
lets live having fun

Your POV


After the fanmeet you had only a few hours to ready yourself for this date. It was more reminiscent of a dream then reality but you walked around the apartment clutching the booklet, reading and rereading Suga's note over and over for confirmation. He had legitimately asked you to meet him. Unlike the usual 'Come see us at our next event~', this was something only meant for you and him. Having gone straight home you took a long shower, keen to smell your best, then spent the remaining hours fussing over your appearance. It wasn't every day that one got the opportunity to go on a date with their bias. At first you questioned wether this was in fact a date, but considering how your question provoked him to ask you it seemed likely enough. Either way, the last time you were this excited was the first bts performance you attended.

You made your way to the Starbucks nearest to the fansign venue. It was only 9:30 yet but you had tortured yourself long enough with waiting. Besides it wasn't bad to be early, at least you definitely wouldn't miss him. The coffee shop was surprisingly void of life, save for a few students tapping away at their laptops desparate to finish their end of term papers. It looked like you weren't going to have trouble with annoying fans tonight, until that moment you didn't realize just how uneasy the idea made you. Knowing that you had the shop to yourself, for the most part, gave you a sense of relief. You decided to go order your favorite hot drink to calm yourself down, picking out a nice pair of squishy chairs separated by a small round table. Sinking into the worn leather you made yourself at home and watched the clock dwindle down, too slowly, to 10. 

From the corner of your eye you see a group enter, though from your seat its difficult to distinguish exactly who entered. Feeling mildly annoyed you took a sip from your warm drink and checked the clock on your phone for the millionth time, 10:10. It was becoming a nasty habit that only upset you. Was he going to show up? Maybe you misread his korean. You were pretty talented when it came to reading hangul, but the language itself was tricky. You started to second guess everything when a familiar voice snuck up behind you. "Ah, sorry I'm late!". Suga shimmied around the table, setting down his latte, then sliding into the seat opposite your own with a huff. He looked like he had just ran to meet you, cheeks flushed and smile wide. You couldn't help but reciprocate the expression. He actually came.

About to open your mouth, Suga steals your words instantly. "I didn't know if you would come, but I'm so glad that you did~", flashing you another breath taking smile you feel your cheeks heat up slightly. He always had a way with taking the words out of others mouths, it was almost like he could read your mind. That's what made it difficult to interact with him at fanmeets, he played the roll of the fan more ofen than the celebrity by making idle chat. You couldn't help but giggle at him, feeling a little embarassed that your lips betrayed you and let it pass through them. Suga must have noticed because he was chuckling lightly at you from his own seat. His casual demeanor made it easy for you to feel more comfortable giving you the confidence to converse with him like a normal person. "I was excited to see you again,"  you began picking up your mug in both hands and looking into the cup. You bowed slightly and grinned at him politely, "Thank you for inviting me here," you said. You could have sworn his cheeks took on a shade of pink, but it was probably all in your head. 

Suga seemed to contemplate your thank you for a moment. "It isn't often we get to meet foreign fans, that made you much more memorable.." he started. There went your face again, heating up like the traitor it was surrendering your feelings in a blush. Your hot cheeks were lost on Suga, though, as he was much more interested in the scratches of the table. His forhead was wrinkled slightly. He was putting a lot of thought into whatever he planned to say next, you could practically see him typing and erasing the sentence in his head. "I wanted to get to know you better,"  he said warily. You didn't realize how tightly you were clutching your mug. Hardly able to believe that you were actually hearing these words from Suga, it caused you to become only aware of him and nothing else. He had completely captivated your attention. Then his face brightened and his gaze found your own again, his eyes folding into their familiar happy squint. His eyesmile was to die for. "We all did!~" the chorus came from somewhere behind you.

Turning around you were greeted by the entirety of BTS, whom were joyfully waving at you. You couldn't help but laugh this time, which was rewarded by a few questioning and confused stares. "I just didn't expect this," you reassured them. It was growing more natural for you to be around them by the second. They were feeling less and less like idols, and more like friends. "When Suga told us he was going to see you, we all wanted to come too!" said Jimin enthusiastically. They must have been the group of people that just came into the shop. "Yeah! He has to share you!", J-Hope chimed in. Unaware of the painfully wide smile on your lips you turned your head back to Suga. He smirked apologetically and scratched the back of his head. "We don't have much time to make new friends," he explained. You could have sworn he looked a bit disappointed, but you've been wrong before about these kinds of things. "Let's push some tables together," you answered kindly to which everyone cheered. The only person you saw in the moment was Suga. Similarly he seemed to only notice you. The blood blossomed into your cheeks yet again. "She's blushing!", Taehyung said playfully.

