The Twins



Everybody in the house is busy to prepare everything for their trip today. Just like last night plan, they’ll have a vacation in Busan and attend the Busan Festival. After they’re ready, everybody go inside the car and Seungho start to drive the car to Busan.

In the car, Mavin always sing along with his mother and show his excitement for his first trip. His grand mother is sitting at the front passager seat, while Mavin sit at the middle with his mother and his Jiyeonnie aunty. And Myungsoo sit at the back seat alone, with their belongings.

“Myungsoo-ya, is it okay for you to sit there alone? Do you feel sick or something?” ask Injung to Myungsoo that sitting alone with his pale face. Truthfully, Myungsoo really feel sick. He’s always feel sick if he need to sit at the back.

“A... ani, noona. I’m fine.” Said Myungsoo really try to hide his sick. It makes Jiyeon laughing a little. Finally! The only way for Jiyeon to see Myungsoo look so pity is when he’s sick at the car like this.

“Are you happy?” ask Myungsoo suddenly near Jiyeon’s ear. Make Jiyeon jump a little because of shocked. Jiyeon gulping a little and nodding her head.

“Eo... I’m really glad to see you become like this, oppa. The usual you is always annoying.” Wisper Jiyeon again to Myungsoo. Myungsoo sigh and suddenly he grab Jiyeon’s hair lightly.

“How smooth...” said Myungsoo suddenly make Jiyeon heart bumping so hard. She also can feel Myungsoo’s breath on her neck.

“And so perfumed. It makes me sick!” said Myungsoo and throw Jiyeon hair make Jiyeon bulging her eyes angry.

“Ya! You!! How annoying!” said Jiyeon and want to punch him. But suddenly Jiyeon found Myungsoo that look so pale and sick try to have a sleep. Look like a little kid and his annoying, cold, and jerk face is gone. Jiyeon’s heart suddenly beating again. How cute...

“Turn around.” Said Myungsoo suddenly, make Jiyeon startled.

“I don’t want to show you this face of mine. It’s embarasing.” Myungsoo then hide his face under his jacket and make Jiyeon chuckled a little. She finally turn back and start to play with Mavin.

At least, she already see this side of Myungsoo by herself. And it’s so... cute.


Soyeon walking outside her bedroom and to his father work office.

“You’re ready for our trip to Busan?” ask her father and make Soyeon nodding her head.

“We’ll spend a night there, okay? After that, we’ll need to go to the hospital and check about your condition.”

Soyeon sigh and nodding her head once again. She then go to his father and push his father wheel chair. Until suddenly her eyes caught on something that hanging on her father office’s wall. It’s her family picture. Her father, her mother, her self, and her twin sister. And suddenly she miss them. So...

“Appa, wait...”


“We’re here!!” Mavin yells happy when they finally arrive at Busan. There’s so many people that walking around because there’s many bazar and many things to see on the festival day. It’s ten in the morning, there’s already many people that selling a fireworks and also many atribut for festival.

“Eomma, can we buy many fireworks?” ask Mavin to his mother. Injung laugh and pinch her son’s cheek.

“Eo. Later, okay? Now, we have to go to the villa first.”

“Yey!! Mavinnie loves fireworks!”

And when they arrive at the villas that Seungho already rent, they walk out from the car and start to go inside. The villa is so nice. It’s really on the side of the Heaundae  Beach. They can already go there just by going out from the villas. Mavin look so happy that he even go straight to the beach after his mother put him down from her embrace.

“It’s a beach!! Appa!!!” said Mavin and start to play. Seungho laugh and then run to his son while taking of his shirt. He carried his son and run to the water. Injung just laughing to see her boys that look so happy.

Myungsoo also walk to the beach to take some fresh air to get rid of his sick. Jiyeon then walk to Myungsoo and stand beside him.

“Ah... how nice. It’s really been a long time since the last  time I go to the beach.” Said Jiyeon. Myungsoo doesn’t answer her anything make Jiyeon glare at him and pouting her lips on him.

“Jiyeon-a, let’s start making foods for our lunch.” Injung call Jiyeon from inside the villa.

“Eo, unnie.” Said Jiyeon and want to go inside the villa until suddenly, Myungsoo hold Jiyeon’s hand. Jiyeon turn her head on him and found Myungsoo face that looking so shy. His face even look red and he can’t look Jiyeon straight to her eyes.

“Don’t forget about our plan to give Seungho Hyung and Injung Noona some space.” Said Myungsoo make Jiyeon chuckled a little and smile at him.

