
For Heaven's Sake, Hit the Brake

Tao was in the middle of recounting a time in middle school where he’d had the misfortune of having his awkwardly long legs sprawled in front of his desk when an unsuspecting classmate had walked by, tripped and fell, and spread the rumor that Tao was out to get him. He’d had to spend the remainder of his middle school career eating lunch alone. Kris was about to sympathize, as he hadn’t been a stranger to accidentally elbowing a shorter friend in the face, when a honk shattered the atmosphere.

“Get in losers, we’re going shopping!”

Kris covered his face with his hands as Tao turned to blink at the minivan. Kris glanced up when he was elbowed. “You know them?”

Kris grimaced. “I wish I didn’t.”

Tao grabbed the bike as Kris trudged over to the car, Minseok dozing off in the passenger seat and Luhan blasting Taylor Swift, headbanging along with this high pitched screams. He bit his his lip and swiveled to face Tao, who was standing by the trunk with a raised eyebrow. Kris opened his mouth to voice an excuse, but gave up and walked over to help Tao throw the beat up bike into the bike.

When they got in, Luhan had thankfully turned down the radio, but eyed them suggestively as Minseok rubbed his eyes to his right. Kris closed the door and prayed that Luhan would keep his thoughts to himself and drive away.

No such luck.

“Kris, you need to learn how to glide,” Luhan sang, drawing out each vowel.

Minseok leaned his head over the back of his seat, smiling slightly at the pair’s dumbfounded expressions. “Sorry, he’s been watching a lot of chick flicks.”

“But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all,” Luhan wailed, pulling out into traffic.

“Are you sure he should be driving?” Tao whispered across the aisle, hand covering his mouth conspiratorially.

Kris, hanging onto his seat belt for dear life, gave a minute shake of his head. “No. But this isn’t the worst I’ve seen him.”

Luhan took a sharp turn onto the beltway, slowing dramatically before the merge. He screeched, turning to face Minseok, “I don’t know about you–”

Kris was pretty sure he was showing symptoms of a heart attack.

“Minnie, if you don’t sing, I won’t turn,” Luhan threatened, tapping the wheel.

Minseok sighed, as if cars weren’t queuing up behind them. He huffed before muttering, “–but I’m feeling twenty-two.”

Luhan grinned, speeding forward and yanking the car into the far left lane. “Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you,” Luhan howled, blasting the radio.

Kris cringed and glanced at Tao out the the corner of his eyes, freezing when he saw that the man was mouthing the words along with Luhan. When their eyes met, Tao merely shrugged, launching into the chorus.

“So, hold up,” Luhan paused in his antics, turning into the slow lane and ignoring all other traffic. “Where am I going?”

“Oh,” Tao spoke up, leaning forward, “do you know the garage near the science building?”

Luhan started, eyes going to the rearview mirror before he visibly relaxed. “Well, um, hey. Don’t believe we’ve met before. I’m Luhan and this is Minseok, my trusty sidekick. The soggy blanket is Kris. And who might you be?”

Kris clenched his teeth. “You know who he is.”

“Yifan don’t be rude,” Luhan admonished, swerving to avoid a merging convertible. “Tao, introduce yourself.”

“I’m sorry I don’t–”

“Oh, you know. The usual. Name, age, major, favorite color, ual pref–”

Minseok slapped his hand over Luhan’s mouth, smiling apologetically. “What Luhan means is that it’s very nice to meet you, Tao. Kris doesn’t make many friends.”

Kris glared at the pair.

“So, you’re going to get this hopeless giant riding professionally in two weeks?”

Tao tapped his chin, leaning forward. “Two weeks? There’s a time limit?”

“If Kris doesn’t want to lose the bet,” the blond sang, passing a line of cars and squeezing into a spot between two mercedes. “Wait. Where am I going?”

“Garage,” Minseok reminded gently.

“Right. Well, luckily for you, biker gang dropout, I do indeed know where the garage is. Give me five minutes,” Luhan winked to the taller man through the rear view mirror before spinning the wheel and sending the car and its occupants careening.

Kris hung onto the door handle–locked, he’d made sure–for dear life, trying to ignore Tao’s exhilarated laugh as Luhan twisted this way and that before pulling into a spot in front of the old garage. Kris was out of the car before it had come to a full stop, heading to the back as Luhan and Minseok leaned towards each other, conversing in whispers. He had the bike out before Tao had sauntered his way to the back. As soon as he slammed the trunk closed, Luhan was off. His jaw dropped.

“Be safe!” Luhan shouted, tires screeching as he rounded a corner before disappearing.

“You have interesting friends,” Tao chuckled, taking the bike and wheeling it around the side of the building.

Kris groaned, following behind. “Interesting is putting it nicely.”

“So what was that about a bet? What are you betting?”

Kris shrugged. “The guys decided they all wanted to do something before they died, and apparently now is the time to do it. Minseok is the only one who hasn’t done his. Other than me.”

Tao nodded, rounding the corner to an empty lot. “So, what if you lose?”

