Ep 1- I Need a Job

하녀의 임 >Im Whose Maid?

Its been 5 years since my family we paid  off the debts but this year we were just starting out just fine intill my 5 year old little neice started to have pain in her, with some fever here and there being paler then ever, fatigue and nose bleeding we took her to the hospital the doctor said it is due to cancer called Acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

" This  is a cancer of the blood that starts in the bone marrow and spreads to the bloodstream." the doctor siad

"she has cancer my..my daughter has cncer it can be our familoy history never had cancer though" my sister stumble to hear that her dauhgter has cancer

"are you sure doctor this cant be right are you sure its not  a mistake." me and my parents aksed the doctor shook his head

"this is not heredity it is cause  in the bone marrow" the doctor siad " she might have to stay here for a long time to get treat ment "

" but what is the cost then " my sister aksed..

"the cost isn't to be siad yet but it will likly be 7 thousand or so " the doctor siad

"what that much? please do what ever you can to help her.. thank you" we said me and my dad left back home while my mom, sister and neice is at home..my sister is a single parent..i really dont know what to do now..that night i went to apply for a job at the reastraunt

(The next day)

ring ring...hm who is it

"Hello this is Lee Song Hee speaking"  still tired form those sleepless night

" Hello miss Lee this is the manager of TRIBECA and you are excepted to work with us today what time do you think you can come in" the manager said i immeidatly stand up and thanks him with joy

" thank you please can i come in today then " i siad happily

" sure you can come in today i give you 30 mins" he said and then hung up the phone i got ready and rushed out the door to the restraunt  my first official job

( 1 month later)

as i walked back form taking an order i heard some of my coworkers saying that a famous person is here  right now to celebrate his birthday ..hmm i wonder who...?

" ok everyone as you all know JYP the famous music  industry manager is here today to celebrate his 40th birthday with the friends.. so everybody jus twork as usesal ok"

"yes " said everybody smiling happily.. but whos JYP.. as i was about to go do my job my boss aked

"Lee Song Hee please go take an order for JYP please and after you come back come to my office ok.." >>"oh yes boss" i walked into the room and was 3 guys and 2 girls
"Hello,,how are you  guys today ? what will you guys like to drink"  i asked

"we will all have water for now..." JYP siad

"oh ye..." i took alll of there oreder and went to give it to the cooks then wnet back to the office

" will i see in here that you liked singing right will i will like you to perform Happy birthday song to Mr. JYP..is that ok,,"

"oh yes i am will surly do my best on it" i siad it after they alll finished the food me and two coworker helped me birng the cake to the room i started singing..my best ..."Happy Birhtday to you!!!!! will Mr. JYP hapy birthday and wish you the best(:" i then walked out

"wait um the girl that just sang happy birhtday wiat for a minute..." i then turn and saw JYP looking at me...

"i want you to work with me is that ok with you...(1minute late) so its a yea..will i have an extra application here..um here you go take it and fill it out  after that come to my office tommarow and will talk more if thats ok with you here is mmy business card too.."

"uh..uh..thank you" i quickly walked into the girls bathroom could not think but only be happy and excited getting to be a part of JYP(smiling big)



"hello you came huh will lets see your application..(READING) hmm..it says that you are a really good at house keeping, cleaning, talkitive, caring person..also...a good s___" he was interuptted

" Mr. Park the maid for 2pm is going to quit she say her  son has come back form america and is getting married  which she  is noo longer coming back and that her son is going to be supporting her...what will we do now.."' JYP looked at me and then look back at his assistant "so she is no longer coming back to work with us JYP entertainment..will thats ok cause we have a new worker.."

"really who is it..." JYP simled and looked stright at me...

"so what do you say Lee Song Hee do you want to be working with are famous boy band..2pm..." "WHAT 2pm...maid...housekeeping..no i didnt came for this i came for..." he cut inbetween my words

"dont worry it is just intill we find another person who can stay in that postion...please... after your job as a miad we can talk more of what you want to do yes or no?"

"but Mr. Park how can you trust such girl you never know what she has,,,she proubuly a fan who try to get in to stalk the boys you never know.." i looked at her form the side of my eye..huh does she think she is...this ..

i bow to JYP and siad "sorry..im here to work not to cuase trouble if you guys think that im only here for a joke then i will not take the job..HUH> by the way who is 2pm.."  i walked  calmly to thre door and left the building...(turning back to look at building) "who does those people think they are.. hmm"... i walked back to the hospital to visit my neice... (about to go into the room)

"umma...(weak viove) you think auntie will get the job with JYP entertainment.. i really hope she get the job so i can see her on tv with my favorite group 2pm" her mom look at her and smile

"dont worry hunny your auntie..is working really hard..lets see if she gets into it.." smiling and patting her head.. i decide to walk back home and rethink my decision...
(Flash back)

"IF you rethinked it over come back this place is still open for you...LEE SONG HEE"

(end flashback)

"hm..i guess i will take the chance anything for my little neice.."


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I will always support but please continue this story, OK ?? ^^ ❤❤
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Sorry for takiing so long..but yes i will thank you(:
iamandie #4
update soon yunalove! :D