My Teddy Bear, My Teddy Boy [Hiatus]
Chapter 3
Bang! Bang!
"...Are you ok dear!?"
Hearing my mother calling, I quickly turned back to see that man's face. Looking at his confused face, the thought of wanting my mother to know about this ert gradually subsided...
Bang Bang!
"Chaerin-ah...are you ok dear? I will get inside now..."
My mother didn't give me time to find an escape as immediately I saw the doorknob moved.
"Oh !" Uttering, I quickly grabbed that man's arm, pulling his body to my wardrobe then put him insde and quickly closed the door!!
I quickly leant my back on the wardrobe and it was the same time, my mother came inside. Her face was a bit confused and worried. She looked at me then looked around skeptically.
"Oh Chaerin-ah...what's wrong? I think I heard you dear scream..."
I was stiffened for a while as I was in a process of finding an escape. "...Er...nothing mommy...I'm testing my voice for the singing contest..." I giggled a little after that and tried to scream more for conceiving my mommy  "Arhhhhhhhh"
I didn't know why I had to act like that. My mom looked at me worriedly but then she seemed to believed it with all her heart. "Err...if it's so...then you should lower your voice a bit Chae...it's too loud...I think there's really somebody harming you..."
My mom complainted then she stepped back and left the room.
I sighed relievedly and quickly turned to the drawer and opened it out.
"Ough Ough!"
Mr.Ji, the man one, was still there,coughing like there was no air. He didn't look at me yet his top could make me blush as his body was truly y.
Oh my god...I shook my head, I shouldn't have thought like that as this man was my beloved doll, Mr. Ji. How could I find a doll looked so y!!?
"Com'on let's get out from my wardrobe!" I said and gave him a hand. Yet, a second later, I was stiffened by the sight of his alluring brown eyes looking up. I blushed though he just then rubbed his eyes drowsily. Oh...I couldn't deny he looked so cute at this stage.
"Comon..." I said one more time, stronglier. Mr. Ji stared at me cutely then quickly, he grabbed my hand tight! I blushed because his hand was so warm and gentle.
"Rinnieeeeeeee..." He called me and looked deeply into my eyes with somewhat meanings. "I love you..."
He said and suddenly jumped up to hug me. He wrapped my body to his gently. I didn't know why my heart beat fast that time but somehow I found this man was a bit like a puppy.
"Yah...go away..." I said and pushed him away from my body strongly. We both stared at each other's eyes. He looked confused but then he smiled and tried to hug me one more. I quickly grabbed a pillow and hit at his face lightly!
"Yah Why not?" He asked confusedly, his eyes deeply stared at me. "You always hug me, don't you?.."
"I've never hugged you!" 
"You have!" He quickly retorted after I replied. It made me angry as I'd never hugged him, I just knew him right now! So how dare he talked like that!? 
"You've hug me Rinnie..." He insisted strongly, I felt a bit sad emotion spreaded from his sight "...You hug me everynight..., you hug me every night...since you were four Rinnie..."
I was shocked from his answer at that moment. I forgot about the fact that this man transformed from my little teddy...
Actually, I should have felt more surprised than this. It was a stange and scary situation but wht I still felt it was ok? Or it was because of his y appearance that made me a little bit uncomfortable!
And somehow I felt there were some meaning from his sight. The meaning of something that made me really warm and safe when seeing it....
It had been like hours that Mr. Ji, the human one, sat still and scanned around his body infront of the mirror. That man moved his hand here and there, his eyes'd never left them. He looked both confused and excited with his new body.
"Hey!" I calle him from behind, sitting on my bed. "How long does this body last?"
He left his eyes from his body and turned to see me, then shook his head cutely "Ah I don't know..."
Instead of feeling worried, he looked happy. His wide smile reflected everything. "My wish come true" He said and clapped his hands happily. Yet, it made me confused.
"Your wish?" I frown.
He smiled and nodded "Yeah..my wish...I wanna be a human...human like you..." He giggled after saying.
"Oh why?" I didn't understand "Why you wanna be a human?"
He giggled "Because I love you"  
I didn't know why I didn't want to know anything more. To be honest, Mr. Ji looked so happy. I really wanted to feel happy with him but this state made me worried about how to take care of him after this.
"By the way, can you go back to be a teddy?" I doubted, changing the topics.
He quickly nodded and smiled "Of course, I can!" Cutely, he reminded "Like this morning...and...last night..."
"Last night!" Uttering loudly, I just remembered about that weird dream. About a man who kissed me!
Kissed me!
Kissed me!!
Immediately I stood up and walked to his body and squeezed his shoulder "What do you mean last night!? Last night..did you turn into a man!?" I asked excitedly.
