Stolen Kisses

Chapter 26


I keep on gazing on my phone in my pocket because it keeps on buzzing nonstop of messages from Minah and Chanyeol. They keep on reminding me to not forget the overnight party later at Baekhyun’s because it’s his birthday and everyone is invited to mess around there. However, I’m still busy at work and I already texted them I will just catch up for dinner, anyway I have asked the manager if I can be off to work earlier and she said yes.

I still have an hour before 7pm and the boutique is not that busy, most of the people dropping by here look extravagant and I would usually help them in picking out what is best for them. Because the boutique is not that fussy today my mind is just too fussy of thoughts about Sehun. Hell yeah! What is he even doing in my freaking mind?!

Well, let me tell you what has been happening between the two of us for the past week after that night I’ve cried myself because of my stupid confession.


Sehun is definitely weird as usual, he really taught me Math the night after which really surprises me because I never expected he would really do that. He was very serious when he taught me how to analyze and compute for the problem given, he would usually flick my forehead if I’m doing something wrong in the calculations and he would yell at me like a captain in charge. Of course it was not all for free because I also need to teach him Chemistry because he is having a hard time doing the chemical equation and balancing it, even though I find it easier than doing the math problems. But what is fun in teaching him is that I can smack his head when he does wrong.haha However, when we usually have a tutoring session our seats would be very close to each other that I can’t seem to concentrate anymore because his perfect face is right beside mine, his breathing would be very clear in my ears and his scent is lingering around me. Then my gaze would wander in his lips and the memory of my first stupid kiss will flash back in my mind. Aish!

He might be kind to me when we are alone in the apartment but he is still a stupid brat always annoying me in school, the only difference is that his mockery would never reach this imaginary line of too much. He learned to know what limitation is and he never cusses me with very dirty words, he usually gets mad of course over something stupid and we would get into a fight but it is still nothing to me because I’m so used to that. However, what I am not used of is that him being kind, thoughtful, gentle, helpful and nice. I’m not making that up, because he is really nice when we are together but I will just hissed at him because for sure he might be up to something, he is also kind once in a blue moon lending me his assignment when I forgot to bring mine, he is unusually thoughtful bringing me take out when he is hanging out with the guys when I can’t go because of my work, he is unbelievably gentle for always choosing the less hurtful words when we fight even though you can’t consider it gentle because he really does curses me but still it’s less hurtful, and he is surprisingly helpful for always helping me to excuse myself with the guys so I can be off to work, especially when Chanyeol would be very persistent to ask me out for dinner or date somewhere. All of that is not somewhat normal for me and it’s really bugging me why would Oh Sehun would be like that and then moments after he would be like a monster picking a fight with me. What is wrong with that brat? Did he eat something inedible?  Or did he bump his head? Anyway, I’ll just be alert if that brat is planning something against me.




Channie <3: Cherry tart! Can’t wait for you to come. Imy.


Sighs. Chanyeol is always full of excitement but sometimes I will catch him being mysteriously sad over something I don’t know and I still didn’t get to decode the reason why he is being like that. By the way, I didn’t put that heart on his contact name, he just did that last week when he snatch my phone from my hand discovering his name is just plain Chanyeol so, he changed it to Channie <3 and he even captured us a selca then made it into my phone wallpaper. Sighs. I wonder when will I stick with Chanyeol, will I be his girlfriend for life? Is that even possible? I just can’t imagine it. But I just can’t break up with him over something unreasonable because as far as we’ve been together he never did a thing that would hurt me, he always makes me smile and laugh, he buy me sweets when I’m on a tantrum because of being irritated of Sehun and he always cares for me but he’s being clingy annoys me sometimes. And you know what, we only kissed once that is when he asked me to be his girl then the following were just a peck on my cheek or in the forehead or sometimes he would just try to kiss me on my lips but he would just surprisingly stop.




Channie <3: Are you on your way cherry tart? Hurry and I’m going to drown you in hugs. ^o^


He really can’t wait huh.

I’m already on my way out of the boutique I have also said my goodbye and thanks to the manager and a big surprise welcome me outside.

