a summer night

The Empty Book

"I don't remember telling you that it was okay to look through my stuff." I heard a voice come from behind me. 

I immediately dropped the book in my hands and turned around to see Daehyun with a plastic bag in his hand, standing at the door. "Sorry, i just-" 

"It's fine. I'm just teasing." He said. "It's not like i have any secrets anyway." 

He plopped down on the couch and opened the bag he was holding. 

"What's in there?" I asked.

"Your curiosity is really off the charts." Daehyun said as he smirked. "It's beer." 

"It's like 4 pm." I stated.

"Your point?" Daehyun raised an eyebrow.

"Are you trying to get drunk when the sun is high in the sky?" I inquired.

"No one said anything about getting drunk. Relax." Daehyun said. 

I pouted at him. "Do what you want." 

"Well then." He said as i heard the fizz of the can bubble out. 

I sighed as i cleared some space on his desk and laid out my drafts. Hours past of me sitting there, reading and rereading my chapers, revising and editing my drafts until i was satisfied. Daehyun sat behind me the whole time, alternating between reading a book, going on his phone or watching TV. i never saw him take out a pen and actually begin to write, which made me question him. This whole time, he had a beer can in his hand. I couldn't tell if he actually drank it or if it was just there; i'm pretty sure that was the same one he popped open hours before. 

When i finally did check the time on my phone, i realized it was already past 9.

"Is Daejung coming home soon?" I asked for the first time in hours. 

"Probably not. He's visiting our aunt and uncle." Daehyun said with his voice slurred more than usual.

"I was going to ask him to look over my work, but if he's not coming back then i guess i should get going." I replied.

"Why can't i look at it?" Daehyun asked.

"I didn't think you'd want to." I stated.

"You're right." He said with chuckle. 

"You're pretty annoying." I said as i shuffled my papers. "You know?" 

"I'm well aware." He replied as i heard the sound of another beer can opening. 

"Is it that you drink a lot or is it that you drink when Daejung isn't around?" 

"Have you not seen Daejung?" He said while raising an eyebrow. "He is like the definition of classy. He would not allow me to drink even half a can of beer." 

"I see." I said as i stuffed the last of my papers into my bag. "So you're going to get drunk alone on this summer night. So romantic." I pushed the chair out and got up, slinging my bag on my shoulder.

"You're welcome to join me." Daehyun said. 

I was about three steps away from the door when he finished. I stopped at the sound of the invitation. It was tempting. It really was.

I had a high alcohol tolerance which meant that if Daehyun was out drunk before me, i would be able to ask him a whole bunch of questions with just him answering. But then again, he might have strange drinking habits.

"When is Daejung coming back?" I asked.

"Not for three days." He said as he nearly fell over. He was already nearing the amount of alcohol his body could take. I can understand why Daejung didn't allow him to have more than half a can. 

"Alright then." I said as i sat down in front of a leaning Daehyun on the couch. After all, i had questions, and i needed answers. "Well?" I said as i stuck a hand out.

"I knew you would stay." He said as he laughed. I wasn't sure what that meant, but i took the can that he offered me. "You know." He dropped down from the couch and put an arm around me. I was a little taken aback but i knew he was almost drunk, so i let him do what he wanted to. "You work too hard. Words... Words should just come to you. You can't force the sentences out of your mind. That doesn't make sense. The words need to flow out naturally." He raised and lowered his beer can the whole time.

"Thanks for the advice." I said as i took my first sip of beer. I wrinkled my nose as i realized that it was room temperature. I gagged, remembering that he bought this hours earlier and just let it out to sit. 

“It’s gross,” Daehyun said. “Isn’t it?”

“Why are you even drinking this?” I said as I frowned. “Don’t you have a refrigerator?”

“That would involve going up and down the stairs.” He replied. Wow. The real Jung Daehyun sure is a work of art.

“Why are you drinking right now?” I asked. I didn’t believe it was only because of Daejung’s absence.

Daehyun paused as he looked up and for a second, I was worried that he maybe wasn’t drunk because of the way his eyes suddenly changed. “It’s… an important date to the old me.” He said clearly. Every word was enunciated perfectly. I didn’t know if he was playing around with me this whole time, but this was definitely not the voice of a drunk man.

