Gaining Memories.

The Devil Exists
Over the next few weeks, the doctors learned that when Sehun fell, he hit his head hard against the cement causing him slight brain damage which meant he would have amnesia for a while. It would get better though, that's what the doctors reassured them and it all put the 'family' to ease. 
Kris decided it was his job to make sure Sehun began remembering things again. He took it on as a chore though, getting frustrated when he wouldn't remember things but seeing that quivering lip made him stop - as though he were teaching a child - and hug him. Hugging was weird for Kris at first. He would give him a handshake instead, a very awkward one at that in which the younger would tackle him in a hug instead making him groan and wonder why he even was doing this in the first place.
Sehun loved going to the park now for some reason though which always inerved Kris with the snotty little kids there. He just - he wasn't good with kids. They would always stare at him like he was big foot. But he couldn't say no to those puppy eyes and that's where they were today - the park. 
"Sehun! Get over here!" Kris called after the the smaller male who was halfway over on the other side of the playground, dangling upside down on the monkey bars. He shook his head, mentally groaning when the younger didn't listen and ran over to him.
Immediately when they arrived Sehun ran straight over to the monkey bars. Losing his memory had caused a lot of things to happen but most of all, it made him more childish than before. But the relationship between him and Kris became closer than before they were master and slave. He heard the older male call out his name but just ignored him, continuing to dangle upside down from the bars. He squeaked in surprise when he saw the giant coming and almost fell off before scrambling away.
"'s just me, Kris." Kris cracked a smile, walking over to the monkey bars before trying to figure out how to maneuver his long legs on this contraption. 
It had been so long since he had actually gotten on one of these things that he was now sure he was stuck as he finally got his legs through - but just dangled upside down, looking at Sehun giggling and pointing to him. "Haha, very funny Sehun. Now help me down. Now." He narrowed his eyes, wiggling around while trying to loosen his legs. 
Sehun peeked out from behind a pole and saw how stuck kris had gotten from his long limbs on the monkey bars. He just chuckled softly and pouted before shaking his head. "Ani, why should I?" He asked while innocently blinking. He just laughed softly after a couple of moments before going to help the giant down, more like having the other fall onto him. "Oof!" He groaned out in response before wrapping his arms around the older. "Are you okay?" He asked softly before nuzzling his face into the dark hair, liking the comforting smell. He had gradually grown to know him like somebody he desperately needed but the odd thing was that he only knew Xiumin and his umma the most. 
"I would be better if someone would have gotten me off earlier. Stupid death trap." Kris mumbled to himself, not noticing that the kid like boy was under him until he felt a soft nuzzling into his dark locks. He rolled his eyes a little before rolling over on his back onto the grass, staring up at the soft pieces of fuzzy white above them. He couldn't help but let his thoughts drift off into the unknown depths of his mind - thinking about how his life changed.
The Kris before would have laughed at the idea of him helping someone regain his memory, spending every waking moment possible with Choi Sehun. But he learned that it didn't matter. Popularity, playing soccer - that wasn't much fun anymore. He preferredspending times with Sehun. 
"I'm was just fun seeing you like that" Sehun whispered softly before pouting even more. He watched as the other rolled off of him before looking up at the sky. He tried his hardest to remember with the urging of his umma and Kris but nothing ever came to his mind. Except while he was asleep or spacing off like at the moment where there would be subtle flashes of images. From what, he didn't know. But he didn't really care either, he liked everything as it was right then. 
"Pfft I bet you little dork." Kris murmured with a small grin visible on his lips. He couldn't help but feel at ease these days with Sehun. Even though his memory was gone - he was glad in a way. He could forget about the accident that was forever etched into Kris's mind. He just couldn't forget it no matter how many times he tried to say it was just a bad was the reality of Sehun's memory being gone and his inability to play soccer that haunted him. 
It wasn't Sehun's fault that he was more of a kid now. It was his own fault. "Sehuna, i'm sorry." He whispered aloud for the first time since he had let it slip from his mouth in the hospital. 
"Aish! I'm not a dork!" Sehun whined but grinned at kris. He had no hard feelings towards the other but a small hint of love and warmth towards him. Even if he tried so hard to regain his memory, he felt like he didnt want to at all. It was like a fresh start towards him and he could freely be with the giant. "What for krissy?" He asked curiously and tilted his head, having heard the whisper. He gently rolled over onto the ofher's chest and smiled up at him. Loving this moment and how they could be like this in public even if they weren't anything to each other. Except maybe as step-siblings. 
