ep 2: Its 2pm Time

하녀의 임 >Im Whose Maid?

"ok i agree to work with 2pm them" looking into Mr.Parks eyes..

"really..(BIG SMILE ON HIS FACE)ok... will there is going to be a big trust deed between us over the pass 8 months..ok.. im going to  trust you that you are going to take good care of the boys right" he looked at me with both of his hand cross

" oh ye..as my duty i will do my best in keeping the house clean..and make sure the boys are healthy."

"ok..will just a little background info for you to know about the beastly 2pm boys.." he his projector and turned off all the lights i sit back on one of the chairs and look at the pictures above..wow there all so wow...(looking form left to right)

"ok these are all our 6 boys 2pm.. our first one is Nichkhun..."

Nichkhun                                         Taecyeon 

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          Woo Young                                          JUNSu

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ-1ElOBcdsyhHyXJ_xBVK                       images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTDEssbjgwi5rnzDwc-E4C

 Chansung                                          Junho

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR_4BzdjzT-5nnEhfEX3kd  lee-junho-5.jpg    


"the two last one is our maknae..as you can see our chansung boy loves to eat so make sure you get prepare for that...one more thing all the boys are pretty good kids so are you ready to meet them...?"

"meet them right now..you mean now.."stutterly siad opening my eyes widely...JYP nodded his head

"yes right now dont worry there  good guys..they might be rude at times  but comeon there boys what do you expect come on lets go"  he open the door waiting for me as we went through the halls i can hear " Miss A practicing one of there song LOVE ALONE" wah there so good...we enter the elevator and heead out to the dorm the boys were in (JYP knock on the door) just  then JUnho open the door

"oh JYP what brings you here today.." looking at me confusly "oh and whos that girl behind you"

" hello this is Lee song hee your new maid for today on" " oh then come inside..." we both walked in...pulling my suitcase in

"2pm JYP is here " Junho shout out loudly ..i looked around and saw taecyeon waking up form the sofa..Junsu opening the door form upstairs coming down...in the kitchen was chansung closing the fridge with an apple on his left  hand.. while nichkhun walking stright to JYP and me  bowing to us          

"annyosayp  there Jyp and good morning miss nice to meet you i am Nichkhun" 

"oh annyosayo  my name is Lee song hee nice to meet you too" i said smiling at him...he such a charm(:

"oh ye and these are all the other members.." JYP siad

"oh annyosayo nice to meet you all im Lee song hee " isaid looking around (flush went the toilet then the door open) it was wooyoung...(as he came out) i greeted him" hello my name is____" rudly interuppted

"Lee Hee song i heard you say that twice already...Hi...im wooyoung>>" he siad with his droopy eyes looking at me then JYP with a little bow

"ya..wooyoung thats not how you treat a lady here,,her name is not Lee Hee Song  its Lee Song Hee she even siad twice and you still mess up saying her name," JYP said firmly

"oh..sorry then Song Hee.."walking into the kitchen..huh this really has no manners at all ..i dont even know why i__i can do it for my neice..

"umm if you are going to be our maid show us your skill of cleaning this living room up " Junho siad

"(smile)hm sure if you insisted..me too " i walked over to the living room and immediatly do what i can do withen 5 miinutes 

"ya..you this is imposssilbe  " Junho siad...

" ok then do you know what makes the best spices for noddle then" chansung siad looking at her with a( you wont know this one forsure look)

"of crouse i do its easy ramen noodle powder"

"noo way thats what we use.for every dish that has no taste..ok..ok  we will surly take her in now " nickhun, taecyeon, junsu& chansung siad

"ok then she'll be coming in tommarrow" JYP Said

"what she cant you guys you dont even know if shes a fake or not..how could you guys just ecept her like this..." JUnho complained "Yea..why cant our old maid come back " woo young said

"she is retiring form us so cheer up kids  we have a new one to replace her today oh and nichkhun can you help her carry her stuff up to the empty room"

