
The Devil Exists

It had been about a month since Kris had known his little 'slave', Choi Sehun. He had fun dragging him around everywhere and making him do his every whim - holding that pink envelope over his head when the younger male gave him dirty looks or protested about his outlandish requests. Sehun was questioning his life everyday wondering why he had ever wanted to confess to Tao. Maybe he wasn't even supposed to let the panda like male know he had a crush on him - maybe he was meant to spend the rest of his days single and alone with fifty cats. That claw Kris to pieces for making his life like this.

Kris stood waiting on the younger male in his leather jacket and black skinny jeans, wishing the slow kid would hurry up. It was like he was just taking his sweet time - not a care in the world. He would show him. A few weeks back, Sehun had called Kris 'a no fun giant with a bad attitude' which sparked his determination to show Sehun just what kind of devil he could be on his motorcycle. 
Sehun fixed his hair once more before heading outside to where Kris was. His 'master' had called him to ask him to come over and finally have some real fun. Which (not surprisingly at all) turned out to be having a ride on the dangerous as hell motorcycle. His umma had always warned him to never do anything dangerous like that but he was so blinded by his unknown feelings that he didn't even recognize yet. "Aish..." He mumbled to himself softly before rolling his eyes at kris. "I'm ready to go 'master'" he said and leaned against the house wall.
"Here put this on, I wouldn't want you getting a concusson." Kris smirked before grabbing Sehun's hand, leaving him no time to protest as he pulled him over to the motorcyle.
"I'm pretty sure you would like that more than anything" Sehun muttered but had no time to put on the helmet before he was pulled over to the motorcycle. He just groaned in frustration before sitting behind Kris, wrapping his arms around the others waist. He didn't agree that the other was fun at all and just rolled his eyes. Kris was just talk and no action from what he had perceived and from the condition the other had as well. Sehun gasped a little when they started off at a fast pace and he clutched even harder onto the others waist when the helmet flew off. Crashing somewhere behind them when a car suddenly tried to swerve into their lane. It was too late to shout when the car crashed into their motorcycle as everything flashed between his eyes and blackness enveloped him.
Kris was just turning back to talk to Sehun for just a second to tell him to keep his grip on his waist tighter, not even hearing the honking of the horn before it was too late. He swerved the motorcycle into the front of a shop - many people gathering around the mess of shattered glass and bloody boys. 
The blonde male who's hair was now streaked with red and matted to his forehead weakly lifted his head up to make sure Sehun was alright before falling back onto the pavement, not having too many injuries somehow. Or that's what the doctors said as they rushed him and the younger into the ER. 
Time felt like forever as the seconds passed into minutes with the beeping of machines in his faint dreams or more so half dreams. He heard doctor's voices seeping into his dream world, telling him it was a miracle that both of them made it out with minor injuries but that Kris's left knee that was hit by the motorcycle may never be the same again. He woke up in a cold sweat before sitting up - regretting it almost immediately. 
Kai who was sitting outside, held the hand of a frightened Luhan whom he had just met but couldn't take his eyes off of from the moment he saw him standing there, crying because of his son. "Shhh it'll be alright. The doctors said everything would be alright." He murmured gently to the beautiful stranger. 
Normally he would have just ignored someone in his condition but he just felt himself drawn to him - unable to not comfort him. Even though his own son may never play soccer again - he had to stay strong for him.
Sehun's clothes had been tattered and littered with glass while there was an open and gaping wound on his head. All the emt's and doctors thought it was a miracle that he had survived without an helmet. They spent a couple of hours trying to save him since he had become unstable in the ambulance before a handful of different doctors came in, ones that had treated the boy when he had been younger, knowing how different he was. They finally got it mended and forgot all about the blood loss which would probably make the situation worse later as they wheeled him to Kris room as well. 
Luhan continued to cry as he leaned onto the other male. Somebody who he had just recently met because their sons had been in the same crash as he was frightened for his little boy. He was everything he had left and he couldn't bare let his pearl die. "Y-you don't know anything" he said and looked up at him with blood-shot eyes. This was officially the second worse day of his life.
Kai just pulled the crying male closer, his back gently not wanting to see him like this. It had been his fault - he let Kris actually ride the death trap and even let him take the boy that he talked about all the time - Choi Sehun with him. He thought it would be a perfect oprritnity seeing as his son had just begun opening up more. He even would have a smile on his lips for once since his mother had left them both taking his youngest son with him. 
"You're probably right..I don't. But there is something  I know - my son smiled for the first time after he met your's. He laughed for the first time in centuries - because of your amazing son." The darker male admitted, knowing Kris would kill him but he wanted to know that the boy named Luhan was okay. "And whatever the doctors say - i'll be here with you every step." He said with a small reassuring smile, that hurt a little but  it was worth it.
Luhan continued to cry even when he was pulled closer to the tan male. He couldn't believe that he had just let his son go without making sure that he was safe first. It was so traumatizing and he didn't want to go through this process once again. After having lost his husband, it had felt like the end of the world but he became happy for their newborn. Their special little boy. He just shook his head softly and sniffled as he looked at the other male. "I-I Just can't believe this happened....They said it was the car's fault but my son wasn't even wearing a helmet...they don't know if he'll wake up ever...and there's a serious case that he might have kidney failure...I can't live without him!...I'm sorry about your son as well...." he whispered and started to sob once again, big fat tears rolling down his cheeks.
Kai felt even more awful that he hadn't checked that both of them were wearing helmets or even went with them. He was only human though. He had to work late on filling more paperwork for his company and couldn't remind Kris. 
"I know, I's hard. But I should have made sure Kris had both his helmets with him. I'm sorry..." He whispered, clutching the smaller male in his arms even more. Hearing Luhan's apology for his own son, he bit his lip and fought back the tears.
"They said he'll never be able to play soccer again with his left leg being in the condition that it is now. But other than that he's fine..just startled." Kai murmured, clutching the fabric of Luhan's shirt in his hands. It was hard staying strong but he had to, that's what dad's did. 
After a few more moments, the doctors said they could come in to visit their sons and they both bowed before walking inside. Kris was already awake looking over at Sehun with sad eyes. His mouth was a thine line as he knew this was his fault. It was. He had been the idiot that suggested they both go on the motorcycle in the middle of a crowded street over the speed limit. It was him who hurt Sehun.
"I-I'm sorry appa. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Was all that came out of Kris's mouth, his voice wavering with each word. Kris wasn't worried about how much trouble he would be in - he was worried about Sehun. It was his fault anyways for this mess.
