My Teddy Bear, My Teddy Boy [Hiatus]
Chapter 4
Feeling a warm breeze on my nose, I gradually opened my eyes for welcoming the morning, it should have been so bright but..!
"Good morning Rinnie..." What I saw was only a pink mouth in 'O' shape  "Give me morning kiss please!"
Screaming shockedly,quickly,i sat up because I was afraid of being kissed! And the one who scared me was nobody but the human version of my favorite Teddy, Mr.Ji. He frown at me and quickly he moved his head onto my lap and hugged my thighs firmly "Yah Rinnie, what's wrong, just a kisssssss" He rubbed his face on my pants like a child, so suddenly I pulled his brown hair and threw him away with all my force!
He blinked at me confusedly after being thrown away, "Why not?"
That act was purely innocent or else it was completely fake, I hit his forehead with my fist lightly and quickly walked away to the bathroom, not forgetting to stick a tongue to this sly man!
"I swear you won't be kissed anymore!!!"
Saying that, I shut the door and quickly took a shower.
I came off from the bathroom, now I was in the school uniform outfit. However after coming off, immediately, I crossed my arm as I saw  Mr. Ji man standing infront of the mirror,dressing. His top was my T-shirt which he might pick it out from the wardrobe without permission and his bottom was still his blue boxer. it made me angry, he was a true nuisance yet all of his action made me curious the most...
"Hey, what are you doing?" I frown, walking to his side.
He then turned to me then smiled innocently "Ah, I wanna go to school with you!!"
"Hell no" Retorting suddenly, I pushed his forehead lightly for this silly thought "I don't allow you to go! You're a nuisance!" Shouting loudly, I left him and went find my bag in one corner, I shouldn't have paid any attention to him, I would go to school as soon as possible and he would be here!!!
"It's ok that you don't allow me to go so I'll go help your mommy doing housework.., she will be proud if she meet me because she loves me so much"
Those words made me annoyed to the maximum!
"Oh comon' Mr.Ji," Quickly I turned back to see a troublemaker, smirking, I would fool him to not meet my mother as it would be a big deal if she knew about this strange transformation.  "Mommy will not believe that you're my Teddy" I informed confidently "She might think that you're my boyfriend...which actually we didn't, and then you'll be kicked off from this house and then you'll be a homeless Teddy!!!" I chuckled and walked to the doorway.
But suddenly, being stopped by one strong hand pulling my bag. I bit my lip and quickly turned back annoyedly. "Yah you're little bear, I wanna go now!" I scolded him seriously but he didn't seem to care, instead, he messed my hair. So I hit him strongly in return!
"Hey, don't do this, I'm going to school!" He stopped and we both stared at each other eyes.
He then smiled and quickly brought me to his embrace and hugged me tight, my heart beat fast like hell as he started rubbing his nose on my shoulder "Rinnie-ah...bring me to school with you!"
"No!" i replied quickly and pulled his hair away from me but he didn't obey, instead, he burried his face deeplier, rubbing his nose more and more. I felt so hot because my heart couldn't be in a regular rate.
This baby bear, how come I felt this way for him?
"I wanna go!!!I wanna go Rinnie...because you always tell me that school is fun, so I wanna go with you!!!" He said then tightened his arms around my body more and I found it was hard to breath that time, My face was so red as I saw from the reflection from a mirror behind...
Oh my god...what happened to me!!!!?
 "If you won't bring me with you, I won't let you go! and I will mess around your house!!!" He said slyly and giggled beside my ear. How come he was this arbitory and artistic as all I knew, I'd raised him well since I got him!!
"No!!!" Shouting, I pushed him away with all my force, making him bounce away. Sticking my tongue out, I quickly turned back and ran to the door to escape yet once again I was stopped by his hand. Bitting my lip hard, I quickly turned back, wishing to scold him for this mess yet when I turned back, I saw nothing except the mirror, where was he?
I frown doubtfully, he'd just grabbed on my stuff a second ago but how could he disappear this quickly? 
"Mr.Ji?" Calling him confusedly, I started looking around but there was no trace of him in any where. I walked here and there until I was tired. It was so strange as even his bear figure I couldn't find it. I had no idea about his absence until the time I walked pass the mirror again and the reflection showing the similar round head of a bear doll coming out from my bag at the back!
"Hey!" Uttering surprisedly, I quickly put the bag down on the floor and what I witnessed was that, Mr.Ji was really in my bag!! His face grinned widely!
