
Suppressed Feelings

Taeyeon sat on the porch and stared at the direction where Tiffany's house was at. For the past days she only saw her dads car pass by but there was no sign of Tiffany.

She didn't know why was she suddenly feeling so miserable, maybe because they never had the chance to say goodbye properly? Tiffany probably didn't even care, so why did Taeyeon care so much?

She saw their car pass by her house again and her eyes followed it until the car turned around the corner. She let out a evident sigh and rubbed her face with her hands.

Taeyeon kept on repeating the events in her mind, over and over again. She was so sure she had developed strong feelings towards Tiffany, and now she was going to leave to the States to be with someone else. She had no choice but to force herself to get rid of those emotions.

From the genuine smiles and the glow she had around her, Taeyeon knew Tiffany was happy and that's all she wanted for her. Tiffany was finally going to reach that dream she had.

And for Taeyeon?

She was lost.

She had no such dreams, her only goal was to study at the university and then go on from there. She could see herself getting married and have children but she hardly believed she would ever find a man. Not anyone had interested her at school or anywhere, unlike Tiffany did.

It still felt wrong to Taeyeon but she stopped trying to ignore it any longer. The guilt subsided pretty quickly with sadness, which definitely wasn't making her feel any better.

She wondered how did she survive a whole month feeling like that. It killed her to know that she didn't know if Tiffany had already left, but assuming she hadn't seen the girl anywhere, she knew Tiffany had gone away.

She was only curious about what was going on with Tiffany's life now that she was engaged. Taeyeon couldn't believe that Tiffany would have gotten engaged that quickly though, she wasn't even past twenty years yet.



''He's so cute, right?'' Tiffany asked as she held her phone in front of Taeyeon's face. Taeyeon leaned her head backwards a little and saw the man Tiffany had been talking about non stop.

''Aww...'' Taeyeon said playfully and wiggled her eyebrows at the flustered girl.

''Stop it!'' Tiffany smacked her shoulder and put her phone away. Taeyeon couldn't help but laugh at Tiffany's reaction when she knew how much Tiffany hated to get teased.

They were in computer class and no one really paid any attention to them so they were able to talk.

''I was really surprised that daddy approved him'' Tiffany said and continued to do the assignment on the computer.

''He seems to be a good guy''

''He is...He's sweet and he has good manners'' Tiffany smiled to herself. Taeyeon found herself staring at Tiffany and examining her features.

''That's good then'' Taeyeon said and turned her gaze backt to the computer screen. Tiffany let out a sigh and leaned her head on Taeyeon's shoulder.

''I can't wait to move there Tae...''



The guy seemed to be the source of Tiffany's joy now and Taeyeon started to think that maybe all this was just her being curious. In her opinion, Tiffany deserved all the happiness in the world and even more.

Maybe it was just a phase for Taeyeon, and she would get over it in time.




Taeyeon slowly walked to the nearest grocery store in their neighborhood to buy food. The way she acted on the outside didn't let anyone know how numb she really felt on the inside. She knew she had to go through everything alone because she had no one to tell about her feelings, no one that would have understood her.

She filled the cart with the stuff her mother had listed on a piece of paper. She didn't even bother to look at the people, seeing the smiles and hearing laughters made her feel even worse.

That was the thing, now that she felt miserable, everyone else around her seemed to be so happy. She felt like she was being punished by God for her feelings towards Tiffany.

Maybe I deserve this...

She rolled up on the aisle to get the noodles. She stopped and looked up.

''Aish...really...'' she said quietly to herself. All of the noodle packs were put all the way up to the highest shelf. Taeyeon cursed the person whoever decided to do this stupid arrangment and closed her eyes to take a deep breath before she tiptoed and tried to reach her hand to get the packs.

Even though she tried and tried, she still couldn't reach to them. Suddenly, a hand reached up and took the pack of noodles for her.

Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows in curiousity and turned to look at whoever the person was.

''Still can't reach for the highest shelf, huh?'' they said smirking.

Taeyeon's eyes widened as she stared at the red haired girl.

''Here'' Tiffany said and handed the noodles to her. Taeyeon took it and kept staring at the girl. Realizing how much she had missed seeing her face, she felt her heartbeat increasing and the butterflies in her stomach.

