
Suppressed Feelings

They walked side by side on the road back to school. Silence made the atmosphere around the two girls slightly awkward. Once again, Taeyeon could feel Tiffany looking at her, as if she was waiting for her to say something.

Suddenly she felt a bump on her arm. ''Why are you so quiet, Tae?''

Taeyeon looked at Tiffany and laughed a little.

''I'm just tired, that's all''

Taeyeon was pretty sure that Tiffany knew she was lying, even though they didn't speak about the reasons why Taeyeon acted cold towards the girl, it was obvious. Taeyeon knew that she knew, but they just chose not to talk about it.

''You want some?'' Taeyeon offered her the jelly beans she was eating. Tiffany smiled and stuffed her hand inside the bag and took a handful.

''Thanks'' she said and popped a few in . Taeyeon returned the smile and noticed that they had almost arrived back to school. She wanted to spend more time with Tiffany like this, just the two of them. They didn't necessarily have to talk about anything, just feeling Tiffany's presence was enough.

She thought that maybe this was a good time to ask Tiffany what happened to their friendship but she missed the chance when a group of girls approached them.

''Hey Tiff!'' one of the girls greeted her.

''Hi!'' Tiffany smiled at them. ''Me and Tae are going back in, where are you going?''

The girls eyed Taeyeon, making her feel uncomfortable. ''To the store''

Tiffany nodded and then wrapped her arm around Taeyeon's. ''See you at biology class then!''

The uncomfortable feeling Taeyeon had now increased a thousand times more. She didn't know if it was the good kind of uncomfortable or the other way around.

Oh my God.

Tiffany dragged Taeyeon inside the building and then lead her to where the tables were at. Tiffany dropped her bag on the table and Taeyeon followed the girls actions.

They took their seats so that they would be facing each other. Taeyeon rested her head on the table on top of her arm and let out a deep sigh. She could see how Tiffany was doing something with her phone, smiling now and then or giggling a little bit.

Taeyeon closed her eyes and tried to ignore the giggles Tiffany let out.

''Hey Tae, are you sleeping?'' Tiffany asked and gently tapped Taeyeon's head.

''Mmmm'' Taeyeon mumbled.

''What class do you have next?''

''Maths'' Taeyeon replied monotonously.

''Remember when you tried to teach me maths?'' Tiffany asked and chuckled.

Yes, she did remember. And it brought a smile on her face. Tiffany definitely was not good at maths and teaching her was a pain in the . But now that she thought of that time, it was something she surprisingly missed.

''Yeah...I remember'' Taeyeon replied after a while, sighing as she continued to reminisce.

''Alright you nerdy nerd, not everyone is good at maths like you are'' Tiffany said and shot a glare at Taeyeon, who was now peeking at her through her fringe.

''Right...'' Taeyeon said with a chuckle.

Tiffany just smiled at her and leaned her chin against her palm. Taeyeon made the mistake and looked into her eyes, and was unable to look away after that.

She held the eye contact, just staring deeply at Taeyeon. She wasn't sure, but it seemed that Tiffany was trying not to smile. The small tugs on the corner of her lips and the lip bites indicated that she was holding the smile back.

It made Taeyeon's stomach flip and turn, her heart started to beat faster as every second passed. Taeyeon didn't understand why did Tiffany look at her that way, but it was doing things to her.

She was definitely under her spell right at that moment.

The intense eye contact remained for a good minute when the bell started to ring. Taeyeon raised her head and stretched her arms all the way above her head. She let out one of those dinosaur sounds, which made Tiffany chuckle at her.

''Be glad no one else heard that'' Tiffany said and grabbed her bag before standing up.

''See you around~'' she said with a smile and did a quick wave at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon could only watch the girl walk away to where her new friends were at and it made her feel sad deep in her heart. She felt like she was someone that Tiffany hung out if she was alone.

Just someone.




They didn't talk at all after that day.

They passed by each other in the hallways, not saying a word to each other.