"Yah go away!!!!" Shouting, I opened the zip wider and tried to pull his body up yet I couldn't as it was stucked because his hands grabbed the rim of my bag tight! Oh ! I just knew that this bear figure could move and he was really disobedient!!
"Go away!!!" I said and put more effort yet he still fought me by grabbing my bag tight. ! What a bear!!!
"Go away!!!" I told him one more and this time I lifted the bag up and turned it down wishing that the gravity could help making him fall down yet it didn't!! "Go awayyyyyyyyyyyy" I screamed but he was so stubborn and this time there was some drops of water falling down, he started crying again! This was a trick I knew, like last night that he wanted to sleep with me!
"Oh, don't use the trick! you're sly bear! I don't believe you anymore!!" I didn't empathy him, instead, I shook the bag strongly to make him fall down yet he didn't!
How come this was so difficult, I glanced at the clock and it made me very annoyed! Ohhhhhhhh, I was going to be late!!!!!! 
"Go awayyyyyyyyyyyyyy" Shaking my bag, I finally found that iit was so helpless for throwing him out...
Eventually, I gave in to that artistic bear. Eventhough now I looked so normal like usual, actually, inside my bag there was a teddy bear. I put all of his body inside, hiding him in as I didn't want anybody knew that I brought a toy to school because if somebody knew, it would be so ashamed!
Walking out my house quickly, I followed the usual way. I might be so obsessed with this nuisance so when I got off the house, I was surprised that I forgot about the man I adored so much, Lee Soohyuk, he was standing silently under the cherry blossom near my house. I blushed though that handsome face looked at me emotionlessly. I hoped there was something between us unless he wouldn't have waited for me like this.
"..Ar...I'm sorry...there's a little problem so I'm late..." I said shyly and quickly walked to him. He smiled a little then started walking a little early before I reached his side. I followed him and then we walked together silently under the fluttering cherry blossom...
We didn't talk as usual and because today we were both hurry so sometimes our hands touched indeliberately. I blushed evertimes I felt him and my heart skipped a beat like being aggravated by caffein. I hoped we could be like this and sometimes he should have held my hand because I needed it. 
And to my surprise, my heart stopped as I suddenly felt that my hand being held softly. I blushed and quickly looked down and realised that he actually grabbed my hand tight...
I looked up at him shyly but he didn't look back. His face was still cold unlike his touch, and his excuse for touching me... was that...
"You walk too slow Chaerin...if I don't hold your hand like this then you'll not be in my speed and will be late for sure..."
I knew that it might be his real reason yet I couldn't help smiling secretly. The way he held me was so warm and I hoped that we could be like this forever...
"Ouch!!!" That moment, I heard Soohyuk exclaim, and he quickly released my hand to touch his own head confusedly, then frown and looked around. "Who hit me?"
I didn't understand about what had just happened but he seemed so doubtful. After looking around the area, he then looked at me seriously "Chaerin...did you hit me a minute ago? I think there's somebody hitting my head..."
I shook my head in return as I didn't know about that.
"Weird" He said and looked around again. It made me confused and curious. He sighed after finding no clue about his question, then he gave up and looked at me one more time but then he again frown and pointed behind me.
"Eh..Chaerin...Why do you bring a teddy bear to school?"
I was stiffened at that question and quickly I then brought the bag infront. My mouth went wide suddenly as I found that  Mr.Ji head was now popping out from my bag and the expression was so unpleasant!
I guessed I had an idea about what had happened...
This bear, a ing damn artistic toy, he hit my love,Lee Soohyuk!!!
What was the hell!!!
I slammed the toilet door and locked it suddenly after reaching. I was still lucky to arrive school before class started and had some times left. So I headed to the toilet immediately because I wanted to clear with this teddy, I was angry him about his action, how dare he hit Soohyuk's head though it was a light one!
"Yah! Bad bear, come clean now!" I shouted as I lifted him up from my bag, shaking his body angrily infront of the mirror. I was angry, really angry!! "Come clean bear!!!"
Although I repeated my questions so many times, it was nothing responding back from that dolly stuff. I frown and bit my lip hard, this bear was such a mess and I would teach him a lesson but before that I had to do something before!
Going to toilet! My bowel worked regularly at this point of time!
So I left him at the sink and went inside one toilet room and did my business. Along the time, I thought about what I was going to teach Mr.Ji a lesson for his inappropriate manner but I didn't find any until I went out!