"Yah" He laughed "Why you look so excited?"
He acted as if nothing happened but for me it was a big deal! "Shut up the stupid question!" Deeply, I looked into his eyes. "Tell me what did you do!!!?"
He giggled cutely, "Yah, I kiss you!"
"Nooooooooo" I screamed and squeezed his shoulder more "How dare you kiss me!!!??"
Yeah, how dare he kissed me!! How dare!!
Yet, he frown and acted as if he didn't really know the reason. "Yah, how come I can't? as you also kiss me for many times since young..."
"No it's not the same!!!" I shouted and angrily squeezed his shoulder. "How dare you do this? How dare you steal my first kiss..hhhh..."
I was so upset. My tear filled the eyes because I was sad about how my kiss was stolen. Yet, he still smiled widely and acted as an innocence.
"It's not your first kiss...your first kiss was when you were five when you kissed my lip gently..."
Although it was true, somehow it was so annoying. How come this man was so stupid! He was a man now, not a teddy bear. So he shouldn'y have kissed me like that!!!
"Oh ..." I uttered and shook my head tiredly "I don't wanna talk to you anymore!"
I ended the conversation and walked away from him to the wardrobe. I found new towel then threw it to his body from afar.
"By the way, if you're human now then you should take some shower. Your odour isn't really smelly now so go take some shower, I'll lend you my pyjamas, you should wear it until you go back to be a teddy!" I said and went to open the bathroom door.
He was still sitting on the floor and looked at me confusedly then looked back to the towel.
"Hurry up!" I commanded so then he looked up "Hurry up, get into the bathroom! it's not only you who will take the shower but me also! So you should hurry!!"
Hearing my word, he stood up and walked to the bathroom. I closed the door and hoped he would turn back into a teddy so soon!
It was about half an hour after Mr.Ji went into a bathroom but there was still no sign of him for going out. I sat on the bed,waiting patiently. My eyes looked at the clock on the wall, I wondered what was he doing inside the bathroom!?
It was like something fell down from height, and it came from inside the closed door of the bathroom. Somehow I felt there was some problems so I quickly stood up from the bed and walked to the door!
Bang! Bang!
"Hey! Are you ok!?" I asked while I knocked the door. I bit my lip as there was still no answer, somehow I felt a bit worried...
"Ar..Ri..Rinnie..." Finally, I heard his voice yet it was so shaky, and it worried me.
"Hey what happen? Are you ok?" I asked and put my ear on the closed door.Yet, he didn't reply. I was so worried so I tried to bended the doorknob for opening it!
However,I was surprised as that the door wasn't locked so I quickly moved it and opened the door!!
"Arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Screaming loudly, I quickly closed my eyes because I was shocked by the scene. There, inside the room there was Mr.Ji being . Only a small towel covered his lower body.
"Yah..What are you doing!?" I asked "Why you call my name? I think you need some help so I come in!" I told him with a feeling of a mixture of anger and embarrasement.
Somehow I thought this man was such a ert! And I couldn't open my eyes to see him in this state.
"Ar..Rinnie...what's wrong?...why you close your eyes?" His voice was so really confused "..Is there anything you don't wanna see?"
I shook my head, how come he didn't know that he wasn't supposed to be infront of a girl!
"By the way, I don't know how to use these stuff...I don't know how to shower..." I heard his voice, was this really a reason for calling me in!? How come he didn't know how to take a bath! Jerk!! 
"Rinnie..help me...because I don't know how to do it...since young you're the one showering me..."
Oh...I shouldn't have called him jerk as actually he was my Mr.Ji. He was a teddy so he didn't know.
"Ah..Ok ok..I'll teach you but first, you go sit in the bathtub and after that called me, I'll go help you,OK?"
"Ok.." He said, I still stood there, closing my eyes.
"Yeah Rinnie..I'm already in a bathtub.." Hearing that, I then slowly opened my eyes. And when I saw he was alrady in the tub, I signed with relieve and walked to sit on the border.
Opening the water tab to fill the tub, I turned back to find a bottle of soap on the floor while still sitting on the same place. Yet suddenly, I felt somebody's arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me down to the tub!!!
"Arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Screaming, I was shocked and angry. Yet when I met his cute eyes, I blushed and the anger subsided quickly. His perfect muscular body invited me to look at, actually he was so perfect and hot. Was this really the same Mr.Ji, the teddy bear. 
"Let's shower together Rinnie...like always..." He said happily and splashed some water to my face, making my whole body wet. I frown and quickly pushed his chest with anger.
"Yah, no!" I repiled and tried to stand up yet I was stopped by his arms coming to circle around my body to his chest. My heart beat fast suddenly and his warm body made me so excited.
