Chapter Two

Miss(TER) Right?!

“OMIGOSH, I AM LATE. HOW AM I LATE? SHISUS.” I didn’t care for the boys that were sleeping, I slept through my alarm and now there were only 20 minutes left to get ready. I ran into the nearest bathroom and took the fastest shower (I had my own stuff in my handy dandy backpack, I didn’t use any of their stuff. Trust. ;A;) of my life, dried my hair, and changed. Since it’s pretty effing chilly in Korea, I wore black leggings, a white Cali sweater, black beanie, and put my grey hightops on.

Ricky came out of his room and sat on the sofa, calmly drinking banana milk while I’m panicking and frantically rushing out the door.

I sprinted to the company and looked for Andy Sunbae’s office. I bumped into an absolutely adorable dude in the building. I quickly bowed in apology and located Andy Sunbae’s office.

“Sorryimlateioversleptandohmygosh. Hello, I’m Nam Sehee and I am the new trainee here.” I noticed my cousin was next to him and I noticed a dangerous glint in her eyes.

“Hello, Sehee. I think I will cut straight to the point. As you may have noticed, there are no girl trainees but you here. That can mean either one of two options: You will go solo as our first female artist, or be transferred to another company. However, in your case, it is neither.”

“I.. I don’t understand. How can it be neither.. Unless, mean I would... be.... OH NO... OH. NO. I DON’T THINK I CAN OR SHOULD. I.. I R--”

“Wow, Minhee, you were right. She’s a smart girl. You are absolutely correct. You will be joining Teen Top as their seventh member.”

“WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?!???!!!!!! Excuse me, I’m not a BOY, and in middle of MISS RIGHT PROMOTIONS? No offence but that’s kind of crazy and the fans would kill me and how would that work and wut.” I was in shock. This stuff only happened in kdramas and fanfics. I was about to object when my cousin spoke.

“Also, we will be telling you about the mission. For starters, this whole ‘k-pop industry’ is really a facade for some big underground stuff. And, as things always are, there are the good guys and the bad. We, members of TOP Entertainment, are the good guys, you don’t need to worry. Hey, cousin. You like this kind of stuff, no? So, how about it?” I had no idea what to say or what she was talking about. I mean, there was no way that this was true, right? The whole k-pop industry being some facade, that’s absurd.

“Honestly, there’re many reasons to doubt us. But, we came upon this, ‘Nam Sehee; age 15/16; attends Hollywood Academy of Arts; many talents, mainly in the arts; family of 4; will be useful; approved for capture. *Special note: if she resists, use every mean necessary. If all else fails, execute.’ This was found by Minhee as we were looking through the enemy’s files, and begged to let you in. Let me explain, if you’re in the eyes of the ‘Top 3,’ that’s quite dangerous. Especially, your case. The fact they want you or else they’ll execute you in a case of ‘if we can’t have her, no one can’? You, my dear, are a very special girl. There’s only been 2 other people with this case. Our company, as well as others, are the good guys. We’ll help you. Accept, and we’ll give you a brief summary on the mission. If you choose to decline, we’ll send you back to LA and you’ll be on your own.”

I dropped to the floor and held my head in my hands. E..Execute? I can’t go down like this. More like, I refuse to. I hesitated, but I stood and straightened up.

“I.. I ac-accept. I refuse to go down without explanations, and plus, I embarrassed myself in front of my bias ruiners thrice in one day. That’s not a good way to die.” My cousin and Andy Sunbae smiled and seemed to relax awhile.

“So, please. Take a seat, you’ve been standing for a while.”


“Your ‘debut’ will work out fine because Teen Top will be having their own reality show due to popular demand and it’s about time anyways. The tricky part will be introduction and fans’ reactions.” Andy Sunbae went on and on, but I zoned out. I was too busy thinking about the reality program; what kind of character will I have to be? what if I mess up? what if angels don’t like me?

“Oi, Sehee. Nam Sehee. Earth to Sehee. Hellooooooooo.” I snapped back to reality.

“Ohp, sorry. What were you saying?” My cousin just kind of facepalmed and repeated what he said.

“First thing’s first, hair and your -points at s- that.” I gaped at her.

“My hair? You know how much I love my hair, and this.. will be a pain..” Okay, I didn’t have monster s or anything. Just above average for an Asian. I’ve watched Mulan and You’re Beautiful, wrapping your chest does not look pleasant. Unless you’re Mulan, that girl had no s whatsoever.

“Well, to , because your hair is too long to put under a wig, and as for that... We’ll figure it out later. Well, after that, we’ll create a character for you; style, name, etc.” Andy Sunbae nodded along as my cousin was talking and soon excused us to go create the new me.


yay, new chapter, this is short & kinda boring, imo. omg.

okay, one more chapter & then it'll get fun.

if not, then... you can have my sister.

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Chapter 4: hope u update soon!! really interesting plot twist with the kpop facade thing--hwaiting! btw congruently.... usually not used like tht. similar expressions maybe instead???