Chapter 2


Fairytales usually say that you should follow your heart. Through the whole story, the main character has to make many choices and decisions. Through his own actions, he is learning about the world, people, emotions and the most important: about himself. That’s why he is developing. He is changing. So in the end, he knew that despite of his fears, he should follow his heart. And usually that’s the main reason,  why he can overcome adversities and defeat his worst enemy. With this kind of story, we want our children to learn that after all, we SHOULD follow our hearts. And let’s be honest…. This is our worst mistake.


Love is such a confusing emotion. In one moment it can make you feel powerful enough to achieve everything in this world, only to one moment later bring you to its knees and beg for forgiveness. He knew very well what he should do or say. He had so many scenarios in his head prepared for his first meeting with Daesung after the separation. But what was the point of it since only the thought about meeting made his mind go completely blank, leaving him only with crazy beating heart? He was defeated by his own love for this sweet Angel. Love was breaking all his plans and preparations, crushing them down just like some fragile sticks. But he wasn’t complaining. After all, how many times he was surprised by his own actions towards Daesung? Sometimes he felt like somebody was controlling not only his heart, but also his mind and body. During many lonely evenings, when he poured into his body an ocean of alcohol, he used to come to realization that he is just a slave of love. The only question was, how many times will he fell on his knees in front of this powerful and merciless lady?


The night after his talk with Jiyong was more challenging than he had thought. After his confession, they sat for a while in a complete silence. Everything was said, everything was as clear as a summer sky. SeungHyun knew that he had to meet with Daesung at any cost and asked him these questions that he prepared for him after years of suffering. Jiyong, on the other hand, knew that his hyung will do this and he couldn’t do anything about it. So after a warm hug and quietly spoken “good night”, they came back home, each one going in the different direction. At first, SeungHyun was planning to reach his apartment as soon as possible, but after some thinking, he decided that maybe it’s a good idea to walk for some more time. That’s why he chose the longest way to his home leading through his favourite park in the whole city. It was really quiet and peaceful place, especially at such a late hour. Usually he avoided this little park, because of some obvious reasons.


When you will walk through the main lane, it will lead you to beautiful garden filled with red roses, yellow lilies and white daisies. But when you will deviate slightly to the west, you will be rewarded with sight of the most magical place that you can imagine. In the middle of scarlet lake with many water lilies floating on the water like little white ships making for some unknown harbour, there was a small green islet. It was so narrow that architects of this place (or some fairies, like used to believe SeungHyun) managed to build only a little arbour on top of that. If you watch it closely, you will see it was built from wood painted white. However, noticing it will be very hard since the whole construction was overgrown with pink roses. At time like this, when park was completely deserted and your only companion during the dark night was mysterious moon, all you wanted was to sit with your beloved under this maze of pink, fragrant flowers and listen to the joyful song of frogs combined with cricket’s loud appeal.

And that was what THEY used to do. For the whole time that Daesung and SeungHyun knew each other, it was THEIR place. And it was keeping all their precious memories.

Their first date.

First kiss.

First anniversary.

First fight and first “I’m sorry”.

First and last: “I love you”.

First and last: “Goodbye”.

Sometimes SeungHyun felt like this was really THEIR place. Like they were the only ones that found a way to this little paradise. And this only made everything even more special and magical. And that’s why, for their whole relationship, SeungHyun knew that the little islet in the middle of green park would be the best place to propose. He planned everything. After a candlelit dinner for two in the restaurant nearby, he would ask him for a walk. They would go, hand by hand, through the most beautiful, yet really unknown lane planted with cherry trees. He would choose the right time, just after the flowers started to blossom. He imagined the beautiful pink petals falling softly on his Angel’s caramel cheek. He imagined his laugh and dazzling smile. And lastly he imagined his tears when he would bend on one knee in the middle of their own rose garden and ask him this one special question. At that time he was sure what the answer would be. What had happened that right know he wasn’t even sure if he can talk with him when during their last meeting he was thinking about proposing? What had happened and why it was hurting him so much?


Maybe he was a masochist, but his mind crossed the thought that he will find his answer at the bottom of their memories. And that’s why he was walking right now through this deserted park. It was long after the cherry trees blossoming. But even during this season of the year, he still could sense calmness floating in the air. And it helped him a lot. Maybe it wasn’t the best way to clear his mind from all these thoughts, but still it brought some peace to his battled brain. He was walking like this for hours. Only when sun decided to finally showed up to the world, he thought that maybe it’s a good idea to come back home.


