a broken glass

The Empty Book

"I'm sorry, this might be a rude request, but can you tell me about him?" I asked regretfully, hating the fact that I had to depend on someone else for this information. 

We were still in the convenience store but we were both sitting at a small table looking out the window into the street. Kim Seohwa, it could be because of how Daehyun described her to me, was stunning. When I saw her I was immediately jealous of how elegant and put-together and graceful she was and she had this charm that even women would fall for. She had a small amount of makeup on, but her blush really made her cheekbones stand out in contrast to her dark flowing hair. 

"Daehyun is..." she finally said after a few moments of collecting her thoughts, "...a memory I'd rather forget." I nodded in understanding. "But, may I ask why you ask?" 

"You know me as a novelist," I began, "but I see myself as a small writer with many lacking areas. I look up to Jung Daehyun, a lot and recently I've sought his help with writing but your name comes up a lot. I'm sure you've realized, but Daehyun doesn't spill his secrets easily and his brother told me to look for you." I took in a breath as I finished. 

Seohwa still looked perplexed at the situation. "So you think... that I can answer your questions?" She said slowly. 

"Well that's what I was told." I shrugged. I noticed that Seohwa immediately changed her attitude towards me when Daehyun was mentioned. I don't know if I didn't hear the entire story between them or something but it seemed that Seohwa was harmed a lot more than Daehyun described. 

"Daejung told you that?" She asked. I almost forgot that Seohwa knew Daejung too. She chuckled at her words. "He never knew when to keep his mouth shut." 

"So you know about Daehyuns writing?" I asked. 

"I'm confused as to what you actually want to know." Seohwa admitted. "I'm willing to tell you what you want to know, but it hasnt become apparent to me what you actually want." 

That's when my curiosity got the best of me. "Um, I have two questions if you don't mind." 

"Go ahead." She said with a smile. 

"So, when does Daehyun write?" I asked full of expectation. 

She raised an eyebrow. "During the day...? Have you never seen him write?" 

Now was my turn to be confused. "He's never wrote a single word in front of me." I shook my head. 

"But he has a book coming out soon..." Seohwa became just as confused as I was. "...and you're telling me that you never saw him write anything?" 

I nodded in confirmation. 

"That's weird." She said while tapping the table. "I'm sorry but I guess I don't have an answer." 

I smiled, understanding her situation. "It must have changed after you left then." I paused preparing for my next question. "So um... why did you leave him?" 

She looked up and smiled. "That's the question I was expecting." 

"Daehyun told me that you left after he started becoming successful as a writer... and that's pretty much it." I admitted. 

"Its pretty surprising that Daehyun told you anything." She chuckled, "well you were right to think that wasn't the whole story. It might be our woman instincts, but it's obvious details were left out." 

I smiled at her instinctive definition, 

"So, after Daehyun became successful, he basically lost the time that he used to save for me. Don't take it the wrong way, I completely understand that he was busy and he needed that time for something else; that wasn't the problem. The problem was, he started making excuses. He would be free, and I knew he was free, but he would still reject my calls and not converse with me, and then when he finally decided to, there was nothing left for us to talk about. But the deciding moment to leave wasn't that. That was the inevitable of a successful man, but one evening I got into a car crash. That's how I got this." She paused and lifted up her fringe to reveal a large scar on the right of her forehead. "I doubt he even knew this happened, because when I called him he didn't pick up for about a week straight. When he did pick up he said something like 'make it quick I have people waiting for me.' That's when I knew that I had to leave this man. I don't think he knows about this incident if all he told you was that I didn't get enough of his time. It was more than that." She began tapping her finger again when she finished. 

There was silence between us, and I needed it to soak in everything I just heard. 

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." I finally said. 

"Its alright." A smile appearing on her face again. "I've grown numb to the pain now." 

"It hurts a lot when you realize how little you mean to someone who means the world to you." 

I blurted out. 

Seohwa mouth dropped open a little bit when she heard me say that. "It seems you have a story to relate." 

I smiled as my response. "I would share it with you, but I've already taken up enough of your time." I said as we both got up from the chairs. 

"It was my pleasure talking to you." Seohwa said, shaking my hand. 

She walked away, pulling her hood over her head. 

"Wait." I said without thinking, "do you not want to see Daehyun again?" 

She faltered in her step to turn around to look at me. What was I doing? Why would anyone in their right mind bring Seohwa to Daehyun? Was it my curiosity getting the best of me again? 

"I-" she stopped, her voice falling. "I don't think Daehyun would want to see me." She said, but I sensed a small amount if doubt in her voice. 