“Luhan decides what happens,” Kris stated with a shiver. “That’s why I need you to help me out.” He stopped walking when Tao laughed in response because wow.

“I feel like I should change our agreement. I’m letting you off too easy in comparison.”

“I disagree.”

Tao whipped around to face the blond, but he wasn’t facing him. Tao frowned and leaned the busted bike against the rear exit, darting in to grab his own bike and the keys which were hidden on top of the battered desk beside a scrappy note wishing Tao a good night, signed by everyone who had been working. He rolled his eyes, stuffed the note into his pocket and made his way outside, standing his bike up when he was beside the taller male. “I suppose I’m giving you a lift home?”

Kris nodded immediately before making a face and asking politely, tacking a heartfelt “please” onto the end. Tao rolled his eyes, mounting the bike. He froze in the act of starting the engine when limbs wound around his middle, pulling him back into a warm body. Hold the phone. “Kris,” he began, speaking mechanically. “You’re holding me out of necessity, not like I’m your other half,” he reminded with a twinge of sarcasm.

The arms drew away and an apology was mumbled into his ear, sending a shiver down Tao’s back. Hands were placed tentatively and barely touching his waist, and he grimaced when a cold breeze blew by, cursing his time. If only he’d waited a few more seconds…

He started up the bike and grinned when he felt Kris lurch and grab for purchase on his jacket.

“Hey, maybe you can try the drive home next time.”

Kris gaped. “Wha– Tao I don’t think–”

“Not really,” Tao interjected at a red light, “just teasing. No one touches my bike.” The light turned green and the vehicle purred beneath him as he drove towards the rich side of town.


The last thing he expected eating lunch the next day was a tray slapped down across from him. Sehun hadn’t alerted him he would be joining, so Tao had brought a textbook to keep him busy. He sighed and spoke without looking up, “Why can’t you just find someone else to ann–” Sehun didn’t usually wear a manic grin.

“Um, hey,” Chanyeol greeted with a nervous laugh, smile not slipping. “Sehun said he’d be in the library today so I kind of figured we’d eat lunch with you. Is that not okay?”

Tao frowned. “‘We’?”

Baekhyun slipped into the chair beside Chanyeol, giving him a peck on the cheek that only lasted a second. Tao half thought he’d imagined it because Chanyeol merely grinned and scooted to the side to accommodate the smaller man. Jongdae appeared a second later, slumping into the seat next to Tao, grumbling as Baekhyun sent Chanyeol flirtatious smiles and stealing food from the brunet’s plate when he wasn’t looking.

Tao cleared his throat. “Um?”

Baekhyun, practically glowing, grinned brightly. “Oh, hey, Tao! How are you doing? You look kind of tired. Did you not get enough sleep last night?”

That was not what he was expecting. Tao didn’t have a response prepared.

“Tao is just fine the way he is. You don’t see him criticizing your bracelet, which is stupid, by the way.”

Baekhyun gaped at Jongdae, who merely continued eating. He turned to complain to Chanyeol, who held up a hand before he could speak.

"Girls, you're both pretty," he mumbled, going back to his food before he could notice Baekyun's blush or Jongdae ducking his head. "Oh but Baek, could you give me a ride home? Please?"

Baekhyun, obviously about to say yes, was interrupted by Jongdae.

"I need a ride too."

Chanyeol frowned. "Jongdae, you take the bus."

"I forgot bus money," Jongdae shrugged, smile angelic.

Baekhyun outright laughed. "Like I'd ever even-" he trailed off, noting Chanyeol's crestfallen expression.

"I'm sorry." Even Tao felt his heart break.

"No, no, it's fine. Really. I promise," Baekhyun tried to remedy the situation, hand rubbing over the taller's back. He sighed in defeat. "You too, Jongdae."

"Are you sure, Baek?" Chanyeol frowned, scooting his lip.

"He's sure," Jongdae sang, ignoring the lethal glare. "It's no skin off his back."

"Agree to disagree," Baekhyun grumbled, switching all of his attention back to Chanyeol, reaching up and twirling a dark brown lock around his finger. "Why do you need a ride? Did something happen to your car?"

"No, my car is fine. It's my cousin, he," Chanyeol pursed his lips thoughtfully. "We rode bikes together when we were kids. He went professional and sometimes he sends me stuff. This bike he sent me-and don't get me wrong, it's a nice bike-gave out this morning. I had to walk it to school and I'm hopeless with bikes so," he shrugged.

Baekhyun grinned. "And that's how it is."

Chanyeol laughed, "and that's how it is."

Tao straightened, the beginnings of a plan starting to piece itself together, but he wasn't fast enough.

"Hey," Sehun greeted, out of breath, flopping on top of Tao to eat a couple of his fries.

"Hey, kid," Jongdae grinned, leaning over to pat the bright head. "Thought you were studying."

"I was," Sehun said slowly. "But then he showed up."


Sehun hushed Baekhyun. "Oh no, he's here."

