All hell is about to break loose

It's More Than Hate, It's Love

Here's another update. I'll tell you now that I likw Yoobin and she's my favorite out of WG, and what I write about her here has nothing to do with what I really think about her. I personally think that her image just suits the character I made her as. If you don't like me badmouthing her then I suggest you leave now because insults will fly and punches will come. With that said and done, enjoy it (;


You were walking down the hallway with your binder in hand when someone rudely bumped shoulders with you and caused not only your binder to fall out of your hands, but also caused you to lose balance and fall foward onto your knees. You cringed when your ankle sent small shocks of pain at the sudden movement, but you didn't dare let out a yelp. It had been a week since you twisted your ankle and the pain had almost disappeared completely. You looked to the side and saw the herself. You picked your binder up off the ground and faced her. "Really Yoobin, are you that much of a child that you have to resort to this kind of tactic? This is what kids in elementary school do, well since you do have the brain capacity of an elementary schooler this kind of tactic suits you."

She looked at you and scoffed. "You think you're all high and mighty Eunmi, but you're not."

You heaved a sigh and gave her a questioning look. "Do we really have to go through this everyday Yoobin? I get that you hate, despise, and dislike me, but can't you just leave me alone even for a day?" I questioned with my arms crossed.

"I'll leave you alone when you leave Jaejoong oppa alone." She said and you rolled your eyes. This was the main reason why she hated you so much; you were closer to Jaejoong then she was or any other girl in school. Despite being enemies, you and Jaejoong were next door neighbors and sometimes told the other things they wouldn't even tell anybody else. Another reason why she hated you was because, whenever she was talking to Jaejoong his attention would always be focused on you or something else. What was so god damn good about you that he would ignore her when she was directly talking to him? She always wondered that and still does.

"Oh god, are you still on about this? I want to leave him alone, trust me I really do, but he won't leave me alone. Since you're always wondering and prying, I don't like him at all and I never will. So instead of bugging me with your petty issues go talk to him about it for once and leave me the alone." You finished with a fake smile and left her speechless in the hallway. "Serves the right for constantly hating on me." You sighed and pushed all thoughts of Yoobin out of your head and continued walking to class.


After lunch you walked into homeroom, when suddenly you were knocked off your feet and onto the ground. "Ugh! Your head whacked against the tiled floor and you yelped. What the hell was wrong with people and knocking you down?! You opened your eyes to see Jaejoong looking down at you with his body currently ontop of yours and pressed against it. "Get off me. You're heavy as hell!" You tried to move your arms, but they were trapped between yours and Jaejoong's chest.

Jaejoong pushed himself off of you and glared dangerously. "Watch where you're going." He sneered and your eyes narrowed.

"Excuse me? You weren't the one who collided with the ground Jaejoong - I did. You're in no position to tell me that when this was all your fault!" You pushed him with your finger and he stumbled a step back.

Jaejoong pushed your hand away and stepped up to you. "My fault? What kind of idiot just blindly walks around without even looking where she's going?!" He retorted and you scoffed.

"I do because I expect no one to walk right into me, and I could say the same thing to you! Are you blind, because I was clearly through the door before your knocked me down!" You countered back angrily.

Rude remarks and several death threats later you and Jaejoong stepped away from each other, before it really got heated and fist would be thrown.

"Ahh I'm going insane!" You shrieked and clutched your head.

"Oh you're not the only one Eunmi!" Jaejoong added and you glared at him. You walked back to him and kicked his shin. "Ah Eunmi!" He cried and clutched his injury.

"Serves a buttwipe like you right!" You hissed. Whenever Jaejoong and you fought, you tended to you use the word "Buttwipe". You knew he hated it because that was what you called him during your first fight and he clearly stated that he wasn't one, and yeah.

"I am not a buttwipe!" He shouted and you smirked.

"So what are you going to do about it? Are you gonna push me down? Hit me? Go cry to your mommy that I beat you up again?!" You taunted, yet didn't realise how vicious your words sounded.

Jaejoong whipped his gaze from you and looked away. "We're not five anymore."

You failed to hear the venom in his voice and continued on going. "No we're not, but we still act like it." Jaejoong turned back to look at you while you held his eyes with yours. When did things get this tense between you two?

No one saw it coming - it was too fast - it happened too fast. One moment you were looking at Jaejoong and the next your head is whipped to the side and your cheek is burning with pain.

"Nobody talks to my oppa like that." Yoobin growled with her hand still up in the air. Jaejoong looked at her in shock, did she really just do that? He couldn't believe that she actually just hit you.

The burning sensation in your cheek was increasing. It hurt like hell, but you weren't going to show it. Instead, you turned your head to face her and cracked your neck and knuckles wickedly. Jaejoong knew what you were about to do and he wasn't going to let it happen. Quickly, ran to you and held you by your waist and started pulling you towards the door. 

"The is dead." You hissed as your eyes had turned into deadly slits.

Jaejoong knew from when those words left your mouth that all hell was about to break loose.


There you have it. Hell will break loose in the next chapter. Let me tell you that I've never been in a fight nor do I want to be, and I've never written about one before, so the fight scene won't be the best, but it will be readable. Pardon my grammer mistakes and whatnot because I'm too lazy to edit it. Comments and subscribers would be deeply appreciated. Until next time (:

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Chapter 35: Beautiful!!!
Just beautiful

Moonlighting #2
I barely started reading this and I'm already far ahead I really like this story!! Great job author-nim!!!!
Chapter 35: This story is absolutely beautiful. I died from everything literally. LOL! This also made my day so much better. I was feeling kind of down earlier and finding this fic was just a blessing. ^^ Thanks for sharing this with us. One of my favorites. ^^
Jamiesxz #4
Chapter 35: Great fanfiction (Y)
Jamiesxz #5
Chapter 15: So shinee.. Lmao that's smart
Chapter 34: Aigoo, this is so cute!! Update when you can please!! Love your story~ <3
Chapter 4: Woohoo!! Bring on the cat fight! Hahaha
I've never been in one before & I'm enjoying this story so much! Thanks for writing out your imagination, Author.
oatlover #8
Chapter 33: kissing your boyfriend in front of your mom & dad plus your bro is AWKWARD
but still cute
this story reminds me of someone I knew way back in junior highschool
we first met in some orientation for the new students
we both received a punishment because we couldn't answer our senior's question
both of us are somewhat like Jae and Eunmi
but not that extreme
we just bickered a lot, he would teased me a lot too
and I would counter attack him, it was just chaos lol
sometimes he was nice to me and other times he teased me a lot
good job Author-nim, will be waiting for your next update :)
oatlover #9
Chapter 32: Finally!!! *throws confetti*
so Taeyeon planned the whole "confession" thing?
good job Tae :)
I can totally imagine the scene where Mr.Kang suddenly appear and disturb JaeMi "moment" lol
and the way Jaejoong called out Eunmi while being dragged by Mr.Kang
oatlover #10
Chapter 30: it's really cute how Chunnie called Su for a back up
and Jae suddenly hug Eunmi?? adorable