"Ar why not..." He whispered to my ear and moved his hand to my back "...I wanna rub your body... like you rub me before..." My face reddened immediately when I heard that sentence!
"Yah ert!!!" Pushing him away stongly, his body bounce to hit the tub. Looking at him strongly, I crossed my arms "You shouldn't do this! I'm a girl!"
His face immediately became disappointed and sad. Then he looked down and hugged his legs silently. "I'm sad that you don't like me..." He murmured but I could hear it obviously. He was really sad and I didn't want him to be like this.
So I caught his hair gently and started cleaning it softly "Ah it's not...I like you..I like you Mr.Ji..."
Hearing that, he looked up at me and smiled like a child. Somehow it made me blush though I knew that he was actually my little doll. I washed hi hair softly like I always did it to him when he was a teddy. Putting shampoo and soap all around his body, I cleaned him. Our eyes had never left and I liked the way he looked at me. I felt so warm and safe, I knew he was the same as my teddy that I adored the most since young.
I let  Mr.Ji out from the bathroom before then I took a bath myself. It had been a while to make me finish it all then I walked out the chamber. Now I was in my pink loose pyjamas.
"Oh my god!" Exclaiming suddenly, as I walked out the bathroom and saw Mr. Ji laid his human body in my blue pyjamas on my bed cutely. He stared deeply into my eyes and reached his hand out, calling me.
"Com'on Rinnie, hug me then sleep together..." He giggled and cued his body on my bed.
I walked to him and quickly pulled his body away from my place. "No this's not your place for tonight, get out!" I told him and put more effort on his pyjamas for pulling him out. Yet, he didn't obey, he dag his finger on the bedsheet for fixing!
"Hey get out!" I command, pulling him out. Yet he shook his head and looked at me confusedly.
"Why not!!!" He asked "I sleep here every nights!!! I love the placeeeee" He said then burried his face down on my pillow.
"Yah...comon...you can't sleep here tonight! You're a man not a teddy bear now so I don't wanna sleep on the same place with a man!!!" I told him, still pulling him with all my effort yet he was still so disobedient.
"Get out!!" I shouted and dragged him out with all my force, finally, I won, he was threw away from my bed to the ground, I looked follow him..
"Oh my..." While his body was spining, his body gradually shortened and in a minute, my blue pyjamas was too big for him as he finally became my same familiar brown-haired teddy bear. Oh my god? What happened? 
I quickly walked to his body confusedly. Inside my blue pyjamas, a little teddy bear was there and his face was so emotionless.
"Mr.Ji..." I lifted him up from the ground softly to my chest. Although he could turn into a man, I still loved him so much.
Walking back to the bed, I laid him down on my place then laid myself beside him like always. Pulling the blanket to cover us both, I stared at his brown eyes deeply....
Could he really turn into a man and was that freaking cute...
Oh no..I shoudn't have thought like that, I shouldn't have thought that he was such a cute guy. He was just a teddy bear, a toy, my favorite toy that should be just a toy forever..
Smiling, I his cheek gently but then I quickly I had to rub my eyes as I thought I saw him smiled a little bit!
"Yah...comon...you can't sleep here tonight! You're a man not a teddy bear now so I don't wanna sleep on the same place with a man!!!"
"Yah! y Mr.Ji...Is this your trick!?" 
I complainted and quickly lifted his body up, aiming to throw him away. Yet, before that, I hesitated as I saw his face became sad and drop of tear coming down from his eyes...
"Ah...ok ok...you can sleep here now.."
I gave in and put him back to the same place beside me. Looking into his eyes for a while, I then closed my eyes down to fasten my sleep. I at first tried not to hug him yet it wasn't familiar to sleep like this, that was why finally, I slowly pulled him to my chest and hugged him tightly before going down to a deep sleep...
A/N I'm waiting for DYLM MV but it's postponed T^T
Hope you like the teddy Ji kekekeke
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hunchaejingyo_0328 #1
Chapter 5: Please update soon
Chapter 5: The 'Oh my oh my....... my soulmate' one. Seriously if my classmate like that I'm gonna kill her -.-
Chapter 5: This story is just so cute. I wish there was an update. :3
ndd2604 #4
Please i need your update, like right now hiihihihi. I like this story
Chapter 5: my heart is flutter now.. update please authornim ㅠㅠ
Dear Author, why did you left that story?
Miss it to so much T.T
Update when you can, okay?
ghouse7 #7
Chapter 5: Cute! Keep going! Please don't make it dark!
innocent #8
Chapter 5: kyaaaaa~ so cute
Chapter 5: Kyahhh ji is so cute i love him!!!!
Missfabiola11 #10
Chapter 4: Mr ji is so cuteeeee