Taeyeon still avoiding to look into her eyes. She tried her best to avoid her in class too, only spoke when she had to. She guessed that Tiffany picked up on that pretty quickly and stopped staring at her.

Taeyeon decided not to be bothered by it anymore. She was slowly accepting the fact that their friendship had hit the rocks and sunken deep into the ocean. It just wasn't the same anymore.

But she never felt hate towards Tiffany, instead she missed her even more. Taeyeon was just too stubborn to admit it directly to Tiffany.

It started to get complicated when one night she woke up and remembered she had a dream about Tiffany. And it wasn't exactly a friendly kind of dream.

Soon, those dreams kept on coming almost daily and Taeyeon found herself thinking about Tiffany a lot more than before. She re-lived the moments when she was with Tiffany in her head probably a thousand times.

Sometimes she even made up her own scenarios in her head but stopped whenever it started to lead to something abnormal.

Taeyeon felt wrong about it, even a little bit ashamed to have those kind of thoughts of Tiffany. While living in confusion, Taeyeon began to distract herself with school work.

However despite all her tries, she just couldn't simply get the girl out of her mind.


Taeyeon heard about some girls night out her classmates had planned. They invited Taeyeon and she thought why not, maybe she'll end up having fun.

Taeyeon and three other girls agreed to meet up in a restaurant in the town so they could decide where to go next. They all waited by the table and checking the menu list.

''Oh, Tiffany just texted saying she'll be here in five'' one of them suddenly said, startling Taeyeon.

What the hell? Tiffany's coming too?!

Taeyeon clenched her jaw and eyed the menu angrily. She agreed to the night out so she could get Tiffany off her mind, not make her stay in there longer.

The girls chatted happily and laughed at whatever, when they heard the chirpy girls voice.


Everyone, including Taeyeon, turned to look at Tiffany who decided to sit down next to Taeyeon. She panted and fixed her hair before showing a smile at everyone.

''Sorry I'm late, the traffic was driving me nuts!'' Tiffany said and rolled her eyes. The girls laughed except Taeyeon, who was still shocked to find Tiffany there.

''Hello Tae'' she said quietly and nudged Taeyeon's arm.

''Hi'' Taeyeon replied in the same quiet tone and showed a quick smile at the girl.

Taeyeon barely said anything during the whole time they ate and only observed the girls. For some reason she felt like this was the first time she met Tiffany, hence the awkwardness and all.

''Alright, let's go to that club on the opposite street!''

They agreed to the suggestion and started to get ready to go. Taeyeon didn't have a good feeling about going to the bar, especially when she knew they would start drinking.


''Oooh! One tequila shot!'' Tiffany ordered from the bartender. Taeyeon eyed the excited girl and then looked at her other friends who were dancing to the music.

Tiffany sang along and playfully shook her now and then. It made Taeyeon very happy that there wasn't so many people in the club or she would have to worry about Tiffany getting surrounded by drunk guys.

Taeyeon watched how Tiffany gulped down shots of alcohol and slowly getting into a drunk state where she was slightly wobbly with her legs. She tried to order Taeyeon something but she decided it would be best if she only drank mild alcohol beverages so she could keep an eye on Tiffany and the others.

As the night progressed, Taeyeon felt drowsy and very bored but somewhat intrigued to watch Tiffany dance. Even though she was a little tipsy, she could pull off really nice moves.

Stop looking at her Taeyeon, just stop.

Taeyeon turned around in her stool and started to play with the straw in her cola. The music blasted in her head as she tried to escape her thoughts about Tiffany.

Everything she had planned for was ruined because of Tiffany. She wanted to get rid of those mixed feelings and those images she kept having but now it felt like an impossible thing to do.

She felt someone bump to her back and a hand on her shoulder. Tiffany seated on the barstool and smiled at Taeyeon. It was one of those tired smiles, but Taeyeon found it incredibly cute.

Tiffany let out a sigh and ran her hand through her hair. ''Do you know what time is it?''

Taeyeon looked at her and shook her head.