Tiffany's beauty had blown her away once again.

''What's with the face, Tae?'' Tiffany asked. She kept the smuggy smile on her face, feeling amused because of Taeyeon's shocked expression.

''I—I thought you had moved away already'' Taeyeon stuttered.

''I came back home to get the rest of my stuff and I'll fly back to the States tomorrow morning'' Tiffany explained and fiddled with her own fingers.

''Oh...'' Taeyeon said. ''You sure know how to sneak up on people''

Tiffany snorted and began to laugh. ''Sorry~ I guess that's my special ability''

Taeyeon rolled her eyes and chuckled. She turned around and dropped the noodles in her cart. She took another deep breath and faced Tiffany again.

''How have you been?'' Tiffany asked.


''I've been good'' Taeyeon replied. ''You?''

''Oh, me too. Just really busy'' Tiffany said and shook her head. ''Moving to another country is not easy''

''I can only imagine..'' Taeyeon said.

The awkwardness returned along with the silence and all that Taeyeon wanted to do was escape.

''Well, I gotta get some milk and a chocolate bar for myself'' Tiffany broke the silence.

Taeyeon nodded and watched how Tiffany quickly ran away.

She placed her hand over her chest and felt how her heart was pounding. Tiffany was right, she had the special ability of unexpectedly sneaking up on people, especially on her.

She hadn't expected to see Tiffany again, yet there she was.

The way Tiffany looked like was making Taeyeon's knees weak. She was like something out of a beauty magazine. Tiffany's skin was more tanned and she looked super happy.

Taeyeon started to push the cart while checking the grocery list she had, just to make sure she got everything. She saw Tiffany approaching her with a smile on her face.

''So, let's walk home together?'' Tiffany suggested.

''Okay'' Taeyeon said and nodded.



''So, Tae'' Tiffany said and munched on the chocolate. ''What will you do after the summer break?''

Taeyeon looked at her. ''Study in the university...maybe get a job''

''Oh? Yeah, I remember you told me you wanted to study there''

''Yup'' Taeyeon replied.

They walked extra slowly and Taeyeon was happy about that. She wanted to extend the time she had left with Tiffany before she would disappear again. The wind made Tiffany's hair fly all over the place and at the same time her delicious scent reached Taeyeon's sense of smell.

''I feel bad that we didn't get to talk at the graduation'' Tiffany confessed.

''Oh yeah...well, it's no problem'' Taeyeon tried to convince her. She shot a glare at Taeyeon and shook her head.

''Are you going to study in the States?'' Taeyeon then asked.

Tiffany nodded. ''Yeah. I don't really have any other choice''


''It's what my parents want me to do'' Tiffany replied and popped the last piece of chocolate in .

''Oh...'' Taeyeon said quietly while nodding. ''I see''

''Mhmm. You know, it's like an obligation and I don't want to let them down'' she explained.

Taeyeon understood what she meant. She knew Tiffany didn't exactly enjoy studying but she did it because that's what her parents expected her to do.

''Do you think you will live more freely in the States?''

Tiffany seemed to think about her answer for a while. ''I guess...but I still have my obligations as a wife later on''

Taeyeon saw how Tiffany's eyes reflected a hint of sadness and perhaps a little hesitation but as always, Tiffany hid it quickly by giving Taeyeon a big smile.

''Well...I better get an invitation to your wedding, Fany'' Taeyeon said and playfully nudged her shoulder against Tiffany's.

''Would you really come?'' Tiffany asked, in a serious tone.

''Yeah, I would'' Taeyeon replied truthfully. A smile crept on Tiffany's lips and she suddenly stopped walking. As Taeyeon realized they had walked to the park on the opposite street of Taeyeon's house, Tiffany started to pull her into the kids playhouse by the slide.

''Yah..'' Taeyeon complained and set the grocery bags on the sandy ground. The playhouse was tiny and unlike Taeyeon, Tiffany's head almost touched the roof. She heard the girl take a deep breath before she turned around.

The same saddened expression was visible on her face.

''I've told you this before but I'm really going to miss you'' Tiffany said and let out a deep sigh.

