A Not-So-Meaningful Conversation

Fix Me... I'm Broken

a/n: a little drabble to back up the next chapter...

there's a little change of POV at the end of this chap but it's no biggie...

anyways, enjoy!!!!

There’s a knock on her door but she chooses to ignore it. It’s Nana and she’s calling for dinner. She idly wonders how the lunch earlier had gone. Way to impress her new neighbors.


She frowns. That’s definitely not her grandmother’s voice.

Eerie silence followed and even from her room on the second floor, she can hear the chirping crickets from outside. The whooshing of the cold wind outside wasn’t helping either, creating harrowing noises and all.

There’s a loud tap on her window and she jumps in fear, all of the horror movies she was forced to watch over the years suddenly replaying inside her mind.

“Gabby!!” the same voice floated from the window followed by scraping sounds against the sill, freezing her in place effectively.

“W-who is i-it?” she croaks, clutching the comforter to her.

“It’s Luhan! Can you open up?”

What the heck?

She scrambled over to the window, and sure enough Luhan was straining his neck up to see her, foggy breaths and all. He was grinning but visibly cold under the hoodie he was wearing.

“What are you doing?”

“I wanted to talk to you?”

“Couldn’t you just have come into the house and talk to me like a normal person?”

“I wouldn’t have made you forget about your little depression for a while if I did just that, would I?”

Gabby caught her breath. As absurd as it is, Luhan is right. This guy is really weird.

“I wanted to apologize. I really didn’t know but I should have been more tactful.” Luhan’s sincerity is clear even under the dim lights.

Gabby could see Luhan shiver when a gentle breeze blew. “Can you just… you could have apologize and avoid freezing to death, you know? Come on in.”

She was down to open the door for Luhan in a matter of minutes. Nana was by the living room and looked surprised but didn’t say a thing.

“I probably should feel sorry for you freezing your out there but you’re an idiot for doing so anyway, so I won’t.” she greets him.

“I told you it was so I could distract you.” Luhan huffs, following her towards the kitchen.

“You could have done so without risking your life. But you’re weird so… do you want coffee? Or tea?” she offers.

“Tea would be great, thanks.”

Luhan waits silently by the stool on the island counter as Gabby prepares two cups of tea. It’s quiet save for the slight noise from the drama Nana was watching, but it’s not the awkward silence Gabby expected between two people who are practically strangers and had only talked to each other twice, both of which were under bizarre circumstances to say the least.

“I mean what I said. I really am sorry.” Luhan said in a gentle voice.

“It doesn’t matter. It’s not as if I actually believe you, you know. I don’t believe ghosts, or anything of the sort.”

“Why? Are you scared? Like how you’re scared of dogs?”

Gabby glared at Luhan who just gives her a cheeky grin. They sat there, sipping tea idly for a while without bothering to fill the silence; it wasn’t uncomfortable as it would have.

“Uh… about earlier… I didn’t really mean to upset you. I didn’t know…” Luhan trailed, big doe eyes trained on Gabby.

“It’s not your fault, or anyone’s. I was just a little overwhelmed and…” a sigh, “How did you even know, really? And please don’t give me the ‘I’m a clair-something’ crap because I don’t really buy that.”

Luhan chuckles, “You’re really not a believer, are you?”

“I believe in what I see. I’m more likely to believe in zombies than ghosts.”

“So you don’t believe in God then?”

“That’s a different story and I’d really appreciate it if you would not go questioning my religious beliefs.” She clucked her tongue. They barely knew each other yet they’re talking about these things?

“I wasn’t.” Luhan chuckles apologetically, “Well, fine then. You believe in what you see. So you don’t believe in love? You don’t see it, right?”


Does she believe in love?

“I… I once did.”

It’s the only answer that is closest to what’s true.


A heavy silence draped around them, neither has an idea of how to dispense it. Gabby didn’t really want to dwell on memories best left forgotten. But it’s like a dam that started to crack its walls. The memories are seeping through and there’s no way to stop them.

What terrifies her is the thought of the day that the walls she had built finally breaks down. She’d surely drown. And she’s not sure who would be there to save her.

“I know we kind of start up in the wrong foot, and had a not-so-ideal second meeting too. But I only really want to help.” Luhan started slowly, fingers playing with the rim of his mug. “You might not believe me, and I won’t force you to. But…can we be friends?”

Gabby gave the guy a speculating look. “Would you be insisting on the ghost thing?”

Luhan made a face. “I’m not good with promises…”


“Fine! Fine. I won’t.”

“Then I guess we’re alright.”

“But! I’m not saying that I’ll be your normal guy neighbor who talks about soccer every time-- probably I will. Because soccer is everything, really! I mean Manchester United gives meaning to soccer. They’re awesome-”

“I never pegged you for someone remotely normal really.” Gabby cut the guy off with an eye roll. It’s as if he had brain to mouth filter, or at least a mouth brake. She’s kind of contemplating with deciding to be friends with him.