“Eung.. I’m looking forward to it.” Said Jiyeon with her sweet smile.

“Eo..” Myungsoo then release his hand and turn his back from Jiyeon. Jiyeon still looking at him that running lightly to Seungho and Myungsoo. And suddenly, Jiyeon bulging her eyes. She’s extreamly shocked when see Myungsoo taken off his shirt and only wearing his short pants. What... what... a body...

“Jiyeon-a, what are you looking at?”

“Omo! Unnie! You startled me. Ani... I didn’t look at Myungsoo Oppa. I’m just looking at Mavin. He’s cute... It’s Mavin that is cute. Really.” Said Jiyeon that look nervous. And the second later, she realize what did she just said.

Injung laugh and cares Jiyeon’s head. “Eo... arasso... Surely it’s Mavin who’s cute, huh? Not Myungsoo.”

“No!” Jiyeon answer Injung straight away. “It’s Mavin, unnie.” Said Jiyeon and then she suddenly walk inside the villa to hide her embarrassment from Injung.

Injung then look at Seungho and Mavin for a while before she also turn around and back to the kitchen. She slowly touching her stomach and smile.

“It’s a gift for me.” Said Injung once again.


“We found her, boss.” Said one of the two guy on someone on the phone.

“So, do you know what you should do?”

They laugh together and smile on the phone. “Yes, Mr. Jung Byunghee.”


Myungsoo, Jiyeon, Mavin, and Seungho’s Eomma already in the amusement park. They planed to give Seungho and Injung some time together. And since Seungho’s Eommonie is to old for walk around, she choose to sit at the coffee shop and wait for them.

“Eomma will have some coffee at the coffee shop. You guys have a good time together, eo?” said Seungho’s mother after they arrived at the amusement park. After that, Myungsoo, Jiyeon and Mavin start to try every games on the amusement park.

“Let’s take a video! We need to show unnie and oppa about our good time together!” said Jiyeon make Mavin nodding her head excited. Myungsoo then take his bag and search for the handycam. But he doesn’t find it there.

“Ah! I forgot to bring our camera recorder! I left it on our villas.” said Myungsoo make Jiyeon and Mavin look a little dissapointed. But suddenly Myungsoo remember about his cellphone.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. We still have our cellphone. So, let’s take a picture, eo?” said Myungsoo and start to take a picture with Jiyeon and Mavin before they start playing.

They start with the attractions. Start with carousel, and then they play drunken basket, they also watch animal attractions, and many more.

This time, Mavin really want to try air train.

“Imo, Imo (aunt)! Let’s play that train!! Come on.” Said Mavin. Jiyeon then look at the air train that really high and she gulping by herself. She’s really has an issue with height.

“Imo!! Please! Samchon! Let’s play the air train. I really want to see everything from above.” Mavin then start to begging with his uncle.

“Jinjja? Are you not affraid, Mavin-a? It so high.”

“Ani. Mavinnie want to see eomma and appa from above. And then I’ll wave my hand at them.” Said Mavin with his cute and innocent face make Myungsoo laugh and finally he pick Mavin and carry him.

“Palli, Jiyeon-a.” Said Myungsoo and start to go to the train. Suddenly Jiyeon grab Myungsoo’s hand and make Myungsoo turn around to her.

“Oppa...” Jiyeon bitting her lips. “It’s to high... I think I’ll pass.” said Jiyeon and pointing the air train with her scared face. Myungsoo then bulging his eyes and the second after, he laugh so hard make Jiyeon pouting her lips.

“Are you scared?” ask Myungsoo after that, trying to hold his laugh.

“Can you not laughing that annoying? Yes, yes I am. I’m affraid of height. So, both of you just go and I’ll wait for you down here.” Said Jiyeon. Myungsoo then nodding his head and suddenly he tap Jiyeon’s head.

“Okay, okay. Wait for us here and be carefull.” Said Myungsoo make Jiyeon nodding her head. “Since your imo is scared, let’s just both of us go Mavin-a!”

“Let’s go!” said Mavin and waving his hand to Jiyeon after saying goodbye.

They finally go inside the train and waving their hand to Jiyeon. Jiyeon also waving her hand for them.

“What a beautiful family you have there, agashi.” Said the ahjumma that standing near Jiyeon.

“Ye?” ask Jiyeon confused.

“Eo. You’re beautiful, your husband is handsome, and your son is cute. It’s a gift, isn’t it?” ask her again, make Jiyeon look at Myungsoo and Mavin that still enjoying them self up there. Then Jiyeon smile for that Ahjuma and nodding her head.

