "We're leaving now, Grandma Han! See you!"

Gabby just shook her head in disbelief as she followed, sighing when her own grandmother goaded Luhan on and told her to not to let her temper get the best of her. Honestly, whose side was her grandma on?

It took them around 15 minutes to get to the small martial arts school the three kids were attending, just in time for the end of their classes. Gabby watched as Luhan went out of the car to fetch the three and help them pile up into the car. She couldn't help but to wonder how such an annoying child faced person could suddenly turn to a father figure towards three children.

And then Luhan started bickering with Baekhyun about how Krong was definitely cuter than Pororo as the lot of them got into the car and the vision vanished. Gabby rolled her eyes.

“I can’t believe you are setting me up on blind dates and yet act like a toddler.” she told Luhan as the latter gave final instructions on putting on seat-belts.

“I do not.” Luhan protested. “Baekhyun, sit your  down and stop squirming!”

Baekhyun stopped for a little, strapped on the seat-belt and made a face at his uncle through the rear-view mirror. Luhan responded in kind, halting after a minute when he realized Gabby was giving him a pointed look.

“You were saying?”

Luhan muttered under his breath before driving off.

“So this guy your friend recommended, who is he exactly? Did you at least meet up with the guy to know him? What if he’s a serial killer or something?” Gabby asked, distractedly accepting a chewable candy from Chanyeol who was distributing them to his brothers and uncle as well. “Thanks.”

“Oh, come on. Don’t you trust my judgment? Himchan was a good guy! How could you think I’d set you up with some serial killer?” Luhan protested through the piece of sour candy in his mouth. “Chanyeol, why would you give me this flavor?!”

“It’s funny when your face is all scrunched up, uncle.” Chanyeol grinned, Baekhyun and Tao agreeing with him with devilish nods, at least from Baekhyun that was.

“Himchan is Jongin’s cousin, that was at least acceptable. But this guy, you only know through a client. What if he’s-”

“Stop being a worrywart. At least give him the benefit of a doubt-”

“I am giving him it! I am totally doubting his identity!” Gabby interrupted pointedly.

Luhan groaned, both from Gabby’s nagging and the sour candy torturing his taste buds. “Okay, fine. I admit I may not know this guy personally, but I did make a little research about him. His family is one of the prominent empires leading on the market since a few decades ago, so I don’t think he’d be anything like a criminal. And I did went to see him personally, at least got a peek of him and I must say he’s just might your type of person.”

“I don’t have a type of person. What does that even mean?” Gabby made a face, cringing when Chanyeol also gave her a piece of sour candy. “Chanyeol!”

“Sorry, noona. I just wanted to see how you’d look like!” Chanyeol laughed.

Gabby wasn’t mad or anything, too distracted with arguing with Luhan and the sour taste on , but she still scrunched her face at Chanyeol who promptly just laughed at her face.

“It means that he’s also the type who is into business. I thought it would be a good start for you both to have a common ground. I didn’t consider that when I set you up with Himchan. I only thought then that you needed to lighten up and have some fun, Himchan was fun.” Luhan shrugged.

Luhan’s words made Gabby think a little. Luhan was actually thinking about her with these dates, not just setting her up with some random guys. The dork actually considers how she would enjoy her time on the dates. She should be thankful, and if she was being honest she was thankful. Still it didn’t mean that she liked to be set up on dates with strangers; it was no her.

Luhan took Gabby’s silence as her still being miffed about the whole idea. “Look, if you really don’t want to go, I can just go call the guy and tell something happened and you can’t come.”

“I don’t want to waste someone’s time like that. It’d be rude to stand him up for no reason at all.”

“I told you that you don’t have to force yourself.”

“But here you are forcing me on theses dates.”

“Because you are all mopey and working all the time.”


“So... It affects people around you. Jongin and Sehun, your grandmother, they are all worried.”

“I know that. But I’m fine. Besides, even if I was as bad as you all guys seems to think, I don’t really see how these blind dates would do anything.”

“It’s easier to see the bigger picture if you’re not on it, sometimes. You might say you’re fine, but people around you see otherwise, that’s because there are times that we keep telling ourselves that we’re okay because we have no choice but to force ourselves too. Letting other people help you is one way of actually starting moving on.”

