Chapter 2

Deep Down

I finally got out of bed despite the lack of sleep I possessed and began getting ready for my trip to the toy store.  While I was on my way there I started thinking of what animal I wanted to buy.  I thought back to Super Show 2 when we wore our animal hats, I decided on buying a kangaroo stuffed animal because of my hat back then.  The first toy shop I went to had no kangaroos to speak of, they probably had every animal under the sun but a kangaroo.  After I tried three shops, I finally found a good sized kangaroo plushie.  It had fuzzy brown fur, a cute snout, and was the perfect amount of soft for hugging.  Immediately paying for it I left the shop and walked hom as fast as I could with my new friend in tow.

Sitting down on my bed I put my kangaroo directly across from me.

"What should I call you?" I pondered out loud while playing with it's tail, "ah! I know.  Xiao has a nice ring to it."

I was actually happy for a moment before I remembered why I bought him  I picked him up and set him in my lap and started to talk to him.

"You know Xiao, things have been really hard for me lately.  I didn't think it would be like this...I just thought...if I told them to stop worrying the first time, they'd listen, but they didn't.  So I had to get mad...I...had to scream at them." I sniffled, wiping my eyes on my bedsheets, "I thought they'd just be mad at me for a few days and we'd be back to normal like always.  I didn't know Teuk-hyung would get that mad at me!"

I began crying loudly, not caring if anyone heard because, who was I kidding? It's not like Ryeowook and Sungmin would come running to my side with a box of tissues in hand.  They proabably hated my guts and were laughing at me because I was suffering from my stupidity.  Clearing my face of snot and tears using my blankets I pulled my sketchbook out from beneath my pillow once again.  I picked out the blue and black colored pencils and started to draw with Xiao still in my lap.

Halfway through coloring a black thundercloud, I began to get mad.  Why were they doing this to me? It's not like all the other members are angels, they have fought with Leeteuk countless tiimes worse than I had.  So why was I getting the short end of the stick?  I grabbed the red colored pencil and began drawing blood rain flowing out of the clouds, falling onto a figure that was laying down in the middle of the road.  The more I thought about my situation, the more I got mad, causing me to add red to random spots in the picture.  The clouds became tinted red, the ground was painted in red, the person's body was dribbled in it.  When I was done I let out a ragged sigh, tears of frustration welling up in my eyes.  I laid in bed for a little while longer cuddling my only form of comfort now, which was Xiao.

My stomach rumbled notifying me that I still had to eat.  After all, it was only 1:34 in the afternoon.  Rolling out of bed still clinging to my kangaroo, I shuffled into the kitchen to make myself a mediocre meal of ramen.  I hadn't eaten proper food in ages due to my lack of cooking ability, so I mostly ate leftovers and ramen.  When I finished my soggy, overcooked ramen noodles it wasn't satisfactory for my stomach so it growled for more food.

"There's nothing you can do about it stomach," I said patting my squishy belly, "We have to make that ramen last for a while."

When I turned to enter my room the sight of Sungmin sitting on my bed, looking through my sketchbook shocked me.  Out of surprise, I accidentally yelled at him, "WHAT...what do you think you're doing?!" I sped over to my bed and snatched it away from him, "This is personal! How rude can you be?!"

Sungmin looked up at me, but he didn't say anything.  Except for the hardly audible, "Whatever." he breathed out when he stood up from my bed and left the room.  I was still breathing heavily, my heart racing from actually maintaining eye contact with him.  Looking down at the page he had it open to I couldn't help but groan.  It was the page where I wrote down what all the colors meant and a horribly depressing, gorey picture was drawn below my writing.

Shoving it under my pillow, I hugged Xiao as tight as I could.  I laid curled up in a ball on my bed again and felt a pang of something in my chest...was it hope?  If Sungmin saw my drawings, he must know how horribly I feel, and he might start talking to me.  Then again, I was probably just getting my hope up.

"Xiao, why is everything so hard?  You have it easy, you're just a kangaroo." I looked him square in his beady eyes, "I know what I'll do.  I'm going to perform some tests."

I walked into the kitchen with my head heald high and a smile plastered on my face.  A fake smile of course, but for this test I had to seem happy like nothing had gone wrong in the first place.  I propped Xiao up on the kitchen table and tapped his nose, "I'll be right back Xiao so don't you move an inch!"  Leaving the kitchen I went to the closet in the hallway that was full of useless stuff to look for something useful. 