Sehun pops in front of me.

I am so stunned of his presence that I didn’t realize he was already hauling me to go inside the boutique asking me to find something for Baekhyun. I’m still in daze in stupid thoughts why the hell he is here when he suddenly flicks my forehead waking me up.


“Yah!!” I twitched.


“Hurry and find me a gift for Baekhyun.” He ordered.


“Why would I? Go find there yourself and I’m going.” I said and I’m about to leave but he pulled me.


“Shin Seohee, find me a gift for Baekhyun….please?” He said making those awkward puppy eyes.


And I’m not falling for those puppy eyes of his!


“Fine! But you’re going to pay for the cab later.” I responded smiling slyly at him and I started to scan for something Baekhyun would like.


I tried to pick a shirt, pants, sweater and everything but this Sehun is so much picky than Minah! He is not even the girlfriend but he is this finical when it comes to gifts. Aish! At the end he just bought the dark fur scarf I picked earlier, I really think that Baekhyun would look cool in those because he kinda resembles a cute kitten. After a long time we finally left the boutique and he called in a cab for us, we had a silently cold atmosphere inside the cab as we gaze outside the window waiting for our stop. Then he suddenly breaks the ice and asks me “What are you going to give Baek?”


“Why do you care?”  I glared at him suspiciously.


“Because it’s unfair, you get to know my gift for him but I don’t know yours.” He mumbles.


“That is not my fault, babo!” I spat.


“Shut up ugly! By the way, are you really staying for the night there?”  He asks and I didn’t respond for a long time until he jerks in annoyance.


“Yah! I’m asking you stupid!”


“HAHAHA, you said I’ll shut up and so I just did.” I laugh and he just hissed.


“Yes, I’m going to sleep there and isn’t this an overnight party? Baegchi!” I added.


“Yeah right, I bet you’re ready to be dominated by Chanyeol huh.” He mutters.


“What?? Of course not! Nothing is going to happen.” I shriek.


“I hope so.” I heard him whisper but then he immediately scoots out as soon as the cab stops.


What’s wrong with him? Aish! But he is right Chanyeol might do something stupid later and I’ll just hope he won’t.  Sehun let me enter first so that they won’t get to know we came together and he followed minutes later. Chanyeol hugs me right after I entered their house and leads the way to their front room where everyone is gathered up playing xbox kinect, Kai and Suho on screen doing some boxing game they are really enjoying just by looking at those faces and I missed that cute laughs of Kai. I missed playing games with Kai because for the past week he’s kind of avoiding me or is it just me? For he still talks to me, it’s just that he seems to cut off our talk immediately or he would just doze off somewhere or he would be busy punching his psp. I don’t know why he’s being like this to me but I’m still trying my best to understand him. I seated beside Minah and had a little talk with her asking if she already done her wonderful gift for Baekhyun and if she would like to stay up all night with me together later but did you know what she just replied to me? She just smiles at me slyly and told me she’s going to sleep in Baekhyun’s room. Ahhh! She’s abandoning me T__T

However, I truly understand that she wanted to spend the night with her boyfriend but she cleared to me that they are not going to do that, you know the thing most couple does. And the thought that Minah would spend her night in Baek’s room just made me realize I’ll be spending my night in Chan’s room and I’m going crazy right now thinking about it, then I suddenly shriek when Chanyeol appears so close beside me trying to peck a kiss on my cheek. Everyone turned their heads on us and I just feign a smile then jokingly slap away Chanyeol.


“Guys! Dinner is ready!” I heard Yura-eonnie called and pops out from the door with Luhan-oppa behind her.


What is Luhan-oppa doing here?? He can’t be here! No way! Oh no! Can I just go home already?? I gaze at him and he caught me so I immediately turn away. I just can’t face him now! Not ever! I’ve been avoiding him for almost a week and all I thought it was already perfect but him, suddenly appearing here ruined everything I’ve been doing. And worst he is beside me here in the dinner table! Aish!