Gabby didn’t like where the conversation was going. It might be cowardly, but she wasn’t sure if she was ready to talk about the past again, much less of moving on, she didn’t think she’ll ever be ready.

Silence filled the car as they were caught on a red light, the kids starting to settle down to a nap since they were all burnt up from the practice at the dojo. Gabby could feel Luhan’s eyes on on her from time to time, and she could feel that he was on the verge of telling her once again that they could cancel the whole date thing, but she didn’t mind him.

A few minutes more and they stopped at a small cafe, the silence still heavy between them. The streets around the cafe were filled, the pedestrian noise muffled through the glass to not disturb the three children that were already asleep from exhaustion.

“If I said something wrong, I’m sorry.” Luhan said, voice soft yet firm. “You know by now how I sometimes talk and talk before I think and if I had said something you did not like then I apologize. That and if you really don’t want to go on with the date -”

Gabby went out of the car and closed it almost silently. She schooled her face into an indifferent expression and turned towards Luhan who was peering at her through the window.

“I told you I don’t want appear rude, not even to a stranger.” she said but not meeting Luhan’s eyes. “You do let your mouth run without thinking but I know you mean well. Don’t get too caught up on it. See you later.”

Luhan might have wanted to say something else but Gabby was already going into the cafe.

Unlike her first blind date courtesy of Luhan, Gayle was at least given a clue to recognize this new date with. And at least a name to go with it; Bang Yongguk.

And bang Yongguk was sitting on one of the booths beside the window, back to her, his dark blue suit a stark contrast with the down-low attires of the other patrons in the cafe. The place was near a couple of universities so it was teeming with students. Luhan said that this Bang Yongguk would likely be the only one in business attire in the place.

She walked over to the booth and stood next to the seat facing the man, smiling a little when he looked up to acknowledge her.

“Back Yongguk-sshi?”

It was a little startling when the gangster-like face changed into a gummy-smile in a second. If Gabby would be honest, she was actually a bit scared when Bang Yongguk first looked up, he looked like some young kingpin or something. But the gums disarmed her instantly.

“Ms. Han?” the man answered, standing up to offer his hand on a handshake.

“Ms. Han is my grand aunt who married her high school sweetheart at the age of 67 when they met again after almost 50 years and found out they were both still single.” Gabby laughed a little as she shook Yongguk’s hand. “Call me Gabby.”

They both sat down, exchanging pleasantries and Gabby couldn’t help but think this was just a little bit different from the date with Himchan. Different in a good way at least.

Despite the initial impression that Yongguk was a gangster dressed in pressed suit and slacks, he turned out to be some goofy guy with the shyest smile when Gabby made a joke about his kind of lifestyle when she learned what company his family actually owned. It turned out that it was indeed a well-known company and Gabby voiced out how amazing it was that Yongguk wasn’t being forced to worked for his family because they would be needing every hand available to manage such a huge enterprise.

Luhan was indeed right about this date, Gabby would give him that. She and Yongguk did manage to connect, both being from a family of entrepreneurs. They shared experiences and grumbled out their grievances on the usurping old geezers that wanted their filthy grubby hands on their family assets, and it was really good spending time with Bang Yongguk.

Gabby might just consider another date. It was not because there was some kind of ‘spark’ between them, she was not that naive, she knew it was so rare that a person would find someone and instantly that pull. She had known it with Zelo, though unfortunately theirs was a borrowed time. With Yongguk, she felt a little connection. It was good enough to start with, she thought.

“I don’t know if you are up to it but I happen to know this place that shows a movie on an open cinema.” Yongguk proposed as they passed by a store selling some second hand televisions and other appliances, the displays reminding him of the place he had went to a couple of times before. “They often show old movies though, so...”

“As long as they are not those romcom cheesier than cheese then I’m good with anything they have.” Gabby laughed, scrunching her face a little. She had never been a fan of cheesy stuff.

But hey! She was on a blind date. Maybe that’s the only how cheesy she could get.

“They don’t show those there, not when people who usually attend look forward to exploding everything or bloody zombies.”

Gabby made a face. “I’m okay with ‘exploding everything’ but I hate gory movies.”

This time it was Yongguk who laughed. “Luhan was right then. You’re lucky today’s usually reserved for horror movies. I heard you at least cool with some ghosts rather than zombies.”

