He's Back

Our Story [[ON HIATUS]]

A/N: I'm really sorry I couldn't update all week. I was planning to but I've been busy.:( So to make it up to you here's a double updat! Enjoy!


Someone's POV

Today I came back to Seoul. I left when I was still a kid and now I'm back to find the girl I once loved.

"Yah! Hyung, stop daydreaming." I was brought back to reality by our maknae. "Oh and the other hyungs said to hurry up and unpack. We're eating out." I nodded and started getting ready.

I have been living with my friends for a while now. Including me, there are seven of us living in one house. Its pretty crowded but we don't mind.

Once I was done unpacking we headed out to a restauraunt that wasn't too far. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was a text from an old friend that I kept in touch with.

Yo dongsaeng! I heard you're back!

Oh uh yea I am... so what's up, hyung!

Why don't you hang out with me tomorrow with some girls?;)

What are you trying to do hyung, find me a date?!

Uhm... let's just say I found the girl you've been waiting for. Sooo, you're coming and that's final! See ya!:p

Next Day

I woke up early today so I wouldn't be late on meeting up with hyung. Well early for me, everyone else was already awake.

I walked out of the house and to the mall. I had already told the guys about my plans. Once I arrived I went to. Where hyung told me to meet up at.


Luhan's POV

I was by the food court waiting for them to arrive. Today I would be hanging out with Jazzy and her little sister, Miny. I also invited one of my friends from years ago.

I started looking all over the place to see who came first. Out of nowhere I see a blonde guy coming my way. *And we have a winner!haha*

"Luhan hyung, long time no see.haha" *He's still as cheery as ever*

"Yeah, too long."


No one's POV

Luhan and his friend kept chatting while waiting for you guys to arrive. They were catching up up on the things they both missed out on during the years. Out of the blue Luhan decided to ask his friend an odd question.

"So, are you ready to see her? *wiggles eyebrows*"

About that... who are you talking about? Ready to see who?"

"*sigh* her." He plainly said and pointed towards a random direction. At that moment you and your sister came into view.

Luhan's friend turned his head towards you. Once he layed eyes on you he finally got what Luhan was talking about.

"Are you ready to see Miny?"

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The author told me to inform you guys that she is on hiatus right now due to technical problems and a busy schedule.
Chapter 3: Girl, you scared the crap out of me with that Lay pic in the background... x.x
Chapter 3: i think i know. but i don't wanna say, coz i might be wrong. and yeah, what did happen? pwease update soonnnn
Chapter 3: My heart is starting to get teared apart, I think you know right? I decided to read this to see how you were doing. X3 keke bai
update soon please~~ i like it already~ xDDDDD