
It's More Than Hate, It's Love

Hola! Well, the comments and subscribers were unexpected, but very much appreciated. Seeing what you guys think about my story after so long reallys brings a genuine smile to my face. It's finally here! The moment all of you have been waiting for! I know it might not reach some of your expectations, but I'm not that good with expressing romantic feelings or scenes. I hope you enjoy it (:




"So as I'm on the floor with those two fatasses on top of me, Changmin goes over to Jaejoong and asks if we're together now." You informed Taeyeon of the events of this weekend as you were at your lockers.

"And then what did you guys say?" She questioned eagerly, seriously intrigued by the whole story like some rabid fan girl.

You gave her an incredulous look and shook your head. "Of course I said no while Jaejoong didn't even say anything at all. I mean, sure I said all those things and Jaejoong did too, but it's not like we were confessing our undying love for each other." You stopped to watch for any signs of interruption and found it just about to form. "And before you question me since I know you will, no we were not confessing our undying love for each other. We were just telling each other our general feelings, not romantic feelings for each other." You explained a matter-o-factly and her expectant expression fell into a deep unsatisfied frown.

"You are the most oblivious and stubborn girl I have ever met! How can you not realize that Jaejoong was basically telling you how he felt about you. So what if he didn't say he liked you or loved you? That didn't mean he was confessing about his romantic feelings. He called you the total package and said he could go on and on, but wanted to know how you felt. Does that not give you any indication at all that Jaejoong likes you?" Taeyeon explained and questioned, voice clear with frustration and irritation.

You closed your locker in shock and stepped away to look at her. "Please tell me you're not one of those JaeMi shippers Tae." You pleaded, hoping her answer would be satisfying.

"Why wouldn't I be? I want you to be happy and that's what Jaejoong does! Sure, you may fight here and there with him but you like it and so does he. That's how you guys got to know each other in the first place and that's what you both hold on to for a connection. And don't think for one second that I haven't seen you and Jaejoong getting all cozy with each other. I saw the times you held hands on the plane and when you fell asleep together. You even told me that you thought Jaejoong was your prince charming at Sooyoung's party before you even knew it was him and then again at Jeju. Tell me how any of that doesn't make you realise that you like Jaejoong?" Taeyeon questioned seriously, but then her eyes widened in surprise.

You sighed and held her by her shoulders to look directly into her eyes. "Tae, I'm going to be completely honest with you okay and you can't tell anyone?" You said and she nodded with rounded eyes as she said nothing, which you found quite odd, but continued to talk. "After what happened on Friday, I went home and locked myself in my bedroom and I thought. I thought about everything from when I first met Jaejoong until that afternoon. You know what I realised? Jaejoong has a big part in my life. He's been there since day one even though we fought the first time we've met and he's still here after twelve years. No matter how many times I tell him I hate him or hit him, he's still there willing to be nice to me. In the past couple months and weeks, some things have come to mind that I never really thought about until now.

I don't hate Jaejoong, I don't think I've ever hated him. At the most, I just get annoyed with him and I word vomit all over the place just to get him away from me. And you're right Tae, I love fighting with Jaejoong. I'll never say this to him, but I look foward to arguing with him everyday even if its about the smallest things. Its amazing how one word can set him off and then his attention is completely on me just like that. And you want to know what else I won't admit to him? He's hot Tae, like oh my god hot. How come I never noticed it before? Do you know how many times I've seen the kid shirtless with his muscles and all? I mean, I would notice but I wouldn't say anything because you know it'd be weird if I did. I haven't told anyone beside Yoochun, but I've kissed Jaejoong before. I mean, one moment we were having a food fight and then the next he's on top of me and we're kissing. And as much as I really don't want to say this, I liked it, a lot. And then after you left me in the hotel room I totally just lunged on Jaejoong and he held me in his arms and we just slept like that. And just like a week ago, I slept over at his house and he held me by my waist Tae. Out of all the boyfriends I've had, I've never felt comfortable enough to fall asleep in their arms, but with Jaejoong is was so simple like it was just made to happen. I thought and thought to myself that what I was feeling wasn't right, but you know what? I can't fight it anymore - its completely futile at this point. I can't even believe I feel this way at all." You confessed wholeheartedly and sighed after it was all released and out in the open for someone to know.