Tao glanced around as Sehun sank into his seat, and there he was, in all his business suit glory. Sehun's bodyguard. He noticed their table and started walking forward. Sehun pulled his hoodie up.

“Have you seen–” He broke off, noticing the obvious boy. “Sehun.”

The boy whimpered.

“You need to study, Sehun. You have a test in a week.”

“I can’t study if I don’t have any food!” The youngest complained, throwing the hoodie off and pouting.

“Fine. Pick something out and then we’ll head back.”

Sehun blinked. “Wait. You’re paying?”

“Of course.”

“Bye guys I have to go study with my favorite person,” Sehun stood, smiling brightly to the four seated and skipping off with his hero.

“Um. Well,” Chanyeol shifted, checking his watch, “I have a class in ten minutes! I gotta go!”

“Me too,” Baekhyun and Jongdae said unanimously before glaring at each other.

“Wait,” Tao leaned forward, hand encircling Chanyeol’s wrist, ignoring the twin glares that were now directed at him. “That bike… do you mind if I look at it? I work in a garage and I might be able to help you with it.”

Chanyeol smiled, “nah, it’s fine. Bikes are too much of a hassle anyways. I was just going to give it away.”

Tao gaped. “Give it away? Then, um, could I have it?”

“You want it? Go for it. I hope you have better luck with it than me,” he grinned, grabbing Tao’s hand and searching around in his pockets before coming up with a plain keyring and a set of keys. “Here you go! Hey guys, are you ready?”

“Of course!” Jongdae smiled, attaching himself to Chanyeol’s side. Baekhyun, not to be outdone, wormed his way under a long arm until it was lying across his shoulders, pulling him into Chanyeol’s side.

Tao sat back down. He stared at the keys in his hand and smiled.


Kris wasn’t much of a science buff. So Human Anatomy was torture. He walked into the classroom and took his usual seat in the back. If he sat anywhere even remotely close to the front, there would be complaints about his height and it was just so much easier staying in the back.

Another tall man made his way inside, slumping down into the chair beside Kris. “Ready for another exciting day of anatomy?”

“Absolutely,” Kris grinned, watching as Chanyeol donned his glasses. Poor guy. Chanyeol had the shorter end of the stick. Too tall and near-sighted. It was a scholastic hazard. “So, how’s it going?”

“They are driving me insane,” Chanyeol groaned, pulling at his hair, “they absolutely hate each other, but they make their lives a living hell because of me. I’m exhausted. I’m tired of being the new chew toy for two purebred dogs. I’d rather just not exist at all in the equation. Or can they just love each other? Please?” He begged, hands clasped. “Kris, you are blessed to be single. Never change.”

Kris bit his lip, staring resolutely forward. “Right.”

Chanyeol caught on. “Hey, what’s up. You wanna talk about something?”

The elder debated mentally, then opened his mouth only to have the professor walk in. He sighed and reached for his notebook. He’d talk later. He told Chanyeol as much during the break.

After class, they both headed for the door, Chanyeol subtly hiding behind Kris when he heard the bickering from outside. “Don’t leave me alone.”

“We all have our battles to fight.”

Chanyeol shouldered his bag. “Yeah but sometimes we get lucky and the battle isn’t doomed to end in tragedy. Mine is not one of those. See you next week!”

Kris nodded and turned to head for the bus stop, lost in his thoughts so that when he heard the purr of a motor, he thought nothing of it.


Now that he couldn’t ignore. “Tao?”

“Over here!”

Kris frowned and walked towards the somewhat deserted parking lot, watching Tao move in figure eights effortlessly. The younger stopped and threw something at him. Kris caught them, which was a miracle within itself, and looked them over. “What is this?”

Tao pointed to a smaller bike behind him. “Someone was giving it away so I figured I might have a use for it. It’s yours. At least, until you want a better one.”

“Wow,” Kris clutched the keys, staring at Tao, “thank you.”

The black-haired boy rolled his eyes. “Stop it. It’s just a bike,” he rolled his own forward, “honestly, stop looking at me like I’m Santa.”

Kris coughed to hide his smile and tossed the keys between his hands. “So. What do you want me to do?”

“Start it up,” Tao grinned, “we’re going on a ride.”



This hilarious chapter was brought to you by Hannah~
Looks like I take the reins next, oh all the places they could go~ (and hope Kris doesn't die)



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wuzita0 #1
Chapter 10: This story made me happy omfg
Taoris lives on forever
Chapter 10: Oh god...I needed this!! the taoris is sooooooooooo cute I just love it! and is so so funny... I love when they caught Tao under the table...I really liked this fanfic ♥
Chapter 10: Aw. I really love the story :D u should make a sequel to it :D What they do to get Sehun and Jongin :D Fighting <3
Cookie7 #4
Chapter 10: Aw I'm gonna miss this fix :,)
Chapter 9: Dear Tao, wouldn't you want to snuggle with that dragon? so give in now~
HaneulD #6
Chapter 9: that was.. was.. was beautiful *cries a river* TT^TT