We're not together

It's More Than Hate, It's Love

Hey guys, sorry it's been a while. Ugh. I'm really terrible at being consistent when it comes to updating. My procrastination is the worst thing ever. So here's a quick update before I go have some mother-daughter bonding time. I hope you enjoy it! (:


"Married? Me and Jaejoong aren't even together! You guys are all misunderstanding this!" You protested as your parents tried to calm you down. You pushed their hands away and moved away from everybody else.

"Calm down honey. Why are you getting so angry? Did you two not want Mr. Yoon to tell us?" Naomi questioned and tried to go towards you but you backed up even more.

You took in a deep breath and cooled yourself down. "You guys aren't listening to me, no one is. I don't like Jaejoong. Me and Jaejoong aren't together. What more do I have to say to get you guys to believe me? Mr. Yoon doesn't even know what happened in the locker room, so whatever he told you isn't the truth. Everyone is trying to push this whole JaeMi thing on us and won't even let us say anything about it! Doesn't it matter what we want?" You snapped and everybody remained silent. They hadn't known how much this would bother you, not even Jaejoong said anything. You were so frustrated that even tears were forming in your eyes.

He didn't really minded this whole JaeMi thing up until now, but seeing as how it had such an effect on you it irked him to a certain point. Jaejoong moved away from his still frozen family and walked over towards you where he put a hand on your shoulder gently. "You okay?" He asked earnestly, totally blocking out the other five people in the room. "Don't let what they said get to you. Didn't I tell you before? You shouldn't cry over such small things. You're stronger than this Eunmi." Jaejoong even went as far as to wiping the stray tears away. Little did he know that the others were watching his every move like hawks with hungry appetites for the couple-like display they were giving.

You stared at him in horror. Did he not have any idea of what he was doing or where he was? You picked his hand off your shoulder and let it fall to his side before stepping away and glaring at him. "You doing that only makes things worse Jaejoong. God. I have to get out of here!" You cried in exasperation. You gave the whole room a look over before grabbing your discarded bag on the floor and slipped your feet into a pair of boots before storming out, leaving everyone frozen. Moments later, the sound of gravel crunching and tires screeching was clear.

Naomi walked over to Jaejoong and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. She could see the confusion on his face easily and also the hurt that laced itself under. "It's okay Jaejoong. She just needs some time. You know that Eunmi has never really been open about her relationships." Naomi tried to comfort him and hoped that it would work. In her opinion, a boyfriend's worried mind was the worst state to be in.

Jaejoong looked up at the older woman and gazed at her in confusion. This was why you had gotten so mad before. They thought they knew what was going on and how it would play out, but they didn't. They didn't understand anything and that's what bothered him too. You didn't need to be treated like this and he wouldn't stand for it. "I don't mean to be rude, but me and Eunmi are not together. We never were and we probably never will be. It takes two to make a relationship - it doesn't matter what one person feels because if they don't share the same mutual feeling then it will never work out. I'm sorry we've gotten your hopes up, but there is no couple here."

It was Naomi's turn to look at him in confusion. "But what about the locker room incident?" She questioned, the happiness of her daughter finally being with the only boy she ever approved up slipping away slowly.

"That was all just a misunderstanding. When we were in the cafeteria prior to that, milk cartons had been thrown at Eunmi so I did the only thing I could think of and shielded her. I mean, I can't let her get hit right? She's the girl and I'm the man, so I protected her. She dragged me to the boys locker room since I was drenched and dripping everywhere. I took a shower and she said she would find clothes for me. When I got out, I didn't expect her to be there and then Coach Kang came in and everything went downhill from there." Jaejoong confessed and waited for the protests that he knew would come, yet there was none. "I'm sorry you guys got so excited over this, but it's not happening. I hope you can understand." With that said, Jaejoong ran out and hopped to his car in hopes of finding you before you did anything stupid like he knew you would. 'Where did you go Eunmi? I thought I told you that I would go anywhere if you wanted me to?'


In the moment of your rampage, you kicked the door open and was met by a shrill scream. You screamed also and flung yourself face first into the bed. The anger and frustration was just coursing through you and if you didn't do anything about it soon, you would burst. "God Chun, I'M SO ING FRUSTRATED!" You shouted and beat at his pillow.

