Stolen Kisses

Chapter 28


Seohee’s POV


Can anyone please explain to me why did Oh Sehun kick Chanyeol’s door last night?? We were so shocked when he suddenly appears destroying the door and catching us playing like kids in the bed tickling each other, then he just left us there with some nonsense excuse. Even the others woke up because they were very worried of that sudden loud thud and we just told them what just Sehun did, their eyes grew wide upon hearing what we said and Luhan-oppa joked that he should really recruit Sehun in his team. At the end we just got back to sleep and let that brat slip last night for what he did.

The next morning Sehun was bombarded of same question over and over again why did you kick Chanyeol’s door? But Sehun would always dodge the question, ignore them and he would turn very red in embarrassment as they all ended up teasing him. As we got home Sehun is unusually quiet and it looks like he is avoiding me, maybe because of the incident last night? And just like the others I really wanted to ask him why he did that but he is eluding me. However, I still continue asking him until he jerks and stabs me a glare.

“Do you really wanted to know why I kicked that ing door??” he yelled at me and I grow stunned.


“Because you’re so stupid Seohee!! Why did you even agree to sleep in Chanyeol’s room?? Did you even know he wanted to be laid by you? Did you know how worried I was? I can’t even think straight on what I should do! But damn! There I go doing something stupid because I got worried for nothing!!”  He hollers and left me there dumfounded in the living room as he shuts the bedroom door.


 “He was worried for me?”  I mumble in myself.


Why would he worry for me? Why? I really can’t understand that Sehun!! Aish! I just got trapped in another hole of whys! I’m just his ever hated enemy that became his housemate, what so special about it that he would be worried about me?  Aish! Stupid Sehun!






Before I could even enter the school premises the news about my break up with Chanyeol has already roaming around like flies. Eyes were glued on me as I sauntered my way out from the bus to the corridors.  Whisperings made by the gossipers are filling the entire hallways as if I can’t hear them, and then there is this freshman who stops in front of me to ask if the rumor is true.


“Sunbaenim, did you really break up with Chanyeol-oppa?” She asks with eyes saying that it can’t be true.


“No.”  I mumbled.


“I told you so they are still together. They really suit each other.” She said to her friend.


“No, he broke up with me.”  I said and left them there before she could ask me why.


Well, it’s true that Chanyeol is the one who let me go. As I entered our room Minah immediately asks me with the same question everyone is dying to ask but I told her we will talk about it this lunch with our friends. Then Chanyeol arrives and girls started to gather around him but he shrugs all of them and made his way to greet me a good morning and then he is back to his proper seat. Then there it goes the whispering again, the never ending glares throughout the morning class.


“So, did you get laid and dumped Seohee? How pitiful.” Chanmi mumbles as I arranged my things in my bag but I didn’t bother to give her my attention.


“Who would have thought that Chanyeol was actually playing with this girl even after that public confession?”  She added giggling like an evil witch.


“I bet she fell hard for it.Haha”  Her minion added.


“So, how was Chanyeol in bed? Did you enjoy it?” Asked the other girl.


“Hey! Are you done Seohee? Everyone is waiting in there already. Hurry.” Chanyeol suddenly pops out calling for me.


“I’m almost done.”  I responded and haul my bag but Chanyeol sauntered towards me and grab it.


“I’ll carry this, let’s go?” He said offering his hand, so I hold it and rolled my eyes at those cruddy girls.


“I thought they broke up, Chanmi?” I heard the other girl asks as we finally leave the room.



As we gathered at the same old place for lunch they’re already waiting for an explanation about the rumor and the moment I arrived with Chanyeol their gazes were on us and Minah started it.


“So, did the two of you really break up?” She asks and we both responded a nod.


“Why? Why did you break up?” Minah follows up a question.


“I decided to let her go.”  Chanyeol mumbles.


“You did??  Yah! Park Chanyeol! You didn’t touch her did you??”  D.O. asks worried about what Chanyeol have done.


“No! I didn’t do that and I can’t do that to her.”  Chanyeol responded.


“Really?? Is it true Seohee?”  Baekhyun sends suspicious glares on Chanyeol and asks me.


“Yes, we didn’t do anything except for hugging.”  I mumbled.


“Then why?”  Kai softly asks.


“Because I found out she’s cheating on me.”  Chanyeol said jokingly.


“Yah! That’s not true! Stop joking Chan.”  I mutter.