Kris smirked playfully, "Oh you aren't? If you're not a dork then we won't go get bubble tea then.." He knew that was the younger male's weakness and that he would most likely cry if he didn't get it. He shook his head, trying to get Sehun off the subject and distract him this way. 
Sometimes he was afraid that Sehun would hate him. Hate him for making him like this. 
Feeling the kid like boy roll over onto his chest, he gazed down at him trying to fight the urge to smile. It was hard around Sehun though. He made him feel everything he once didn't want to feel. He couldn't help having feelings around him though. And the fact that they were going to be step-siblings wasn't really helping though. It only made it harder to suppress them.
Sehun's eyes widened at the mention of bubble tea but pouted even more when Kris said they weren't going to get it. He started to sniffle softly in response and hit the others chest gently. He continued to smile up at the other before reaching up to gently pinch his cheeks. "Aigoo~ krissy! You should smile once in a while, you look very handsome when you" he said softly before giggling. He didn't mind the fact that their parents were going to be wed since it meant he could spend more time with the giant. And see him everyday from now on.
Kris smirked a bit not showing a smile - or at least trying not to. It was just hard not to give what Sehun wanted nowadays. "Aish don't call me handsome. I've bet you've said it to five million people today." He teased, brushing a few strands of stray hair out the boy's eyes. Hearing that giggle iced the cake really making him want to go get the bubble tea that he loved so much right that minute. 
"Smiling gives you unnecessary lines on your mouth." Kris scoffed, rolling his eyes before pulling unconsciously pulling the boy closer whenever Tao waved and jogged over to them. Great just what he needed. 
"Hey guys! Hunnie how's your memory?" Tao asked, sitting in front of the younger with a bright smile.
Sehun shook his head like a little kid before childishly smiling at him. "Ani because Krissy is the only one I like enough to be handsome" he said and giggled even more. He flushed a little when the giant brushed the stray strands out of his eyes, liking the gentle touches. He just pouted before smacking kris chest. "Aish! Be more positive gege" he said, having learnt that word from Kai. He pressed himself even closer into the others body, hearing footsteps as their bodies fit perfectly together. He looked up at Tao, only having met him recently a couple of times after he lost his memory. He smiled friendly and shook his head before biting his lip.
The blonde headed male arched an eyebrow before setting Sehun down in the grass when he spotted a bubble tea cart not too far away and bit his lip. He didn't want to leave Sehun alone but he knew bubble tea would calm him down a bit. The younger tended to not like talking about memories. And if Tao brought them up, he could very well throw a tantrum - literally. 
"Sehun i'm going to get us some bubble tea, arasso?" Kris said before eyeing Tao as Sehun nodded a little shakily. But nonetheless stayed calm much to both of the other male's relief. 
"So Hunnie, I was wondering...would you like to go on a date with Tao?" Tao asked, holding Sehun's smaller hand in his with a warm fall for him grin. He wanted him to at least create a few memories with him now.
Sehun made a sound of protest when he was set down onto the grass. He tried to grab onto Kris hand or shirt before biting his lip nervously. He hated talking about memories and disliked at the moment how the new arrival had brought the topic up. "A-arasso...don't be gone too long" he murmured while nodding shakily. He sat up when the giant was out of sight before looking at Tao. "A date? sure" he said and smiled innocently. Though he didn't know if Kris would allow it.
Tao's smile brightened, "Awesome! Okay right now okay? I'll just talk to your brother and see if I can take you for a few hours if want." He explained, using the term everyone referred to Sehun as now. Kris's brother. Although Kris wasn't very fond on the term for reasons unknown to anyone but himself - everyone continued calling him that. 
"And I can take you for bubble tea and we can even play soccer and see if Kris wants to come." He rambled on about everything fun that they could do. No one knew about Kris's messed up leg. They just thought he quit the soccer team because someone pissed him off. That was far from the reason.
Sehun returned the bright smile before blinking a couple of times. "Mmm sure, I really don't mind. Oh okay..." He said softly. He seriously could not stomach the fact that everybody was now referring him as the others brother. He didn't know why but he hated that term to the core of his being. Sehun's eyes widened as he frantically shook his head. " soccer...krissy can't play soccer..." He pleaded frantically. His umma had always recounted to him about Kris injury and the other always got upset when people brought it up. He didn't want the giant to become upset. 
The panda like male tilted his head a little, reaching forward to brush his hand against the boy's cheek. "Hunnie calm down," He pleaded gently, trying to calm him down the best that he could. What perplexed him was what Sehun had said. "Why can't Kris play?" He chuckled a little, thinking maybe Kris was just pissed still at something simple like not getting a move or something deemed worthy of Kris's hate. 
Finally after a few minutes of waiting on the long line near the cart, Kris made his way back over with a chocolate bubble tea and a taro for himself. He raised another eyebrow before taking a seat next to the younger,  not sure about what they were talking about really.