"I can tell, but can you not punch so close to my head? If you miss and I get hit then we're not best friends anymore." He said and then shifted away from the fuming girl beside him. Suddenly, something occured to him and he propped himself on his elbows. "By the way, how'd you get in? Nobody's home and you don't have a key." He pointed out.

You stopped beating the poor pillow and looked at Yoochun. "You told me the passcode idiot. I'm the one who opened the door for you last week when you were drunk and couldn't remember it. Did you think I broke in or something? I'm no burgular Chun." You huffed with your arms crossed and eyes glaring at him.

"Okay, okay stop with the look." He muttered and rose himself up to sit against the headboard with a pillow between his arms. "So, tell what's got you so ing frustrated." He urged and you took that as an okay to tell him the whole thing.

You did so and by the time you finished, he was half asleep and his mouth was wide open. "Yah! I'm trying to confide in you Chun! Psh, some best friend you are." You spat and knocked his head against the wood lightly but still hard enough to hurt.

"I heard the whole thing. I only have one question." He grumbled and you looked at him curiously.

"Which is?"

Yoochun rose his head and stared you square in the eyes, no hint of sarcasm or mischief. "Has it ever occured to you that maybe Jaejoong likes you?"

Your heart dropped and time stopped. 'Maybe Jaejoong likes you? Maybe Jaejoong likes you? Maybe Jaejoong likes you? Maybe Jaejoong likes you?' It repeated itself over and over, non-stop and very very clear. It was imppossible. Just as impossible as it was for her to fit in size double zero jeans and marry David Beckham. The thought itself of Jaejoong liking you was not only ludicrous but also preposterous. You felt a shake to your arm and looked down to see Yoochun's hand holding your arm. "What?" You wondered.

"I asked you a question and then you started spacing out, but now that you're back you can answer me. Have you ever thought that maybe Jaejoong likes you?" He questioned once more, his serious tone still very evident.

"No. I mean, the kid has hated me for practically our entire lives and I've hated him too. We've yelled, fought, and done so much more that can't even be classified as acts of attraction or affection; so why would I ever think for one moment that Jaejoong could possibly like me? I mean sure, we've done some things that you would do if you liked someone but they were under special circumstances. If either one of us had been in our right minds, those incidents would have never ever happened." You explained truthfully and he nodded thoughtfully. "Isn't it obvious? Everybody can tell that we clearly dislike each other very much Chun. It's been like this since we were five for gods sake."

Yoochun just kept nodding along with your words while he was actually thinking to himself. 'Should I call Su? Princess won't take the next thing I ask her well and I don't want to die because of it, but then again, what can Su do against her? She'd take us both down and bury our corpses together. Ugh. This is the life I live as her best friend. ing ridiculous.' Yoochun agve up in the end and reached for his phone and told Junsu to come to his house asap because he was with Princess and things were about to get nasty. He set it next to him just in case and took a deep breath before he held your shoulders with both hands. "What I'm about to ask you can seriously affect this friendship Princess, do you understand that?"


"Okay good. If you react violently then I will have no other choice but to knock your out with all the strength I have even though it might not be enough. You got that?"

You rolled your eyes and groaned impatiently. "Get on with it before I beat it out of you." You hissed and saw him scowl and mutter something along the lines of, "damn, don't gotta get your in such a bunch." It was typical of Yoochun to back talk you in a hushed voice.

"Have you ever thought that maybe, and I'm just saying maybe, you like Jaejoong? That there may be more than this 'hate' you feel for him?" He questioned, one eye shot and his body slowing inching away, but to his utter surprise you took it a lot better than predicted.

"Hardly. I mean, Jaejoong's good looking and he's actually a pretty okay guy once you get under all that obnoxious crap, but it's Jaejoong we're talking about. My number one enemy since I was five." You stopped to take an intake of breath before continuing on. "So what if sometimes I get a little nervous around him? That doesn't mean anything. Who cares if w-we've held hands and k-kissed before? I've done that with both you and Su. What does it matter if I liked the sweet things he's said and done for me? All the boys compliment me and I react the same way. And why does it matter if sometimes I actually enjoy b-b-being with him and wish that we had never fought back then? It's all irrelevent because it's never gonna happen Chun. Too many things have happened between us for there to ever be romantic feelings. I mean, can you even imagaine it? Me and Jaejoong holding hands and being all lovey dovey with each other? It makes my skin crawl because it's so ridiculous. You get that, right?" You said feeling a whole lot better now that you had let everything out in the open for someone to hear.