“Okay,okay. I broke up with Seohee because we are simply not in love with each other.”  Chanyeol explained.


“Huh? That’s it??”  D.O. mumbles.


“Yup, we are in love with someone else and don’t even ask who because we are not going to tell you, it’s a top secret.” Chanyeol said.


“You’re joking right?” Minah mumbles.


“I’ve heard enough and I believe in Chanyeol, let’s eat I’m starving.” Suho suddenly said and we decided to eat our lunch.


I sneakily glance at Sehun who’s been so quiet since yesterday and his words are still stuck on my mind. He is really confusing me in every day that passes by and I don’t know what to react anymore when he is around because unfortunately after that stupid pepero game my heart is always aching when he is around and the scenes of that game are flashing on my mind. Add that he suddenly burst out saying he is worried about me makes me more awkward with him.


“Hey! Seohee who’s the lucky guy you like?”  Baekhyun asks and everyone becomes awkwardly silent waiting for me to answer.


“Is it Sehun??” He added and everyone let out a laugh while I’m awkwardly smiling with my heart tightening.


“Babo!”  Kai smack his head lightly and he smiles at me. How I miss that sweet smile of his.






The next night after I was out for work and done with my dinner at home, Sehun suddenly called me to teach him in Chemistry. I didn’t see that coming from him but he just did and I prepared everything I needed in the living room, the book, notes, pen and paper.  And as we started it, I just can’t keep calm then there is this feeling again I felt in that pepero game when Sehun is this close to me. A flustering feeling of like and weirdness surging in me as I can’t keep my eyes off of him and wander from his top until it reaches down to his perfect collar bones. Luckily my phone rings and bringing me back to my senses before Sehun could catch me staring at him.


“Yeobseo?”  I mumble as I excuse myself from Sehun.


“Cherry tart,hehe”


“Channie? Why did you call?” I asked.


“Ah, babe. I’m actually outside your house right now, come out and we are going to party.” He mumbles like drunk from the other line.


“What?? What party??  What are you doing there?? I can’t come out.” I shriek.


“Come on, I’m going to push this buzzer if you won’t come out.” He said.


“NO!! Yah! Don’t you ever push that buzzer, I’m going just wait there and don’t even dare to ring that buzzer please.” I trampled in my sentence.


“Okay, I got it! Hurry and dressed aaay..mwah.” He mumbled and hung up.


So, I hurriedly run to my closet then grab a black mini dress, a stiletto and a purse. Changing my outfit in swift seconds I run outside the bedroom while Sehun is waiting for me there with strict squinting eyes.


“Yah! Where are you going this late?” he said.


“I don’t have time for you Sehun, I’ll be right back.” I replied as fast as I could and left him alone in the apartment.



I took a cab and told the driver to run so fast that I can be there in my house as soon as possible before Chanyeol grew tired of waiting and ended up punching the buzzer then find out that I don’t live there anymore. I told the cab driver to park it just right in the side of our house as if I came sneaking out from our yard so that Chanyeol wouldn’t suspect me or something. And I had my secret rendezvous with Chanyeol. He is not drunk but he had a couple of beers earlier he said and he is really acting weird tonight.

Chanyeol holds my waist pulling me closer to him as we sauntered our way in this dim alley down to this underground club here in Hongdae. We seated in a table with his friends that I don’t even know, Chanyeol keeps on whiffing and clinging on me that I’m feeling so uncomfortable of this. I tried to talk to him if he have some problems but he keeps on dodging my question and he would empty that glass of alcohol in his hand.

Different lights are blinding me as it dances with the music bursting from the speakers, I haven’t touch anything in the table for I’m not good in alcohol nor I’m a smoker. Chanyeol doesn’t smoke but his so called friends do and it’s suffocating me. Right now Chanyeol seems a bit tipsy and drunk for having so many rounds of alcohol and no matter how much I wanted to leave this place I just can’t leave Chanyeol like this in here.


“Babe, want to drink something?”  Chanyeol asked hovering his arms on my shoulder.


“No, I don’t drink.”  I mumbled.


“Ohh, your little girl doesn’t drink.hehe” The guy in gray said as he smoothly touches the bum of the girl beside him. Eeeiii, byuntae.


“She’s not a little girl anymore, come on Seohee just one glass.” Chanyeol whispered on my ear with his husky voice and his breath titillating my neck uncomfortably but what makes me more uncomfortable is when he brushes the glass on my leg leaving a streak of moist on my skin.


