Houston, We Have a Problem

Special [MOVING NOW]

  Hello there my beautiful readers. ^-^ You look mighty pretty today. I guess I'll cut to the cahse though! T^T I feel bad for not updating in MONTHS but I honestly just forgot about this fic. No longer shall you starve for literature though! :3 For I am going to start posting chapters again starting today! ^o^

  There is a slight change though. ;~; Sorry, but this fic will be moving here.


  This is because my writing has improved and I want to rewrite this. :P Anyways, the new chapters will be longer and include some more important information you should know. So you can go subscribe there and don't worry! It's the same exact sotry. :D There's no change of plans in the course of what's happened so far! 

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wheres-my-cookie #1
Chapter 4: Really good story!! ^_^ I just love reading fanfics about vampires! >.< Update soon! :)
Chapter 4: make it a little longer please.... :)
Chapter 3: OMG this FF it's really good XDDD sorry to bother you but it's HyukHae or HaeHyuk? Also please update soon ^_~
Chapter 3: cant wait for the action..
is his appearrance become better after he change to be vampire?
yunnnnnn #5
Chapter 3: So far, so good! anticipating the next chapter (:
kiki-chan #6
Chapter 2: Wow

So now what will happen to hae? Is he ganna turn to vamp like Hyuk ?
And what will Hyuk do know after what he done to hae poor him must be shocked~

Update soon honey~
Chapter 2: its interesting... wow hyuk already bit someone in his little time became vampire...