Tiredness after the night walking made him sleep for some long hours. And as far as he could remember it was his longest uninterrupted rest in a really long period of time. After he woke up, he decided that today he had to face Daesung. He couldn’t wait any longer. What if Dae has already left the country? He couldn’t let this occasion slip through his fingers. So after he got up, he took a shower and picked some random outfit for this day. He wanted to look good for their meeting, but in the middle of searching for some nice clothes, he realized that he is too nervous to even think about this kind of things. So he left the apartment and headed toward the small restaurant, where he used to eat his breakfast during the whole weekend. He really liked this place. And, since he was a regular customer of this restaurant, he always had a chance to choose his table. This time it was a small coffee table placed on the darkest corner of the room. SeungHyun really wasn’t in mood for talking and chatting with others. He only needed some time to think.

He ordered the same things like always and after quickly eaten breakfast, he was sitting with a cup of his favorite coffee. His mind was spinning but he was really determined to find Daesung. But what should he do first? Call his number? No. He tried it many times before and he was pretty sure that Dae changed his number or just threw up his phone. So maybe he can call to some hospitals? Or maybe some police station? No. Se7en hyung explained him that they don’t have any evidence to launch an investigation about Daesung’s disappearance. Wait… Hotels! Yeah, he definitely had to stay somewhere! And as he knew Dae didn’t have any close family in this town. So maybe…

And that’s why he was running at the full speed to the hotel that he knew the best. For the hundredth time, he thanked for having friends. Friends that were working as a receptionist in the biggest hotel in the whole town. At first he thought that maybe it’s a good idea to call Bom and just ask her if Daesung was currently staying at their hotel. But after a while, he remembered that personals details of the customer are protected, so she probably won’t tell him anything. That’s why he decided to talk in private with Bom. Of course, SeungHyun could assume that maybe if Angel was staying at this hotel, his friend would call him immediately. But he was also fully aware that Jiyong warned everybody and forbade them to inform him about anything what was related with Dae. So, in the end, he had to face Bom himself and beg for some information. But it wasn’t the first time when he was ready to do anything and everything for HIM.

He reached the hotel 40 minutes later. He was breathing heavily and shallowly from the long and fast run. Right now he couldn’t care less. So, without any warning, he pushed his way through the crowd of unknown but surely irritated people and reached the reception. It took him a while to notice his friend, running from client to client, bowing and apologizing for the long waiting. SeungHyun knew that she was busy, but he didn’t have enough time to wait in the long queue.

-Hey, Bom!

She was clearly surprised to see him in this place. But after this astonishment, she was filled with horror. What if he finally found out about HIM?

-Hey, Seungie! What are you doing here? As you see I have some work right know… You know, we had some computer failure and we lost all reservations. So, you know… We have to do this again. And additionally my friend is ill so I have to do this by myself so…

She didn’t want to be rude, but the last thing what she wanted to do at this moment was to deal with SeungHyun. Especially while Jiyong told her that she can’t tell him about Daesung, deeply in heart she thought the other way round. In her eyes, it was a time for SeungHyun to find out the truth. But on the other hand, she believed Jiyong that right now the best thing for their friend is to not know anything of this.

-We have to talk.-SeungHyun’s voice was cold and firm. He was tired of all these excuses. He wanted the truth. And while Jiyong was a good actor and he could hide the truth, Bom was a really bad liar. Even when she was so busy with her work, he could still see the fear written all over her face. And it definitely wasn’t because of some lost hotel reservations.

-But… I don’t have time. And… Wait. I even forgot to ask. What had happened? Something is wrong?-Her voice was high-pitched and really weak. She knew that he would notice it.

-When do you have some break or some free time? I won’t take long, I promise.


-But me no buts, Bomie. Not this time. I will wait until you will have time to talk with me.

She sighed. For this whole time she forgot, how determined SeungHyun could be. From the look on his face, Bom was sure that she won’t get rid of him that easily. So she nodded her head and came back to work, praying that maybe there will be a miracle and she will avoid this whole talking with SeungHyun.