“Eo... it’s my gift, ahjumma. A beautiful family.” Said Jiyeon.

“How fortunate. Keep loving each other, eo?” ask her and then leave after they exchange their bow.

“Who is she?”

“Aigoo!” Jiyeon startled because of Myungsoo’s sudden voice. “You’ve shocked me!”

“Who is she? That ahjumma.”

Suddenly Jiyeon startled and her face start to getting red. Is he listening to something? Because everything that Jiyeon and that ahjumma talked before will be a big joke for him.  

“Ah... ani. She just asking where are we from and just it. And she said that she’s from Busan.” Said Jiyeon nervous. Then she pull Mavin’s hand quickly.

“Mavin-a, let’s get some drink, eo? You must be tired. Come one. Come on Oppa.” Said Jiyeon and walk away from Myungsoo, still hiding her embarase face.

Myungsoo then chuckled to see Jiyeon and Mavin that walking in front of him. He then turn around and found that ahjumma still there, on the line of the ice cream with her daughter. She then give Myungsoo a bow after Myungsoo bowed at her.

“Thank’s for calling my family beautiful, ahjumma.” Said Myungsoo to her and that Ahjumma nodding her head.

“Eo... Have a nice family vacation, okay?”

“We will.” Myungsoo then bowing to her and continue following Jiyeon and Mavin that already on the park chair to take some rest.


Seungho smile and strech his arms out. “Having a in the day light is amazing because i can see your beautiful face more clearly. We were always done it everyday before we had Mavin, and finally we’re having it again right now! I’m happy.” Said Seungho and kiss Injung’s lips. Injung that sleeping on Seungho’s chest smile and play with Seungho’s hand that hugging her waist.



“I’m so happy today. We’re finally have time like this with Mavin and our familly. I’ll never forget this moment for ever.” Said Injung.

“Me too. I’m happy that i finally can have a good time with all of you. Especially you and Mavin.”

“Oppa,” Injung look at Seungho’s face and kiss his lips. “Thank you for everything. Thank you for being in my life and make it beautiful. And thank you for giving Mavin to me. Thank you for your love. Thank you for this happiness in my life. And thank you for us. I love you.” Said Injung make Seungho pull her face and kiss her forehead.

“You always saying thank you since last night. It’s me that need to say thank you to you. I think i’m nothing without you. You and Mavin is...”

“The most amazing things that happen to us.” Said Injung and continue Seungho’s word. Seungho smile and kiss Injung again.

“I love you, my wife.”

Injung look at Seungho’s face. “I love you, my husband. I love us even more. You, me and Mavin.” Said Injung and hug Seungho again.

Suddenly Seungho realize something.

“Injung-a, suddenly I had something in my mind that suddenly just poping like that.”


“Mavin is already four years old. How about... we really give Mavin a dongsaeng?”

Injung look startled for a second and she laugh after that. She then kiss Seungho’s lips. “Are you really sure about this? Do you think it’s not to early?”

“No. I’m really want to have a daughter. I want to have a daughter that will have your beautiful face and heart. What do you think, Injung-a?” ask Seungho. Injung then smile and nodding her head.

“Eo... just pray, okay?” said Injung and laugh to him. Suddenly Seungho turn his position and make him above Injung make Injung squeal and laugh after that.

“How about we try it right now?”

“Oppa, Mavin will come back soon. Come on, it’s enough. You also need to buy him many fireworks.”

Seungho kiss Injung’s lips and kiss her neck. “I’ll buy it later. We still have time for one more round.”

“Aish! Jinjja! Oppa!!” said Injung and continue it again... twice.


“Don’t forget to buy the firework sticks. Mavin really love it. And choose the safetiest one. Okay? Ah, you also need to buy some laterns. Everyone will light many laterns at the night of the festival. So, buy it also, okay?” ask Injung while Seungho start to using his jacket. Seungho will go out and buy fireworks for them so they can also celebrate Busan festival on the night.

“Hey, look at this, Injung-a. They even left the camera recorder here since they were so excited before.” Said Seungho when he found the camera recorder beside the car key.

“Hahaha... they’re so excited, oppa. They’re so cute. Jiyeon and Myungsoo look like Mavinnie friend, not his aunt and uncle.” Said Injung make Seungho also laugh.

“Call Myungsoo and remind him to take everyone to get back early.” Said Seungho and go inside his car.

“Okay. Be carefull. I love you so much.” Said Injung and kiss Seungho’s lips. Seungho look at Injung a little bit confused. Is it him that to easy to swayed or is it Injung that look so strange today. He just going to buy a fireworks, and she still said ‘I love you’? But Seungho just throw that mind and think that just the side effect about their amazing today.