 Luhan blinked through his tears in his surprise. He had heard that soccer was the boy's life and now he couldn't play that anymore? He would be devastated, more than anything else. He wrapped his arms around the other and gently rubbed his back, feeling sorry for the other. He couldn't even comprehend how the other was already feeling at the moment. The doctor's finally came out and told them they could visit their son's as he quickly dashed into the room. He made a beeline straight towards Sehun, still deeply unconscious and his head all wrapped up as the mask and heart moniter was keeping him stable. He immediately cried out at the sight, crashing down onto his knees near the bed as he held onto his son's hand. "U-umma's so sorry....please forgive me...Sehun...please..don't leave me" he mumbled out brokenheartedly as fresh new tears ran down his cheeks. But after a couple of minutes, he made a choking sound when Sehun's heart monitor went crazy as doctors and nurses rushed in, trying to find out what was wrong. His Kidneys. 
Kris jumped a little, hearing the heart moniter going crazy beside him. He knew who it was - Sehun. He heard Luhan screaming to get to his son, begging the doctors to do something. 'Save him! Please he's the only son I have please!' Was all he could hear ringing in his ears, even after they had pulled Luhan and Kai out of the room. They quickly got a team of nurses to wheel Sehun to the operating room while the older male watched, his own heart thumping quickly against his chest. Questions filling his head. Scenarios bouncing off his head as bad as Sehun d- he didn't even want to think of it.
As much as he pushed the younger around, Kris had to admit that he did care. He didn't know why - he just did. 
The doctors came back with even worse news to Luhan, telling him that to save Sehun they would need a donor or he would die. Kris overheard this even if he wasn't supposed to and bit his lip before calling the doctors in. "I'll give him mine. You don't really need two right? So he can just have one of mine. No big deal." He mumbled, staring down at the floor.
Luhan screamed and tried to stay by his son's side when the doctors had to pry him away and drag him out. He screamed for them to do anything to save his little boy, his only son. He was held outside by Kai and sobbed into his shirt, not believing how the situation had changed so drastically. When the doctors had come back, he had finally calmed down to hear what he had said. He couldn't donate since he only had one left from something in his childhood. Luhan's eyes widened when he heard what Kris said and he frowned a little. "A-ani...y-you shouldn't have to..." He said and bit his lip. They would find a donor soon, he just didn't want kris to do something like that for his son when he had already lost something so precious.
Kris heard the wavering in Luhan's voice, it was hard not to. He wasn't into good deeds and telling himself that this was just him trying to make up for something he did - he nodded. 
"I do. It's my fault that I caused this and I need to make up for it..I don't need two anyways." Kris mumbled, biting down on his lip before the doctors came rushing back in. 
"Arasso well if he's going to donate we need him quickly so Mr. Kim we're prepping your son as well as Mr. Choi's son. We'll keep you both updated." The doctor better known as doctor Yixing, bowed to the both of them before jogging off to the operating room.
Luhan blinked a couple of times, no words coming out until he realized the severity of the situation. He could only look to Kai to see what he thinks so that they'll finally be able to proceed. "T-thank you doctor" he said softly before looking at Kris before a handful of nurses and doctors came in to wheel the other away. The situation had become worse than before, both of Sehun's kidneys had shut down and they had to be quick or they would surely lose the young boy. Something they vowed they wouldn't let happen.
Luhan just nodded a little, tired from how much he had been crying and trying to hold on for his son. Everything that was happening was just bringing back all of the wounds and memories from his husbands death. The doctors worked fast and long to save the poor half vampire without endangering the donors life. Knowing it could be risky but they would never give up on these two patients. After a couple of long hours, they finally finished and wheeled the two back to the room, noticing how much better Sehun's condition was as they called the parents in.
A few hours later after Kris woke up, he looked over to the sleeping Sehun who looked visibly better with a sort of glow to him. It was weird. He didn't know someone he disliked so much would prompt him to give one of his organs to him. He felt a bit more sore than he was before, not even wanting to imagine the scars on his perfect body. 
Kris's father practically ran in the room, needing to see his son and to even see Sehun the boy he had gotten to know within the past hours listening to his mother talk about what a wonder he was. One thing was, he still wasn't sure how to break to Kris that he would never be able to play the one thing he loved most. 
Just as Kai opened his mouth, Kris shook his head. "I know appa. I's fine. There's always other things I can do, anyways soccer . It's dumb...the worst sport ever..." He spat things about the sport he loved so much, ignoring the string at his eyes. It wasn't about soccer anymore, it was about Sehun getting to live.
Luhan took slow and babysteps into the room. He was taking the time to compose himself before he laid his eyes on his son and bit his lip. He took a seat in the chair near his bedside and took his hand into his. Sehun was slowly starting to gain conscious though he wasn't able to open his eyes yet. But he could still hear and what he heard broke his heart for unknown reasons. He couldn't believe it, the one thing that Kris loved so much had been taken away from him in such a freak accident. He felt upset and bad because he should've warned the other about the car, there were so many what ifs. 
It wasn't fair. Life wasn't fair. Sehun had more injuries than he did yet he was the one awake. Life was cruel even. What was his reason to live? Not playing soccer? Not being able to tell the younger male he was sorry? He found nothing really. 
"Appa, do you you think living is worth it?" Kris asked suddenly, not realizing he had something to live for right beside him, waking up gradually.
Kai's eyes widened a bit hearing Kris having thoughts like that. "B-Bwoh? Life is worth living because..because you never know what to expect next. You never know what you'll do or who you'll meet or if the person waiting for you is waiting for you to come to them." He said, rubbing his son's back. He was sure enough that Kris had found his reason though - his son was a bit dense though, like him at times.
Sehun heard what Kris said next and his fingers twitched in annoyance. The big dumb giant was getting on his nerves from how he was thinking. Luhan momentarily froze when he felt his sons fingers twitched but sighed softly as he went back to rubbing his sons hand, waiting for him to wake up. No matter what time, day or month it was. After a couple of more minutes, Sehun's eyes slowly started to flutter open as his eyes landed on his umma. Who looked extremely tired and well spent as he immediately tried to embrace him. He coughed softly, groaning in pain from a throbbing pain in his head before he looked over to Kris. 
Kris sat contemplating what was just said to him. Was his appa right? Did he just need to live his life, waiting for that one person to come along and need him? He sighed a little, not even noticing Sehun looking at him as he woke up - probably because the younger didn't bother saying anything at all. He just stared at everyone like they were complete strangers. 
"W-Who are you?" Sehun asked, backing up against his bed not liking the strangers around him and so close. Kris's eyes widened as did Luhan's and Kai's - this would be fun.