It was a few hours after their small conversation and to be honest Bom really forgot about her promise. She was so tired and she had to work for 3 more hours. So when she finally had her break, all that she wanted was some warm meal and some place to sleep. Was it too much to ask? She was pulled out of her thoughts immediately after she saw a tall figure sitting in the hotel’s cafe. Oh, right. How she could forget about it? Right now her dinner and bed seemed like a distant memory.

But, after all she couldn’t deny his determination and patience. He looked so tired. So restless. Still she couldn’t wrap her head about the Jiyong’s idea that after some time he would give up. He wasn’t stupid. They were. They were stupid enough to believe that maybe someday, he will resign. He will move on. And because of their naivety, they had to tell him the truth and admit their mistakes.

Without a single word, Bom sat opposite to SeungHyun. He also didn’t say a world. Instead, he got up and, after a moment, he brought, for the very surprise Bom, green tray filled with food. SeungHyun pushed it to her site and with a small smile said:

-Bon appétit.

-Thank you.

Bom smiled a little. She was happy that after all that had happened to him, he still was the same caring and helpful boy from their high school. And without a doubt, he deserved to be happy. That’s why she had to tell him the truth. Because it was a right thing to do.

He patiently waited for Bom to finish her meal. On the inside, however, he was a mess. He could feel his head spinning and his heart slowly dying with anticipation. Bom was the first one to speak after he returned her tray to the kitchen.

-I… SeungHyun. Please. I… Listen. We are friends for such a long time and that’s why I want to help you. But first you have to remember that all that we did… We wanted to protect you. From more pain. We wanted the best for you. Because you really deserved it. So promise, you will remember about this, after I will tell you everything.

-You know, that I can’t do this. I know that you wanted to protect me, but I’m old enough to take care of me by myself. Like I said to Jiyong, I’m infinitely grateful for your commitment, but…

-Wait, you talked to Jiyong?

-Yes, it was yesterday. After you all left, he said that he had to tell me something.

-And what did he say?

-That he is back…

-And that’s all?

-So there is more?-SeungHyun was starting to get really nervous. What was this?! His friends were clearly hiding something from him. But how far they could go to protect him from pain?

-Yes. There is so much more…-In one moment Bom felt all this unpleasant heaviness in her heart. She couldn’t stand seeing her friend like this. She quickly realized that she should have told him earlier. That hiding the truth, they only hurt him more. So instead of reducing his suffering, they achieved the opposite result.

She sighed. Right now she couldn’t escape. Right now she had to repair all their mistakes.

-There is so much more… We were stupid, Hyunnie. We were so stupid. We thought that maybe, but only maybe… If we hid the truth about Daesung, you would forget and… That this is the best way. But right now I know that this was a huge mistake…

-Forget?! How could you think, even for a moment, that I can forget?! This isn’t a way that friends would behave!

-I know it. I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry… Please. Listen to me, ok? I will tell you everything. Well, everything that I know.

SeungHyun nodded his head. He was furious. He wanted to shout and scream. He felt so lost. For the whole time, he thought that his friends were his support and strength. How he was supposed to behave when they turned out to be liars?

But he was tired of waiting. Tired of this suffering. He had to find Daesung. Even if it means losing his friends.


-So… Well. When Daesung left you… It wasn’t like… You thought that through whole of this time, he didn’t try to contact with you. This isn’t entirely true. He didn’t call you, but he was trying to call Jiyong. But Ji never picked up his phone.-Bom saw all this anger radiating from SeungHyun’s eyes. But she couldn’t stop right now.-He was furious. He thought that this is the right thing to do. And after some time… He stopped calling. And instead, he started to send e-mails. I don’t know exactly what was written there, but I know that he was asking about you. He was really worried. He… He begged us to take care of you. He apologized. Once… I think that he even asked Jiyong for your number since he lost his phone. I think that he just wanted to explain everything to you. He was desperate, I think. He was sending a few e-mail’s every day. But… Well, Jiyong deleted everything. I think that he talked with Daesung only once through the phone.

