You think you're cute, don't you?

The Devil Exists
The night of soccer game had finally came and after much scolding and love, Sehun was allowed to go. Kris had made it mandatory that his slave come with him or else his little secret wouldn't be so secret anymore. Making his way back towards the locker room to get ready, the taller male spotted the nerdy boy grabbing water cups to fill up for the team. He saw how determined he was to make Tao notice him and it made him wonder for just even a second if Sehun really had a crush on Tao? Infatuation could be the answer but it was just his business to make sure both those things left Sehun. 
The cheering stands had already began filling up leaving the boys to make their way out when Tao passed Sehun with a towel around his waist, showing off his defined abs as he gave the boy a ruffle of the hair like always. "I want to see your sign for me when i'm playing, okay?" He grinned cheekily and gave him a thumbs up before going to get dressed.
Tao shot the boy another grin before getting dressed in his uniform, just as Kris passed him. He gave him a smile and a nod before speaking in chinese - something he thought Sehun couldn't understand. 
'Sehun was staring at your .' Kris said, smirking over at Sehun before walking out to the field. Leaving thoughts to dwell between the two or what he thought would be rather confused Tao and Sehun. 
Tao gave him a nervous chuckle, blushing as he did whenever he looked over at Sehun and hurridly put on his shorts, wondering if his was that bad.
Sehun just ignored the two and flushed even more as he started to re-arrange the water cups on the tray. He heard them conversing in Chinese and was glad he could understand part of it and had taken that class last year. He glared when he heard what Kris had said before biting his lip when he heard how Tao let out a nervous chuckle. He made a sound of annoyance and dread as he stomped out after Kris, pleading to take his revenge one day. This was becoming way too embarrassing and fast as a Slave being used just because of his major crush on a star player.
Seeing the angry Sehun run onto the field with the tray of drinks made the older male chuckle to himself before focusing on the game. 
At break time, Kris jogged over to where his 'slave' was before sitting down on the bench. Well not before knocking over the entire water dispenser on Sehun, drenching him from head to toe. "Whoops I guess you should be more careful where you stand." Kris said nonchalantly, snickering a bit at the boy.
Sehun had been standing by the refreshments table where the water dispenser was at while watching only Tao when suddenly during breaktime he was drenched entirely by water. The water dispenser having been knocked over on purpose, he could tell after seeing his 'master' snickering at him. He groaned in annoyance as the shirt fabric started to cling to his body, and adding more oil to the fire that was already blazing, it was white. Which meant probably everybody could see the outline of his faint abs and everything else that was his chest and stomach.
Flushing furiously, Sehun tried to cover up his shirt but it was no use. This was going down into his book of worst days ever, he could tell. Kris was getting onto his last nerve and he was just right about to snap when he heard the laughter of the soccer team and felt himself tearing up. this just couldn't be happening, like it wasn't reality at all. He was about to cry when he felt his wrist getting grabbed, he just let himself be pulled away into the locker room before noticing that the other was Tao.
The prized soccer star turned to see Sehun's white shirt drenched, clinging to the faintest outline of his slightly chiseled abs. He found himself biting his lip before hearing the laughter the erupted from the other soccer players around him. 
Shooting them glares, Tao jogged over quickly to Sehun before grabbing his wrist in his hand, the brush of the cold skin against his enough to give him the slightest of goosebumps - finally making it to the locker room. Reaching over quickly he grabbed a blue shirt from his duffel bag before placing it over the younger's shoulder.
"Here and I apologize for what Kris did, he's just not..all...too nice to the rookies but he warms up. I promise." He gave him a warm smile, feeling something weird in his chest before he gave him a wave - the intercom telling all the players to come back to the field.
 Sehun blinked a little in surprise at how kind the other was and smiled a little at him. "Mm..neh...I'll keep that in mind." He mumbled before hearing the intercom as well before stripping his wet shirt off to wear the blue one on. He lightly sniffed it and liked the scent of Tao, deciding he would keep it for a little then wash it and return it to Tao.
The soccer game was a blur to Kris as his heart thudded rapidly against his ribcage. He knew that Sehun was probably watching, making him want to show off how much better he was than the star player. 
Although as he cocked his head to the side just for a moment, the ball hurtled past his head into the other goal. He narrowed his eyes at the distraction that came from Choi Sehun. He would pay. 
After the game that they had inevitably lost, Kris made his way over to the smaller male, eyebrows knit into a fine line. "You think you're cute don't you?" He questioned, well not really questioned - more so knew it was a fact.
Sehun finally came back out onto the bleachers after a couple of minutes. He was content with the snug shirt and watched the game. But inevitably the team lost and he frowned at the reason why. The blonde giant who had been spacing out. He was surprised when the other came striding over to him.
"W-wait...what?" He asked dumbfounded and furrowed his eyebrows.
"Did I stutter?" Kris narrowed his eyes a bit, wondering why it was taking the boy a few more minutes to actually get what he was saying. "I said, you think you're cute don't you? Distracting Tao and making us lose - or even wearing his shirt like he actually likes you." He scoffed, pinching the bridge of his nose before pushing past the boy leaving him dumbfounded yet again.
Kris panted slightly a bit harder than usual while making his way over to the stands to grab his things, kicking his yellow pill bottle out of the way whenever it fell out of his bag - not realizing Sehun was still watching.
Sehun glared at kris before sputtering a little.
"I didn't distract nobody and I wouldn't have had to wear his shirt if it wasn't for you!" He growled at the other before throwing his hands up into the air.
He just so badly wanted to leave already but knowing that he would get into trouble with his master, he would have to stick around. But this really aggravated his vampire side as his eyes kept on flashing from red to brown a couple of times. Sehun cursed under his breath and had to stare at the ground before seeing the yellow pill bottle roll his way under the name of Kim Yifan, better known as Kris. He bent to pick up, not noticing how others stared at his
before looking at the bottle in an closer inspection.
Kris wasn't even listening right now, he was already looking for the yellow pill bottle. ".." He mumbled to himself, almost out of breath it felt like. He looked over at Sehun before grabbing his wrist. "Come on." He wheezed slightly, grabbing for his water bottle on the way. 
Looking up from his things Tao bit his lip, watching Sehun walk away with Kris. He was worried about their relationship whatever it may be. It was dangerous for the smaller male to be near someone like Kris. 
The blonde male ignored all curses made by the younger and continued rolling his eyes. "You know what, you should talk less and conserve my oxygen." He spat, making his way towards his car.
Sehun rolled his eyes, 'What did I get myself into...' He kept thinking to himself. The question of his life now.

