What are you -

Halfway to Heaven



"Oh, Luhan. What are you doing here?" Suho asked while taking off his shoes.


"Huh? I'm just reading mangas. Good evening, anyways." Luhan beamed.


Suho sighed, "I can clearly see that, Luhan. I'm asking you, what are you doing here, in Sehun's house?" He said.


"You can just bring the mangas to your house and read it there, no?" Suho added.


Luhan puffed his cheeks and shook his head, "It's such troublesome to bring back home. Don't worry, I'll go back once I am finished reading this."


Suho kicked Luhan's and said, "Get the out from this house, now."


Luhan whined, "Ouch, hey hey I'm sorry okay. It's such a bad choice of words to use, I'm sorry."


Luhan rubbed his while mumbling to himself. "Sehun, I'll be going now. Your Suho is SO lovely but i couldn't stay any longer, I'm sorry. Bye."


Luhan made sure Suho saw him sticking out his tongue to him before stomping out from the house.




The clock ticked 9PM when Luhan received a text from Sehun.


"Balcony, now."


Luhan grumbled and get up from his position.




"Yeah yeah, I'm here. What is it that you want?" Luhan yawned.


"Suho kinda chased you off today, I'm sorry about that." Sehun said.


"It can't be helped. I'm distracting you guys anyway."


Luhan is not angry or anything but this type of attitude Sehun is showing is DEFINITELY not in Luhan's list of things he liked about Sehun.


"Maybe i should just stop coming over to your house." Luhan grumbled.


"Hah, now you can't help it but to take me back in." Luhan thought to himself while grinning.


"I'd really appreciate that." Sehun simply answered.


Luhan swore he nearly slipped down and fell off his death from the balcony if there isn't anything to block him.


"I'm really glad that you said it yourself. I was thinking hard on how to bring it up." Sehun smiled.


Luhan glared at Sehun and said, "Don't expec me to play with you EVER again." Luhan clicked his tongue.


"It's just for a while, don't worry. Goodnight then." Sehun closed his balcony door.


Well that is not the kind of answer Luhan is waiting for.


And then Sehun was off.


Luhan sank to his knees. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU, OH SEHUN."


Luhan ran back in and slammed open his sister's door.


"Noona, when you became a homo, do you cut off all of your friends?!" Luhan asked.


"Huh? How would i know. I am not a homo." His sister rolled her eyes and continued doing her nails.


"Just tell me you meanie, you always read those kind of mangas." Luhan whined.


"Shut up, okay? Shut up and get out."


She slammed the door right on Luhan's face.


"It's a hell of a life." Luhan muttered.


((that night, Luhan couldn't even get to sleep because he's too furious))




Luhan rang the bell and waited patiently for Sehun to come out. It's a normal routine for them to walk to school together ever since they're eleven.


"Oh? Luhan, why are you still here? I thought Sehun went out with you already." His mother greeted Luhan.


"He did? He must've left me, then. Haha, thanks." Luhan sheepishly grinned before making his way to school.


"I don't believe it. It's not like we made a promise or anything but i feel so lonely walking to school without Sehun." Luhan whined all the way to school.


"That bastard, Oh Sehun." Luhan mumbled before setting his foot in the school compound.


"Has Suho always been THAT close to Sehun before?" His friends mumbled to each other.


"Well, I haven't heard anything about that, though." The others replied.


Luhan gobbled down his lunch as fast as he can to get out from the place.


"Yah, Luhan. Do you know anything about it?" Jongdae, one of his classmates call out.


Luhan looked up from his lunch and shook his head. "I wasn't informed with it."


"What? Are you sulking?" He snickered.


"You know, I always thought you and Sehun came out in a set." Jongdae added on while the others nodded.


Luhan set down his lunch box with his utensils and sobbed on Jongdae's shoulder,




And that was the day Jongdae patted Luhan's shoulder while saying,


"You're being so honest now, why don't you try being honest to Sehun too?"






Sehun looked up from the pavement and his eyes locked with Luhan's.


"How long are you going to make me wait for you?" Luhan said as he leaned on the wall.


"Here's the ticket for live performance." Luhan held out two tickets.


"Ah, so they're going to have another performance?" Sehun said as he took the tickets from Luhan.