-You said that Ji never picked up his phone…

-Yes… Because it was Jiyong who called him… And I don’t know… But Jiyong… He kind of… Told him to stop trying to contact you, because he won’t ever let him come close to you… Don’t be angry. I know, we lied to you. But… He was just trying to protect you. Ji was young and stupid, but he had a good intentions…

-I.. I really don’t know to say. I have never thought that my own friends… I…

-I know, but let me finish. After that call… He disappeared. He stopped calling, sending e-mails. We were really surprised. He was so determined to contact you and suddenly… After your depression and your… When you were trying to commit suicide… We thought that maybe we should have let you talk with him. So, while you were laying in the hospital, we were trying to find him. But he just disappeared. We looked for him everywhere. He vanished into thin air. Till this moment… When I saw him two days ago… I couldn’t believe my eyes. I quickly called Jiyong and told him to check it. And even when he looked a little bit different, we were sure that this is your Angel…

SeungHyun took a deep breath. Then another and another one. He was angry and confused. And even when he wanted to call Jiyong right now and just tell him off like never before, he knew that he didn’t have time for it. On the other hand he knew that the argument with his best friend wouldn’t change a thing beside leaving him even more heartbroken that he already was.

-But you know where he is right now…Bom?

-Yes. He is staying at this hotel.

-At THIS hotel?

-Yes… I didn’t see him, because it wasn’t my shift when he arrived! But I know that he is here. In room 213.

This was enough. After this confession, SeungHyun got up, grabbed his jacket and without a word started running in the direction of stairs. He didn’t stop when he heard Bom’s shouting his name or when he bumped into some old lady with three fat cats. All that he was thinking right now was Daesung and Daesung alone. He couldn’t believe how he even reached the second floor so quickly, nearly jumping through the whole way up.

There he was. After all of these years, he was standing in front of the door of the room 213. And the only thing that was separating him from his Angel was this piece of wood. His heart was beating so loudly that for a moment he even thought that he don’t have to knock since his heart was playing it’s noisiest march. His head was spinning. His whole body was shaking. In one moment he could change everything. After a one deep breath, he raised his left hand and softly knocked on this wooden door. SeungHyun was waiting impatiently for some answer. When it didn’t came, he raised his hand to knock again. Just then the door opened, revealing the most beautiful creature on the Earth. Angel. His Angel.




Hey, it's me again :3 I'm back with some new chapters :) I hope I will be able to update them as soon as possible. Well... So during my trip, I was thinking about this story and right now I know how I want it to be.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for this little cliffhanger, but I promise you that some things will be explained in the next chapter. What will Daesung say about his leaving? And how will SeungHyun react when he will find out the truth?

Again, I want to thank everybody for subscribing and commenting. I'm sorry that I couldn't respond to all your comments, but I read them all and them make me SOOOOOOOO happy! :) Thank you so much! <3

So... Let me know what you think about this story and this particular chapter in the comment section BELOW! :)

Bye! :3 *sends hugs and kisses*

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Hey, my sweet bunnies! :3 Did you miss me? :) I've got a little suprise for you! Update is finally coming ;)


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Claudiavv153 #1
Chapter 4: I hope you come back to update this story, I need to know what will happen
LoneShiba #2

he is blind now. JUZ KILL ME ALREADY.

oh my heart,
my mind,
my soul.

have to see that todae grinding for 10000000x times more before I re-read this again and again XDDD
Glitter_InPink #3
Chapter 4: This is a beautiful story. Please update soon!!
IndigoGrey #4
Chapter 4: Finally! We finally know why he left. It broke my heart to read it though, and the part that got me was how he kept coming back to their apartment before he finally left. Poor Daesung. His father is terrible and bitter. I hope he leaves them alone, but i'm nervous to see what other obsticles will be in ToDae's way and if that @sshole is involved. And bless Seunghyun for being wonderful and understanding. ♥

Ahhh, their grind at the concert. That was damn hot and I'm still in a lovely state of shock. ToDae gave us a treat after being m.i.a for awhile.
sayasayangtodae #5
Chapter 3: Yay u ll continue with this story. Can't wait for next chapter...the reason
Arvena #6
Chapter 4: Thank you all so much for such a nice words about me and my story! Thank you, thank you very much! :3

I'm happy that you still want to read my story :) Expect an update soon! :3

I hope I won't disappoint you :) EVER!:D
xtavista #7
Chapter 4: please continue this story..and please upload your one shot too.or whatever you have. as long as todae are in, i'll be happy to read.
Chapter 4: This story is really nice! Please don't delete it T.T
Chapter 4: I like this story~ Please dont delete TT.TT Your story is awesome
sayasayangtodae #10
Chapter 4: I like this stories. Please continue author-nim.Can't wait for ur update