"sure this song Hee "helping her carry her luggage into the room

"well i will see you all on wensday ok..be good now" JYP said happily and left just then nichkhun got down

" ya everybody come here" Junho siad everybody came into a bunddle

"dont you think something is suspiceous here for her to be living with us dont you guys think she is only here because she want to do something bad to us only..." Wooyoung  siad

"..what if she came here to suduce us and cause a scam " (prediction)


   "ya junho-ah come here(her index finger suducingly telling me to go over to her) iv'e been waiting for you long don't you want to kiss me"  then she will some closer to me and take away my ity "(sniff..sniff ~0~) no i dont want to let go of me..." then after that she will do it to all of you guys then make a lie to jyp that we did something to her and cause a scandle with all of us..


"ya you are so immature she is just here do her job not seduce us..." Junsu said getting out of the circle to get a water bottle to drink

"aniyo..thats not what i care about " chansung siad" i care about is that what if she decide to put some sort of food poisioned in our food" IMAGINATION

   " ahahhaha this poisoned wil surly make them use the bathroom dearly for makeing me do so many things "(brust out a laugh)

"this food taste so funny but good song hee " chansung said ( 5minutes later) "oh my stomache hurts" rushing to the bathroom as i repeat that several times..

"oww...my hurts tooo....oww...." Junho rushing to the bathroom too then along comes nichkhun and wooyoung...then Junsu telling me and Junho to open the door 


oh then ...before you know it we  will end up in the hospital half alive..form diarrea and vomiting..


"this is a bunch of non sence why would she do that... if i was to choose which story was better i will likly choose Junho..your sotry is too immature Chansung...but for now you guys havnt even met her yet how would you know" nichkhun siad giving a towel to Junho to dry up the water on him..."fine then go call her down we'll just have to talk to her then will know if she is a suducer or a poisoner.."junho siad....Just then Song Hee came down the stairs...

"umm Song Hee can we have a talk with you" Taecyoen said

"um sure what is it.." i walked towards the boysevery body sat on the couch looking at me...

"we have some rule s yoo need to know about...rule 1: (taecyon siad)dont ever enter my room without permission cause i have some personal in thereyou got it..,,rule 2: (chansung siad)always prepare food for us without asking us....surly we would make you a list of food on what to make for breakfest, snacktime,lunch and dinner...rule 3: (junsu said) dont ever come into my room and bother me as i am still trying to compose some new songs..when the door open i will walked in betweenbreaks if you have something to ask me just ask me then..rule 4: always ask permission to go into somebodys room..rule5: (wooyoung siad) dont bother me when i am sleeping at night or in the mornning...or anytime & if you were to clean my room dont ever touch my water bed and misplace my stuff i dont like it..rule 6: (Junho siad) we like to have our own privacy so dont going btting into our problems and never do we allow you camra in this house ..Rule 7: (nickhun siad) we allow you to do what ever changes you want to our house but we all must agree and never bring a person over without permission to...Rule 8: also when going out you must disguise as a guy to go buy food for us or anything because sometime we might have fans outside...ok">>>as they carry on with there rules i was so hungry my stomach was gorwling...why do they have so many ruless...arggggg and finally Rule 30: dont say that you know us when going into public if this ever go out your fired and may cause aniti fans upon your self...ok they siad...  

 " ye..i understand 2pm..." then i walked up to the kitchen and just before i can say anything else every 2pm member brought there list of food to me...Huh how am i going to live...for 8 months  


OK you guys this is what i have so far..i will update later thanks for reading, subscribbing and comenting..if you havnt done so do so(:thnaks a bunch.....stay tune for ep 3 on

                                                 ~ IM WHOSE MAID?

<3 Yunalove  

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I will always support but please continue this story, OK ?? ^^ ❤❤
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Sorry for takiing so long..but yes i will thank you(:
iamandie #4
update soon yunalove! :D