Oh S((hit))ehun

Halfway to Heaven

Sehun stared at Luhan for a long time. Long enough to make Luhan's heart skipped a beat.


"Do you really meant it?" Sehun breathed out.


Luhan gulped before nodding, "But i do not want to be the seme."


Sehun smiled a little before shaking his head, "Oh come on Luhan, look at you, look at me. Who fits the seme role perfectly? Hmm lets think about it, oh i know. It's definitely you."


Luhan puffed his cheeks, "Humph, meanie."


"Are you already visualizing it?" Sehun raised his eyebrows with a giddy smile.


"What? No, i am definitely not. Get your grip on, Sehun. We just started." Luhan rolled his eyes.


Sehun inched closer to Luhan while his lips, "We'll do even stickier things to each other, you know. Are you ready for it?"


Luhan nervously gulped and looked away, "Y-you idiot. I know that is coming."


"If you run away, I won't forgive you." Sehun said.


The look in Sehun's eyes can really pierce into your soul, Luhan swore. Like how he's doing it to Luhan and Luhan felt like he's sliced through with Sehun's gaze.


"O-okay." Luhan mentally made a note on how demanding Sehun is. How desperate is he anyways?




The walk to home is quite chilly because no one wants to start the conversation first and Luhan hates how quiet the walk is.


"Oh my god, it's already 5pm?" Luhan shrieked as he entered Sehun's home and glanced to the clock.


"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" Sehun asked as he slipped off from his bag and chuck it to the side of the couch.


"Sorry, Sehun but can you give me one of your CDs because i need to record the re-run of this drama okay." Luhan desperately searched for the un-used CDs in Sehun's drawer.


Oh .


Something clicked in Luhan's mind when he remembered the main objective why he's in Sehun's house.


"Umm, Sehun. If i record it, i can watch it leisurely later, right?" Luhan gave out the best smile he could ever pull off.


"Just forget about it. Go home and watch the drama, Luhan."


Sehun is sulking. I knew it, Luhan thought to himself. A sulking Sehun is also not one of the things Luhan liked.


"Sehun-ah, don't get mad, I'm so sorry." Luhan sheepishly grinned even though his mind is racing with all the bad thoughts of what Sehun will react.


Sehun sighed before sitting down on the couch. "You know, Luhan. As we were walking home, i was so excited it felt like my heart would stop beating at any moment. But you, Luhan, you're calm as usual."




Sehun briefly glanced at Luhan before putting on his ever-so-lovely-half-smile, "The reason why i thought i was gay was because of you, Luhan."


And there goes the calm expression Luhan tried so hard to maintain.


"I-I love you, Luhan."


Luhan swore, the word 'love' echoes in his mind several times before he's pulled back down to earth when Sehun continued on.


"I tried to convince myself it was only my imagination but i even dream about you. I'm really hopeless, right?"


Luhan blinked his eyes and tried to open his mouth before closing it back. It's best to hear what Sehun really thinks, Luhan said to himself.


"When you happily came to tell me that you had 'done it' for the first time, honestly, it was unbearable. I still remember that, Luhan."


Luhan watched as Sehun rubbed his temple and sighed again.


"I told you to leave me alone and that you're so annoying." Sehun lightly laughed.


Everything flashed into Luhan's eyes. That was the first time Sehun lost his temper with him and Luhan had never seen Sehun that furious.


"I never intended for you to know about my feelings but when you innocently say things that give me false hopes , it's really hard for me." Sehun said as he stared at the palm of his hands.


Sehun wanted to continue what he's saying when he felt Luhan is petting him like how an owner always pets their animals when they did something really good.


But the feeling is different, because Sehun is certainly not an animal and Luhan is not his owner. This one feels good, in Sehun's point of view.


"L-Luhan, did you listen to what i just said?" Sehun stammered.


Luhan smiled and nodded, "Yeah, do you have any idea what an idiotic thing it is that you're doing right now?" Luhan giggled and softly drew circles at the back of Sehun's neck.


Sehun breathing is getting hard to control, "L-Luhan, can you be a little more serious?"


And when Luhan is still nodding his head like his life depended on it, Sehun chuckled.


"Yah, come here." Sehun gestured Luhan to come closer with his hands.


"Huh? What is it?" Luhan absent-mindedly inched his face closer to Sehun.


"I love you." Sehun whispered sofly before kissing Luhan full on the lips.


Luhan's eyes couldn't have gone any bigger, he swore. It felt like his eye sockets are going to pop out and roll on the floor at any moment.


When Luhan did not respond to the kiss, Sehun eagerly pressed his lips harder on Luhan while his lower lips.


"S-Sehun." Luhan managed to voice out some syllable before Sehun is kissing him more harder this time.


By then, Luhan realized that the only way to stop Sehun from being a beast is by kissing him back and that's what Luhan is going to do.


As much as he loved the feeling of Sehun's lips on his, a normal human being needs to breathe and Luhan have to make sure Sehun lets him do that.

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Chapter 3: so.... yeah
idk what to say...

Hunhannie813 #2
Chapter 2: Hey you. Lol continue this pleaaaase? XD
Chapter 2: then, just be a couple you two and abandone suho!!

go, go, Luhan!! XD

i'll be waiting for this~