“Luhan? You met him?” she asked in surprise. She thought that Luhan had only ‘checked’ Yongguk out from a distance.

“Not exactly. But the friend who proposed with this date, his client, he told me that Luhan said you can’t stand bloody zombies.”

“Oh...” it looked like Luhan did think these dates through and not just throw her into some random date of chance.

The sun was already low on the horizon and the street lights were starting to be lighted up when they arrived at the open cinema Yongguk was talking about. It took them about half an hour to finally get settled on one of the back benches after getting some snacks. The benches were designed to be elevated a few feet from the ground since the space nearer to the wall that served as screen was where cars and such usually parked for the movie. There were rusty bleachers that were painted over to accommodate patrons and the space at the front of the parking space was already teeming with movie goers so they had to look for spaces at the back.

“I’ve only heard of these kind of places before. I never thought it could be this packed. If it’s like this every night then the cinemas could go bankrupt.” Gabby exclaimed lightly as more and more cars started arriving and packing the open space up. People were also coming over, snacks in hand as the first of the opening credits played on the screen.

“Not really. Like I said, they mostly play old movies.”

“Yeah. But the popcorn is great.” Gabby replied as she munched on her popcorn. “And cheap too.”

“Well, usually, us guys like to impress our dates. This place is not exactly that impressive.”

“So I don’t count as someone to be impressed?”

It was a joke but Yongguk choked on his coke as he tried to defend himself. Gabby laughed at his expense and slapped his back until he was not wheezing anymore. She  foe his red face that was not only because of being flustered and out of breath.

“it’s not like that! Not at all!” Yongguk said eagerly. “I would have taken you to those fancy restaurants.”

“But?” she prompted, still amused by how flustered Yongguk was. Yep, not a gangster at all.

“But you don’t seem the type to be impressed by those type of things.” 

“Should I be insulted?” she asked, still amused at the red color rising on Yongguk’s cheeks.

“No! Not at all! I meant...” he sighed. “I meant, you were not the type to be impressed by those usual dates. You know, those fancy restaurants and stuff. I’ve had a few share of dates, those one mostly forced by my father, meeting this daughter of a business colleague or something. Every one of those times I go home with my wallet lighter, stifled with a stuffy necktie, back aching because of sitting straight all night, face permanently stretched to that polite smile and yet I couldn’t have fun.”

“So you took me here? So you could slouch and smile that gummy smile all you want? And also it’s cheaper here so you it wouldn’t have made a dent on your wallet.”

Yongguk started to protest strongly but when he saw the mischief in Gabby’s smile, he laughed. Luckily there were still a few people in their vicinity and the movie was not yet to actually start and they were not disturbing anyone with their noise.

“See? This is what I meant with you’re not the type for those fancy restaurants and stuff. Even if you’re from the same background as me, we’re like... Kindred spirits.” he laughed at his own choice of words. “You just seemed the type to actually enjoy something more adventurous than typical dates. And I am like that in a way so I thought why the hell not just go with my instinct and not try to impress you with something I won’t actually enjoy myself too?”

“So I am just an experiment?”

Yongguk looked at her with an incredulous expression. “ You are... You just love to tease people, don’t you?”

“No... Not really. You just seem the type to get teased easily. I got the hunch too.” she replied cheekily, making the other laugh loudly and actually getting some shushes from the other people around. “But thank you for making this date enjoyable. I was afraid that Luhan and my grandmother were actually right about me forgetting how to have fun.”

“What? They’re both ganging up on you?”

“Luhan mostly. And my grandmother doesn’t do anything about it. So yeah, I guess thy are both bullying me.”

“Sounds like fun.”

“You have no idea.”

They both fell into a comfortable silence as the movie started. It was a movie Gabby had watched before but only halfway, the two of them end up snickering whenever she would jump in her seat on some scene.

 The date went very well to say the least and as they walked back to where Yongguk had parked his car, Gabby was actually looking forward to another date, if Yongguk would actually ask. But even if he didn’t, Gabby wouldn’t mind hanging out with him. It was fun to be carefree just for a while and with Yongguk suggestions of places they could visit (he had not asked for another date explicitly so Gabby was not going to assume anything) they were in for a very good time.

“It.. It was really fun, Gabby.” Yongguk said as he opened the car door for Gabby.