"And now what are you thinking?" Taeyeon asked and you actually smiled.

"I'm thinking that I like Jaejoong, a lot." You admitted and it felt good to say it.

Taeyeon smiled brightly and engulfed you in a loving hug. "I'm so happy that you finally realise it now and I'm kinda shocked that it was you to actually say it first, but I guess it doesn't matter because everything is going to be okay." Taeyeon said as you hugged her back and laughed.

"What are you talking about Tae? Its not like Jaejoong knows how I feel. I don't think I'm brave enough to say I like him to his face." You claimed and Taeyeon smirked before giggling.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that Mi. Turn around." She instructed and when you didn't, she spun you around to face your biggest fear at the moment.

"J-j-jaejoong?" You stammered in disbelief and faltered backwards. This was not happening. Jaejoong was not standing here, right in front of you with his eyes wide and mouth wide open. Yoochun, Changmin, Yunho, and Junsu were not standing there mirroring Jaejoong's expression to the T. Taeyeon had not just totally played you into confessing everything in front of them. You quickly pinched yourself and grimaced. This was totally happening.

"D-d-do you really feel that way E-e-eunmi?" Jaejoong stuttered as he took steps towards you with one hand outstretched.

'Can I run? No, they'll catch me. Awwh crap! What do I do now? I'm not ready for this! Calm down Eunmi - breathe. Okay, that's better. No its not. Awwh it!' You mind ranting ended and you focused on the boy infront of you. "I like you Jaejoong." You declared and several gasps were heard from the surrounding students. You looked around nervously and could feel your cheeks heat up instantly as your heartbeat drummed in your ears. 'You can't back down now Eunmi. Go for it. Do it now!' You encourage yourself and stepped towards him confidently. "I know that this is really sudden and really surprising and I know that you may not like---" You never even got the chance to finish because Jaejoong's lips were on yours and his arms held you too him like a second skin.

'This is it Jaejoong. This is what you've always wanted.' He told himself as he continued to kiss you lovingly. Jaejoong didn't have much experience in this certain area, but he felt that it just came to him when he was with you, and you didn't seem to mind either way so he wasn't about to stop. After a few passionate moments and several loud voices in the background, you and Jaejoong broke apart. The two of you just stared at each other with so much emotion that words weren't needed. Jaejoong held you to him as your arms wrapped around his waist and that was all you needed.

"KIM! LEE! BREAK IT UP RIGHT NOW!" Coach Kang barked and you both looked up.

'Why did he have to come?' You both thought and broke apart from each other, but kept holding hands.

"You're coming with me Kim." Coach Kang ordered and grabbed Jaejoong by his ear, dragging him away.

"Coach! Why did you have to ruin our moment?!" Jaejoong whined as he tried to move back to you. Jaejoong struggled with all his might and broke free of Coach Kang's grip and ran back to you.

"Yah! You punk, get back here!" Coach Kang yelled, but Jaejoong ignored him and held you by your shoulders.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Jaejoong questioned seriously and you didn't even hesitate for a second.

"Yes." You answered with a sweet smile and Jaejoong kissed you once more.

"I can't believe you're my girlfriend." He murmured as he looked into your eyes.

"I can't believe we like each other." You added and he chuckled.

"Okay lover boy, you had your moment and now its time to go." Coach Kang appeared once more and grabbed Jaejoong by his collar. "Me and you have some talking to do." He added and Jaejoong frowned.

"Why are you being such a Coach?" Jaejoong demand childishly and Coach Kang raised an eyebrow.

"I was gonna let you off the hook easy Kim, but not anymore. Say goodbye to your little girlfriend because you won't be seeing her until schools over." Coach Kang said and Jaejoong instantly smiled at the sound of someone acknowledging you as his girlfriend.

He directed his smile to the apple of his eye and waved like a love-struck fool. "Bye girlfriend." Jaejoong said dreamily and let himself be pulled away by Coach Kang once more.

"Bye Jaejoong." You said and waved goodbye to him, still not totally adjusted to this couple status like Jaejoong was.

"I'll go to your house after school!" Jaejoong shouted down the hall and you smiled and gave him the okay sign.