“I love you too, yeabo. Be carefull. Call me quickly if you need something or something happen, okay?” ask Seungho and Injung want to walk inside the villas. Without Seungho realize, he can’t take his eyes from Injung until his wife already close the door. It’s like...

“Ya, Yang Seungho! Get a grip!” said Seungho and start to drive the car leaving his villas.

Seungho then start to drive his car slowly since there’s also many people and many car on the road. Suddenly, his eyes caught two man that also look at him. It’s a strange man, one with a tattoo on his hands and Seungho can’t see the other one since he hide his face on his hat. They eyes meet each other until he throw his eyes on the other direction.

Seungho look at him once again, since he walk on the same direction to his villas. Until suddenly that man walk inside the other villas near his villas. His feeling something strange again. But, he chose to forget his thought and continue to buy their fireworks.


Byunghee look at his arloji. It’s nine p.m. His man probably will call him in a minute now. And just like his thought.. his cell phone is ringing and show their name there.

“Halo,” greet Byunghee.

“It’s clear, boss.”

Byunghee suddenly stand from his seat. “Then?” ask him again full of curiousity.

“It’s clear. We’ve killed her. Clean. And...”

Byunghee stop breathing and wait the statement that they will said after.

“She’s dead.”

After that, Byunghee feel his body shaking and make him fall back to his seat before. He look at Soyeon’s photo on his desk.

“Good.” Said Byunghee after that, he then hang up the phone.

And on the next second, a message show on his phone. And when he open that message, his eyes bulging. It’s really Soyeon. And she’s.... He throw his phone until it hit the mirror and make both of it broken.

“I did.... I did it!” said Byunghee and laugh while his eyes can’t stop tearing.

Suddenly the voice mail was beeping and start to accept a message. Byunghee still laughing in his un-describe feeling until...

“Ah, Byunghee Oppa, where are you? It’s me, Soyeonie. I’m just wondering where are you today since I called you almost every hour and you never picked up. Are you that busy? Bytheway, I just want to ask you about your flight to Seoul for tomorow. Can you tell me about the schedule? So I can pick you on the airport, since I didn’t atend the Busan Festival like I told you before and tomorow I’m free. Call me as soon as you hear this message. Because I really want to see you tomorow. I miss you. I love you.”

To Be Continued

I'm Back, I'm back!!

Here's the new chapter guys!

I'm sorry for you that like Injung.

Because we need to say good bye to her this early.

But, hey, we still have our Soyeon! Kekekeke...

Don't forget to give me your comment chingu!

Subscribe and vote also my wish from you.

So, enjoy reading and love this fic even more ^^

Love, rashimaa

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murniey #1
Chapter 11: I cried so badly! So sad! Plz update soon! Can't wait for next chapters!
FeliciaLim #2
Chapter 11: Please continue writing! Cant wait!
Lee__Haneul #3
Chapter 11: I can not wait to see the reaction of SeungHo to Soyeon.. and i can see him is perplexed, reminded Injung sure ... poor SeungHo :CCC
I am very sorry not to have commented before! ;;
I love your fanfic :C <3
Please, don't forget update!
Chapter 11: Oh My God!!! I'm Crying when I read Seungho's Letter for Mavin. So touching and sweet TT.TT

Byunghee... Speecless, I cant say anything about him. hah...

Update soon!!!
I love it!
Jiyeon1234 #5
Chapter 10: I almost cried,,,this is so sad

Please update next chapter soon!!!
Lee__Haneul #6
Chapter 10: Ay ;; poor Mavin ;;; is that I almost cried ;;
sorry for not having commented before, really gives me some embarrassment because I in English (?) D:
I will try to comment more often!
update soon please! <3
KaRain #7
Chapter 10: Poor Mavin. Update soon.
Chapter 10: I'm here for you, Ratu! ^_^
Oh, I'm frustrated because I want to see their reaction when they meet. Mavinnieeee.... I can feel the pain of that little boy when he found a woman who look like his dead Mom T.T
Update soon! always waiting for this Fict <3
Chapter 8: I'm Crying!!!! TT.TT
I can feel their pain.... when Mavin sang that lullaby Song! O My God!!! Why Injung dying like this? >_<
update soon, Ratu!
thank you for make a great Fic :)
Chapter 7: Oh My God!!!! NOOOOOO!!! Feel so bad to Injung. She cant die like this. How about Mavin? How about Seungho? T.T
Wait for the next Chap, Ratu!