I would never skip history class anymore -

Halfway to Heaven

During fourth period, when Luhan skipped the so-very-interested-history class to hang out on the rooftop and gaze at the sky,


Sehun blurted out something quite 'wild' in Luhan's perspective.


"I think I might be gay."


Luhan spitted out the cup of coffee he managed to grab before heading out to the roof. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN." Luhan wiped the drops of coffee off from his chin.


Sehun looked at Luhan with his boring eyes while saying, "You know exactly what i mean."


"Haha, that's very funny Oh Sehun. You should just debut as a comedian, I'll support you." Luhan snickered.


"But i am not."


That was when Luhan realized that his bestfriend is not ing joking about his new ual orientation.


"Yah, do you always think of me that way? Even when i fed you with my food or even when i made you breakfast or-"


"A guy confessed to me the other day so i decided to just go with it." Sehun cut in.


"Oh- so it's not about me then ...." Luhan mentally slapped himself for being such an idiot.


After all, Sehun wouldn't like him THAT way, right?




They went back to class after that and Luhan still couldn't get over the fact that Sehun is not straight.


"Why am i slightly dissapointed." Luhan mumbled to himself.


Is he dissapointed because Sehun is not straight anymore or is he dissapointed because Sehun picked somebody else over his own bestfriend?


"Urgh." Luhan shrieked.


"What is the matter, Mr. Lu?" His physic teacher glanced over to see what's happening.


"No- no- nothing. Sorry for the interruption." Luhan sank back to his seat.


After the school bell rang, Luhan ran to catch up on Sehun who's already halfway to the door,


"Sehun, introduce me to him! Your boyfriend." Luhan said while trying hard to balance all of his things in one hand.




"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHY, don't you want to introduce your boyfriend to your own bestfriend?I want to meet him because i care, okay." Luhan said in disbelief.


Sehun smiled that semi-half-smile-that-luhan-hates-the-most while muttering, "Luhan, by saying that you care, it actually means that you're entertained by this fact. Are you taking me as a free entertainment for you to watch?"


Luhan grabbed Sehun's collar with one of his free hand while saying, "You know, Sehun. How can you even think I am that kind of a person? I'm upset."


Luhan inched closer to Sehun's face and whispered, "But still, can't you feel your heartbeat racing just a little?" Luhan smirked.


Sehun pushed Luhan off of himself and said, "You are entertained by this fact, Luhan. Aren't you?"


Luhan grinned, "I just have my own doubts, that's all. If i like someone, my heart will start racing when they're near so i was just thinking of testing that to you."


"You're being ridicilous." Sehun shook his head before heading back to the door.




Luhan stared at his mirror for a very long time.


"I would never consider myself as a quite attractive boy but i am quite attractive." Luhan caressed his own skin.

"Maybe I am just not Sehun's type, oh well."


Luhan turned off his bathroom light and went straigh to bed.


"Why am i thinking about it anyways." Luhan mumbled before falling into his deep slumber.




Luhan cupped his face in his hands. A sigh of dissapointment went through his lips.


"Oh Sehun, really?" He mumbled.


Luhan knew,  a bestfriend is someone who shows him support no matter what ever happens. But in this case, IT CAN'T BE HELPED.


"Your boyfriend is the school president? Really, Sehun? Really?" Luhan kicked out the nearest ball to him.


Luckily they're in the gym so Luhan can rage out however he wants because to be honest, the gym is the perfect place to RAGE.


Luhan is not complaining but why the school president out of all the other people in the school?


Suho is incredibly smart, famous, rich and his looks are just so plain to Luhan. And he's super full of himself too.


"Are you surprised that it was Suho?" Sehun asked while he shot the ball into the net.


Luhan got up from his seat while bitterly laughed, "Damn you, Oh Sehun."




"What does Suho have that i don't?" Luhan stared into the mirror again.


Luhan felt a sharp pain on his head when his siter slapped him across the face.


"Ouch, what was that for." Luhan grumbled while rubbing his sore forehead.


"Idiot, you were staring at yourself in the mirror and oh did i tell you that it's MY mirror you're using?" She smiled ever-so-sweetly to Luhan.


"Yah, from a homo's point of view, do you think I'm unattractive?" Luhan asked.


His sister shrieked while saying, "LUHAN DID YOU READ MY MANGAS AGAIN?!"


Luhan whined and said, "No, answer me please."


His sister gave him 'the-look' and snatched her mirror from Luhan's hands.


"Just die for once." She muttered and stomped out from the room.


Luhan rubbed the back of his neck, "Geez, I will never understand a girl."




Luhan knew Sehun is a difficult guy when he's angered. He doesn't get Sehun at all when he's acting like that.


Even when Sehun definitely noticed Luhan looking at him, he pretended that he doesn't and he won't even look this way.


"Oh Sehun, you're such a girl." Luhan muttered before writing down the notes that are given by the teacher.


When the recess ball rang, Luhan came up to Sehun and said, "Sehun, let's go eat lunch!"


"Won't you be disgusted to be eating out with someone like me?" Sehun snickered while packing up his things.


Luhan sighed and he opened his mouth to voice out an answer when a foreign voice cut in,


"Hey, Sehun. Want to grab some lunch?" Suho said while leaning on the door frame.


"Okay then." Sehun put his things inside his bags and went straight to the door.


"Did he just abandoned me?" Luhan thought to himself in disbelief.


"Hey, hey, Sehun. Oh Sehun, I'm calling you." Luhan shouted out.


"Sehun, 'that' is calling you." Suho told Sehun.


"Sehun, I'm here to apologize so listen to me!" Luhan said in between his sharp intake of breath.


Sehun turned his back and stared into Luhan with his piercing stare. "Talk."


Luhan took a deep breath and said, "I'll support you, Sehun. I swear."


"It's okay, I already forgave you. You can go to eat." Sehun muttered.


Luhan smiled brightly and said, "Oh really? Thanks, Sehun. I was worried." He grinned before walking away.


Suho turned to Sehun and laughed.


"Luhan is so good looking but he's quite dumb, isn't he?" Suho muttered.


"Oh hell, you don't want to know."




"Yah, i am so not happy with this." Suho grumbled.


"Why are you following us?" Suho kinda yelled at Luhan.


"Huh? I live in the same building as Sehun." Luhan replied.


"But still- URGH." Suho groaned in frustration before dragging Sehun to walk further away from Luhan.


"Don't you just want to kill him sometimes?" Suho whispered to Sehun.


"You mean countless times? I did." Sehun chuckled.


Luhan bit his inner cheeks wall while trying hard not to care about Suho whispering something that made Sehun chuckled.


"Eh? You guys really lived next to each other?" Suho asked when Luhan is unlocking his front door.


"I told you, didn't I?" Luhan smirked.


"Suho, come on in." Sehun called out from the next door.


Suho bid Luhan goodbye before he entered Sehun's house with a "Gee, thanks for inviting me."


Luhan closed the door and stood there for a while.


His mind is racing but at the same time, he couldn't think of anything at all. What is happening to him?


"Geez, i don't like this at all! These weird feelings won't stop!" Luhan yelled at the door.


Luhan's sister shook her head.


"Yesterday you were talking to a mirror and now it's the door. Oh God, are you even my little brother." She said before padding away.


Luhan slid his whole body on the door before cupping his face into his hands.


"Damn you, Oh Sehun."






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Chapter 3: so.... yeah
idk what to say...

Hunhannie813 #2
Chapter 2: Hey you. Lol continue this pleaaaase? XD
Chapter 2: then, just be a couple you two and abandone suho!!

go, go, Luhan!! XD

i'll be waiting for this~