''Hey, what time is it!'' Tiffany then yelled at the bartender.

''Umm, around eleven thirty!'' he yelled back.

Taeyeon was surprised that it was that late already.

''Thanks'' Tiffany said.

''I'll go tell the others...'' Taeyeon said aftering gulping down the remains of her drink. Tiffany was about to stop her, but it was too late when Taeyeon was already making her way to her dancing friends.

''Hey guys, it's already past eleven thirty'' Taeyeon said.

''Oh shoot!'' one of them squaled. ''I need to be on my way home already!''

''Me too...but what about Tiff?'' the other girl asked.

Taeyeon shrugged and scratched her head. ''I think she will get a ride back home''

''Ok. You coming with us Tae?''

Taeyeon opened to answer when Tiffany interrupted them.

''She's coming with me'' she said and smiled at Taeyeon. ''Right, Tae?''

''Uhhh...'' Taeyeon was speechless. ''Sure''

The girls looked at each other but then nodded.

They said their final goodbyes outside before Taeyeon and Tiffany was left alone on the street. They both stayed quiet for some time as Taeyeon tried to find something to say.

''Come on'' Tiffany said and started to walk. Taeyeon caught up with her until they were walking side by side on the dark street. The cold breeze felt amazingly good on her face after being in that club where the air quality was definitely not the best kind.

''I booked a hotel room for me for the night...since I was drinking'' Tiffany suddenly said, breaking the silence.

''Oh?'' Taeyeon raised her brows.

''Yeah...'' she replied.

''Then how am I going to get home?'' Taeyeon wondered out loud.

''I can pay for your cab'' Tiffany suggested. Taeyeon sighed and rolled her eyes.

''No...I won't let you do that''

''Why not?'' Tiffany asked and stopped in her tracks. ''It's really not a problem. I just want you to get home safely''

After saying that, Tiffany continued to walk but in a faster pace. Taeyeon had no choice but to keep shut and follow Tiffany.

''Just walk with me to the hotel and I'll call the cab for you''

''Fine'' Taeyeon finally agreed.


Once they arrived at the hotel, Tiffany signed in and asked Taeyeon to come and wait in the room until the cab would arrive.

''Looks like it's busy tonight since all the cabs are taken'' Tiffany stated as she took off her high heels and threw them on the floor.

''Yeah'' Taeyeon said and walked deeper into the room.

''You can sit down, you know'' Tiffany laughed when she noticed Taeyeon standing in front of the bed Tiffany was sprawled on. She plopped down on the other bed and took a good look around the room.

Everything was simple, nothing too fancy or anything. She couldn't help but wonder why did Tiffany book a room with two beds if she was going to stay alone.

''So why did you book a room for two?'' Taeyeon asked.

''Oh. When I stay alone, I usually push the two beds together so I have more space to sleep in'' she explained. ''I know it's stupid when I can get a room with a king size bed but these are the rooms that won't charge extra for stupid unnecessary crap those other rooms have''

Taeyeon nodded and decided to lay down on the bed. She stared at the ceiling and closed her eyes for a moment.


She heard Tiffany's soft voice and it was so dangerously close to melting her heart.


''Can you stay here?'' Tiffany asked. Taeyeon opened her eyes and faced the girl who was laying sideways on the other bed.

''But my cab—''

''Please?'' Tiffany pleaded. ''It's just that I get scared to be able to fall asleep when I'm completely alone...especially right now. For some reason''

Taeyeon gulped. She definitely did not see this coming.

''I don't even have my pajamas or anything'' Taeyeon reasoned.

''And so? We're girls, just sleep in your underwear'' Tiffany said and laid back down.

Taeyeon silently sighed and cursed Tiffany in her mind for luring her to come to the hotel with her.


Taeyeon ended up cancelling the cab and waited for Tiffany to finish taking a shower. She had already undressed the blouse and the jeans she wore and hid under the covers only in her top and underwear.