"Where is that sewing kit we threw in here?" I grumbled to myself rooting through old shoes and cardboard boxes.  After a few minutes of looking, I pulled out a tiny purple plastic box with a pink handle.  Going from the closet to my room I picked out a beat up t-shirt I hardly wore and carried it out to the kitchen with my sewing box.

When I walked into the kitchen Leeteuk was in there and he quickly looked in another direction as if he was looking at Xiao.  Internally smirking, I walked over to the table, talking to my kangaroo, "Aigoo, Xiao you're such a good boy.  Guess what? I'm going to make you a shirt!  We wouldn't want you waltzing around here , now would we?" I laughed louder than I should have, earning a quick side glance from Leeteuk who was supposedly looking at a picture on the wall.  

Everything was going according to plan so far.  I was going to annoy the crap out of them by being boisterous, but they can't say anything to me becuase I was currently being ignored.  I knew that Heechul would be ready to kill by the end of the day.

I started to cut apart my old shirt with the tiny scissors provided by the sweing kit while singing Wonder Boy obnoxiously.  When I reached the two minute mark of the song, Leeteuk left the room.  I sat there the rest of the day belting every Super Junior song I knew all the lyrics to, but nobody came to tell me to shut up.  Since I had been sitting there ALL day, Xiao now had a crappily sewn shirt and hat.  I felt depressed that they all managed to put up with my "singing" and kept out of the kitchen.

Leaving my mess on the table, I slunk back into my room.  Sungmin looked like he was asleep, so I began striking up conversation with Xiao again.

"Xiao~ what do we do now?  My plan didn't work and I don't think I can stand another day singing for hours on end...should I start breaking things of theirs and not fixing it?" I looked hopefully into his eyes, "I just don't think I'll be able to handle the lonliness anymore...sure, I have you, but in the end you're just an inanimate object  and you'll never respond to me.  So maybe it would be better to leave you and everyone else behind."

I buried my face into my pillow and began sobbing.  So, it had come to this, I would make me notice them or die trying.  Maybe I should plead with them first, maybe I should get on my knees begging for forgiveness and if they didn't forgive me, I don't know what I was going to do.

"I hope everything turns out ok...I just want to know that I still love them, but they probably don't want to hear it from me..." I said louder than I meant to, it didn't matter, Sungmin was asleep, or so I thought he was.

A/n: Hello~ So we have the appearance of Xiao the Kangaroo!  I wrote the part where he was buying Xiao from experience, here in Wisconsin there is no such thing as kangaroo stuffed animals, so my sister is getting one for me when she goes to Australia this winter and I will sew him a little T-shirt so he can be cute XD  She's Ryeowook biased and she's just rolling in the amount of Giraffe everything they have at zoo's and toy stores here. OTL

Anyways, this was more of a funny chapter you could say?  I was highly amused by Kyuhyun and Xiao (which I now ship XD just kidding :P)  but Sungmin will start appearing more now, I think... I can't promise anything when I haven't even started chapter 3... ^^"  Thank you readers, silent readers, subscribers and commenters! See ya around~! ^^

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I'm working on part 2 of chapter 6 and fo shizzles it will be up in the next week! sorry for making you wait ^^"


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ohmysuperjunior #1
Chapter 7: Kyu's childlike personality here is beyond adorable omg. kyu and his silly kangaroo xD there's more kyumin here than kyuteuk tbh. but lol i ship both equally as hard. glad everything is back to normal. this story is so fluffy and cute :3
SapphireBlueAce #2
Chapter 7: OMG, crying at your amazing writing as always.. Keep it up!
Chapter 6: Yeay everything back to normal....
Chapter 6: Awwwww!!!! I'm glad everything went back to normal^^ Good story (Y) I hope you decide to post your story here, I love angst and I enjoyed this fic so much (YAY!!!)
God... I hope Teukie's dream hasn't come true... T.T poor Kyubaby, he's so sweet being like a child... but it's very cruel what their hyungs made to him ;O;
Please, I hope you update soon, this is such a good story... ;o;
zuzuaikha #6
Chapter 6: Poor kyu ... I've been waiting for the update since forever . Thx for the update !! I love you !!!
eliz930 #7
Chapter 6: Kyu baby...poor him...