Everything Will Be Alright

Special [MOVING NOW]

  Eunhyuk's mom rushed up to him and held him tight.

  "Oh, Eunhyuk. We thought something terrible happened to you." she said as she started to cry into his shirt. His dad went over and checked Donghae. There was still a pulse and he only fainted from the surprise. Using his hand he placed it over Donghae's neck and healed the bite marks. Now it looked like nothing happened in the first place.

  "Mom?" Eunhyuk choked out as he slowly hugged her back. "What just happened?" he refused to stutter but the fear of what just happened was evident in his voice. He didn't feel 17 right now. He felt like a 5 year old that would cry for his mom when something bad happened. That everything would be alright if mom was their and it would all go back to normal. He knew it wouldn't though and that just made him more terrified of what was to come.

  "Honey." she said as she backed away and wiped the blood from his face as his fangs retreated back. Then she looked at her husband who was picking up Donghae. "We'll have to tell you later."

  "Why!?" he half-yelled like a scared child. She looked over at him with a mixed expression of sadness, anger, and annoyance. The anger and annoyance weren't directed at him though. It was directed to the ones that made Eunhyuk what he was now. 

  "Because Donghae needs to go home." she said as she gestured to his limp body in Eunhyuk's dad's arms. Eunhyuk nodded slowly and began to follow his parent's out of the clearing. Hugging himself thoughts danced about in his head that made the anxiousness and fear grow. Once they reached their street they looked for Donghae's house. 

  Eunhyuk's mom and dad walked up to the front door while Eunhyuk stayed at the front gate. They knocked and Donghae's mom opened the door. Gasping she took Donghae from his dad's arms to see if anything had happened. Frantically she started asking questions and had the most shocked and worried face Eunhyuk had seen in his life. It made him feel even more guilty and angry with himself. He didn't even remember what happened. Between walking into the clearing and Donghae falling down everything was a blur.

  His parent's walked back to find their son hugging himself and looking at the ground. His mom rushed over and hugged him.

  "Sweetie." she said softly so she wouldn't startle him. At that point he remembered what happened and struggled to break free of his mom's grip. "What are you doing!?" she yelled as she held onto him.

  "Stay away from me!" he yelled as his eyes turned red and he broke out of his mother's grip. Running down the road his parent's yelled at him but he continued to run away. They ran after him but he was faster.

  He ran into the park that he and Donghae always played in. There was a secret place that was only theirs and nobody else knew about it. He ran into it and stopped running. Somehow he knew it would take a little more time for his parent's to find him here surrounded by the roses. His eyes went back to their normal color as he sat down on the ground. Pulling his knees up to his chest and wrapping his arms around them he mulled over his thoughts.

  Now he remembered that sickeningly sweet smell and biting Donghae. 'I'm a monster.'  he thought as a tear slid down his cheek. 'He could've died.' He layed on the ground with his arms still wrapped around his legs. 'What am I!?' he yelled in his head and he just couldn't take it anymore. Small sobs escaped from his mouth as more tears fell to the ground. He continued to cry by himself for he didn't know how long.

  When he came out of his hiding place the moon was directly up on the sky. He looked around the park and saw his parent's walking towards him. Backing away in fear he fell onto the entrance to his secret place and thorns stabbed him in the arm. He didn't want to hurt anybody. Donghae was an accident. Hurting people on purpose was never something he did. He didn't want to hurt his parent's as well.

  They continued to walk closer and he shut his eyes tight. In the light of the moon you could see tear tracks staining his face.

  "Honey." his mom said quietly as she came up and pulled him from the rose bush. Hugging him she whispered in his ear. "Why did you run away?" Her husband stood off to the side awkwardly. He didn't do well in these kinds of situations.

  "I-I didn't want t-to hurt anyone else." Eunhyuk stuttered as he hugged her back. Normally he was a strong kid. Tonight had left him shakened though and all he was now was a terrified child. He cried on his mother's shoulder and she rubbed comforting circles on his back.

  "Shh." she whispered and continued to comfort him. "Everything will be alright."


Chapter 3 is finished! Not all that exciting but we'll get there. Chapter 4 will have more action! Anyways, I hope you guys liked it and I will see you next update!

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wheres-my-cookie #1
Chapter 4: Really good story!! ^_^ I just love reading fanfics about vampires! >.< Update soon! :)
Chapter 4: make it a little longer please.... :)
Chapter 3: OMG this FF it's really good XDDD sorry to bother you but it's HyukHae or HaeHyuk? Also please update soon ^_~
Chapter 3: cant wait for the action..
is his appearrance become better after he change to be vampire?
yunnnnnn #5
Chapter 3: So far, so good! anticipating the next chapter (:
kiki-chan #6
Chapter 2: Wow

So now what will happen to hae? Is he ganna turn to vamp like Hyuk ?
And what will Hyuk do know after what he done to hae poor him must be shocked~

Update soon honey~
Chapter 2: its interesting... wow hyuk already bit someone in his little time became vampire...