Seconds later, you found two bodies next to you and looked to see your beloved oppas. "I told you so." Yoochun said smugly and you rolled your eyes before shoving him playfully.

"You were right Chun oppa. I like Jaejoong and Jaejoong likes me too." You affirmed and smiled to yourself. You still couldn't get over how everything had just played out. "I'm dating Jaejoong. Holy crap. Our parents are gonna go psycho." You murmured to yourself and sighed. 'Lets just hope that riots don't happen again.' You thought and shuddered at the thought of people screaming at each other and fighting.

"HEY EVERYBODY! LEE EUNMI AND I, KIM JAEJOONG ARE OFFICIALLY GOING OUT! GO CRAZY!" Jaejoong's happy voice screamed over the intercom before Principal Yoon's voice broke through and the mike was shut off.

You turned to look at Junsu and then at Yoochun, none of them reacting as you did. "Holy . I have to get out of here." You whispered to yourself and ran back to your locker to get your things.

"Where are you going?" Yunho questioned as you popped open your locker.

"Home. JaeMi popped up last week and the whole school went crazy and caused a riot in the cafeteria that me and Jaejoong got busted for. Anymore trouble and I won't be able to cheer on Friday." You explained hastily and slammed your locker shut. "If I leave now then I won't have to deal with those haters and possible punch a few of them." You pointed out and started walking with the four boys surrounding you. 'God, I can't even enjoy this right now. Jaejoong is my boyfriend and we're not even with each other and we got just together no less then six minutes ago. That IDIOT! Why did he have to broadcast it to the whole school? But I'm happy he did.' You thought and sighed once more. You looked around for Taeyeon, but it seemed like she had disappeared while you and Jaejoong were in the progress of getting together.

"LEE EUNMI! YOU ARE SO ING DEAD!" The voice screamed furiously and you sighed.

"Too late." You muttered and turned around to see an angry Yoobin with a dozen or so girls behind her looking just the same.

"You conniving, evil . Its not enough that you have Yoochun and Junsu, but now you have Yunho and Changmin on your side too? And on top of that you're dating Jaejoong oppa?! You've got to be ing kidding me." Yoobin hissed menacingly, but you dismissed it with a roll of your eyes.

"Yes Yoobin, I'm all of those things and probably more, but what's your point? Yoochun oppa, Junsu oppa, Yunho, and Changmin have been my friends ever since Kindergarten and the first grade which is a hell of a long time before you came into our lives. And yes, I'm dating your beloved Jaejoong oppa, so what are you going to do about it? You gonna try and slap me again, because I can guarantee that ain't gonna happen twice." You stated and handed your backpack to the ever gentle Junsu who held it gladly.

"You always have to be better than me don't you? Ever since the first day I came here, you've always wanted what I wanted. Admit it Eunmi! You want to be me! You want everything I do!" Yoobin yelled hysterically and you scoffed. The nerve of this girl was ridiculous.

Yunho stepped inbetween the two of you and held both hands out in peace. "Now, now girls. Let's not get hasty alright?" Yunho said, in hopes of calming you down and in fear of Yoobin leaving the school in an abuluance.

"No Yunho, I'm going to handle this by myself." You told him calmly and stepped around him to be right in front of Yoobin. "Do I have to be better than you? Yes, I have to be better than those who I can be. As for everything else you've said, its quite the opposite. I've wanted what you want? Please, do not flatter yourself so ridiculously. I was nothing but nice to you the first time we met, but after you saw how me and Jaejoong acted, you despised me on the spot. You saw how good of friends I was with Yoochun and Junsu, so you decided to cling on to Yunho and Changmin hoping it would get you in better with Jaejoong. Ever since middle school you've been biting at my heels, trying to be everything I was.