Sehun started to literally panic for his life. "Ani ani ani! No soccer!!" He exclaimed and started to shake. He couldn't let this happen or Kris would lock himself in his room for a whole week. He had already experienced it once from his mistake and that was the worst week of his existence. Sehun turned away from Tao immediately and buried himself into Kris when the older sat down. He was still shaking as he wrapped his arms around the giant, taking in his scent to try and calm down. 
Kris's eyes widened a little when Sehun started to panic like that in front of Tao. He reached over and rubbed the younger's back gently giving the panda like male a questioning look. He sighed a little before pulling him gently into his lap, knowing people would understand that they were just 'brothers'. "Shhh it's okay Sehuna, you're fine. Gege's here." He murmured into his soft locks, trying to get him to calm down.
Tao titled his head a little in question. What had he said? He honestly didn't see what he had said to make Sehun act like that, but then again they said that he would be like that for a while. "I'm sorry Hunnie, I promise I won't say it again." He apologized, smiling gently.
Sehun wasn't calming down from the gentle rubs before he was pulled into the other's lap. He instantly snuggled into the other, pressing his face into Kris's chest, out if habit. The older was always there for him and knew everything to help him calm down. "Gege...gege...gege..." He mumbled over and over, shaking his head gently from side to side. He sniffled a little and clutched into the fabric of the others shirt. Sehun just continued to shake his head gently before looking at Tao. "P-promise?" He asked softly, holding out a pinky, not wanting the other male to bring up soccer ever again. 
"It's okay, gege's here Sehuna. Shhh." Kris murmured gently into his ear, wanting the bubbly boy back again. Even as much as he hated to admit it...he liked the happy Sehun better than the upset one. He wondered what Tao could have possibly said to make him go off like this. 
"I promise that I will never say it again." Tao said with a serious face, nodding his head before taking the boy's pinky, wrapping his around it slightly before shaking it. He then turned to Kris, "Hey you think I could have Sehun for a few hours today for a date?" He asked, biting his lip a little wondering what Kris's reaction would be and back up a little in case the long legged male tried to tackle him to the ground.
Kris's eyes widened slightly before his eyebrows knit together, not really knowing what to say. "Take him out? A few hours?" He bit his lip slightly, wondering how Sehun truly felt about it but the Sehun before would have loved this. "Sehuna, do you want to?" He asked, feeling a weird feeling building in his chest.
Sehun continued to sniffle into the others shirt. It was just so easy for his moods to switch from bubbly to upset in just a matter of moments. He bit his lip after their pinkies were entwined before burying his face back into the giants chest. He wasn't exactly in the mood at the moment as he listened to their conversation. He just hoped that Kris wouldn't agree but looked up to the older when he was asked for his opinion. His eyes said a different story but the words that left his mouth were different,"n-neh for a little bit..". It was like his mind had unconsciously agreed before he even had the time to dwell on it. A reminder of how his old self probably used to be. 
Kris nodded with a small forced smile, "Arasso well go have fun with Tao and gege will be waiting at home for you." He said, brushing the boy's bangs from his eyes again before he looked over to Tao. 
"You better take care of him or else when your parents call the school, they'll say 'Tao who'?" He said with narrowed eyes before walking helping Sehun up reluctantly. 
"I promise I won't hurt him at all. Come on Hunnie, we can watch a movie instead." Tao said, offering his hand with a nervous smile.
"Okay I guess I can let him go with you for a few hours but only a few. And if he's not back by seven - i'm coming to find you." Kris used his devil like smile before shoving his hands in his pockets and walking off.
"Hunnie I had fun today, I mean I never thought you would agree to come with me since you stick to Kris like glue nowadays but I really enjoyed it." Tao said with a smile on his lips, swinging their hands gently as they walked.
With time Sehun had eased up on their date, becoming the happy carefree, bubbly boy he usually was making Tao happy. He worried about him a lot after the accident and hoped that he wouldn't forget him, he wasn't sure until a few weeks after he heard about the accident but he was sure that he liked Sehun - a lot. He couldn't believe how stupid he had been to ignore his feelings like that but really wanted to express them to the boy - he just didn't know how.
"I-I had a good time too, thank you for taking me and buying me bubble tea." Sehun said with a soft smile, letting the cool night breeze breath down his neck and rustle his hair slightly. He wasn't sure what to feel right now as his heart thumped a little faster in his chest when Tao stopped under the brightly lit sky.
But he went with it  and watched Tao lean in, pressing his soft lips against his own, it felt nice to say in the least and he could almost feel his old self underneath trying to break out, to remember his feelings for the dark haired male.

