Chapter 3

Deep Down

The next day when I walked into the kitchen my mess I left there the previous night had been picked up.  Frowning, as I found this odd, I opened the fridge to humor myself by looking at all the food I was unable to make, but when I looked inside, there was a bowl of rice with side dishes and a post it note with my name block printed in english stuck to it.  I quickly pulled out the dish, staring at the handwriting not able to tell whose it was.  Shrugging, I pulled back the plastic wrap covering the rice.  Not caring if it was cold or not I wolfed it down as fast as I could.

"Now that's real food." I said to my stomach, leaving the room to change clothes and retrieve Xiao.

Once again when I came back from changing, getting Xiao, and grabbing my drawing supplies, the bowl I left on the counter was rinsed and in the drying rack.

"Holy man Xiao, there must be like a cleaning lady ghost here picking up after my messes!"

Chuckling at my own joke, I sat down at the table to draw, feeling better today than I had in a while.  I picked whole new color that made me warm on the inside as I began sketching.  Orange made me feel light and carefree like I had nothing to worry about, so I drew an orange Xiao and an orange me.  Smiling for the first time in forever, I looked at my bright picture filled with warmth and happiness.  The sound of chair legs scraping on the ground snapped me out of my happy place and brought me back to reality.  I scowled at the person who disrupted my joy, it was Sungmin, and he just stared back, his eyes almost apologetic, but then he looked down to his food he had brought over and mumbled something to himself again.  Ignoring him I went back to my paper and added a color that Sungmin had reminded me I needed in my picture, black.  There was less of it today, but it was still there...

I snapped my book shut, pushing it aside to pick up Xiao and out of the corner of my eye I could see Sungmin glancing at Xiao and I every once in a while.  I looked up at him and he looked like he had something to say, as if it was on the tip of his tongue, but he kept it to himself.

"Ya! You got something you wanna say, spit it out.  I think I can handle it." I didn't mean to snap, but I wasn't too appreciative of being looked at like I had some horrible disease. 

Sungmin looked taken aback at my harsh tone of voice and went back to his food, still giving me the look every now and again.

"Well, it looks like we're not wanted here Xiao, let's go." I scoffed, aiming my words at the person sitting across from me.

I gathered up my sketchbook, pencils, and made ready to leave the room when Sungmin started talking to me.

"Y-you can stay you know...I-I don't mind if you sit here..."

I couldn't believe my ears or eyes, Sungmin wanted me to stay, he legitimately didn't want me to leave.  I might have considered this strange if not for him reading the notes in my sketchbook, so I took it as a sign that he felt bad for this whole 'not talking to each other' thing.

"A-are you sure?" I hesitantly asked, not knowing if this was some cruel joke.

He just nodded, giving me a split second of an apologetic smile.  Shuffling over to the table, I kept my head down as I took my seat across from him.  Awkward silence ensued as Sungmin picked at his food he no longer felt like eating. 

Hugging Xiao to me as if he was a protective shield, I flipped open my skechbook and began doodling on a random page.  The scratching of pencil on paper was the only noise that filled the silence between us.

"You're really good at drawing," Sungmin complimented, trying to break the awkward air around us.

"Thanks..." I murmured not looking away from my paper.

"When did you get so good?"

I felt something inside of me snap at his question.  Tears of anger stung at the corners of my eyes as I stood up from my chair abruptly.

"When did I get so good you ask?" My voice shook with anger as I glared at Sungmin, "Let me tell you, when you're alone by yourself for more than half a year, you start doing anything to fill the void of loneliness.  I took up drawing.  FOR ALL YOU KNOW, I COULD HAVE DONE MUCH WORSE THINGS AND I COULD BE DEAD RIGHT NOW!" I couldn't hold back anymore as I began bawling, "So that, Sungmin, is when I became good, THOSE SEVEN MONTHS SPENT IN SOLITUDE WITH NOBODY TO TURN TO IS WHEN I 'GOT SO GOOD!' "

I bolted out of the kitchen sobbing leaving a shocked looking Sungmin at the table.  When I reached my bedroom I slammed the door behind me and hid under my blankets, crying into Xiao.  After a half an hour I finally calmed down enough to fall into a deep sleep, not hearing the door creak open or click shut. 

A:n/ Sorry for the short chapter after such a long time and a y one at that  ;n; It seemed a good place to end here it is! I hope it doesn't disappoint :) I will try to write longer chapters next time...Sorry T___T KyuMin fluff might be coming up in the next chapter C: i'm excited for it :D Thank you all of my readers, silent readers, subscribers, and commenters! :3 See ya around~! :DDD 

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I'm working on part 2 of chapter 6 and fo shizzles it will be up in the next week! sorry for making you wait ^^"


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ohmysuperjunior #1
Chapter 7: Kyu's childlike personality here is beyond adorable omg. kyu and his silly kangaroo xD there's more kyumin here than kyuteuk tbh. but lol i ship both equally as hard. glad everything is back to normal. this story is so fluffy and cute :3
SapphireBlueAce #2
Chapter 7: OMG, crying at your amazing writing as always.. Keep it up!
Chapter 6: Yeay everything back to normal....
Chapter 6: Awwwww!!!! I'm glad everything went back to normal^^ Good story (Y) I hope you decide to post your story here, I love angst and I enjoyed this fic so much (YAY!!!)
God... I hope Teukie's dream hasn't come true... T.T poor Kyubaby, he's so sweet being like a child... but it's very cruel what their hyungs made to him ;O;
Please, I hope you update soon, this is such a good story... ;o;
zuzuaikha #6
Chapter 6: Poor kyu ... I've been waiting for the update since forever . Thx for the update !! I love you !!!
eliz930 #7
Chapter 6: Kyu baby...poor him...