When I tried out for cheerleading Freshmen year and got to be lead flyer, you complained to Coach Kang that it wasn't fair that I got the position and when I became captain this year, you threw a complete fit about it. It's not my fault you can't do stunts properly because you're afraid and its sure as hell not my fault that you don't have leadership qualities. As captain, I love my squad, but you're nothing but a front base that can be replaced with a quick snap. I dislike girls like you the most. You think you're tough because your family is rich and you can talk . You use your social status to bully others around you who aren't as fortunate. How long are you going to behave like this? Jaejoong doesn't like girls like you and he never will. I don't know how or why you're so obsessed with him, but you're going to have to get over it. If you think for one second that I'm going to let you leech around my boyfriend and talk behind my back, then you have another thing coming to you. Stop acting like an immature brat and start behaving like an adult. You won't last long in the world if you behave like a complete child Yoobin." With that said, you stepped away and looked at all the girls behind her. "This goes for everyone, if you've got to say then say it to my face instead of being a coward and talking about me behind my back." You declared and when nobody said anything and made no hint of movement, you calmly walked back to Junsu and grabbed your backpack.

"Nicely done Princess. Are you still leaving?" Yoochun questioned and you shook your head.

"Nope. I'm gonna face this head on." You stated and walked back to your locker, walking past Yoobin who you didn't even glance at.

Once you were out of sight, Yoobin screamed in frustration and threw her books against the wall in rage. Yunho and Changmin who had stayed behind watched her with pity. The girl had been in love with their best friend since the first year of middle school, but now she was never going to get her chance. Yunho sighed and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry Binnie, but Bambi is right. You can't keep acting like this if you want things to work out for you in the future. As harshly as she did it, it had to be done and I hope you understand that now. Plus you're lucky Eunmi didn't throw any punches at you for saying what you did." Yunho said and patted her shoulder gently.

Yoobin threw his hand off and glared at him. "Why does everyone take her side? What's so good about her?!" Yoobin demanded angrily as her hands clenched into fists.

This is where Changmin stepped in. "Don't get mad at Yunho hyung because you can't control yourself. And for your questions, its really quite simple. Everyone sides with Eunmi because she does things out of the kindness of her heart and not for benefits, and also because she's not a fake . She won't act one way and then act another just to impress someone. Eunmi's real and that's what people like. Besides, you haven't seen her outside of school, so you don't know anything Yoobin. As much of an idiot that you're being right now, the line of people who can't stand you is growing bigger." Changmin explained and left her there while dragging Yunho behind him. 'God, why are girls so overdramatic and complicated? Thank god I'm a man and I don't get worked up over such crap.' Changmin thought and wondered where his sister-in-law had gone to.




So, was it what you all thought it was going to be? I'm sorry if I disappointed anyone, but I just wanted to get this out of the way since it's sort of been dragging the rest of the story down. JAEMI FTW! Comment or Subscribe, the choice is yours. Until next time lovelys (:


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Chapter 35: Beautiful!!!
Just beautiful

Moonlighting #2
I barely started reading this and I'm already far ahead I really like this story!! Great job author-nim!!!!
Chapter 35: This story is absolutely beautiful. I died from everything literally. LOL! This also made my day so much better. I was feeling kind of down earlier and finding this fic was just a blessing. ^^ Thanks for sharing this with us. One of my favorites. ^^
Jamiesxz #4
Chapter 35: Great fanfiction (Y)
Jamiesxz #5
Chapter 15: So shinee.. Lmao that's smart
Chapter 34: Aigoo, this is so cute!! Update when you can please!! Love your story~ <3
Chapter 4: Woohoo!! Bring on the cat fight! Hahaha
I've never been in one before & I'm enjoying this story so much! Thanks for writing out your imagination, Author.
oatlover #8
Chapter 33: kissing your boyfriend in front of your mom & dad plus your bro is AWKWARD
but still cute
this story reminds me of someone I knew way back in junior highschool
we first met in some orientation for the new students
we both received a punishment because we couldn't answer our senior's question
both of us are somewhat like Jae and Eunmi
but not that extreme
we just bickered a lot, he would teased me a lot too
and I would counter attack him, it was just chaos lol
sometimes he was nice to me and other times he teased me a lot
good job Author-nim, will be waiting for your next update :)
oatlover #9
Chapter 32: Finally!!! *throws confetti*
so Taeyeon planned the whole "confession" thing?
good job Tae :)
I can totally imagine the scene where Mr.Kang suddenly appear and disturb JaeMi "moment" lol
and the way Jaejoong called out Eunmi while being dragged by Mr.Kang
oatlover #10
Chapter 30: it's really cute how Chunnie called Su for a back up
and Jae suddenly hug Eunmi?? adorable