“Hey!” Luhan pouts, halting midway with his soccer worship. “You’re mean.”

“And you need a mouth brake. You’re blabbering.”

“Now I see why you’re friends with Sehun. He picks on me a lot too.” He made a face.

She feels a little tug at her chest at the mention of Sehun. After what happened 3 years ago, she inadvertently cut off all ties with her friends. It was a selfish attempt at covering up the pain she felt, a defense mechanism, thinking that detachment would numb the heartache. And not to mention it was unfair to her friends, especially Sehun and Jongin who were always there. And what makes her feel even more guilty is knowing how Sehun can’t make friends easily like Jongin, yet now, the boy approached her first even if she had pushed him away back then.

"How did you guys know Sehun? I mean, how did Anya and Sehun got together?”

“Together?” Luhan asked with a laugh, “They’re not ‘together’ together if that’s what you mean.”

“What? But I thought they’re dating… or at least that’s what I assumed. Sehun does not attach himself to just anyone. Even Jongin found it hard to coach him out of his shell. And Jongin is pretty shameless.”

“I agree with the ‘Jongin is a shameless’ thing. He practically told me he’d ‘tap me’ if he wasn’t straight! I mean, that kid was--- ugh, never mind. But yeah, Sehun and Anya are not together like that. At least I still had not gotten them to. These things take time, you know.”

Gabby gave Luhan an incredulous look, “No wonder Jongin came into you; you’re both shameless.”


Honestly, this conversation is really weird. But it served its purpose, she is distracted. And she’s thankful.

“But why aren’t they together, really? They pretty much act like the kid’s parents earlier.”

“Well, technically Anya is their mom. Sehun… well, for some reason there was something about him that the kids immediately got attached to. Even I felt a little attached when I first met him. I don’t really understand but maybe we’ve known each other in the past life or something.”

“I don’t believe in past lives too.” Gabby mused, “I believe in what we have now. I mean, there’s a reason why we should live life to the fullest, isn’t there? We only got one shot at it. Living multiple lifetimes doesn’t really make sense. At least for me.”

“You don’t believe in many things, do you? You’re such a bore.” Luhan teased.

It earns him a whack on the arm.

“I’m just being realistic about things. Sugar-coating things are not exactly my cup of tea. At least, if you’re realistic, then you mostly see things in their true nature, or at least learn that life is not a fairytale, that it’s not always a happy ending…”

There’s a little bit of silence and Gabby was fully prepared for Luhan to bolt, to escape this dull conversation about her equally uncharacteristic views in life.

But he didn’t.

And she’s kind of surprised… relieved.

“You had such an unhappy childhood, didn’t you? Or at least Sehun’s annoying cold poker face rubbed off on you instead of you, and Jongin’s shamelessness, rubbing off on him.”

That earned him another whack on the arm.

“And you’re violent too!”

Luhan’s brows were drawn to a slight frown, but he didn’t look offended. The way he pouts like a kid as he rubs his sore spot had Gabby smiling. And after half a day of sulking, it gives her a warm feeling to finally be able to smile.

“Thank you.”

“Huh? For what?”

Gabby couldn’t help but to grin at Luhan’s confused look; his eyes were comically wide, brows arching up curiously. He didn’t seem to be the weird neighbor Gabby pegged him to be. It had only been a day since they first meet and yet she had seen so many sides to Luhan already.

“For breaking into my shell even if you didn’t need to.”

“Well, as long as you don’t sue me for it, I guess you’re welcome.”

The smile in Luhan’s face is cheeky but she lets it go.

The sound of the television being turned off made them realize that it was actually a bit late into the night. And comes with it the fact that they had been gossiping with Nana listening on the other room. It should have bothered Gabby, she barely knew Luhan yet they were acting as if they were old friends, but she wasn’t. It’s nothing but a surprise to her either.

Nana bid them goodnight before going up the stairs to retire for the night, leaving Gabby to see Luhan out.

“Hey, I forgot to tell you, but the kids were really excited to have lunch with you today, at least Chanyeol was really enthusiastic. But I had to go and ruin it for you. So as an apology, Anya decided to invite you for a little lunch.” Luhan stated as he got out the door.

“Really now? Are you sure it’s not you who’s asking me to lunch?” she teased with a raised brow.

“Oh my God! You’re as shameless as Jongin!”

That had Gabby laughing, “I taught Jongin how to be shameless. You better watch it, Luhan-ssi.”

“I really would. Now I’m kind of thinking twice about this helping you out thing.”

“Helping me out? With what?”

“With getting back the old Gabby who wasn’t all so boringly realistic, the one who believes in happy endings.”

The carefree smile on Gabby’s lips morphed into a melancholic one, she hopes Luhan didn’t see. But the way Luhan was giving her that determined cheeky grin proves that he did.

“How are you even sure that there’s a Gabby like that?”

