Ep 8: A day with Junsu

하녀의 임 >Im Whose Maid?

Author  POV

As everyone sat down..Wooyoung and Song hee was picked first

The music started, as Song Hee's heart thump faster...( Her Phone Rudely interuppted)

Everyone looked around then all eyes were focus on Songhee

"Ya...Pick up your Phone Its starting to get annoying" Wooyoung said

"Huh..Hello...(silence break in the room_)WHAT!!!! What happen...(Tears Gloss Over Song Hee's eye) YA...I'll be their right now..!!!(She hung up the phone and took off her apron,then bow quickly ) I 'm sorry something really importent had came up i have to leave now please excuse me..."(she went upstair,got her purse and came out disguise as someone else..)

"Wait i'll take you to the place your going" victoria asked

"Thanks but i don't want to bother you and you guys go ahead and have fun i'm just a maid only "

"But___" (wooyoung cut off Victorias sentence)

"Let her go who needs her she's just a maid to us..lets have fun instead" Wooyoung said

"(breath in deeply)I agree with wooyoung..thank you for understanding see you guys tomarrow moorning"

(She Close the Door)

"So whose next"Wooyoung said

"Ya you didnt even sang yet.."Chansung said

"PShhhh..fine...start the song then"

[ While at the hospital Song Hee rushed to the eleveator and up to the 8th floor]

She then spotted her parents and sister in front of the ERMERGENCY ROOM

"Umma..Myun Na..(tears dripple down her cheek and hug her sister) how is HyeRim?"

"I..I don't know I..I was just sitting down and What did I do to deserve this kind of fate huh?"(Myun Na Cried hard onto Song He shoulder)

"She'll be ok..she will be ok You didnt do anything you did everything you could.."(took in a deep breath)

3 hours Later

The Doctor came Out and THey rise from their chair

"How is my daughter..Huh is she ok.."

"Don't worry now we are now taking good care of her..she'll be in the ICU room for over night "

"Huh thank you really much"

"you can come see her now if you want too..but only the parents of Hye Rim can only see her tonight"

(the doctor smile and went back into the room)

"Go back home and rest Song Hee you have to work tomarrow" Myun Na said


"go if there is anything i will call you''

"ok i'll come back tomarrow the first thing tomarrow" (she left the hospital and back home)

AT THE Appartment ( 1:57 am)

She put away her stuff and went to sleep

(the clock strike 5:30){{{BEEP...BEEP...Beep...Beeep...}}}

She woke up and get ready to prepare breakfest for the members


":WOAh...that smells good Pancakes and Syrups..huh mini susage.."

"OH Good Morning Chansung"

"huh you look tired what time did you get home yesterday eh?" He asked

"huh..oh..Uhh I was to tired to tell time"

"(Nichkhuns nostril flare)yYa whats cooking...everything smell so good..(took a look at Song Hee)Song Hee-ah are you ok or are you sick today you dont look to will "Nichkhun asked cariuosly

"im ok dont worry about me just eat up your breakfest and work hard today!!" Song Hee siad

"Ya song hee where are you going today if your not going anywhere today i have something that you have can go help me out today" Junsu asked

"Uh.. i would like to go but I have"
Taecyeon came to sit down...then Junho came down

"whats that smells..soo(tyring to resist the sweet smell of syrup and pancakes)Piosonious..what did you Put inhere huh.." junho said

"yaa..stop talking and enjoy this breakfest" chansung said

"will you should stop stuffing in those sweets before you look like a ballon and who knows she might have put a seducing pill in one of your plates" (Taecyeon nearly choke on his cup of juice)

"Thats enough said junho if your not going to eat then go do something else.."Junsu said calmly

"i agree with junsu we should respect her like a sister because.she.have been  doing Alot.lately"Nickhun 

 "I'll meet you downstairs at 9:30 ok and by the way the food was delicious today" Junsu said

"What ya..(unbeleivalbe vioce)You going with Junsu...Huh??no one never really got to go anywhere with Junsu at all except__" Junho got cut off by the door bell

(Ding Dong)

"Hmm whose that?" Taecyeon wonder

(Song Hee went over to open the door and it was JYP at the door)

"WOoah Song Hee you look um..___TIred are these boys making you over work" he asked

"Huh" all the boys looked at JYP

"OH...aniyo..i umm was just just__ watching uh.. some comedy  drama yesterday night and didnt get that much sleep because the drama was very intresting..(she smile)"

"(he Smile) If thats the case then you should sleep in more earlier so you wont be tired and look as if your sick or something... will boys i just came to check on you guys and Song Hee keep doing your best and remember to take good care of Song Hee..(looking at the boys) OK!" Jyp said

"YES SIR" the boys answer

"WILL good bye then i will be leaving now" JYP siad and left

(Song Hee close the door and look at the clock 8:23 a.m.)

As Song Hee waited for the boys to finish there breakfest she couldnt think of an excuse to Junsu that she has to go to the hospital...Just then the Boys got up and left the kitchen to the living room and some to there bedroom...She went to clean the table then dishes..as she finish up the dishes she look at the clock and it strike 9:19 ... she then walked upstairs got dress in her disguise  and went down to the parking lot..Junsu car pull up in front of her

"What are you waiting for get in" Junsu said

"Huh uh yea" ( went inside the car)

As they both sat in silence...Junsu suddenly put on the radio

"uh ..Junsu can i ask where are you going?"

