
Special [MOVING NOW]

 Eunhyuk followed his parents back to the house quietly. Keeping his thoughts to himself he shuddered as the event in the forest kept playing in his head. The pain, the bite, everything. It played like a movie on repeat. Only it wasn't being acted out. It was real and it just made him feel horrible. His stomach twisted and churned with nauseous fear and he felt like breaking down.

 He asked himself 'Why did I do that?' but the question that kept getting in the way was 'What am I?' It chilled him to the bone focusing on the fact that he was different. Eunhyuk had lived his whole life believing he was human so of course he was shocked at the fact that he wasn't.

 Soon his house was in full view and his mother turned around to make sure he was still with them. 

"Come on Eunhyuk." she said with concern as her eyes softened. "Let's go inside." Nodding absentmindedly he followed her and his father into the house. With his father behind him Eunhyuk looked around the house. It just seemed, different now. Like he would never really fit in with it again. The house and him were just to seperate beings now.

 Once again his mother turned around and gestured for him to follow her to the living room. Eunhyuk took his shoes off anf followed her while his father went upstairs to his study. Walking into the living room Eunhyuk saw his mother sitting on the couch and sat next to her slowly.

 "Where's appa?" he asked. His voice just seemed so out of place now. Like he couldn't convey his emotions.

 "Your father isn't going to be here for this bacause it's something he's not supposed to hear." she said softly. Looking past Eunhyuk she could see his dad walk in with a book. The state of the book wasn't the best.

 Pages were old and crippled. The frame wasn't connected to the pages and the glue was almost gone. Somehow the book held together though. His dad brought the book over and handed to his mother. Looking towards the old leather cover of the book his father left the room and went back to his study.

 Then his mother opened the leather-bound book and moved closer to Eunhyuk.

 "The secret in this book is only to be revealed to those of the female population." she said quietly as she began skimming the table of contents.

  "I'm not a girl though.." Eunhyuk said as he watched his mother skillfully flick through the pages. His mother nodded and hummed at his statement as he found what she had been looking for.

 "I know your not a female honey but...your different." Moving the book she made sure Eunhyuk could get a clear view. "This book will, hopefully, answer all your questions." Holding the vook open she started to read.

 "The say that in Vampi-"

 "Wait, wait. What!?" Eunhyuk asked increduously. Just the word vampire ws enough to send chills down his spine. Is this what he was now? A blood demon from the depths of hell?

 "Shh." his mother said as she patted his thigh. "Just wait until I finish reading." Eunhyuk hummed in response as it seemed his mouth didn't open. Like he had a paranoia of his teeth biting into another person. Nodding he lightly pushed the book onto his mother's lap and pulled his knees up to his chest. His mother continued to read after she new he was comfortable enough to listen.

 "They say that in Vampire civilization, a Special is born. They have no real title but when they awaken the whole world seems to know and soon a spiral of lies, battles, and blood ensues."

 'This doesn't seem like a documentary.' Eunhyuk thought. It was more like a horror stroy that would spell out the rest of his life. Words would float off the pages and guide him. Make him do things he doesn't want to. Control his whole life. Shaking his head he pushed those thoughts away and listened to his mother once more.

 "This happens because the Special seems to have a power. A power that no other being in the world can have. They are not human and neither are they a true vampire. These specials are born every 1000 years. Each broken off from the rest of the world." His mother stopped her reading there for the time being.

 "I know this is a big shock honey. So I want you to get some sleep before you know the rest. Neh?" she said as she closed the book and set it on the coffee table. Eunhyuk nodded while staring at the closed book. His mother pulled him into a hug and kissed him on the forehead. "You'll know the rest tomorrow sweetie." Standing up she looked to Eunhyuk and smiled sadly. Walking to the exit she turned around to face him.

  "Make su-" she started.

 "I know umma~" he said in a alightly teasing voice. He just couldn't express his emotions correctly. As his mother walked out of the room he watched the book as if it would move. Sure his mother was gone he stood up slowly and shuffled up the stairs to his room. Brushing his teeth he looked in the mirror and was shocked that his reflection was still there.

 Vampires aren't supposed to have reflections. At least in what he had heard. 'Most of it must not be true.' he thought as he put his brush away. Most would think Eunhyuk was taking this well but he wasn't. Though he may look calm on the outside he was at breaking point on the inside. Brushing it off for now he walked to bed and took his shirt off.

 He didn't feel like taking his pants off so he just threw his shirt to the ground and laid in his bed. Soon his nerves calmed down just enough to let him sleep.


4 Chapter! ;A; Oh my Gosh! I'm so sorry for the late update! I was busy and just had no inspiration at all! Hope you likeed it and yeah I know I promised action but It just didn't feel right to put it here. It may be in the next chapter a few from now. I'm not sure. Anyways~ Hope you liked it and I'll try to update as soon as possible! Oh! My friend has a new Eunhae fic out and I'd like to show you~ ^^ Here's the link!

Summertime Sadness - angst eunhae fluff school hyukhae auworld - Asianfanfics.com

Please subsrcibe to her story! It would mean a lot! Once again I live you fellow ficcers~ Lots of love and huggies!

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wheres-my-cookie #1
Chapter 4: Really good story!! ^_^ I just love reading fanfics about vampires! >.< Update soon! :)
Chapter 4: make it a little longer please.... :)
Chapter 3: OMG this FF it's really good XDDD sorry to bother you but it's HyukHae or HaeHyuk? Also please update soon ^_~
Chapter 3: cant wait for the action..
is his appearrance become better after he change to be vampire?
yunnnnnn #5
Chapter 3: So far, so good! anticipating the next chapter (:
kiki-chan #6
Chapter 2: Wow

So now what will happen to hae? Is he ganna turn to vamp like Hyuk ?
And what will Hyuk do know after what he done to hae poor him must be shocked~

Update soon honey~
Chapter 2: its interesting... wow hyuk already bit someone in his little time became vampire...