“Hmm, let’s see…” he fakes a thinking face before smiling angelically at her, as if he knows a secret, and maybe he does, “A little birdie told me! One little zealous birdie…”

Before Gabby could even call him out for the bluff, he was already walking across the street to his own house. Shaking her head a little in disbelief, Gabby closed the door. Her first day in this neighborhood is really eventful. She doesn’t know what to expect next.


“I’m not sure that this is a good idea…” the floating figure frowns a bit.

“Nah… it’s perfectly fine. It’s not as if I’m going to make her marry someone or something.” Luhan waved a hand in the air dismissively, going back to the list of people he had written down on his planner.

“But I have a feeling she would not like it. It would work on Jongin definitely, but Gabby… I’m skeptical.”

“That is why I got the yin and yang brothers to help me out.”

“Yin and yang…brothers?”

“Yeah, shameless Kim Jongin and poker faced Oh Sehun.”

“I don’t think—“

“Relax, Zelo. It’s going to be fine. You worry like an old grandpa.”

“Well, technically, I’m forever 19.” Zelo deadpanned as he hovers above Luhan, peering at the list of people on the other’s planner. “But really, Luhan… making Gabby go out with guys is not how envisioned her to being happy again…”

“You’re not being jealous, are you?”

“Of course I am! But if that’s what’s going to make her happy, then—“

“Then it’s perfect!”

“I don’t really see the logic in that, Luhan.”

“There’s no logic whatsoever when it comes to love!” Luhan replied adamantly, fishing out for his phone and texting the number of the first person on the list.

“There’s no logic for insane people too.” Zelo mutters pointedly as Luhan excitedly types on his phone. He looked to where Gabby’s room was, just as she turns her lights off. He had promised to make her happy, and he will.

“Zelo, my man, you’re moving on in no time.” Luhan smiles confidently.

And with all his heart, Zelo hopes he would. Not because he's tired of this almost mindless existence, but because he wants Gabby to smile again and be happy.

A few days later…

Luhan weighs the stone on his hand before deciding that it was small enough not to break Gabby’s window, then threw it up and hit the glass.

Gabby came frowning, raising a brow at him questioningly, “Stop throwing stones at my window, . My grandfather had this installed you know!”

Instead of feeling guilty, Luhan just grins, feeling light and excited.

“Say, Gabby… would you like to go on a date?”


“You’re not on drugs, are you?”

Luhan just grins even wider.

a/n: well, fine, it wasn't a little drabble after all...

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flickthebic #1
Very interesting
ggexotica #2
Chapter 9: Hahahahahaaaa.. yeah Luhan. Take her to a date.
Thanks for updating: )
ggexotica #3
Hiii.. will you update this story even though it's been so long???
Chapter 5: Hello! Here I am again with my (long) comments! XD
Soo, Gabby and Himchan are friends now! ^^ That's good, I like the way they act around eachother. (: Lol, Himchan managed to con Kai and got to see her picture... XD And yeah, he's shameless. Gotta agree with that. *nods*
And Gabby forgot the kids' presence... O.o I can totally imagine the awkwardness at the beginning of the date, btw. >_< And poor Gabby not knowing if remembering how she met Jongin is a happy or sad memory... ㅠ_ㅠ Luhan acting like a overexcited, hyper kid. XD What is that feeling Zelo has, though? O.o
Chapter 4: Luhan and Zelo. What are you guys exactly planning? O.o Dates? With other guys? *frowns* I'm not sure if that's gonna work... But who knows, it might be the best idea ever. Luhan, you're such a dork! :D Who goes outside in the freezing cold just to apologise (and distract)?? And seriously, a little zealous birdie? >_< What does zealous even mean?! Jealous? Idk. XD
Luhan's right, btw. Gabby doesn't believe in many things... O.o But she will in the future! >:D AND*evil grin*
Chapter 3: You want comments? You'll get one. And probably a long too, since most of my comments turn out long, even if I want them to be short... >_< So yeah, 'bout the chapter. Let me start with telling you I love you for updating! ^_^ And that I loved this chapter as well. <3 I think the way Gabby acts around the people she used to know is pretty cute... ㅋㅋㅋ But I can't even imagine the way she felt when Lulu mentioned Jello... ㅠ_ㅠ I feel sorry for her, though, and I hope she'll be able to fully move on soon and find happiness in her life again. (: I feel sorry for Lulu too, he must feel guilty now, even though he didn't know... Don't really have anything else to say regarding the chapter, so I'll just leave it here, 'kay? So yeah, update if you have time/inspiration/and so on, but PLEASE take care of your health too, arasso? There are more important things in life than fanfics, got it? *eyes you*

P.S. Was this comment long? It probably is, but I can't really tell since I'm on my mobile... >_<
SoJeehyon #7
Chapter 3: Thanks for the update! I've been waiting for this^^ and have some rest, author. I understand how it feels after going through a torturous exam week.
Chapter 3: An updatedddddd
Luhan.. you really are something. Hha and finally sehun got his girl.. what a small world he friended with gabby
Yay!!! i'm sure this one will definitely be good and interesting..
aaah the adoreable kids are back!!
where is tao?