"you'll see..but before we can go to the destination i want to go i want to stop at a place first" he answer


As they drive Song Hee saw Junsu pull into the Hospital parking lot where her neice is at.

"Why...why are we here arn't you scare there will be reporters or__"

"dont worry i've done this millions of time"

"But then how come were here" Song Hee ask

"because i came here to visit a friend of mines" He answer


"Will i will be gone for a while so stay put ok" Junsu said

"(she nodded her head, but in her head she is thinking of something else) oh Yea"

He left and close the door then watch him enter the hopital she waited for 5 mins and walked out of the car to the hospital slowly

As she walk into the hospital she try to look around and make sure she didnt see Junsu as she walked into the elevator and wait as she left the elevator and turned right she saw Junsu and quickly turn left and walked the other way around into her niece room

"ohhh Song Hee -ah your here"

"How is Hye RIm doing" Song Hee asked

"This morning she is doing a little better but she does not want to eat at all___"

"Aunty Song Hee-ah" Hye Rim said

"( song hee lookes at her neice) Hye RIm (smile and went over to hug her) how are feeling to day huh? you should eat"

"aniyo i dont feel like eating.." (looking into Hye Rims pale face and chap lips)

"(tears gloss over Song Hees eye)but if you dont rat your not going to get stronger"

"aniyo i wont eat intill my birthday wish come true"

"Right your birthday is comign up and you want to look nice on that day right ""

"of course all of them are so handsome it will be inpleasent to not look nice on that day"

"will then you need to look nice on that day right you should eat"

"Will..I (song hee stared into her eyes"

"arayso...i will eat then"

(they both laughed)

20 mins late

"oh no i have to go somewhere i'll be leaving now...take good car eof your self ok and remember to eat ok..remember on your this Saturday is your birthday and i have speciel suprise for you ok" (hugg her neice)

"REALY!! yahhhh i cant wait for that day"(she smile)

Song Hee quickly left outside to where the car was parked when she got inside she quickly sat down

"YA...Where did you goi thought  i told you to sut still" Song Hee jump  aliitle and slowly close her eyes then look at JUnsu

"I..I went to uh..uh use the restroom because my stomache hurted alot..."

"huh...are you ok now or do we have to wait "

"uh wait for what"

"for you and your digestive system"

"uh aniyo we can go"

"ok (he leaned over to song hee )"
"ya..what are you doing" Song Hee said

"you need to close the door correctly or we will get a ticket" and put on your seat belt"

"(took out a deep breath)huh,,i sorry" She quickly put on her belt

They both drove off

"where are we going now"

"you are so annoying just wait and see"

"oh ok" song hee said

They arrive at the place

"where is this" she look on the sign "ICE CR-REM...Ice cream-land"

"Yes now come out"Junsu got out of the car

"Wahh i never been inhere before"

"will my friend works in here so we will be going to the other side  because then they will see me here where this"

"ok ( she put on the hat and glasses aling with the fake mustach)"

They went into the shop and choose there desired  ice cream

"I will have the strawberry mixed with some gummy bear"

"Yes and what will you like to have sir" cashier ask 

Junsu lightly poke Song Hee

"Ya she is asking what you want "

"Oh sorry i will have the vilinalla ice ream"

"and will that be all" the cashier ask

"yes " Junsu said

They got there ice cream and went out to the park across the place

"thank you Junsu, but i dont under stand how come you are"

"acting like this towards you..will its because today is hot and i was suppose to take you to try on some outfit for me but it was to hot so i decide to come get ice cream insted..."

"oh..but is those outfit for someone speciel "
"yes..it is and its none of your business to ask who" He said

"i wont ask any further then"

They sat quietly  on the bench and watched the water fountain squart out water ..as they ate Junsu's strawberry ice cream drip onto his white v-neck shirt

"(song hee giggled) Junsu theres ice cream on your shirt"

"What( he looked down) huh my shirt..aishh...(look at Song Hee ) yahh this is not funny you know "

"(smile) ok...ok  fine come here don't let the stainon there stay forever its going to be there forever"

They both walked over to the fountain.. Song hee grab the napkin from her pocket and dipp it into the water

"Yahh thats dirty germ water, i rather let my shirt get stain"Junsu complained

"stop being a germ freak everywhere you go have germs" she slowly wipe away off his stained

"is it all gone..he asked Song Hee

"yup almost" she reply

" hmm my mom will always yell at me to not wear white shirt and eat at the same time because i will always get it stained and for 5 years i never wore a white shirt and eat but today i just felt like im worry free from all of that and just eat away.." Junsu said

"(smile) dont worry your mom is not here so she won't yell at you"

As they both finsih up there icecream they sat and chat for a while-----




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**Bow (smiling) & kamsamnida



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I will always support but please continue this story, OK ?? ^^ ❤❤
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Sorry for takiing so long..but yes i will thank you(:
iamandie #4
update soon yunalove! :D