
Fix Me... I'm Broken



Her head is on his chest and she could hear his heart beating; it’s faint and weak. He feels colder than usual so she snuggled closer, wrapping an arm around his waist. He chuckles softly and lands a kiss on the top of her head.

“Do you still remember that day you cried in front of the whole school on our senior year?” he asks, voice raspy and faint.

“How can I forget? It’s like, the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me.” she pouts, biting him playfully, earning her a chuckle from him that ended up in a wheezing fit that thankfully passed quickly.

“It’s not my fault you’re such a gullible crybaby.” he teases after calming down.

“It’s not my fault that you just love teasing me until I cry.” she retorts.

He sighs contentedly and links their fingers, playing with them. “I’m sorry if I always do… you do know that I love you.”

She hums her answer, burying her face into his chest and inhaling his scent. Something nags at the back of her mind when the familiar scent did not invade her nostrils like it usually does, but she brushes it away.

“How about that time when you got lost on one of our field trips that I had to comb through the forest the whole night just to get you?” he asked, his voice sounding playful. “You practically wailed like a baby that time.”

She pouts, pinching his side lightly in retaliation. “If you were the one to experience something awful as that, you would have done the same.”

He chuckles and then silence fell over them, a good kind of silence.

“I love you.” he says softly. “Don’t ever forget that.”

His words suppose to make her feel happy, elated. But a sharp pain pricks her heart that she cuddles into his side even more, holding as tight as she could. “Stop saying that as if you’re never gonna be able to say it again…”

He’s silent. And she hates it.

“I’ll always be by your side, I promise. Even if-”

“Please.” she pleads, unwanted tears falling from her tightly-clenched eyes. “Don’t… you are not going to leave me. You promised that too… so stop…”

She hold onto him tightly, head on his chest. She could his heart beating and for a few seconds she felt relieved. He won’t leave her; he promised that.

But the steady beating of his hear started fading, as if the sound is slowly being muffled. She pressed closer into him, straining to hear it more clearly. But it just got fainter and fainter until there was nothing.

And that’s when she wakes up.

It’s all a dream.

No. It was a sad memory that haunts her now and again.

Sighing, she got up and sat on her bed. Looking around, she notices that her usually messy room is bare but for the almost-empty closet.

“Oh…” she realized with a sigh. It’s moving day.

Getting up, she jumped a little when something fell from the bed when she got off. She picked up; it’s a framed picture taken a couple of years ago.

Another stab of pain pinched her chest seeing the smiling faces on the picture. Is this why she had dreamed of him again? Because she was leaving everything behind?

She knows she had to.

But it hurts. It hurts so bad.

“I miss you…” she looked at the picture with tears pricking her eyelids, caressing the handsome face of the person who still holds her heart through the glass. “Zelo.”

From one corner of the room, a translucent floating figure looked at her with sad eyes. He drifted over and hovered in front of her. Reaching out, he tried to wipe away the lone tear that fell from her eyes. Sadly, his fingers just went through her face.

“I miss you too… Gabby.” he sighs. “I promise… I will make you happy again.”

a/n: too bittersweet???? hehe...

comment are so welcome, my darlings!!!

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flickthebic #1
Very interesting
ggexotica #2
Chapter 9: Hahahahahaaaa.. yeah Luhan. Take her to a date.
Thanks for updating: )
ggexotica #3
Hiii.. will you update this story even though it's been so long???
Chapter 5: Hello! Here I am again with my (long) comments! XD
Soo, Gabby and Himchan are friends now! ^^ That's good, I like the way they act around eachother. (: Lol, Himchan managed to con Kai and got to see her picture... XD And yeah, he's shameless. Gotta agree with that. *nods*
And Gabby forgot the kids' presence... O.o I can totally imagine the awkwardness at the beginning of the date, btw. >_< And poor Gabby not knowing if remembering how she met Jongin is a happy or sad memory... ㅠ_ㅠ Luhan acting like a overexcited, hyper kid. XD What is that feeling Zelo has, though? O.o
Chapter 4: Luhan and Zelo. What are you guys exactly planning? O.o Dates? With other guys? *frowns* I'm not sure if that's gonna work... But who knows, it might be the best idea ever. Luhan, you're such a dork! :D Who goes outside in the freezing cold just to apologise (and distract)?? And seriously, a little zealous birdie? >_< What does zealous even mean?! Jealous? Idk. XD
Luhan's right, btw. Gabby doesn't believe in many things... O.o But she will in the future! >:D AND*evil grin*
Chapter 3: You want comments? You'll get one. And probably a long too, since most of my comments turn out long, even if I want them to be short... >_< So yeah, 'bout the chapter. Let me start with telling you I love you for updating! ^_^ And that I loved this chapter as well. <3 I think the way Gabby acts around the people she used to know is pretty cute... ㅋㅋㅋ But I can't even imagine the way she felt when Lulu mentioned Jello... ㅠ_ㅠ I feel sorry for her, though, and I hope she'll be able to fully move on soon and find happiness in her life again. (: I feel sorry for Lulu too, he must feel guilty now, even though he didn't know... Don't really have anything else to say regarding the chapter, so I'll just leave it here, 'kay? So yeah, update if you have time/inspiration/and so on, but PLEASE take care of your health too, arasso? There are more important things in life than fanfics, got it? *eyes you*

P.S. Was this comment long? It probably is, but I can't really tell since I'm on my mobile... >_<
SoJeehyon #7
Chapter 3: Thanks for the update! I've been waiting for this^^ and have some rest, author. I understand how it feels after going through a torturous exam week.
Chapter 3: An updatedddddd
Luhan.. you really are something. Hha and finally sehun got his girl.. what a small world he friended with gabby
Yay!!! i'm sure this one will definitely be good and interesting..
aaah the adoreable kids are back!!
where is tao?