“Is it not an important date to the new you?” I inquired, not sure if it was my place to do so.

“No.” he replied sternly. “I’ve moved pass this.” He took a huge gulp of the beer.

I did the same as I looked out the window. Little droplets had begun setting on the window pane, leaving little taps as they did so. I could vaguely hear the splashing of water that the cars made when they passed by.

“Daehyun.” I said. I was almost 90% sure he wasn’t actually drunk, but I was going to continue anyway. “Who’s Kim Seo Hwa?”

Without looking up, a smile slowly appeared on Daehyun’s face. “She has a pretty name, doesn’t she?”

I stared at him when he didn’t continue.

“I see you actually took some time going through my stuff.” He smirked. “Here in Korea, we have a term called first love. I guess she’s mine.” He slumped back on the couch when he finished.

“By any chance…” I started.

“Yep. Today is the anniversary of the day we broke up.” He said. “Three years ago.” He stared up at the ceiling in thought.

I stayed silent until Daehyun said something else. I felt like I had passed the boundaries of my place here. I felt like I knew something I shouldn’t have. The atmosphere was uncomfortable, his last words sitting on top of us both.

“Who’s yours then?” Daehyun finally said. “I’m sure you’ve had one.”

“My first love?” I raised an eyebrow. He was almost challenging my audacity. “I haven’t had a crush in a while.” I admitted.

“Really?” He smirked. “A 21 year old girl hasn’t fallen in love recently?”

“I’m 22.” I stated. “And for your information, scientifically, people can’t fall in love until they’re 25. The brain isn’t developed enough to feel the emotion of love.”

Daehyun stared at me in disbelief. “You’re pretty annoying, you know?” He said.

“I’m well aware.”

And the night passed like that. Beer after beer. Can after can. Question after question. Answer after answer. It may have been an interview on both sides if the alcohol wasn’t there. At the end of the night, I realized I knew quite a bit about Daehyun.

Sometimes I think it was too much. 


a/n: annyeong readers :) i managed to get another chapter in before break ends. :( how was it? 

thanks for reading and don't forget to comment, subscribe and upvote ^^ :) 




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guys i am so sorry for not updating in literally 3 months since ive been stressing about school. >.< i'll try to update this weekend!


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Vwansha #1
Chapter 10: Nooo... It ended at a perfectly good part. The story has a really good plot and is descriptive. I find that this story keeps me entertained and isn't draggy eventhough it took a little while for them to realize their feelings. I wonder what will happen next and in the future. *dun dun dun* ^_^
Chapter 10: i really like this story :) cant wait to see where it goes xD
Chapter 9: oh my gosh i dint see that coming at all =O
Chapter 2: oh my gosh i like where this story is going :)
Chapter 10: That's right! You must have faced the difficulty and so I am! This is confusing~ Don't take it as wrong opinion but actually I'm wondering. Why did Sojung afraid to start relationship with Daehyun at the first place? Did Yugyeom broke her heart? I think he did, I forgot the story. Mianhae~ (__ __) Why did Sojung fall for Daehyun? Because his physical appearance? His attitude? Errm, no, maybe. It's too vague for me, Author-nim. And why did Daehyun hug her?! Confusing~ @_@ You owed us, readers, explanation(s) on the next chapter. That means longer chapter~ Yippeee~~~ Hwaiting Author-nim~ \(^0^)/
eyesthatsing #7
Chapter 10: Finally...! They're just so cuute together!
A beautiful chapter indeed
Chapter 9: I didn't see the confession, heheh~ I hope the next chapter is all the flashback on that night. I should know when you wanted to rush story means this confession, hahah~ ^-^
If I were Daehyun my heart would be hurt so much!! DX
"I've confessed to you, you love me back! But why on the next day you bring her here?!" (; _ ;)
Hahaha~ XD
Chapter 8: Chukkae Daehyunie~ After three years. But three years? Daehyun has writen story for two years with nine novels, two or three months he published his novel. But Seohwa has left him for three years? Did I miss something? Daehyun has writteb story for three years, am I right Author-nim?