"Hey!!!" Uttering surprisedly, I crossed my arms as I saw Mr.Ji turn into a man right now! It made me so angry! "You shouldn't be a guy here Mr.Ji!, go back to a doll, what if anybody see you at this state, what should I explain!?" I complainted then went to the sink for washing my hand, wishing that he would return to a doll yet he didn't! Instead, he came to hug me from behind!
"Yah...go away!!!" I said and hit my elbow on his stomach but he didn't move away. I frown, I would hit him more after washing the hand. 
"Rinnie...I wanna be a human here and go to class with you...I wanna study!!!" He pleaded cutely, using his aegyo, I saw his pleading face via the mirror. I knew he was so cute yet I wouldn't be trapped by his trick anymore!
I dried my hand with the towel nearby, then turned around and pushed his chest away from me strongly until he bounced away!
"No way bear!" I told him and looked at him strongly "Go back to a bear now, I have no more time, class will start to soon!" I informed seriously, this wasn't a joke no more.
However, he smiled and laughed. I was so confused and quickly, he ran out the toilet, making me shocked and I had to follow him suddenly!
"Hey Mr.Ji come back!"
I shouted behind his back, it was going to be a big deal if somebody found him at this state!!!
Sighing helplessly, I didn't know why I ended up to sit in the principal's room with Mr.Ji by my side.
"Yeah, he's my counsin coming from the state...." I told the principal, it was all a lie that I just made up after being so tired with this freaking arbitary bear. "And my mother is so busy, so she have me to tell you about this, my mother want him to study here..."
The principal nodded and smiled, he was a kind and gentle type "That's no problem, but first of all he has to dress more polite for today..." He said and called one of his assistance to come in. "Ms. Kim, please bring Jiyong to the bathroom and give him our reserved garment to dress before taking him to the class..."
One beautiful lady came in, Mr. Ji or Jiyong , the name I'd just thought up and named him, blinked at me then turned to the principal "Ar..will I be in the same class with Rinnieeeee" He asked childrishly so the older man laughed.
"Yeah of course, you will..."
Yeah, he would. And I couldn't imagine about how messy it would be for today!!!
I went to class and sat at my place which was in the last line of all tables. Kim Hyunja, my bestfriend was my tablemate. This joyful girl tried to talk to me this morning as usual yet I just sat silently, thinking about what I would do about that sly bear who would come so soon after dressing!
Hyunja didn't know about the story so she didn't know how much I'd suffered after my beloved Mr.Ji turned to be a man!!!
"Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I sighed and shook my head, lightly hitting the table repeatedly because I was so annoyed!
"Hey Chaerin, what's wrong!?" Hyunja asked confusedly but I didn't have a mood to answer, I put my face down on the table and kicked the table lightly more and more.
"Hey Chae?..." I felt Hyunja shaking my shoulder but I didn't want to say any words, I was so stressed!!!
Quickly, I looked up after hearing the classroom's door opened, it could be nobody except the teacher and my nuisance, and that..
I didn't know why my heart beat so fast when I saw the young man coming. My Mr. Ji, he was in a polite brown long-sleeved suite and grey neat pants which fit his strong muscular and tall figure so well. He was like a model and that dark brown hair and eyes were so captivating, he became so handsome and hot instead of cute and childrish like always...
Oh , why? why my heart beat this fast especially when he blinked at me?...
"Oh my god...who's he? he's so damn hot!!"
"New student? Gosh!!! So handsome!!!"
"This afternoon I wanna tour him to this school!!"
"Oh my oh my...my soulmate...."
I saw my girl classmates became so excited after seeing him. Although his eyes were always on me, I started feeling the distance...
Oh...why?...It would be so good because many girls would distract him amd brought him away so I had my own time, it would be nice...but why...I felt a bit...
A/N hahahaaaaa I love this bear so cute^^
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hunchaejingyo_0328 #1
Chapter 5: Please update soon
Chapter 5: The 'Oh my oh my....... my soulmate' one. Seriously if my classmate like that I'm gonna kill her -.-
Chapter 5: This story is just so cute. I wish there was an update. :3
ndd2604 #4
Please i need your update, like right now hiihihihi. I like this story
Chapter 5: my heart is flutter now.. update please authornim ㅠㅠ
Dear Author, why did you left that story?
Miss it to so much T.T
Update when you can, okay?
ghouse7 #7
Chapter 5: Cute! Keep going! Please don't make it dark!
innocent #8
Chapter 5: kyaaaaa~ so cute
Chapter 5: Kyahhh ji is so cute i love him!!!!
Missfabiola11 #10
Chapter 4: Mr ji is so cuteeeee