Gabby grinned. “Yeah, it was.”

“So.. Uh... Er...” he scratched his head, not meeting Gabby’s eyes, “I was thinking if...”

Gabby’s cell phone rang and they both jumped, chuckling at the somewhat awkward yet funny situation.

“Hold that thought, Yongguk-sshi” Gabby said and fished out her phone from her bag. She frowned at the caller ID; Luhan. Taking a few steps away from the car, she answered that call. “Luhan? What is it?”

“Hey! Where are you?!” Luhan seemed to be in a hurry, his voice coming in with muffled pants. “Are you still with Bang Yongguk?”

“Uh, yeah.” Gabby frowned, subtly taking a look at Yongguk who was approached by a couple of guys; she thought they were asking for some directions or something. “Why?”

“Tell him I’d take you home. Don’t go anywhere else with, okay?”

“What? Why?”

“Stop asking why and just do it. I’m coming over. Where are you?”

“We’re at this open cinema or something.” she gave the address but the confusion was boggling her. She had never seen Luhan panic before but he seemed like it. “What exactly is happening?”

“I can’t explain right now. I’ll be there in a few. Just don’t go anywhere with him anymore. You understand?”

“I don’t. Not that it matters because he was going to take me home anyways.”

“The date is over?”

“Yeah. But I had fun and we might just go on to another-”

“You are not going out with him anymore!”

“What? Why!?”


“What kind of answer is that?”

“Just listen to me!”

“I don’t have to lis-”

A scuffle broke out from a few feet away and Gabby turned around just to see Yongguk, gummy-smile Yongguk, punching oen of the guys that approached him right on the face.

She might have heard something broke but she was so shocked and the next instant Yongguk was dragging her into a run.

“What the-- Yongguk! What is happening?”

“What is happening? Gabby?! Hello?! Gabby?” Luhan yells through the speaker.

Gabby couldn’t answer Luhan properly so she ended the call, glaring at Yongguk who was still dragging her.

“What is happening?” she asked, “Why the hell are we running? And why the hell did you punch that guy? Hey! Bang Yongguk! Answer me!!!”

“Later! Let’s just find somewhere we can hide for now.” Yongguk pants, rounding a corner of a dingy shop.

Somewhere turned out to be a back alley of a run down store, puddles of murky water and soggy boxes of suspicious-looking materials strewn all over the poorly lit place. A thunder cracked in a distance and there was the promise of rain in the air.

“Great. It’s going to rain.” Gabby grumbled. She turned to Yongguk who was looking everywhere to check if someone had followed them, “What the heck was that back there?”

Yongguk stilled, gave Gabby a sorry look before mussing his hair lightly, “What did Luhan tell you that I do?”

“Nothing much. Is there something more than just being a second son to a big  company who’s doing his own thing since his big brother is next in line?”

“Yeah... Maybe.” Yongguk answered as he found a crate to sit on, the poor thing creaking from his weight. “Maybe there’s something about the ‘doing his own thing’ part.”

Gayle crossed her arms and tapped her foot, a gesture she does when she was antsy or just plain nervous. “I don’t want to sound rude, because even with all the punching another guy on the face thing, I still think you’re a good guy. But, right now, what I really want is to go home. How long are we going to stay here?”

“The might still be looking for us so let’s wait it out for a few more minutes.” Yongguk sighed. “Look, I really am sorry about what happened. I didn’t think I’d meet them on this side of town. I never wanted for you to see that. But I guess things just happens.”

“Who was that guy? And why did you punch him?”

“He... The two of them were part of a group that I might have upset when I started my business. We’ve been rival ever since.”

“Being rivals is not quite enough of a reason to go on punching people.”

“Well, sometimes it is. Especially in this line of business.”

“What do you mean-”


The two of them jumped at the loud call, Yongguk immediately up from his makeshift chair, eyes wary as he put himself between the newcomer and Gabby. Gabby, seeing the look on Yongguk’s face, changed her opinion about the man. He was looking more and more of the gangster she first saw him as instead of the goofy guy with the shy gummy smile.

“Gabby! It’s me!”

“Luhan?” Gabby frowned but was inwardly relieved. “How.. How did you find us?”

“I had some help from friends.” Luhan replied, dragging Gabby away from Yongguk’s side and to his back. “I’m taking her home. Go take care of your business.”

