chapter 2


The body was on its way to be examined, which would take awhile. Until they heard back about the findings Baekhyun and Chanyeol decided to start the interviews, which were being conducted in The Study.

Baekhyun was currently sitting at Kris’s giant desk, in his giant chair, trying not to think about the fact his feet couldn’t quite reach the floor.

Chanyeol led Kris in. Kris scowled at Baekhyun as soon as he saw him. “You’re in my chair.”

“Yes. It appears that I am. Isn’t that unfortunate? Now, if you would please.” Baekhyun gestured to the chair across from him. Begrudgingly, Kris sat down. 

“When was the last time you saw the deceased, colonel?”

“Last night, at dinner. Everyone was present.”

“Dinner.” Chanyeol echoed, “Was that... in The Dining Room?”

Oh my god. Are you kidding me?

Kris raised an eyebrow at Chanyeol, “It certainly wasn’t in The Ballroom.”

“The Dining Room...” Chanyeol continued, “Where the murder took place...”

Shut up, Chanyeol. He already isn’t taking us seriously. Shut up shut up shut up.

Kris looked slightly amused now, “It didn’t take place during dinner, I can tell you that much.”

“Hm...” Chanyeol his chin, “Interesting...”

Kris turned his attention back to Baekhyun, “Are you sure SM can’t get Shinee down here?”

If you mention them one more time I swear to god-

“Let’s just start with the dinner.” Baekhyun said, “What was that like? Can you describe it for me, in detail?”

Kris shrugged, “It was fine. Everyone was getting along...”

Kris sat at the head of the table, observing his guests as Kyungsoo brought the food in from The Kitchen-

“That second door in the dining-room leads to The Kitchen?” Baekhyun asked, remembering the door he’d seen in the back of the room when Kris mentioned it.

Kris scowled at being interrupted. “Yes. It makes serving easier for Kyungsoo. Might I continue now?”


Kyungsoo served Kris first- as was customary- then continued down the table. Tao, to Kris’s left was served next. He was in the middle of telling Sehun, who was next to him, a story about his wushu training. Sehun didn’t appear to be paying much attention, his focus instead on Kai, across the table, who was chatting with Luhan. The two seemed to be getting along rather well, despite having met for the first time that weekend. Luhan laughed at something Kai said and slapped his knee.

Kris remembered that part especially well, because Sehun- completely absorbed in the entire exchange- had neglected to tell Kyungsoo when to stop filling his glass with red wine. It ended up overflowing and spilling on the table cloth. The white table cloth that matched the room’s decor perfectly. The new white table cloth Kris had just had imported from overseas.

Honestly, all Kris asked was his guests show some manners when they were in his home. Was it really too much to expect

“You mentioned Miss Luhan and Prince Kai were getting along?” Baekhyun interrupted, “Can you elaborate on that?”

“There isn’t anything to elaborate on. That’s all I noticed, because they indirectly ruined my table cloth. Kyungsoo couldn’t get the stain out. In the end, he had to throw it away. Really, what a waste. It matched the room perfectly. Do you know how long it took me to find-”

“Mr. Oh Sehun. He sounds like an interesting guy. What exactly was his relationship with the deceased? And Miss Luhan; how did he know the deceased?”

“Like I said, they only met this weekend. All three of them.”

Baekhyun tried not to look surprised. The way Sehun and Luhan had been acting earlier- so comfortable with each other- it didn’t seem like it was their first meeting.

“Do you remember anything else about the dinner?”

“Besides the destruction of my table-cloth?”

“Yes. Something other than that would be nice.”

Kris huffed, “Very well...”

It was later in the meal, and Kris had managed to calm down (somewhat) since the mishap (tragedy) with his (new) table-cloth. Everyone had broken off into individual conversations while they ate, except for Lay, who was sitting at the other end of the table. He just stared off into space while his food got cold.

That was when Suho, sitting to Kris’s right, leaned over a bit and said, “You need to have a word with your groundskeeper.”

“Xiumin? Why?”

“Haven’t you noticed? The trees around the estate are dying, losing all their leaves. They need water, Kris. Water and love.”

Kris often found Suho tiring. This was one of those times.

“I’m sure the trees aren’t that bad.”

“They are! And don’t even get me started on The Conservatory! Everything in there is dying of thirst!”

Thankfully, Kyungsoo came out with the next course before Kris had to reply. After that, the dinner was fairly uneventful, but delicious. Kyungsoo was hands down the best cook Kris had ever had the privilege to employ.

As if to further prove his worth, Kyungsoo came out with martinis for everyone after the meal, without being asked. He gave Kris one with extra olives.

“You’re not trying to get a pay raise, are you, Kyungsoo?” Kris asked.

The housekeeper had simply bowed his head with a grin before returning to The Kitchen.

Everyone parted ways shortly after that. Unfortunately, Kris got caught up in a conversation with Tao and forgot his drink. By the time he remembered it, he was already in The Billiard Room with Tao for a game of pool. The two played until Xiumin came in with a delivery of new books for The Library, which Kris had to go help him sort. He stayed in The Library for the next twenty minutes or so, then returned to The Billiard Room to finish their game.

“After that, I went to bed.” Kris finished, “I’d barely gotten under the covers when Xiumin came to tell me about the murder.”

“I see.” Baekhyun tapped his pen against the notebook in his lap, “You told us before that Xiumin was dropping off a delivery for The Kitchen when he found the body, correct?”

Kris nodded.

“And he also had a delivery for The Library?”

Again, Kris nodded. “Where my estate is so far from... well, from civilization, when I send Xiumin into town I get him to stock up on everything the house might need.”

“Ok... I think that’s all for now, colonel. Anything else to add? Anything you may have seen or overheard that seemed out of the ordinary?”

“There is... something. I’m certain it has nothing to do with the murder, but it was extremely odd. You see, when I left The Billiard Room to sort out The Library, I could have sworn I was winning the pool game, but when I returned, Tao was.”

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Chapter 14: Pshhhhh I died so many times
Kai has like so many lives but in the end this happens hands down this is my favorite crack fix now
choiandlee #2
Chapter 14: The plot twist in the end tho. Lmao thanks i laughed so hard. I really love baekhyun here. He really got no time for bullshiy. And dumb chanyeol is so entertaining. Afterall they are all kind of silly. I dont feel sorry at all when kai was killed lol
950417 #3
Chapter 14: This story was absolutely fantastic it honestly deserves to be featured like... Seriously i laughed so damn hard. Thanks so much!
950417 #4
Chapter 1: Omg im so excited for this! I LOVE clue I've seen the movie like 5 times l m a o and it's my favorite game as well! this is gonna be a blast!! Thanks for writing this story!!
kaifan_88 #5
Chapter 14: Hahahaha. Wwwwwoooowwwww!!!!!
Chapter 14: I've read this once and I'm reading it again and I freaking forgot how it ended omfg xD
this is the third time i read this. needless to say, THIS FIC DESERVES A FREAKING FEATURE. THIS CONTAINS nONE BUT PURE AWESOMENESS.
Chapter 14: so prince kai was accidently killed.. i knew it *snaps finger*
that was unexpected and amazing!
"happy murdering and good day." hahaha.. XD
what kind of detective he was? a good detective shouldn't have said that lol
Chapter 14: This was so cool and hilarious and awesome that I can't even XD I love this story!