I wanted to disappear! I’ve been ducking my head here because I just can’t bare being with Luhan-oppa, this is really awkward and my heart keeps on palpitating like crazy, guilt surge over me melting my whole body. I’m just thankful that Chanyeol’s beside me to keep me busy so that I won’t get to interact with Luhan-oppa. Sehun on the other hand mouthed me if I want to change seats with him but I didn’t and there he goes again with his other self.

We all sing a birthday song for Baekhyun and cheered for him to make a wish then he blows his nineteen little sparkling candles. And we all eat together our dinner happily but me? Awkwardly.


“Seohee-sshi? Seohee-sshi?” I can hear Luhan-oppa calling me but I keep on slicing my chicken playing dumb.


“Baby, hyung is calling you.” Chanyeol nudge me. Aish! Stupid boyfriend!


“Uhmm, yes oppa?”  I said slowly turning my head to Luhan-oppa.


“How are you? I haven’t seen you in a while.” He asks.


“Uh-uhmm fine, right! I become busy lately.” I said stuttering and playing my food on my plate.


“It’s good to hear you’re doing fine.” He said.


“Jerk!” Sehun suddenly mutter and everyone furrowed they’re brows at him but he just continued eating.


“By the way Sehun, your kick last time was surprisingly painful. Do you want to join the soccer club? You might harness that good kicking skill.” Luhan-oppa jokingly said and everyone’s eyes grow wide asking Sehun why did he kick Luhan-oppa.


“Nah, it’s a waste of time.” He glared.


“Yah! You kicked Luhan-hyung? Waeyo?” D.O. asks.


“Shut up chibi!” Sehun growl.


“Stupid Sehun! Tss..”  D.O. growl back.


“Sehunnie, why did you kick Luhan-hyung?” Suho asks seriously at their maknae while that brat just keeps on glaring at Luhan-oppa.


“Guys, that was nothing serious really! Let’s continue eating.” Luhan-oppa said.


Then everyone turned awkwardly quiet but suddenly they all burst into laughter.

Hey don’t tell me Sehun kicked Luhan-oppa just to get a revenge on me? And why would that brat do that for me? Stupid! That’s not going to happen.

 After we’ve eaten dinner I poke Luhan-oppa and I immediately mumbled the word Sorry then I left him because I felt like dying of embarrassment.



We all gathered up again in the front room messing around and eating some desserts. Then they all started to play xbox kinect again but this time everyone will participate and the loser will have a punishment. Everyone will pick a random game and will play against each other and the one who’ll lose the game will end up playing a pepero game with the other losers.

Sighs. I can’t have so much fun because Luhan-oppa is here with us and he’s with Yura-eonnie in the other corner cuddling her sweetly. While I’m here feeling gloomy while my boyfriend is playing there with Baekhyun and Chan ended winning the game as he jumps in joy towards me. Then they picked the next players which are Kai and me. Seriously? I won’t win a game if it would be Kai. And the game is Just Dance aish! Why would it be this? This is really embarrassing! And guess what song is on play, it’s Gangnam Style! Aish! Burry me now! I don’t really in dancing but this is really embarrassing, Aigoo.

Kai looked at me sympathetically and told me to have fun. I smiled at him saying okay. Then everyone keeps on cheering and singing to the song like idiots on the background as we keep on moving our bodies in front of the monitor trying to catch the perfect score. In the end Kai won of course, he is really amazingly good in dancing and it surprises me for I thought I’m already doing great with the moves but yet I failed.

And it’s time to face the consequence.


“Yah!! Why do I need to be paired up with that brat??!” I holler.


“No! I’m not doing the pepero game with that ugly girl!” Sehun growl.


“Channie, are you just letting this happen to your cherry tart? He is going to defile me, help me. Please.” I pouted and made my cutest puppy eyes at Chanyeol but he’s just having fun teasing us. Isn’t he getting jealous? Isn’t he mad about this stupid game? Isn’t he going to stand up and just do the consequence for me? Aish! Why is he even my boyfriend?!


“It’s just a game cherry tart, come on. This might be the way for the two of you to be peacefully friends.” He said smiling and convincing me.


“NOOOOO!!!” Sehun and I both cried in unison.


