
Our Story [[ON HIATUS]]

A/N: Sorry i was late this time. ill try to update once a week for you guys. Enjoy!


Your POV

I woke up with my back aching. I reached for my phone on the table to check what time it was. Instead, my fingers curled around a small piece of paper.

i noticed it was a note from my sister since the first line read "wake up lazy ." The rest of it was about how she was gonna be out all day and might not come home at night and blah blah blah. What really caught my was that she'll be coming home for two hours to have dinner with her friends that are coming over. and i have to cook.

i quickly grabbed my phone and texted my sister. (italics= you, bold= unni)

yah, unni im not cooking for anybody!

what? why not? its just us and a few friends thats all, not a feast.

no way! i dont cook for other people. especially ones i dont know.

pleeasee! do it for me, come on its my birthday :(

Ugh! im getting you back for this. how many people?-__-

yay! including us its 6 people ^-^

okay,  ill see you in a few.

since theres only two and a half hours left i decided to make something easy. i went to the kitchen to see what ingredients we had.*better go to the store and buy groceries really quick*

After what seemed like forever dinner was done and unni came home. she looked really nice. she had on black fake leather leggings, a light red shirt wih the sleeves slinding down her shoulders and her hair was in a high pony tail.

admiring her outfit made me look at mine. i had stains here and there due to making dinner. i went into my room and quickly changed. i went for a more casual look instead of my sister who went for the party look.

*Ding Dong*

"ill get it" unni ran to the door and answered it. knowing that the guests were here i came out of my room wearing a tight grey shirt with stripes on the collar and at the end of the sleeves and a number eight in the front, and grey skinny jeans, my hair in a side ponytail.

i stepped into the living room and saw four handsome guys all either talking to unni or looking around the house. unni turned her head to look at me then stood up and came to my side.

"miny, meet my friends. this is suho, luhan, sehun, and lay." she pointed to each of them when she said there names. once my eyes landed on lay, i knew he was the guy that i bumped into.

"its you!"


Lays POV

it felt boring today so i went to the movies with kris and luhan.

the movie was done so we went to get some ice cream when luhan hyung got a text. it was from that girl hes been hanging out with a lot lately.

"Yah! Dont just look at it, talk to her the tell us what she says." i could see kris hyung was getting curious on the relatiosnhip between luhan hyung and this girl. i had to admit, i was too. (italics= luhan, bold+jazzi)

hey are you free tonight?

yeah why do you ask?

well i was wondering maybe you and three other friends can join my dongsaeng and i for dinner.

oh! yeah sure ill come. see you soon. ;)

great! youre the best! see ya :)

"so thats settled for tonight. but whos ggoing with me?"

'ill go with you hyung. we can ask the others at home."

after telling everyone the plans we picked who would go with us.

we finally arrived at the girls house. it was kind of small but some what comfy. the girl was pretty and she looked like hyungs type. which made me wonder.

we talked to her for a little bit while we waited for her sister to come in. we learned her name was jasmine but she liked jazzi. she was 21 years old, and she had a sister named miny who was 19 years old.

a couple minutes later her sister came in. i had to admit she looked as pretty as her sister but she looked awfully familiar.

Jazzi stood up and walked over to her sister. "Miny meet my friends. this is suho, luhan, sehun, and lay." she pointed at each of us.

Minys expression changed once she saw me. she looked surprised and confused now.

"its you!"

i was shocked when she said that i took a closer look at her. thats when i noticed she was the girl from the other day.


A/N: chapter 2 complete! hope you guys like it so far! please comment & subscribe! ^-^


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The author told me to inform you guys that she is on hiatus right now due to technical problems and a busy schedule.
Chapter 3: Girl, you scared the crap out of me with that Lay pic in the background... x.x
Chapter 3: i think i know. but i don't wanna say, coz i might be wrong. and yeah, what did happen? pwease update soonnnn
Chapter 3: My heart is starting to get teared apart, I think you know right? I decided to read this to see how you were doing. X3 keke bai
update soon please~~ i like it already~ xDDDDD