One of a Kind

Special [MOVING NOW]

  Okay. I know I said I wouldn't start this story until I finished my other one but I had nothing else to do and I was bored. So without further ado, I present to you, the first chapter of my eunhae story, Special.

  Also, there are some things you should know about this before you read.

  -When words are in Italics, that means a flashback is happening.

  -'When words are in apostrophes, that means someone is thinking.'

  -When words are underlined, that means people are speaking through telepathy.

  -"When words are in quotation marks, thet means someone is talking."



  You know what this means don't you? asked Eunhyuk's uncle.

  Yes. said Eunhyuk's parents as they looked across the yard towards their son. He was busy playing with his best friend Donghae.

  This means that he's special. No one will ever be the same as him unless he turns someone. You have to protect him. He will be safe for a while longer but when he turns 17 he will awake and they will sense him. When that happens they will come. his uncle said seriously.

  We know that as well.  answered his parents. 

 Alright then. I will pray for his safety. said his uncle as he stood up.

 "Uncle!" yelled Eunhyuk as he ran towards him with Donghae following close behind him, "Are you leaving?" he asked as he stopped in front of him and gasped for breath.

 "Yes, and I am truly sorry that I could not spend more time with you." he answered as Eunhyuk stood up straight.

 "That's alright, but will you visit again?" asked Eunhyuk. He looked at his uncle with his big puppy eyes.

 "Yes, I'll visit again. Be sure of it!" he said as he hugged Eunhyuk.

 "Great!" he said as the hug broke, "Come on Donghae let's go to the park!"

 "Okay." said Donghae.

 "We're going to the park mom and dad!" Eunhyuk yelled as he and Donghe ran off.

 "Alright! Be back in a little bit!" his mother yelled back. The last thing she saw of Eunhyuk was his smiling face before he rounded the corner of the house.


  "Are you alright sweetie?" Eunhyuk's dad asked.

  "What? Oh, yes, I'm fine. Just thinking." said his mom

  "Honey." he said walking towards her, "When they find out we will protect Eunhyuk and even if they get past us they have the rest of the family to fight. Eunhyuk is a great fighter as well so he won't get taken but we musn't let him know until he awakens. No matter how much we want to tell him." His dad consoled his mom with his words and hugged her from behind.

  "I know but I can't help thinking of the worst. What if he dies because of what he is? He's different from humans and when he awakens he'll be different from us and the rest of his kind! He'll be by himself. The only one of his power and species. How is that going to make him feel!?" she yelled as she removed herself from her husband's grip and turned around. " He'll hate us for creating him because he'll be alone! He won't have anyone to understand him! Alone! That's what he'll be! ALONE!" she screamed.

  "All because of us." whispered his mom as she fell to her knees and began to sob. Kneeling down her husband wrapped her in his arms. Rocking back and forth he whispered to her until she calmed down.

  "He won't be alone forever sweetie. He'll be with the one he loves when he finds them. Okay?" he said. She nodded her head in her huband's chest. "He's fine right now. He won't awaken until 10:00 so we just have to wait. He'll be home by that time, okay."

  "Okay." she said as she and her husband stood up. " I just hope he doesn't hate us when he finds out what he is. He's lived his whole life thinking he's human. What will he do when he finds out? What if he hates himself?"

  "We'll help him if anything like that happens and tell him why we couldn't say anything before. Alright?"

  "Yes. He's special and I just don't want him to hate us after he finds out that he's a" she took a shuddering breath as she slowly sat down, "Vampire."


  First chapter done! I hope you liked it. The flashback was his mom's thinking and I guess you know why the story is called Special. If you still don't know why it's because Eunhyuk is the only one of his kind but he won't be for long. ;) Please check out my other story. Link is in the foward and I will update soon. Lots of love and huggles! Also, I have Vashta Nerada in my bedroom. If you want to find out if you have any turn on a light and look for dust. That's Vashta Nerada. They're air piranhas and they will Skin. You. Alive. So stay away from shadows.



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wheres-my-cookie #1
Chapter 4: Really good story!! ^_^ I just love reading fanfics about vampires! >.< Update soon! :)
Chapter 4: make it a little longer please.... :)
Chapter 3: OMG this FF it's really good XDDD sorry to bother you but it's HyukHae or HaeHyuk? Also please update soon ^_~
Chapter 3: cant wait for the action..
is his appearrance become better after he change to be vampire?
yunnnnnn #5
Chapter 3: So far, so good! anticipating the next chapter (:
kiki-chan #6
Chapter 2: Wow

So now what will happen to hae? Is he ganna turn to vamp like Hyuk ?
And what will Hyuk do know after what he done to hae poor him must be shocked~

Update soon honey~
Chapter 2: its interesting... wow hyuk already bit someone in his little time became vampire...