It was getting late though and Kris was worried about where Sehun was, what if he was lost? Hurt? What if Tao let him walk back home on his own? He forgot locations sometimes which scared the out of him and made him go running from the house - to the place where Sehun liked the most, the park. 

On his way though he saw a small figure and a slightly larger figure leaning down in what he was sure was a kiss and knew it was Sehun right away. Kris bit his lip slightly, feeling his stomach churning a bit. Then again, why should he care? What was Sehun's love life to him? 

Shaking his head, he ran back off into the night, not bothering to come home and greet the boy that he couldn't face at the moment.

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updates are coming tonight ^ u ^ // 8.8.13


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reepeater #1
Update please...
Chapter 6: ah kailu is so sweet :') but but why sehun date tao... *pats kris
kirachan1213 #3
Chapter 4: Aaaaah please update more... i love u'r story... 4 people i love the most... Hunnieeee >.<

I Feel bad for Kris... and... I dunno which couple I support...
I love them both :)
krishunvn #4
Hi ^^
Can I ask you for a favor ?
May I translate your fic into VietNamese ?
I think your fic is really insteresting , so I want to share it with my friends ^^
Of course I'll take out of full credit :3
Thank you ^^
Chapter 5: Oh yay!

That's what u got for being a jerk to sehun kris kkkk
sehunnaexo #6
Chapter 5: really like this~ next chap juseyo~~~
Chapter 5: Ooooooo. A love triangle. Interesting and original obstacles.
Can't wait for more updates! ^^
Chapter 4: Wow triple updates!!!!

Sehun lost his memories but he still remember kris??? ; ^ ;
Chapter 4: omg poor babies T____T

no kris no you're such a meanie :((( poor sehun losing his memories like that :(

hwaiting authornim!