My heart skips a beat

Halfway to Heaven

There are times when Luhan hated the most. Like how he had to skip his breakfast because he woke up late, or how he has to participate in the gym glass in which he hated the most. Or how he is nervously fidgeting in front of Suho right now.


Suho nodded his head between those long explanation Sehun is giving out to him.


"Oh i see, if that's how it's going to work, then."


Out of nowhere, Suho threw a punch right on Luhan's jawline.


"Hey, ouch. What was that for?" Luhan shrieked. Being the youngest child in the family and having a sister makes Luhan somehow quite well-manered and gentle. Despite Luhan trying hard to gain the 'manly' look.


"That's for taking Sehun away from me. Well, i guess it can't be helped. I've always knew Sehun liked you." Suho said as he dusted off the 'non-existent dust' from his school uniform.


"Besides, Sehun and I refused to be the bottom. So it was impossible to do it." Suho shrugged.


Sehun stared in horror as he quickly checked on Luhan. "Yah, are you alright?" He asked.


Suho briefly smiled before saying, "It can't be helped, Sehun. I'm happy for you."


Suho excused himself and walked away from them, and Luhan still cannot comprehend what is happening because with the pain on his guts, thinking rationally is an impossible thing to do.




"Aaah. Can we please just take a break, my mind won't co-operate with me." Luhan whined as he chew the back of his pencil.


Sehun chuckled, "Luhan, just give up and go to sleep, okay?" He smiled.


Luhan yawned, "I'm telling you, I'm sure those chemical formulas are really hypnotizing me."


"Wake me up in two hours, alright?" Luhan said before dozing off.


Sehun continued doing his revision with brief glances towards Luhan who's sleeping peacefully.


"Maybe i should take a nap too? Beside Luhan?" Sehun talks to himself before nodding his head. Yep, a nap beside Luhan won't hurt, right?


Haha, that's definitely wrong, you should've seen it coming.


Sehun stared at Luhan and admired every single features of Luhan; from how adorable his lips are to how cute his face is.


"Luhan is actually mine so if i do this now, it should be okay, right?" Sehun mentally slapped himself for talking to his own self because it drives him to the edge.


Sehun slowly inched closer to Luhan before planting a kiss on his lips.


The kiss was soft and gentle, not needy and not pressing hard. Sehun smiled to the kiss because Luhan somehow smells like vanilla with a shot of caramel.


And when Sehun pulled out from the kiss, he's met with a pair of half-lidded eyes staring at him.


"Sehun, what do you think you're doing." Luhan said groggily.


"Oh? Hahaha, no, i just thought you were cute and a single kiss won't hurt." Sehun nervously laughed while rubbing the back of his neck.


Luhan pulled Sehun closer before snuggling on his chest. "No kissing while I'm sleeping, alright?"


Sehun's heart skipped a beat before he nodded. But then he realized that Luhan had fallen into his deep slumber once again.


Sehun chuckled. Luhan never changed ever since they first met.


Oh come on, almost every friends of theirs know that Luhan is heavy sleeper that even a marching band couldn't wake him up.




Sehun is standing at his balcony when he head a loud bang and Luhan appearing from the balcony next door.


"What's up." Sehun asked.


"My stomach is really grumbling, I can't take this anymore." Luhan said as he leaned on the wall with an exhausted face.


"Huh? You haven't had dinner yet?" Sehun raised his eyebrow.


"My sister is on diet. She got upset when i ate on the side and wouldn't allow me to eat anything else." Luhan whined.


"Oh my god, it's such a pain having her with me. I mean, she's the one who's on diet, why am i dragged into this battle too?" Luhan fake-sobbed.


"Poor my Luhannie. How about going to bed early then? You'll forget about your grumbling stomach, i suppose." Sehun answered.


"I already did it last night and i ended up waking at 4am because my stomach can't stop trembling." Luhan cried.


"I had beef stew for dinner, you can have some of my leftovers. Do you want to?" Sehun asked.


Luhan's expression instantly brightened when he gave that adorable smile to Sehun before saying, "Master Sehun, I like you the best."


Sehun chuckled, "Haha, wait here. I'll go get some." Sehun said before padding back into his house. 


Luhan nearly sang when he answered, "I'll wait for you forever, Master Sehun~ But can you please make it faster, hehe."


After a few deadly minutes to Luhan, Sehun came back to balcony while holding a tray.


"Sorry for the long wait, I warmed it up so it took a while." Sehun said.


But by then, Luhan is already fuming with anger and also hunger, "You're damn late, Sehun." Luhan whined.


"How long are you gonna make me wait, stupid Sehun."


"Oh? To think i even toasted bread for you, I won't give you any. I'll just eat it myself." Sehun said before carrying back the tray into his house.


"Yah, yah, Oh Sehun, ugh I lied okay, I lied. I lied and I am really sorry. Just please give it to me." Luhan begged.


Sehun grinned, "Hmm, then unless you kiss me as an apology, I'll give it to you." Sehun stuck out his tongue to Luhan.


Sehun didn't expect Luhan to kiss him in a split second but he did.


Right after Sehun finished talking, Luhan pulled him in for a kiss and even though it only lasted for a few seconds, Sehun is still seeing stars when he handed the tray to Luhan.


Luhan beamed with happiness before shoving the food down his throat.


"Oh my god, this is so delicious. Thanks a lot Sehun, I love you so much." Luhan said as he ate the food happily.


Sehun smiled, "Glad you liked it."


There is this one saying in which you can feel full by watching your loved ones eating. Being a glutton, Sehun never really believed in that saying, because heck, how can you feel full by watching them?


But right now, everything's changed because finally, Sehun can relate to that saying as he watched Luhan shoving down the food.


"Ah, I am so happy. Now that I'm full, I'm getting sleepy." Luhan said as he wiped off his mouth.


"By the way, math homework is due tomorrow." Sehun replied.


"What? What? Sehun, really? You're telling this to me now? Sehun, you're such a joykiller." Luhan whined.


Luhan knew it. Sehun is a , really. He won't let Luhan live happily even for a minute.


"All right, that's all for today. Luhan, go back to your room and finish up your homework. It took me a while to finish mine and i bet you'll take longer." Sehun snickered.


Luhan made a 'tsk' sound while rolling his eyes, "Hey, Sehun? Come here for a while." Luhan said.


"Hmm? What is it?" Sehun came closer to Luhan.


Luhan sneaked in a kiss on Sehun's lips before smiling at him so brightly Sehun swore that he could burn.


"Goodnight, Sehun." Luhan said before stepping back into his house.


Sehun shook his head before muttering to himself, "I can't believe my heart is racing over a simple kiss that tasted like beef stew."


Sehun smiled to himself before heading back into his house.


The things Sehun felt when it comes to Luhan, really.

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Chapter 3: so.... yeah
idk what to say...

Hunhannie813 #2
Chapter 2: Hey you. Lol continue this pleaaaase? XD
Chapter 2: then, just be a couple you two and abandone suho!!

go, go, Luhan!! XD

i'll be waiting for this~