Chapter Three

Miss(TER) Right?!

“Sehee, choose a hairstyle out of these magazines while I drive us to the salon.” I nodded but I remembered about my neck to back.

“Hey, Unni.. What about the scars..? They start from my neck..” Sehee Unni stopped in front of a salon and looked at me.

“Don’t worry about it, we can cover it up with makeup. You don’t have any burn scars in that area? There’s one on your left wrist, one under your thumb, and right thigh. I remember my little cousin’s injuries. Hm, for the most part, we’ll be able to cover it with makeup - only the ones that are visible. A majority of the ones on your back will be covered with your bandages.” 

Okay, okay. I guess I forgot to mention one tiny detail. I was a victim of child abuse.. and groping. But, as I am going to become a dude, groping might sound disturbing. I have scars the start from the back of my neck to my tailbone (& two small ones from kidney surgery). The tiny burn scars were from my curling iron, the bigger burn was from a fight. Oh yeah, another small detail. I fight. Or I guess, used to. But, that’s all boring stuff and I’ll stop blabbering on about my life.

“Niall Horan.” My cousin stopped talking and looked at me.


“For my hair. Niall Horan’s hair. Or Dongwoo’s. Either one.”

“So, my baby cousin is into 1D. Interesting.” I felt myself turning red.

“Shut up...”

“Okay, so. You are not doing Niall’s hair. That’s exclusive for him only. Dongwoo’s hair... Do you know how many hairstyles he had? And how many colors... Him and L.Joe might as well be competitors.”

“Zelo, too. He had a lot of hairstyles, and colors.”

“Not as many as those two.”

“Well, does it really matter? I mean, I didn’t even ‘debut’ yet.” I grabbed my backpack and stepped outside. I heard my cousin exit and lock her car, and we both entered the salon.

“Anyeoung hasaeyo, Ajummah! Is anyone he--,” My cousin dropped her bag and stared at the guests in the salon. “WHY ARE YOU GUYS HERE AND NOT AT THE RECORDING STUDIO?” Curiously, I turned my head and almost spit out my drink. MOTHEREFFING TEEN TOP. I quickly bowed, but bowed too low because I almost hit my head on the ground.

“YAH, NAM SEHEE, WE CHALLENGE YOU TO A REMATCH.” I gaped at Niel as he pointed his finger at me. L.Joe got up and pointed his finger at me, too. I ignored them and turned to my cousin.

“Uh, Unni. We should probably do my hair now..” She picked up her bag and nodded, “Well, untie your hair, you dork.” I grunted and took my hair tie off and let my hair flow down. I’m proud of my hair, probably one of the only things I’m proud of. It’s long and straight, and is a natural brownish-red. I heard someone cough and I turned around. Are they turning red? No, it’s just my imagination. I must be going crazy, no way they would ever like me. Not like they can, anyways. I’m going to become a boy soon..

“Wait, Sehee, you’re actually really pretty..” -red-

“No, seriously. He’s right. You’re so adorable.” -more red-

“Minhee Noona, are you sure she’s related to you? -smack-” 

“Sehee, why are you cutting your hair?” If only you guys understood..

“Hey, you guys. You guys are going to be late. You have two programs to attend until you start recording for your reality show,” my cousin spoke up, clenching her fists. I chuckled and watched them leave before telling the lady what style I wanted.


I saw my hair and cried. My hair’s all gone now. Right when I got complimented on it from my bias ruiners. I felt my cousin hug me and say words of comfort. 

“I’m fine.. It’s just that I can’t believe that I’m actually going through with this.” My cousin smiled at me and said, “Dear, trust me. Everyone in this industry has crazy stories like yours. Even those boys.”

“Oh yeah, Unni. Why are they called Teen Top? Like, what about when they’re not teens anymore?” My cousin looked at me and shook her head, “I sometimes think that Andy’s strange.” She picked up her bag, paid the salon lady, and we both left. 

I didn’t know what to feel at the moment, excited, happy, sad? I guess it’s just some bittersweet memory. I was taken out of my thought bubble when Minhee Unni handed me a blank folder. I opened it and saw information on my new “character.”

Name: Eren Jung-- Really? Eren J? Someone’s been watching too much Attack on Titan. Might as well make it Armin-- Age: 16 (Korean age). Height & Weight: 160cm/45kg Talents & Hobbies: Stays same. Special talents: ??-- Unni, I can do the perfect voice imitation, remember?-- Stage Name: Ryuhan (Dragon with genius skills & beauty (a/n! urbandictionary .-.))." I looked it over once more just to make sure and then finally gave my cousin the okay as we made our way to the store to buy some clothes to finish my character. 

Stranger's POV;

"So, you finally made your move. This time, though, it'll be us who win this game. TOP Ent and Nam Sehee, prepare to go down hard and painfully," I chuckled.

"Hyung, shut up, you sound creepy. Let's go, being in the sun too long is tiring," the annoying maknae said.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go report to manager-hyung."


w0w, first few chapters were boring but I had writer's block ;A;

but, bear with me. it starts getting fun from here. <3

i hope.

yay for double update \o/

^ This is Sehee's new look, if you were wondering .-.

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Chapter 4: hope u update soon!! really interesting plot twist with the kpop facade thing--hwaiting! btw congruently.... usually not used like tht. similar expressions maybe instead???