"No, I think he's been dying to see you." I shook my head. 

"I do want to see him again." Seohwa whispered. 

"Then let me you." 

When we arrived at Daehyuns house, I didn't know what to do. I knew they were both home, but I had no idea how to introduce Seohwa and what to do when they both met. 

"You know what." I said, breaking the silence. "Were just going to ring the doorbell, and go with the flow." I declared. 

"What? No, you cant-" Seohwa said, but it was too late, I was out of the car already. 

I walked confidently to the door, Seohwa trailing behind me. When it came to pressing the doorbell, however, I hesitated. I swallowed hard, and just went with my gut feeling. I pressed the doorbell, and seconds later Daejung opened the door. 

"Hey Soj-" He began before he laid eyes on Seohwa. His eyes widened when he saw her. "Seohwa." He gasped. 

Before I could explain, he immediately shouted upstairs. 

"Daehyun, I think you need to see something." Daejung yelled, not letting his eyes move away from Seohwa. 

I heard a groan come from upstairs. "What is it?" It was definitely Daehyuns voice. I felt Seohwa next to me jump a little. 

Daehyuns footsteps down the stairs never seemed slower as us three were anticipating each and every step. He came down in his signature large white t-shirt and sweatpants, complimented by his ruffled brown hair. He looked at Daejung and I with his lazy eyes. Daejung visibly gulped before moving to the side and letting Seohwa into view. 

His eyes immediately enlarged. "S-Seohwa is that you?" He smiled, voice full of disbelief. 

Daejung snuck out of the house to stand next to me. 

"Its been a while Daehyun." Seohwas melodic voice rang through the living room. 

"Why would you have them meet each other again?" Daejung leaned in to whisper into my ear. 

"I-I don't know." I stuttered. "I met her and I just thought they should meet." I looked at the ground, unsure of what trouble I got myself into. 

"Well look at them now." Daejung said, looking at the couple in the living room. "Daehyun hasn't been that happy in ages." 

I slowly lifted my head and saw Daehyun and Seohwa in a tight embrace. 

Suddenly, it felt as if my heart was ripped out of me and replaced with a 2000 pound dumbbell. I was struck by these pangs of sadness over and over as I watched them embrace. 

I shouldn't feel so sad. why should I be sad? I should be happy for the reunited couple, but it just felt like I had given away an extremely important part of myself to someone else, and that someone else deserved it more than I do. 

I shouldn't be feeling pain at this moment. 

Why am I feeling this pain? 


a/n: annyeong readers! i didn't make u wait too long, did i? >.< i hope you enjoyed todays chapter :D 

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guys i am so sorry for not updating in literally 3 months since ive been stressing about school. >.< i'll try to update this weekend!


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Vwansha #1
Chapter 10: Nooo... It ended at a perfectly good part. The story has a really good plot and is descriptive. I find that this story keeps me entertained and isn't draggy eventhough it took a little while for them to realize their feelings. I wonder what will happen next and in the future. *dun dun dun* ^_^
Chapter 10: i really like this story :) cant wait to see where it goes xD
Chapter 9: oh my gosh i dint see that coming at all =O
Chapter 2: oh my gosh i like where this story is going :)
Chapter 10: That's right! You must have faced the difficulty and so I am! This is confusing~ Don't take it as wrong opinion but actually I'm wondering. Why did Sojung afraid to start relationship with Daehyun at the first place? Did Yugyeom broke her heart? I think he did, I forgot the story. Mianhae~ (__ __) Why did Sojung fall for Daehyun? Because his physical appearance? His attitude? Errm, no, maybe. It's too vague for me, Author-nim. And why did Daehyun hug her?! Confusing~ @_@ You owed us, readers, explanation(s) on the next chapter. That means longer chapter~ Yippeee~~~ Hwaiting Author-nim~ \(^0^)/
eyesthatsing #7
Chapter 10: Finally...! They're just so cuute together!
A beautiful chapter indeed
Chapter 9: I didn't see the confession, heheh~ I hope the next chapter is all the flashback on that night. I should know when you wanted to rush story means this confession, hahah~ ^-^
If I were Daehyun my heart would be hurt so much!! DX
"I've confessed to you, you love me back! But why on the next day you bring her here?!" (; _ ;)
Hahaha~ XD
Chapter 8: Chukkae Daehyunie~ After three years. But three years? Daehyun has writen story for two years with nine novels, two or three months he published his novel. But Seohwa has left him for three years? Did I miss something? Daehyun has writteb story for three years, am I right Author-nim?