Seungri And The Sag Aloo

3 Weeks

(Kenya POV)

"So . . . I have cancer and 3 weeks to live." Seungri's jaw literally dropped. "Nooooooooo!!!! You can't die! What am I gonna do without you Kenny? Your are my Noona." He pulled me into a bear hug and I felt a tear drop onto my shoulder. "Seungri, its okay. No one can do anything about it. You wanna cone over my house for dinner?" "Yeah, plus I've never met your parents." Awww . I forgot about my parents. Seungri said he always wanted to meet them. What would he say? We moved a lot. We lived in Delhi, Mumbai, Kanpur, (Did I mention my parents are Indian?) New York, Shanghai, Tokyo, Atlanta, and L.A. Pita (Hindi for Dad) was transferred to Seoul and we decided to settle here, in Seoul since he has recently retired. (I'm the youngest) and I just so happened to meet my best friend of 3 months now, Seungri.

After school I led Seungri to my house. I let him inside and we removed our shoes at the door. I introduced him to my parents. " Mam(Mom), Pita(Dad), this is Seungri." I had introduced him in Hindi and he gave out a hand for each of my parents. "You didn't tell me they were Indian." He told in Japanese. "They speak Japanese smartness." I told them he was incredibly sorry and that he was just in culture shock. My parents accepted the apology and just asked it wouldn't happen again. Seungri bowed in thanks.

Mam had made Samosas, Sag Aloo, Salmon Curry and we had Gulab Jamun for desert. Yayyy!!!! Food!!! Poor Seungri. He did not know how to mix the Sag Aloo with the Basmati Rice. So he just dumped the Sag Aloo on the rice and began to eat. Everyone began to laugh and I helped him mix the Sag Aloo. 

"Kenya, you didn't tell me your premi (boyfriend) was so handsome." "Mam !!! Seungri isn't my premi!!! We are just friends." "Well you talk about him avirama(non-stop). I thought he was your premi." I'm so glad she was talking in Hindi. But it was too late. Pita already translated for him. He softly chuckled. I wonder if he knew how hard I was crushing on him. After we finished we thanked Mam for the meal and we headed upstairs. I took him in my bedroom. I told him to close his eyes. I went to the bathroom and returned with a razor. "Okay, you can open them." Seungri opened his eyes. "Surprise!" Seungri had the most horrified look on his face.

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I loved this story, it was really nice :) I had accepted the fact the Kenya would die, but when you brought her back to life, I was like SAY WHAT?! WHAAA-
And look, about the poll results... seriously, that was just stupid of them... JUST IGNORE THEM, OKAY, MERI DOST? WO SAB PAGAL HAI KEEP WRITING TEEKHAI? KEEP WRITING JUST KEEP WRITING <333
P.S. I'm from India! I loved how you brought Indian and Korean culture together here :) I loved how CL could speak hindi and called Kenya's mom chachi :3 You're from India too, right?