a conflicted mindset

The Empty Book

My alarm clock woke me at 7 am after barely two hours of sleep.

After i read Daehyun's email and finally got to the point of crying my eyes out, all i could do was think about why the world hated me.

I didn't want to be in love. I wanted none of it. I didn't want to deal with the pain, the excitement... even the strength it would give me. I wanted to take a break from it and just live life smoothly until someone came along and swept me out of my feet.

It's not that Daehyun wasn't capable of doing that because, trust me, he did just that. The problem is that he did it too soon, and the wrong way. But was i willing to accept that? Probably.

The only problem was, what do i do now? Do i go along with Daehyun and do this whole 'love' thing? Or do i say no and just go on with life as a professional friend?

At that moment, my phone vibrated once, signalling a new text message.


        if you're wondering if you should come over today, you should.

I groaned for nearly a full minute at his command. I didn't even know why i was frustrated. Why didn't i just go along and become his girlfriend? How bad would that be? Right? I should just go for it, right?

So i made up my mind and decided to take this risk, and if my heart is broken again, well, then that's a problem for another day. Right now, i wanted to be with Jung Daehyun and he wanted to be with me too, so what is stopping us?

I got out of bed, despite my lack of sleep and went to change into some presentable clothes. I found myself taking more care of how i looked, even taking the time to put on a small bit of eyeliner and concealer. And then i found myself carefully analyzing my outfit down to how high my heels were. I ended up earing an carefree pink dress topped with a white blazer and a pair of flats.

On my way to Daehyun's house, i decided to call Taeri to fill her in on the situation and get some of her advice.

"Yeobosayo?" I heard Taeri's voice on the line.

"Taeri, it's me." I said while putting the earphone on.

"Oh, Sojung-ah. What's up?"

"I have something to tell you."

"Hit me."

"So um..." I found myself losing words. "Jung Daehyun..."

"He told you that he loves you?" She said with a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah..." I admitted cautiously.

"Wait." I heard her say. "Wait what."

I laughed at how flustered she was. "Yeah this happened last night."

"Wait last night? Did you guys do anything? I mean..."

"Don't get any wrong ideas, Taeri. He sent me an email after i called him."

"I want to call that romantic but to be honest it's not really." She stated.

"Sorry i'm not living in The Notebook." I rolled my eyes.

"So tell me why you need my advice." She said.

"Well i'm driving to his house right now because he told me to." I admitted. "But what should i do after i get there?"

"Just saying Sojung, i have less experience in this field than you do and it's not like i have a professional friend who i always admired that suddenly sent me an email saying that he loves me. I think you're alone on this one."

I sighed. "Yeah you're probably right."

"I mean..." She paused. "You're nervous right? He's probably just as nervous, so just act natural."

"Ok, ok." I managed before turning onto Daehyun's street. "So um, i'm here."

"Good luck bae." She said before hanging up without anything else.

"Wait. Come back. No. Fine." I said before hanging up too.

I rested my head on the steering wheel in exasperation and in loss of what to do. I slowly got out of the car reluctantly, holding my balance. I walked to their door hesitantly, wondering whether or not i should even do this.

The familiar scent of black coffee radiated even outside of the door and my fingers wanted to open the door so much and see the familiar face that i somehow fell in love with, i couldn't help but to feel that this was wrong, that i shouldn't have done this. 

But in that second that i was about to turn around and get back into the comfort of my car, the door was pulled open from the other side to a presence that i've been longing for so much.

I felt my heart race and blood rush to my face, just from seeing his face. I felt my insides roll and tumble, just from being in his presence. Only one person could do this to me, and unfortunately, he was in front of me. 

He leaned against the doorframe and stared at me with a smirk on his face. "I thought you'd never come." Daehyun's voice rang through my ears. 

"I wasn't going to." I admitted.

He smiled at my honesty, and to my surprise he grasped onto my arm and pulled me into his embrace. 

I was so completely in shock that whatever was left of my breath just left my body at that instant. I gripped onto his signature loose t-shirt and felt his breath quietly shaking the hairs of my head and the beat of my heart. His grip tightened around my shoulders and i leaned into him further. At that moment, i realized i wanted to stay like that forever. I wanted to feel his warmth around me and listen to his heartbeat.

I wanted to love Jung Daehyun. 


a/n: hello~! 

this was a very difficult chapter for me to write (idk if you could tell) because there are a lot of complicated emotions going on here. >.< so i would understand if you didn't really understand why Sojung is feeling the way she is. you can ask me in the comments if you're a little confused :) i hope you enjoyed the chapter and the Daehyun moments ;) 

and sorry this chapter is kinda short. I wanted to make it a little longer, but honestly my brain is empty atm. -___- sorry about that, hopefully next chapter will be longer :) 

thanks for reading! and don't forget to comment, upvote and subscribe :) have a nice day ^^ 

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guys i am so sorry for not updating in literally 3 months since ive been stressing about school. >.< i'll try to update this weekend!


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Vwansha #1
Chapter 10: Nooo... It ended at a perfectly good part. The story has a really good plot and is descriptive. I find that this story keeps me entertained and isn't draggy eventhough it took a little while for them to realize their feelings. I wonder what will happen next and in the future. *dun dun dun* ^_^
Chapter 10: i really like this story :) cant wait to see where it goes xD
Chapter 9: oh my gosh i dint see that coming at all =O
Chapter 2: oh my gosh i like where this story is going :)
Chapter 10: That's right! You must have faced the difficulty and so I am! This is confusing~ Don't take it as wrong opinion but actually I'm wondering. Why did Sojung afraid to start relationship with Daehyun at the first place? Did Yugyeom broke her heart? I think he did, I forgot the story. Mianhae~ (__ __) Why did Sojung fall for Daehyun? Because his physical appearance? His attitude? Errm, no, maybe. It's too vague for me, Author-nim. And why did Daehyun hug her?! Confusing~ @_@ You owed us, readers, explanation(s) on the next chapter. That means longer chapter~ Yippeee~~~ Hwaiting Author-nim~ \(^0^)/
eyesthatsing #7
Chapter 10: Finally...! They're just so cuute together!
A beautiful chapter indeed
Chapter 9: I didn't see the confession, heheh~ I hope the next chapter is all the flashback on that night. I should know when you wanted to rush story means this confession, hahah~ ^-^
If I were Daehyun my heart would be hurt so much!! DX
"I've confessed to you, you love me back! But why on the next day you bring her here?!" (; _ ;)
Hahaha~ XD
Chapter 8: Chukkae Daehyunie~ After three years. But three years? Daehyun has writen story for two years with nine novels, two or three months he published his novel. But Seohwa has left him for three years? Did I miss something? Daehyun has writteb story for three years, am I right Author-nim?