Hi everyone! Sorry for the late update ; A ; uhm we're giving you guys a triple update since you waited so long ; 3 ; <3 We hope you enjoy it and please remember to subscribe if you like it and comment for motivation! o u o
- shineelittleminho & omgeekpop
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updates are coming tonight ^ u ^ // 8.8.13


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reepeater #1
Update please...
Chapter 6: ah kailu is so sweet :') but but why sehun date tao... *pats kris
kirachan1213 #3
Chapter 4: Aaaaah please update more... i love u'r story... 4 people i love the most... Hunnieeee >.<

I Feel bad for Kris... and... I dunno which couple I support...
I love them both :)
krishunvn #4
Hi ^^
Can I ask you for a favor ?
May I translate your fic into VietNamese ?
I think your fic is really insteresting , so I want to share it with my friends ^^
Of course I'll take out of full credit :3
Thank you ^^
Chapter 5: Oh yay!

That's what u got for being a jerk to sehun kris kkkk
sehunnaexo #6
Chapter 5: really like this~ next chap juseyo~~~
Chapter 5: Ooooooo. A love triangle. Interesting and original obstacles.
Can't wait for more updates! ^^
Chapter 4: Wow triple updates!!!!

Sehun lost his memories but he still remember kris??? ; ^ ;
Chapter 4: omg poor babies T____T

no kris no you're such a meanie :((( poor sehun losing his memories like that :(

hwaiting authornim!