
Run Away
Sena walked back and forth in her room impatiently, she placed her phone on her ear and heard a lady voice said that the number she called out of reach. She groan in annoyance and threw the phone to the bed. She sit at the couch in her room, pulled her legs and wrapped her arm around it. She bit her fingernail and her mind seemed like couldn’t work properly after a full of embarassment dinner tonight.
It’s not good. Seriously...
She was shocked when she saw that eyes again. She frightened from the fact that she wasn’t only met him again, but that guy sat before her parents, before her sister. The only thing she cared was that guy being her sister fiancee. The guy that her sister complimented so much of being polite and well mannered in front of a woman.
Sena let out a heavy sigh, she knew exactly that guy, that Jung Daehyun, wasn’t good at all. He just a player who could easily spent one of his night with random girl. Sena shut her eyes tightly.
And i was dumb enough to be one of that random girl.
She cursed herself inwardly, she never things would become complicated like this. She couldn't imagine that her sister going to engaged, worst probably going to marry, him. She knew Yeonhee too well, she was always being a good kid, always being her parents pride, always being a good sister for Sena. She always good in everything. Always tried her best to pleas everyone. What she had done wrong for deserve Jung Daehyun as her fiancee?
During the awkward (that was Sena felt) dinner she could see how Yeonhee was attracted to Daehyun, she could take her eyes off the handsome guy before her. Sena felt a slightly relief that she knew how Daehyun was. Yeonhee didn’t deserve him. In fact her sister is way too good for an evil like Daehyun. And she swore she wouldn’t let her sister fall deeper to him.
Sena felt a slightly headache, she took a glance at the clock and decided to get some rest. It was 2 am in the morning and tomorrow she had to go back to her dorm.
Sena walked downstairs cheerfully, she always like Sunday morning. That was the only time where her family could gathered together. Sena headed to the dinning room and found her parents sat on the chair.
“Good morning honey.” Mrs. Goo took a glance and greeted her. Sena approach her and gave her mom a peck on the cheek. She did the same to her father after she complaining that she didn’t receive any “good morning” from him. Sena sat next to her mother and had a little chit-chated with her while waiting for her siblings to came down. A few minute later Jihoon showed up and took a seat across Mrs. Goo.
“Why does Eonni took long time to come down? It’s weird she always do everything on time.” Sena placed her elbow on the table and rested her chin onto her palm. Yeonhee wasn’t a people who would make others waiting for her, Sena just shrugged it wasn’t a big deal to wait her sister anyway.
The door bell rang and suddenly Sena heard Yeonhee voice through the hallway. “I’ll open it.”
Sena’s eyes widened, she stared at Jihoon in disbelief look only to earning confused look from her brother. Was she heard it wrong? Goo Yeonhee just shouted loudly. Yeonhee? Shouted. And why she bothered to open the front door?  Another strange act from her sister, just made her felt weird. Sena smiled as she thought that her sister had to shouted more often.
Yeonhee showed up as Sena pouted cutely. “Eonni, i’m waiting you for so long. Ppali, i’m starv..” Sena didn’t finished her word as she saw a guy beside her sister. fell open as she keep staring at him.
“Good morning.”
“Why are he here?” Sena pointed at him Daehyun, completely felt annoyed with his presence.
“That’s rude Sena-ah.” Her mother gave her a warn look. “Please take a seat Daehyun-ah.” Mrs. Goo pleased him. Daehyun sat next to Yeonhee and turned her hear toward Sena. He could see Sena looked away avoided any eyes contact with him. Daehyun just sighed mentally. A lady around Mrs. Goo’s age served the meal. “Thank you Mrs. Wang. Let’s eat our breakfast.”
This situation was weird, he finally met again with the girl whom he had searched a few weeks ago yet he couldn’t do anything. Daehyun took a glance a few times at Sena, observed her secretly from his peripheral vision.
As if she knew Daehyun looked at her, Sena tilted her head slightly took a glance at Daehyun. She didn’t know why she did it, she just. Sena looked back at her food and tried to focus on her breakfast. She cursed inwardly since she felt uncomfortable with Daehyun around her. Meeting him last night made her mood went down, and met him again today just made it worse.
Sena could see her parents liked Daehyun so much, even her brother did. It wasn’t good, she didn’t like with the fact that Jung Daehyun captured her family heart. She sigh heavily what was so good about him? Her family just didn’t know who Daehyun really was. And suddenly she pulled back to reality by her mother voice.
“Honey, eat your food, you’re just stabbing it.”


Finally.. an update ^^
I know it's short but still i hope you like it. And i really feel bad for neglecting this story (and my othher story Dx ) /ugly sobbing/
I just, yeah i have to deal with my school. i'm working on my essay to get my degree. so it kind of i feel don't have enough time ;;A;;
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omg im really sorry ive been neglecting this story for almost one month. i got some things to be settled down. i'll update whenever i et free time :(


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cheesecakelover2000 #1
Chapter 6: Oh I like your story.Please update soon
Chapter 6: That worse thing when you're engaged to the sister of the girl you're on love with.. :|
Chapter 5: So the girl who changed him is....HEERRR?!!!! HAAA!!!! Should've expected this!!!! OMMGGG uppddaatttee!!
Update, update! kekekeke