''Yeah...'' Taeyeon looked down. ''Me too''

''I miss those times we hung out, Tae. I really miss that'' 

Taeyeon noticed how serious the conversation had turned in just seconds. She didn't like the tone Tiffany had, it sounded guilty and sad. The way Tiffany once again looked at her was making her insides turn.

''Tae...'' Tiffany said quietly. ''I'm sorry'' 

Taeyeon raised her brows questioningly. ''For what?''

Tiffany sighed and ran a hand through her hair. ''You know what''

''No I don't'' Taeyeon replied. She could see that Tiffany's eyes were slightly glistening and she could only wonder what was the reason behind her sudden mood change.

''About what happened Taeyeon...'' Tiffany said and bit her bottom lip.


Tiffany grabbed Taeyeon's cheeks and crashed her lips onto hers.

Taeyeon's eyes were wide open, staring at the red haired girl whose eyes were tightly closed. Taeyeon could see the tears slowly rolling down Tiffany's blushed cheeks, as the grip on her own poor cheeks tightened.

Taeyeon could feel her cheeks redden because of this intimate moment. The warm hands on her cheeks combined with Tiffany's warm and soft lips made her feel like she was on cloud nine.

She couldn't believe that Tiffany was now kissing her.

It felt so amazing.

It sent millions of little shockwaves all over Taeyeon's body, and she became paralyzed. Her lips were soft, the way they molded between Taeyeon's lips made her heart beat like crazy, like it just had been revived.

Taeyeon's hands balled into fists on her sides, she tried so hard to fight the urge to grab Tiffany and kiss her back, but she couldn't find the strength to do it.

Tiffany pulled away and looked at Taeyeon with teary eyes, her lips quivering and her brows furrowed as she tried to hold the tears back. She kept her hands on her cheeks, her thumbs caressing the skin when she took a deep breath.

''This is why I had to separate myself from you...'' Tiffany whispered and gently touched Taeyeon's lips with her index finger. She now understood why Tiffany was sad. The kiss explained everything better than words ever could.

After that, Tiffany let go and quickly dashed past Taeyeon. Taeyeon's expression stayed shocked, her heart still pounding in her chest and her brain trying to register what just had happened.

She kissed me...

Taeyeon her lips and she was able to taste the strawberry lipgloss Tiffany wore. She snapped out of her thoughts and stepped out of the playhouse. She saw Tiffany running up ahead from a distance before she disappeared in her own house.

Her fingers came in contact with her lips and she replayed the kiss many times in her head before her own tears finally broke loose, now fully understanding...that she was probably never going to see Tiffany again.




So dramatic, right? XD

Okay im just kidding .__.

Umm...yeah, this is it. The end of this fanfic...

I want to thank everyone who upvoted and subscribed and commented...it really means alot to me

And thanks for giving this a chance even though it was my first time writing TaeNy~

Even though this didn't have the happy ending most of the stories have, I truly hope you guys enjoyed it =)

Feel free to comment guys and upvote! :D

Thank you for reading~~


p.s. The chapter image credit goes to whoever made it...



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Guys, check out the sequel!


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Chapter 4: That was so sad. :( They were both suppressing their feelings for each other, and both did not know that somehow, the feeling was mutual.
I do not like sad endings, but this is so good! And I'm glad there's a sequel!
taejellybean #2
I think I have dedicated this particular day to reread my favorite stories of yours :)
Jetplane19 #3
Chapter 4: I would flip if there is no sequel in this..Good thing you made a sequel for this hahaha
Chapter 6: Thank you for writing this. Somehow, I can relate to it. It's like I understand how taeyeon felt, and I'm glad I found this story. I'm gonna read the sequel now. :D
Sone_Poh #5
Awesome! I cried. It was so well written. Hehe can't wait to read the sequel too.
tipco09 #6
Chapter 5: This is so heart wrenching but so beautifully written. I will read the sequel now. I hope they can be finally together in the future.
Arkhora-wang #7
Chapter 6: This story, the portrayal of feeling is awesome :D
xxyytny #8
Chapter 4: I really liked how u describe their feelings in this fic. The pain of loving someone so much but the fact that the two will not be together here. The pain of seperation really breaks my heart too. Thanks for writing this fic with all the right emotions n I really enjoyed reading it. Will read the sequel soon!