Hi everyone shineelittleminho and omgeekpop here ^-^ OTL sorry for the late updates ; AA ; but we'll have more often updates from now on. We treated you to two updates today instead of one ^O^ We hope you like them and remember to subsciribe and comment to keep us motivated! <3

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updates are coming tonight ^ u ^ // 8.8.13


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reepeater #1
Update please...
Chapter 6: ah kailu is so sweet :') but but why sehun date tao... *pats kris
kirachan1213 #3
Chapter 4: Aaaaah please update more... i love u'r story... 4 people i love the most... Hunnieeee >.<

I Feel bad for Kris... and... I dunno which couple I support...
I love them both :)
krishunvn #4
Hi ^^
Can I ask you for a favor ?
May I translate your fic into VietNamese ?
I think your fic is really insteresting , so I want to share it with my friends ^^
Of course I'll take out of full credit :3
Thank you ^^
Chapter 5: Oh yay!

That's what u got for being a jerk to sehun kris kkkk
sehunnaexo #6
Chapter 5: really like this~ next chap juseyo~~~
Chapter 5: Ooooooo. A love triangle. Interesting and original obstacles.
Can't wait for more updates! ^^
Chapter 4: Wow triple updates!!!!

Sehun lost his memories but he still remember kris??? ; ^ ;
Chapter 4: omg poor babies T____T

no kris no you're such a meanie :((( poor sehun losing his memories like that :(

hwaiting authornim!