“Hey guys! A game is a game and you do the consequences. Hurry and bite the pepero already!” D.O. ordered.


“Yah! Luhan-hyung! You’re supposed to be the one doing this! You cheated earlier.” Sehun spat on Luhan-oppa because he lost to him earlier, this brat doesn’t really know how to accept defeat.Tsss.


“Hahaha, I didn’t. Just do it already you two Love Birds!” Luhan-hyung jokingly said.


“We are not love birds!” We cried again together.


“Yah! Do it already! It’s my birthday guys and don’t ruin the fun.” Baekhyun said pulling us in the center.


Then Baekhyun hold the chocolate flavored pepero between me and Sehun, he said he’ll count one two three and we will bite together. Aish! Why does it need to be Sehun??! This is very hilarious!


“Be sure to leave 2cm of that pepero or else you’re going to repeat it.”  Baekhyun warned and everyone is teasing us.


I glared at Minah who’s ready to capture this once in a lifetime moment with her camera and gosh! I will really regret this forever!


I slowly bite on the pepero and so does Sehun, he just looks at me with those glimmering eyes and I keep on losing my mind to it for the distance between our faces is slowly becoming so close. Omo! I wanted to close my eyes and forget this day had ever happened!

A very weird heart thumping for the first time made me so astonished, the moment we finally let go the small bit of pepero. And Sehun is surprisingly becomes so quiet and red, he looks stupid! Haha but I do look one too. I’m beet red of embarrassment however there is this weird felicity running through my veins like electricity.


“Waaaah! It’s 2.2cm. Congrats! Then Baekhyun and Suho is next!” D.O announced.


But my heart is still chaotically pounding.




After everyone gone tired for the night, we all headed to the rooms they’ve prepared and of course Minah is in Baekhyun’s room while Luhan-oppa will stay in Yura-eonnie’s room and the other guys will be in the guest room. So, that leaves me alone in Chanyeol’s room right now, that’s for the mean time because he’s going to talk with the guys first and I’m really getting suspicious of his moves right now that I can’t seem to sleep. I wanted to stay awake for the rest of the night just to guard myself from him. Why do I even need to stay here in his room? Why not there in the guest room? Or why not all the girls will just stay in one room? Aish! What will I do if he’ll jump over me? Will I just let him touch me? No! No! No!

I’m not yet ready for this!!

Eotteoke?? Huhuhuh ;_;

God! Please help me!

Please don’t let Chanyeol turn into a werewolf and don’t let him devour me.


Is Chanyeol even ready for this?

I bet he does, he’s an expert when it comes to this and he already planned for this, I guess.

I’ve heard guys always keep they’re condoms in their nightstand, should I take a look? If it’s really there, I need to run and hide somewhere, or just punch the door of Baekhyun’s room and spend the night with Minah or I’ll just go home this late or I’ll just sleep with the guys there in the guest room. Aigoo! I just need an escape!


I slowly open the nightstand of Chanyeol hoping he is not hiding some condoms there but what I find is something scarier than what I expect it to be.





I'm sorry for being a cliffhanger but I'm going to update the next chapter later, i'm still doing it. 

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Chapter 42: Ahhhhh <3 <3 <3
Chapter 42: Oh god!! Love your story,it's so sweet
Jjongshi #3
Chapter 42: I love this storyyyyy~~~~ so sweet... Full of romance!!!
Chapter 33: i hate seohee so much on chapter 33 ughhhhh!!!
The first trailer, the one with 'Butterfly' as the background music, was just.... wow!
coolestgirl #6
Chapter 19: I don't even know why but I feel so frustrated when I read this fic
coolestgirl #7
Chapter 10: I'm a bigger cup size than her lol
Chapter 42: Ahhh this story made me go on such an emotional roller coaster! However it was all worth it ;)
absehun #9
Chapter 41: Hi i'm reading your story just in one day..
This is so interesting, how can you got this idea? I love this reaaaly
and keep writing author:)
Its_Yara #10
Chapter 41: Best eXo-K Maknae Sehun story I've ever read well done author-nim