
Dara's XOXO
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{a/n} I don't know if you guys noticed but sometimes I have a chapter hidden. kkk~ I forgot to tell that I changed my username. :-) If you want to find me anywhere (twitter, tumblr, etc), that's my id. 


Three weeks. Three weeks ever since Baekhyun lashed out on him. Twenty-three days since he danced with Dara. And five hundred fifty two hours since his mind has been clogged up with this surreal idea that the boys were trying to put him up.

"They say that sometimes you fall for a person without even realizing it." Luhan suddenly blurts out as he ate pieces of nuts; the sound of his teeth crunching on the hard snack was the only thing that could be heard. They were in their shared room, and Luhan has been eyeing the leader for quite some time now.

"You know what? I don't even know. I don't like her that way, okay?" Kris defends, but the older guy doesn't buy it.

"Hey, why don't you ju--"

"Luhan, I don't like her, okay! I don't have feelings for her. I don't see her as how Chanyeol sees her. That night, it just felt so right that I danced with her, and I didn't think it was a big deal because we're friends but everyone seems to push me towards Dara." Kris says in a mix of Chinese and Hangul.

"And it has left me frustrated this past three weeks." Kris ends, letting his fingers glide through his hair.

Luhan keeps quiet as he observed the guy, he pities Kris; he got caught up with the tangled web, while the duizhang was still confused all by himself. He still had to realize what he truly feels, and though Luhan didn't want to get involved in such mess, he does, because he cares for not only Kris, but Chanyeol as well.

Luhan knows that Chanyeol has forgiven Kris of the sudden fight they had the other day, but there was still that awkward tension that lingered to both parties to the point that Dara's name has suddenly become taboo in the dorms.

"That day, after the party, you got punched by Chanyeol." Luhan changes the topic. Kris sighs, not minding to answer him.

"He was mad, yet the moment his fist landed on you, he regretted it. Kris, we all know how you mean to Chanyeol, he's your right hand man." Kris agrees, although he didn’t want to admit it vocally, to Kris, Chanyeol was different from all the other EXO members.

"But would you really avoid her if Chanyeol asked you to?" Luhan's gaze travelled to Kris' lip, it was healed yet a small scar was still left.

Kris doesn't answer. He honestly doesn't know if he could avoid Dara. Those words he spat were said because he wanted to do everything to save his and Chanyeol's friendship.

"If he'd ask you again today, could you stay away?" Luhan asks again.

"I.. Honestly I don't know." Kris shakes his head.

Luhan leaves the room, thinking that he should give all the time that the leader needs to pick up his thoughts.

And as the door closes, Kris buries his face to his hands. These past three weeks, he had avoided Dara, not answering her messages and calls unlike before. Kris' relationship with Chanyeol has already patched up; they were back to how they were before, for as long as she doesn't get brought up.

And Kris is thankful for that, because Chanyeol means too much to him to let their relationship come to waste just because of a girl. Kris decides to come out of their room, and started walking to Chanyeol and Baekhyun's room in search of the other giant, as he opens the door, both pairs look at him curiously.

"Hey Chanyeol. Can I ask you something?" He says.

"What is it?" Chanyeol curiously asks.

"Could I meet up with Dara?" Kris suddenly asks. Tension suddenly fills up the room. Chanyeol takes time to answer back, until he shrugs, "Why are you telling me that, you could always meet up with her. It's not like I'm preventing you." Chanyeol grins, as if it was the easiest question thrown to him.

Baekhyun glares at Chanyeol, as if telling him that's the worse thing he said that day, and Kris doesn’t leave that unnoticed. He knew Baekhyun was worrying about his best friend, and Kris tries to assure Baekhyun with his eyes that he wouldn’t do anything wrong, but Baekhyun looks away.

Hearing Chanyeol's go signal, Kris thanked him and went back to his room, finally getting to message Dara of wanting to meet up the next day.


Today finally came. Dara had told Kris that she would be meeting her to anywhere Kris wanted to go, and he settled with a private Billiard hall. Dara was against the idea, because she never knew how to play billiards, probably scared that she would embarrass herself if she played. But Kris insisted, telling her that he personally knew the owner and it had a café with it. Eventually, Dara had no choice but to say yes.


Kris was on his way to the billiard hall, texting his friend Kevin, that he’s nearing the shop. Kevin replies immediately telling him that there’s a white Rover waiting in front of his shop for thirty minutes now. Kris panics, immediately pressing call on his phone, and it gets answered after one and a half rings.

“Yah! Why didn’t you tell me immediately?!” Kris groans through the phone.