Yongguk’s eyes widened a bit. “You... How..”

“It doesn’t matter how. It was a mistake...” Luhan groaned. “This is all my fault.”

Yongguk looked at Gabby who was confused. “If you’ll give me another chance, I can explain.”

“She won’t be going to another date with you.” Luhan said with finality. “I won’t allow it. You should understand why.”

Yongguk kept silent, the look on his eyes saying it all. “I understand. But for what’s it worth, I didn’t mean for any of it to happen. My intentions were good.”

“I know that too. But please understand that I can’t risk anything. Not when it concerns her.” Luhan replied almost icily. “Let’s go, Gabby.”

Gabby was so confused that she didn’t go against Luhan. She bade her abrupt goodbye to Yongguk who looked like a chastised child. She needed answers to what had just happened but she wanted to get home first. The date had been really fun but the excitement for the night had left her drained.

“What was all that about?” Gabby asked as they to their street. “I’m short of pulling at my hairs, Luhan. Tell me what happened back there. What was all with the cryptic talk?”

“Didn’t he tell you what he does for a living?” Luhan answered as he pulled into a stop in front of Gabby’s house.

“He was about to tell me but you came. Why does it matter anyway?”

“It matters because it was what almost got you hurt.” Luhan gritted through his teeth.

Gabby had never seen him like that and she was a little shocked. She was too used to the mischievous smile and the crazy Luhan that she had not really pictured an angry one.

“It was all my fault. Because I was so focused into getting you on dates that I almost had let you get hurt.” Luhan continued, clearly berating himself. He turned to Gabby, apology written all over his face, “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”

“Nothing happened. It’s fine... Whatever it is, don’t get yourself too worked out about it. I’m fine. I was a little out of breath because of all the running but I’m-”

“Bang Yongguk leads a small but influential underground group. Those guys that he had fought with while he was with you were from one of the rival groups and it may have ended up bad if he was not able to drag you away from there. And you know what’s worse? I actually sent you to that date with him. If anything had happened, there would be no one else to blame but me! I wouldn’t have forgiven myself if...”

Gabby finally realized why Luhan had been icy when he was talking to Yongguk earlier, why he was so tense. He was afraid that something could have happened to her and she could see that he still was even if they were already at their silent neighborhood. 

They turned silent after that.

“I... I won’t asked how you knew all that because it doesn’t really matter. But couldn’t you have told me this before actually sending me to that date?” Gabby broke the silence, frowning at Luhan’s hand that was gripping the wheel too tight his knuckles turning white. She reached out and took his hand off the wheel, feeling them trembling a little. “Hey, it was your fault partly but I’m not blaming you or mad at you.”

Luhan peered at her like a kid ready to be admonished, “You’re not?”

Gabby made a face, “Well, maybe I am. Just a little bit. You did just jeopardized my life.”

“I’m really sorry. I really didn’t know until just a bit tonight! If I had known from the beginning I wouldn’t have sent you on a date with him!”

Gabby was not used to a mopey Luhan and even if the situation got bad, she couldn’t let him take all the blame. He did what he did with the best intentions for her.

But that didn’t mean she was not getting him back for giving her a scare.

She punched him on the shoulder, trying not to wince from the hard impact. Luhan might look skinny but there was definitely muscle beneath that skin.

“OW!! What was that for?!” Luhan whined, rubbing his shoulder.

“That was for not listening to me when I told you I don’t need to go on dates.” she replied, clucking her tongue when Luhan went silent again. “I’ll let you make up for it so I wouldn’t have to see your sorry face anymore. It’s more annoying than your usual face.”


“You’re going to be my slave for a week.”


Gabby ignored the protest in Luhan’s voice. “And I need to know the background of whoever you decide to send me into a blind date with, okay? And a picture. Looks can be deceiving after all.”

“I... I wasn’t really thinking about sending you to any dates anymore. Not after what happened tonight.”


“Uh.. Is that so... Well... That’s fine by me, if not better.” she said.

A sudden realization struck her; she was still holding his hand.

As if Luhan’s hand was fire, she instantly let it go, fumbling with the car door after a heartbeat and getting out.

“Are you okay?” Luhan frowned.