Everyone sat around and chatted. The boys seemed especially blissful, even more so than at their fansigns. Suga wasn't kidding when he mentioned that they didn't have many friends, thus they were all fighting for your attention. All of you got to know each other fairly well. You grew acustomed to being around them very quickly, time flew by. Soon enough the barista's announced closing time. Everyone stood up and made their way out of the shop into the summer night. "Thank you so much for seeing me," you said with a bow to each of them. "Ah, Kelsie you're too cute," J-Hope said patting the top of your head with a toothy grin.  "We have to do this again," said Namjoon coolly with a grin. You simply nodded at him, your hair bouncing around your shoulders from the action. "Do you live far from here?" asked Jin, looking at you with concern. "My apartment is about 15 minutes away," you answered him which granted you 7 worried expressions. "That's a long way to walk alone,"  Jimin muttered sadly. Jungkook nodded at Jimin before regarding you, "Especially at night," he said sternly. "I'll walk her," came a voice from beside you. Suga.

"Hyung, are you sure?" Rapmonster asked raising an eyebrow. "Yeah. I'll just get a cab back. It's a nice night anyway~" he replied happily. Your heart was currently doing somersaults in your chest. The boys accepted Suga's offer and bid you their goodbyes, heading off in the opposite direction together. You looked up at Suga, whom gestured for you to lead the way. You told him the address, and he sent off a text to arrange for a ride back home. Walking to your apartment you crossed your hands behind your back. "You didn't have you walk me back," you said but he quickly silenced you by holding up a finger. "I wanted to. Besides, I get you all to myself! Sharing isn't fun," he explained jovially. He could really be such a kid sometimes, but it was so adorable. You simply smiled at him and carried on your walk. Stealing a quick glance at him you saw that he had a bright smile plastered onto his own face, it sent butterflies right into your stomach. He looked like he was seriously just happy to be beside you at the moment. A question came to your mind, you figured this was the best time to ask as any. "Why me? Why not any other fan?" This was a strange display of confidence on your part but the question had been burning in the back of your mind ever since the fansign earlier that day, and he seemed relaxed enough for you to be honest. Suga looked up and held your gaze for a moment, stealing your breath for a fraction of a second. "You're different," he said content with his own answer. You were disappointed but decided not to press the matter. You were in front of your apartment anyway.

Turning to face him you smiled and bowed. "Thank you for getting me here safely~" He simply smiled at you sweetly and then his face became a little bit more solemn. He looked into your eyes. You could sense a certain sadness, there was no two ways about it, but what for? He shoved his hands into his pockets and glanced away shortly, then locking his eyes with yours again. "I want to see you again," he said. It looked like he was holding his breath, though you couldn't be sure. Besides, you were too preoccupied by what he had just said. "I, uh... y-" you fumbled with your words not entirely in control of your own mouth, "Yes," you eventually managed. He let out a huff of air - so he was holding his breath - and then beamed at you and laughed. It wasn't your best effort at Korean. He looked at the phone in your hands and held out his own, you took the hint and gave him the device. It took him a few moments to enter his details, and send off a quick text to himself. He returned the phone in time for his to beep from his pants pocket. He held it up and waved it in front of your face, "Gotcha! We can get together when I have free time~" he said. "I have to go now. I will text you sometime. Thank you for spending time with me Kelsie~" he grinned while backing up to the parked car that was waiting for him, still waving his phone. You watched him dissappear into the black van. Frozen in place you stared at the empty space where the car was after it drove off, clutching your phone. That really just happened.

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im gonna be on a hiatus until school stops being so busy ;-; (but i think everyone figured that out)


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chocohugs #1
No more updates? T_T I was really into this story
amber1194 #2
Chapter 8: My bias was always tie between V and Suga...this story has solidified Suga...most definitely ;) Great story cant wait for updates!
Chapter 8: I think I may have broken something from fangirling so hard. Suga!!! Stop being so fudging cute I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!
Chapter 8: I love the update! :D
But jinjayo?! You write personalized fanfics??
How awesome are you lol ^^ uh..ehem can I request one please? Lol
Love your writing! Keep up the good work! Hwaiting!
Chapter 7: Oh gawd my face hurts so much from smiling!! I think I almost had a heart attack XD this is just so cute~
~update soon~
Chapter 4: Oh my gosh I think my heart exploded. SUUUUGGGAAA my goodness why do you do thiiiisss. My heart can't handle the cuteness that is Suga^^
~update soooon~