“Yah! Park Chanyeol! What the hell is your problem?!” I shriek and their gazes me.


“Excuse me. I’ll just go to the restroom.”  I mumble as I scoot away.


What the hell is Chanyeol acting right now? He suddenly returns to his old Casanova self and its worst. It’s making me go insane thinking about it! I thought he already changed for the good but I guess not. He is not even listening to me, I know he is in pain right now that’s why he is doing this but gosh! This isn’t him! I’ve seen him mad but not like this. He is painfully hurt and I wanted to reach out for him, to comfort him and cuddle him safely however he’s pushing my guts away. Did he already tell her he love her? That’s why he is acting hurt and so not in himself right now. Did I advice him wrong about his feelings for Yura-eonnie that he suddenly becomes like this?  I’ve got so many questions right now but I can’t find the answers nor can’t I get it from Chan. Aish!

Then suddenly a bunch of girls entered the rest room talking about a commotion outside and then one of the girl mentions Chanyeol’s name. My eyes grow wide upon hearing Chanyeol just got into a fight, so I hurriedly run outside. I’m just a few minutes absent in his side then I’ll find him being punched by a random guy in the middle of the dance floor. I tried to mediate but they stopped me because I might get caught in it and I’m already shouting there for someone to help Chan, also shouting for that stupid Casanova to stop his mocking face. Aish! What did I even get into?

Finally, someone walks in to stop Chanyeol who suddenly dominated the guy who’s on the floor trying his way out of Chan’s grip. Then bouncers enter the scene and grab those two guys fighting including the black hoodie guy who helps Chan. We were thrown outside the club and luckily we are not being thrown to jail for starting a fight. The black hoodie guy is talking there to the Chanyeol’s opponent earlier and I’m here trying to talk to Chan as he leans in his black bmw in haze.


“Chan? What is wrong? Tell me.”  I said softly cupping his face seeing that cut in his lips but he is not answering me.


“Is it about Yura-eonnie?” I asked and he flinched upon hearing it.


“What am I doing??” he mumbled painfully as he hauls his hand on his face.


“Park Chanyeol! Listen to me! What happened?” I asked.


“Nothing happened, she is just like her usual self and I’m just an idiot! Because unfortunately, I fell for someone I have no chance of getting with.” He mumbles with eyes b with tears.


“So, you already told her? Great! We are going to move on! And not like this, stop mourning there like a pathetic person.”  I said.


“Seohee, I’m sorry. Please let me be like this for tonight because it hurts in here so much.”  He mumbles thudding his chest.


“Just one night of being wasted, one night of crying, one night of being weak, one night of being a jerk, one night Seohee, give me this one night to mourn for my unrequited stupid love. And tomorrow I’ll be sure to move on happily.”  He trampled on his words because of too much alcohol.


“Okay, come here.” I said welcoming him for a big warm hug and he hold me tightly, burying his face on my shoulder.


“Cry it all out.”  I softly whispered on his ear as he began to water tears.


Cry it all out?

Why does it sound familiar? Aigoo. I can’t remember well where I heard that, aish!

So, Chanyeol cried like a little kid and this is the first time I see him so weak. He just silently cried on my shoulder making my dress a little damp. He is painfully hurt, for how many years did he secretly loved eonnie then suddenly he will be force to move on from it, it’s painful because no matter how much he tries there’s no chance for him to be with her. Life is really unfair, when you finally found the one you are planning to pledge your love forever with, fate will unfortunately betray you.

 Then the black hoodie guy is back and he is watching us from a distance, I can’t see his face because it is hidden under his hood but he stands tall. As Chanyeol is cascading his tears nonstop, he just suddenly falls unconscious, I am getting nervous of his sudden action and I tried to lift him up but he is a bit heavy, so the black hoodie guy voluntarily help me to pick Chanyeol up. And I try to peak a glance of this guy’s face and in my surprise.


“Sehun??” O__O


“Let’s bring Chanyeol home, hurry and open the car’s door.”  He ordered and I submissively followed.


What does Sehun doing here?

Because you’re so stupid Seohee!! Why did you even agree to sleep in Chanyeol’s room?? Did you even know he wanted to be laid by you? Did you know how worried I was? I can’t even think straight on what I should do! But damn! There I go doing something stupid because I got worried for nothing!!


