Baby -Baekyeol

Music and Lyric

(So this may or may not actually have something to do with the song... But everytime I listened to the song while writing this I couldn't help but to write this because yeah...  Comments and constructive criticism would be wonderful and very much appreciated!!! So um, enjoy? XOXO ♥)


I feel deep in my chest

That you are my everything, that you are heaven

Baby baby baby, baby baby baby

Promise me that you too will only see me

Only love me







Baekhyun sat on Chanyeol's lap, both snuggled up on one of their very old and well used, but very much loved, large armchairs. The house phone was clutched tightly in Baekhyun's hand as he awaited an important phone call. "Channie, they should be calling by now. Why aren't they calling?" Baekhyun asked worriedly as he turned in Chanyeol's lap to face the younger male. "Hey Baek, calm down. I'm sure they'll call alright? They said today was the day, so they will call." Chanyeol said, wrapping one hand around Baekhyun's waste and rubbing soothing circles into his back. "B-but what if they don't call? What if it d-didn't f-fall through?" Baekhyun whimpered out, leaning his head into Chanyeol's chest in search of comfort. "Babe, don't think like that, okay? It'll all work out, I just know it. It'll be okay." Chanyeol soothed as he placed light kisses to the crown of Baekhyun's scalp. The two stayed like that for a while, with Baekhyun cuddling into Chanyeol's chest and Chanyeol's nose nestled comfortably in Baekhyun's hair, until the shrill sound of a phone going off broke the quiet. Baekhyun stared at the phone in his hand that was shrilling and ringing loudly, suddenly feeling unsure. It was Chanyeol who plucked the phone out of Baekhyun's hand and pressed the talk button. "Hello?" Chanyeol answered, and Baekhyun could hear a faint voice on the other line, but couldn't tell they were saying. "Yes this is the Park residence..." Chanyeol continued, and Baekhyun felt hope swell in him.

A week after the awaited phone call both Baekhyun and Chanyeol stood in a newly furnished baby’s room. "Tomorrow Channie tomorrow is the day!" Baekhyun squealed excitedly as he grabbed hold of Chanyeol's arm. "It is Baek!" Chanyeol exclaimed, unable to hide his excitement of tomorrow's events.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun had been trying for over a year to adopt a child from China, going through many hours of paper work and grueling fights with courts to get it all done. Their relationship had been tested more often than not throughout the whole ordeal, with stress levels and anger levels rising with each challenge they had to face. But they had made it, persevered and grew stronger in their love and relationship. And they had finally received the phone call (a week ago) that confirmed that they would be getting a child, a toddler named Zitao.

Chanyeol jumped slightly when he felt Baekhyun grab him around the waist and hug him tightly. "We did it Channie. After a year we are finally going to be parents." Baekhyun mumbled into Chanyeol's chest as he hugged his lover. Chanyeol looked down at the smaller man wrapped around his waist and smiled. He couldn't imagine his life without Baekhyun. Baekhyun was his love, his life, his family and his heaven. And now Chanyeol would be expanding his heaven and family to an amazing son. "We are," Chanyeol smiled "and I couldn't imagine sharing this moment with anyone else." Chanyeol finished as he wrapped his own arms around Baekhyun. Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol and smiled, it was Chanyeol's favourite; the one that reached all the way to his eyes causing them to turn into crescents. "Me too. You're the only one I would ever want to share my life with and have a family with. I love you Chanyeol." Baekhyun confessed as he tightened his hold on Chanyeol. Chanyeol raised one hand to lift Baekhyun's chin to face him. "Me too Baek, there is no one else is want to share my life with. No one else I'd rather start a family. And no one I'd rather be with than you." Chanyeol responded leaning down so that his lips barely touched Baekhyun's. "I love you." Chanyeol confessed against Baekhyun's lips before capturing the smaller man’s lips in a sweet kiss.

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hoangnhung #1
Author, author...where is taolay? :(
Chapter 5: OMG Chen, how cute can you get? *squeal*
This was honestly too cute *O* Jongdae in the friendzone and Minseok being totally scatterbrained XD
Are you going to continue this drabble series?
Chapter 1: i cried hanriver ;;;;;;;;;;;
KrisHo and KrisHan ;-;
/incoherent feels/
Chapter 1: So sad... :(
CandyJar #5
Chapter 3: aww hunhan love soo cute
Chapter 5: Kaisoo's always broken but it still hurts me everytime T-T
MaraudingSnitch1314 #7
Chapter 5: Cute, very cute! Jongdae not being a troll and defending Minseok is so sweet. <3
MaraudingSnitch1314 #8
Chapter 4: Aww, I love this one. It's meaningful and mature. Broken!Kaisoo was sad, but you gave us hope at the end. ^___^

Thanks for the double update, author-ssi!
MaraudingSnitch1314 #9
Chapter 3: *fans self* y maknae seducing his somewhat innocent Lulu... how cute. :)
MaraudingSnitch1314 #10
Chapter 2: Aww, what a sweet Baekyeol chapter. How cute that they're adopting Taozi! :)