Her eyelids felt heavy and she was falling in and out of sleep waiting for the girl. She didn't even know why was she waiting, but she felt like she needed to.

She heard the door open and Tiffany's footsteps on the floor. ''Are you sleeping yet?''

''Mmmm yeah almost'' Taeyeon mumbled. She peeked out of the covers and saw Tiffany smiling at her.

''Sleepy head'' Tiffany said and smacked Taeyeon with the towel that she used to dry her wet hair.

Taeyeon ignored her and turned around so that her back was facing Tiffany.

''Goodnight...'' Taeyeon managed to say.

''Goodnight Tae'' she heard Tiffany whisper to her before she fell asleep.





Taeyeon swatted the hand that was on her shoulder.


''Unghhh...what!'' Taeyeon answered groggily. She turned around and saw Tiffany looking down at her once her own eyes adjusted to the darkness.

''Tae...I'm really really cold...can I come sleep next to you?'' Tiffany asked.

Taeyeon blinked until she realized what the girl had just asked.

''Sure'' she blurted out.

It was like an unknown force that had answered the question for Taeyeon, but it made Tiffany smile widely. She climbed up on the bed and set her own pillow next to Taeyeon's.

Taeyeon automatically lifted up the covers to let Tiffany in. Their legs touched and it made Taeyeon's heart thump loudly in her chest. She was completely awake by then and felt that Tiffany's feet were almost ice cold.

''Ahhh...it's so warm here'' Tiffany sighed and scooted closer to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon was hundred percent sure she was about to have a right at that moment.

Tiffany's legs tangled in between her legs, her arm wrapping around her body and her face just a few inches away from her own.

It drove Taeyeon crazy.

Her legs were so smooth and smelling the vanilla perfume that close was intoxicating. So she laid there, eyes wide open as she stared at the red haired girl who had her eyes closed.

''Are you uncomfortable?'' Tiffany suddenly asked.

Taeyeon swallowed hard. ''No''


''Then sleep'' Tiffany replied and opened her eyes. Her dark orbs pore right into Taeyeon's shock filled eyes and they were once again staring at each other.

Taeyeon found it very difficult to avoid that gaze Tiffany was giving her. It was so captivating, it was almost as if she was trying to tell Taeyeon something.

Tiffany raised her hand off from Taeyeon's waist to sweep the hair to the side so she could see Taeyeon's eyes better. She then eyesmiled and placed the hand back where it was.

''Goodnight Taeyeon'' Tiffany whispered, giving Taeyeon goosebumps all over her body.



Welcome new subscribers / readers, hope you enjoy this update :D

I know there are silent readers so please, I would appreciate it alot if you commented as well =) and not just a simple 'update soon' -__-

Anyways, if you want you can check out my other stories as well!

Thank you for the vote as well, I really appreciate it too :D


Until next time...

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Chapter 4: That was so sad. :( They were both suppressing their feelings for each other, and both did not know that somehow, the feeling was mutual.
I do not like sad endings, but this is so good! And I'm glad there's a sequel!
taejellybean #2
I think I have dedicated this particular day to reread my favorite stories of yours :)
Jetplane19 #3
Chapter 4: I would flip if there is no sequel in this..Good thing you made a sequel for this hahaha
Chapter 6: Thank you for writing this. Somehow, I can relate to it. It's like I understand how taeyeon felt, and I'm glad I found this story. I'm gonna read the sequel now. :D
Sone_Poh #5
Awesome! I cried. It was so well written. Hehe can't wait to read the sequel too.
tipco09 #6
Chapter 5: This is so heart wrenching but so beautifully written. I will read the sequel now. I hope they can be finally together in the future.
Arkhora-wang #7
Chapter 6: This story, the portrayal of feeling is awesome :D
xxyytny #8
Chapter 4: I really liked how u describe their feelings in this fic. The pain of loving someone so much but the fact that the two will not be together here. The pain of seperation really breaks my heart too. Thanks for writing this fic with all the right emotions n I really enjoyed reading it. Will read the sequel soon!