“Yeah, yeah. Uh... Your punishment starts tomorrow. So come early! Goodnight!”

Gabby didn’t even know why she felt so flustered. She waved her hand in goodbye when Luhan bid his but did not turn to look at him, hurriedly opening and closing the front door without another backward glance.

“Ugh, Gabrielle, stop acting silly.” she sighed to herself as she trudged up the stairs, careful not to wake her grandmother. It’s not as if he was the first person, guy, that you had held hands with.

But he was definitely one in a long time. She was never good with skinship so she refrain from them. Thus making her wonder what had possessed her to reach out and hold Luhan’s hand when the latter was feeling horrible about himself.

Staying around the little family next door was definitely changing her bit by bit. And she didn’t know if it was for the better... That’s what scared her. She had not closed on in herself for no reason. Opening up to people again... She was not sure if it was a good idea. She hated being vulnerable. Not letting people in was better...safer. And she was scared if that all would change.

She didn’t think she was ready to feel another heartbreak.

Even the possibility of that never happening did not console her. People come and go, it’s the inevitable truth. And it hurts most when you’re the one being left behind.

a/n: btw guys.... have you been watching EXO NEXT DOOR??? totally straight out of  a fanfic!

i swear it's pure coincidence, but i started writing this fanfic  with Chanyeol and an OC as main characters and the girl/oc went to be a maid in the exo dorms and Chanyeol was totally different from the cute elf he portrays in public, almost the same as the third episode! ... i was too busy though so i kind of only written a couple of chapters and never posted it anywhere... and now I'll go watch EXO Next Door instead of writing the fic! lol..

on to the next update!!! 
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flickthebic #1
Very interesting
ggexotica #2
Chapter 9: Hahahahahaaaa.. yeah Luhan. Take her to a date.
Thanks for updating: )
ggexotica #3
Hiii.. will you update this story even though it's been so long???
Chapter 5: Hello! Here I am again with my (long) comments! XD
Soo, Gabby and Himchan are friends now! ^^ That's good, I like the way they act around eachother. (: Lol, Himchan managed to con Kai and got to see her picture... XD And yeah, he's shameless. Gotta agree with that. *nods*
And Gabby forgot the kids' presence... O.o I can totally imagine the awkwardness at the beginning of the date, btw. >_< And poor Gabby not knowing if remembering how she met Jongin is a happy or sad memory... ㅠ_ㅠ Luhan acting like a overexcited, hyper kid. XD What is that feeling Zelo has, though? O.o
Chapter 4: Luhan and Zelo. What are you guys exactly planning? O.o Dates? With other guys? *frowns* I'm not sure if that's gonna work... But who knows, it might be the best idea ever. Luhan, you're such a dork! :D Who goes outside in the freezing cold just to apologise (and distract)?? And seriously, a little zealous birdie? >_< What does zealous even mean?! Jealous? Idk. XD
Luhan's right, btw. Gabby doesn't believe in many things... O.o But she will in the future! >:D AND*evil grin*
Chapter 3: You want comments? You'll get one. And probably a long too, since most of my comments turn out long, even if I want them to be short... >_< So yeah, 'bout the chapter. Let me start with telling you I love you for updating! ^_^ And that I loved this chapter as well. <3 I think the way Gabby acts around the people she used to know is pretty cute... ㅋㅋㅋ But I can't even imagine the way she felt when Lulu mentioned Jello... ㅠ_ㅠ I feel sorry for her, though, and I hope she'll be able to fully move on soon and find happiness in her life again. (: I feel sorry for Lulu too, he must feel guilty now, even though he didn't know... Don't really have anything else to say regarding the chapter, so I'll just leave it here, 'kay? So yeah, update if you have time/inspiration/and so on, but PLEASE take care of your health too, arasso? There are more important things in life than fanfics, got it? *eyes you*

P.S. Was this comment long? It probably is, but I can't really tell since I'm on my mobile... >_<
SoJeehyon #7
Chapter 3: Thanks for the update! I've been waiting for this^^ and have some rest, author. I understand how it feels after going through a torturous exam week.
Chapter 3: An updatedddddd
Luhan.. you really are something. Hha and finally sehun got his girl.. what a small world he friended with gabby
Yay!!! i'm sure this one will definitely be good and interesting..
aaah the adoreable kids are back!!
where is tao?