Sehun’s words that night suddenly pop into my mind and throughout the entire trip to Chanyeol’s house my mind is trained by the thoughts of Sehun. Why is he being like this to me?? Wae?? Wae?? Wae?? Oh Sehun stop confusing me!!


Sehun pulls the car to stop and he tells me to call Baekhyun to get Chanyeol here, so I did. Minutes later Baekhyun comes out asking what happened to Chanyeol.


“Are your parents home?”  I asked.


“No, they’re still out of town.”  Baekhyun replied.


“Good, I’ll stay here and take care of Chanyeol.” I mumbled and their eyes grow wide.


“No, you can’t. Let’s bring Chan inside first Baek and we’ll talk about that stupid idea you’ve got ugly.”  Sehun respond and they left me.


After awhile Baekhyun and Sehun are back.


“Seohee, don’t worry about Chan leave him to me and thank you for taking care of him.” He bowed.




“No buts, you should go home or your parents will be worried. Sehun will send you home so don’t fight with him okay? Now go the two of you.”  Baekhyun smiled and pushes me to Sehun.


“Okay, be sure to take care of him.”  I mumbled and we left.


I walk behind Sehun as we go to the bus stop, the streets are silent and so are us, the only thing that keeps the street glint in the darkness is the lights from the posts. I walk hugging myself because it feels cold in here. Sehun is already a few paces ahead of me and I watch his shadow leaving footprints that I keep on following. Then I suddenly bump my face on his back because he stops walking, I am so going to yell at him but I stop. He takes off his jacket and orders me to raise my hands upward so he can put the jacket on me and I did. Then the bus arrives and we go in filling the empty bus as we seat in the last part. It’s been quiet but not until he speaks.


“Don’t worry about Chanyeol, he’s going to be okay and I bet he’ll forget everything tomorrow. He is always like that when he is drunk.” Sehun mumbled.


“Really? I hope he will be okay.” I said softly because I feel…I don’t know what I’m feeling. Aish!


“Seohee, don’t go leaving me like that again and that dress is way too short, guys in clubs might act indecently to you.”  He said as I glance at him secretly feeling this weird sensation.


“Did you get me?”  He said catching me looking at him but he didn’t look away, he just speaks with his eyes.


“Ye-yes.” I replied stuttering and decided to avert his gaze.



Quiet. Quiet. Qiuet.

Quiet. Quiet. Qiuet.

Quiet. Quiet. Qiuet.

Quiet. Quiet. Qiuet.

Quiet. Quiet. Qiuet.


I’ve wanted to say thank you to this y stick but I can’t move my lips. I’m trembling inside, my stomach is like being turned upside down and why am I getting attracted to his scent? I love being wrapped in his jacket, it’s warm and I feel so secure. Why am I suddenly feeling comfortable with him beside me? But the shaking is all hidden within my body.


“Sehun..” I called.


“Thank you for today.” I finally able to speak and I glance at him beside me.


He is already lost in a deep slumber. I turn sideways and I find myself staring at his beautiful face remembering that first stolen kiss I did. This person that I have hated for years, the person I least expect I would  welcome in my life, he just suddenly barged in my space totally ruining it but I haven’t seen that he’s actually part of the wonderful things in the picture. The guy who turned out to be gentle and nice after all those stupid fights and he’s actually a man behind that veil of being a brat. If not for him, for sure I might not make it this long being alone. So, thank you Oh Sehun.

I pull to wear the hood and I, Shin Seohee steal a kiss from my greatest enemy again.

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Chapter 42: Ahhhhh <3 <3 <3
Chapter 42: Oh god!! Love your story,it's so sweet
Jjongshi #3
Chapter 42: I love this storyyyyy~~~~ so sweet... Full of romance!!!
Chapter 33: i hate seohee so much on chapter 33 ughhhhh!!!
The first trailer, the one with 'Butterfly' as the background music, was just.... wow!
coolestgirl #6
Chapter 19: I don't even know why but I feel so frustrated when I read this fic
coolestgirl #7
Chapter 10: I'm a bigger cup size than her lol
Chapter 42: Ahhh this story made me go on such an emotional roller coaster! However it was all worth it ;)
absehun #9
Chapter 41: Hi i'm reading your story just in one day..
This is so interesting, how can you got this idea? I love this reaaaly
and keep writing author:)
Its_Yara #10
Chapter 41: Best eXo-K Maknae Sehun story I've ever read well done author-nim