Just as Yoochun was about to open his mouth and tell you what he thought, the door to his room bursted open and standing there was none other than the boy you've been talking about for the past eight minutes and duckbutt. You turned around to see who it was and your eyes widened. "Jaejoong what are you--"


You collided with the bed with a soft 'Oof', with arms wrapped around you so tightly that you thought you were gonna snap in half. He was too strong for his own good and whatever he was thinking got the better of his self control because he was crushing you.

"Well, this is unexpected." Yoochun commented as he stared at the couple below him. One struggling in the others arms while the other just held on as tight as they could. Yoochun turned his attention to the boy standing by his door and rose a brow. "How come he's here Su?"

Junsu walked over and also stared at the couple on the bed, bodies pressed together and looking absolutely lovely together. "He called me and asked where she was, I told him and he picked me up on his way here, I pinned in the passcode and shabam. We're here now." Junsu explained, taking out his phone after and snapping a quick picture.

"Damn, does everyone know the freakin' passcode to my house now?" Yoochun grumbled angrily, scolding himself for letting such important and personal information out.

"That's not important! Get off of me Jaejoong! You're crushing me!" You yelled and thrashed as best as you could, trying to get out of his iron-lock grip. "I said get off Jaejoong!"

"How could you just storm out like that? I was worried about you and so was everybody else. Didn't I tell you that I'd be there if you needed me, so why won't you rely on me? I know that we dont exactly get along well, but I don't say those things half-heartedly. I mean every single word of it Eunmi." Jaejoong's piercing eyes held you in place as he hovered over you slightly, body still touching yours.

"Damn. You guys make a cute couple." YooSu commented and your eyes glared at them dangerously. "Well it looks like we should leave. Let's go Su. Give the couple some time to talk and sort out some things." Yoochun hopped off his bed and dragged the slightly confused Junsu behind him and closed the door to his bedroom, with him and Junsu on one side while you and Jaejoong were on the other.

You looked up into Jaejoong's deep brown eyes and sighed. 'Well, what the hell am I supposed to say now?' 


How was it? Boring, right? I kind of jus word vomitted all over the place. I want them to just get together already, but I feel if I do that then I won't know where to go with the story since the previous version of this went so much more differently. Ugh. Decisions, decisions, decisions. On a happier note, THANK YOU TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE COMMENTED AND SUBSCRIBED RECENTLY! I WISH I COULD COMMENT ALL OF YOU BACK AND GIVE A WORD OF THANKS, BUT I'M JUST SO SWAMPED. I hope you all understand. Until next time my dears (:

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Chapter 35: Beautiful!!!
Just beautiful

Moonlighting #2
I barely started reading this and I'm already far ahead I really like this story!! Great job author-nim!!!!
Chapter 35: This story is absolutely beautiful. I died from everything literally. LOL! This also made my day so much better. I was feeling kind of down earlier and finding this fic was just a blessing. ^^ Thanks for sharing this with us. One of my favorites. ^^
Jamiesxz #4
Chapter 35: Great fanfiction (Y)
Jamiesxz #5
Chapter 15: So shinee.. Lmao that's smart
Chapter 34: Aigoo, this is so cute!! Update when you can please!! Love your story~ <3
Chapter 4: Woohoo!! Bring on the cat fight! Hahaha
I've never been in one before & I'm enjoying this story so much! Thanks for writing out your imagination, Author.
oatlover #8
Chapter 33: kissing your boyfriend in front of your mom & dad plus your bro is AWKWARD
but still cute
this story reminds me of someone I knew way back in junior highschool
we first met in some orientation for the new students
we both received a punishment because we couldn't answer our senior's question
both of us are somewhat like Jae and Eunmi
but not that extreme
we just bickered a lot, he would teased me a lot too
and I would counter attack him, it was just chaos lol
sometimes he was nice to me and other times he teased me a lot
good job Author-nim, will be waiting for your next update :)
oatlover #9
Chapter 32: Finally!!! *throws confetti*
so Taeyeon planned the whole "confession" thing?
good job Tae :)
I can totally imagine the scene where Mr.Kang suddenly appear and disturb JaeMi "moment" lol
and the way Jaejoong called out Eunmi while being dragged by Mr.Kang
oatlover #10
Chapter 30: it's really cute how Chunnie called Su for a back up
and Jae suddenly hug Eunmi?? adorable