“What? Why?”

“The one at the car is Dara-ssi. And you.. you made her wait 30 minutes.” Kris grumpily says.

“Why are you blaming me? You’re the one late for your date! And who in the right mind would meet up on a billiard hall?! Are you crazy? This isn’t the perfect place for a date!” Kevin laughs.

“One, this isn’t a date. Two, we’re meeting in your billiard hall because you do remember one time I promised you that I’d bring an idol to your place, right? And three, we aren’t supposed to meet until four.” Kris looks at his watch, three thirty.

Kris knows Kevin was mocking him on the other line, until he finally says, “Just come faster.” And turns the call off.

Kris messages Dara, telling her that she should enter the hall; anyway, no one would be around at such an hour. He still had thirty more minutes until he comes to see her.

Dara fidgets as she read the message of Kris, she doesn’t have an idea for the sudden contact after three whole weeks of being ignored (by everyone, Dara exaggerates), but as soon as she got Kris’ message of wanting to meet up, she cancelled all her plans just to be free on that day. And as excited as she was, she became an hour early for their meeting.

Thirty minutes left when Kris messaged her that he should enter the shop, and awkwardly, Dara does. She has no idea how Billiards work since Jiyong prohibits her from doing such sports. The dragon says that it doesn’t suit her style.

But she was now standing in front of the shop that says, “Kevin’s Bill Hall” in English. She breathes a sigh before she enters. No one was around, but she moves towards the counter. Seeing a bell, she presses on it, and a guy springs out from God knows where, shocking every bit of Dara.

“Hi! Welcome to Kevin’s B Hall!” The guy chirpily says, and Dara gets reminded of a certain someone.

“Hi.” Dara meekly smiles.

“Are you going to play today?” Kevin asks.

“Ah—No, I’m just waiting for my friend.” Dara smiles at the guy, reading his nameplate.

“Alright, you could just sit on the couch while you wait for him. I’m going to hook you up with my grandma’s amazing lemonade, okay?”

“No, you don’t have to. Thank you very much.” She says.

“But I insist.” Kevin says, and then he disappears to what Dara thinks as the kitchen.

A few moments after, the door chimes, signaling coming of a customer. Kris was panting as he tried to catch his breath.

“Sorry I’m late.” He says in breaths.

Dara stands up from the couch and moves towards Kris, “Are you okay?” She worriedly asks.

“Yes, I am. Thanks. I—“ He breathes. “I ran all the way here as soon as I heard you already arrived.”

Dara blushes, “You didn’t have to! Aigoo, it was fine to wait.”

“But in my book, you can never let a lady wait, Dara-ssi.” He says with formality.

And as if it was always the perfect timing, Kevin decides to come out of the kitchen. “Dara-ssi, here’s your—“ barely stops when he finds out Dara was not on the couch. He sees her standing close to Kris, who just arrived.

“Oh, Yi Fan! You’ve finally arrived!” Kevin leaves the glass of lemonade on the table as he runs to his friend, crushing him into a b

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Chapter 43: Awww i wasnt into chandara the time you wrote this but im glad this story exist. I could myself with daraexo moments even if it's just a fanfic. Stay safe!
abikpoplover #2
Chapter 2: Re-reading this again. Thank you so much for this story. Never gets Old.
Fr0zenMus1c #3
Chapter 43: I absolutely ADORE this story ❤️❤️❤️ Thanks, authornim! I wish there’s another sequel. Please write more Chandara idolverse stories. Kamsahamnida ^_^
Fr0zenMus1c #4
Chapter 31: Omigod. You know, I thought I was over this ship especially after 2ne1 got disbanded and there weren’t any 2nexo interactions anymore. And then Yeollie got shipped with other girls, but this fic reminded me of why I wanted these two to end up together. I can only imagine how they both are in real life but in my delusional fan mind, they fit despite the .
ohkieth #5
chandaraaaaaa!!! im inlove with this ship
eyannehy #6
Chapter 43: Very cute Chandara Story. :)
abikpoplover #7
Thank you for this lovely story.
Chapter 18: i was reading the chapters of this while listening to my shuffled playlist. suddenly the GROWL song went busting on my earphones while reading this chapter. okay that was kind of ironic and higlhly coincidental haha
kolmilyo #9
first it was YunJae that i shipped
then came JongKey.
and in my twenties, i'm shipping ChanDara.

time flies when one is having so much shipping. ...

love this story.
galaxy_jess21 #10
Chapter 40: maybe this is the reason why my Kris left? xD hahaha xD so happy for my Kris' twin & to my unnie