Luhan grinned and nodded, "Yeah, i think you should invite more people to the performance, I heard they're short of people."


Sehun nodded, "I'll ask Suho then."


Luhan gasped in horror and snatched the tickets away from Sehun.


"In that case, you can just get your OWN tickets." He puffed his cheeks and slammed his front door shut.


"Luhan - " Sehun muttered quietly.


"I think i just went overboard just now. It makes me look really bad."  Luhan stared at his front door.


"DAMN IT LUHAN, WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID." Luhan yelled as he banged his door with his own hands.




"Luhan, I'm sorry. I'll go to the concert with you. You don't have to be so mad."


Luhan literally felt like throwing his phone away when he read Sehun's text.


"Urgh, it makes me look ten times more bad. It's embarassing me even more." Luhan groaned.


But, even if they didn't make any promises beforehand, they always went to the concert together.


They would laugh and play along at the concert together and because Sehun said he's going to invite Suho along,


Luhan got really angry and snapped away.


"Urgh, what is there so good about Suho that makes Sehun to act not like Sehun." Luhan grumbled.




"Sorry about yesterday."


Sehun mumbled out the words as they walked in unison to school.


"I didn't think you would be so angry. I'll go with you okay, Luhan?" Sehun added up.


Luhan shook his head, "It's okay, I was just over-reacting last night. You can invite whoever you want. The more the merrier right?" Luhan forced out a smile.


Sehun chuckled and nodded his head.


"I never knew you're THIS optimistic, Luhan." Sehun chuckled while ruffling Luhan's hair.


"Damn it, why am i blushing?" Luhan mentally stabbed himself with the sharpest knife he could ever imagine.




"I hate going to the concerts." Suho handed back the tickets to Sehun.


"WHAT." Luhan gasped.


"I'm the kind who prefers to listen to music with a high-quality audio system while sitting on a comfortable seat at home so no thanks." Suho briefly smiled.


Oh God, Luhan would've slammed him on the wall and beat some logic into Suho's mind if Sehun is not there.


"Besides, these guys a lot, right? Count me out. But why are you guys so looking forward to this concert?" Suho added up while shaking his head in disbelief.


Luhan adverted his gaze to Sehun to see how he's reacting but Sehun is just being Sehun with that brick face of him.


How can Sehun be so expression-less, though? Luhan wondered.


"I'll be busy with the student council from now onwards so I'll contact you later, okay Sehun? Be a good boy." Suho patted Sehun's hair with a smile and fled off.


"That guy .... how can i put this into words? He's so amazing untl i lost my will to get angry at him." Luhan stared at the empty spot that Suho stood just a few moments ago.


"It can't be helped. Lets invite the others." Sehun turned around to walk away.


"Does he even loved you." Luhan puffed out.


"No he's not." Sehun said.


Luhan's jaw literally fell down to the floor.


"WHAT. Didn't you say he confessed to you." Luhan shrieked.


"Yeah, but it's not like we're going out because we love each other."


Damn, how can Sehun be so casual over this matter. Luhan thought.


"What the hell is that. I don't understand." Luhan did frantic hand movements in front of Sehun.


"You don't have to understand." Sehun started to walk away.


"Hey hey, Sehun wait up. So you'll sleep with Suho even when you don't love him?" Luhan asked.


"If i sleep with him, maybe I'll develop some feelings for him." Sehun quietly answered.


Feelings, you say.


"So that means you might be going seriously with Suho?" Luhan muttered.


And when Sehun didn't give any definite answers,


Luhan exploded.


"I DONT LIKE THAT, SEHUN." Luhan yelled.


"My head hurts, Luhan. Just stop it already." Sehun closed his eyes and sighed.


"Unlike you, Luhan. We don't have any choice." Sehun mumbled out.


Luhan grabbed Sehun's shoulder with both of his hands and stared straight into his eyes,


"If that's the case, how about making me your partner?"









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Chapter 3: so.... yeah
idk what to say...

Hunhannie813 #2
Chapter 2: Hey you. Lol continue this pleaaaase? XD
Chapter 2: then, just be a couple you two and abandone suho!!

go, go, Luhan!! XD

i'll be waiting for this~