Ch. 2 - Talking to a

Glass Mask

After class had ended, Heechul and I went to my locker to put our things away. He and I have shared a locker all throughout high school. As we were putting things away, I heard a cough from behind me. I turned around and saw Jiyeon and Min Jyung. "Can I help you guys?" Jiyeon smiled a bit and twirled her hair. "Yeah, I was wondering if you and Heechul want to eat lunch with us."

Heechul and I exchanged a look. He then scoffed and looked at her. "And why would we do that? So you can sit there and flirt like a with her of an ex-boyfriend? Sorry but not sorry, we'll pass." He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the lunchroom. "Heechul, you didn't have to be that mean."

"I wasn't being mean, I was telling the truth. ____, did you really want to sit at the same table with the that your ex-boyfriend cheated on you with? That'd be ing torture and I don't want to see my best friend hurting. Not over a guy like him." I nodded and pat his cheek. "Thanks for looking out for me, you diva."

He smiled, "No problem, loser." We got our lunch and went to sit at a table. "So where are the guys? I thought they'd be here by now." "Eunhyuk, Leeteuk, and Shindong have detention. The others went out to eat. So it's just you and me today." I nodded in response. I looked up when I heard someone set down their tray on the table. I saw Jiyeon, Min Jyung, Kris, Chanyeol, and Sehun.

I put my food down. "What the hell are you guys doing here? Pretty sure, we already told Jiyeon that we're not going to eat lunch with you." Chanyeol grinned at me, "Well, we're here now. So get over it ." I scoffed, "Really? You're calling me a ? At least I'm not going to have STDs like somebody. Get lost Park." "No can do. We're here to stay!" Sehun replied.

Both Heechul and I rolled our eyes. "Hey Kris, do you not have anything else better to do than to sit here bothering your ex? Are you really that big of an ? You have some nerve to be sitting here with me and ____." Heechul said. Kris glared at him. "I'm not here for that . I'm just sitting here because my girlfriend's sitting here."

"You really shouldn't be going around calling people . Considering you are the one who cheated on me. If anyone should be criticized, it should be you. I have better things to do than to sit here staring at your ugly face." Kris frowned. "Oh, and fyi. You should probably lighten up on the frowning. It causes wrinkles." I smirked and got up. Heechul followed me and we left the lunchroom. "Good job back there ____! I'm so proud of you!" Heechul yelled. I laughed, "Thanks. It felt really good to say those things."

He linked our arms. "Come on, let's go to our next class." I nodded and we were on our way.

Yay!! Chapter 2 is now up! \(^_^)/ Hope it was to your liking! Feel free to comment about what you think and subscribe if you like it!

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I'll try writing the next chapter tomorrow, I have a ton of homework so it'll take a while.


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Chapter 5: This story seems awesome so far, but its been so long since you've updated :/ But I'll wait, lol xD
Chapter 5: I just found this story, and i love it please update this soon
Chapter 5: Pls updateeee ;A;
manlyteabubbles #4
Chapter 5: I can't wait to see what she's gonna do!
Please hurry and update. It is really good
Chapter 5: Ouh~~ I like where this is heading... Burn him girl.. U got this~~~Update soon please~~!! Hwaiting!!~~
ClaudiaSanviana #7
Chapter 5: Update more pls asap~
Chapter 5: Gosh this story is getting good!!! Update more pleasee ;-)
ShinByulRin #9
Chapter 5: Great update...please update more later ok authornim
5SooYoungiYoung #10
Chapter 5: update soon !