You'll pay.

The Devil Exists

Stumbling out of bed, Kris's father Kai had come to pull the blankets off him, with him bunched up in them before he hit the floor in a heap of fabric. "Appaaaa." He whined into the blankets, lifting his head up with his hair sticking up all over the place. "Mmmm can I just not get up?" He mumbled before his eyes widened - a smirk slowly forming over his lips as he remembered the letter from the night before. Kai tilted his head at his son before shrugging. "You know what...i'm just going to pretend that there's nothing devious going on in that brain of yours and make breakfast." He chuckled, ruffling his son's bird nest of blonde hair. "Come down when you're ready, ara?" He smiled warmly before walking back downstairs to start cooking. Kris nodded before grabbing his uniform, putting it on quickly - grabbing the letter in the process.

"Is that a love letter?" Kai asked, cocking an eyebrow at his tall son before Kris shook his head.

"Mmm I guess you could say it was.." He smirked before shoving it in his bag. "Ah well if you ever want love advice from me - i'm the one to come to." He pointed at himself as he wiggled his eyebrows playfully. "Yeah, yeah appa I have to go now, the class president meeting is this morning and I have to be there on time." He lied as Kai nodded, believing his son. "Arasso well here take some toast with you or you'll starve." He grinned before waving him off as he got back to his at home business. Kris on the other hand - he had his own business to get to. And that included Choi Sehun.

Briefly hearing his bedroom door creaking in his sleep, Sehun was completely caught in surprise when he was pounced on all of a sudden.

His body jerked in fear and shock before he shoved the person off or rather people as it was his umma and Xiumin included. He just groaned in tiredness and saw what the time was before apologizing to the two monsters who woke him up before going to wash up and then wearing his uniform. He wasn't completely awake until he realized what might happen at school today and trembled a little out of nervousness. Sehun headed downstairs for a quick breakfast before dragging Xiumin off with him to school, deciding he would catch his best friend up on what he had done the day before.

"Umma! Me and baozi are going to be back a little late! Don't tire yourself out too much" he called out to his umma. He would have work today including the steamed bun with him and walked to school with a ton of nervousness.

Kris was already devising his little plan and had already gotten Chen along with Suho to make sure Sehun was escorted to him without anyone seeing. They smirked knowing this would definitely make the boy their slave because well...someone like him who was shy and insecure would do anything for their crush not to find out that it was them that sent them a letter or even exposing their crush to the entire student body.

Finally the boys saw Sehun arriving with the dumpling cheeked kid with feline like eyes before they both discretely grabbed the one with the bored expression - Choi Sehun - and made off with him, leaving baozi behind. Kris sat on the rooftop, looking over at the students piling in the building to get to class when he heard the door shut seeing - none other than the cute boy that he laid eyes on the day before. He smirked, digging the pink crumbled letter out of his pocket before holding it up.

"This yours?" He asked, coming face to face with the boy. 

Sehun and Xiumin had been walking peacefully together until they reached the school when all of a sudden he was grabbed and taken towards the rooftop. He struggled in protest and tried to pry the two males arms off but to no use as he was shoved onto the rooftop where there was an tall blonde male waiting.

He flushed a little in response when the guys attention was to his before chewing on his lip. Sehun's eyes widened when he saw the love letter and tried to snatch it out of the others hand but was too short. He couldn't believe this was happening right now, that he had accidentally handed the letter to somebody other than his full time crush.

The smirk Kris had painted on his face could have been one sent from the devil himself as he swung the letter in front of Sehun's face.

"It's so sweet that you gave me this letter, I mean i've liked you for a very long time too. And the way you described how the sun beams down on my glistening skin and how my kicks are the best in the entire soccer team." He snickered while reading the letter, wondering how someone could write this letter. Chen and Suho couldn't help but double over with laughter while listening to the boy's confession letter being read aloud by Kris.

Sehun saw the smirk on the males face and trembled a little. He couldn't believe this was happening and started to shake a little out of anger but shame. This wasn't how he imagined things to happen at all and felt so humiliated as he started to tear up a little.

"S-stop it! It wasn't for you you jerk!" He shouted and tried to rip the letter out of the tall males hands, lunging at him angrily as the dam inside almost burst. If this continued much longer, things would get ugly and by ugly he meant his vampire side going crazy.

The taller male noticed how much the shorter boy was shaking and and raised an eyebrow, "What's wrong? Don't want us to tell Zitao about your little secret crush?" He asked before Sehun could even get out a word.

"I have a way though...if you didn't want us to tell him about your cute little crush..." He kept making silence between them and the boy's shaking get worse. "I have a an offer you can't refuse. See, we need a little 'slave' to run our errands and such and well you're the perfect type to do that." He continued before Chen interrupted. "Kris can we have him?" He asked, practically drooling over him. Narrowing his eyes, Kris gave him a dark look from below before turning back to Sehun. "No. He's mine to play with." He said in a monotone before smirking. The look on Sehun's face, it was unreadable but his shaking had yet to cease at least.

Sehun continued to shake as he listened to every word that was coming out of the blonde giant's mouth. "S-slave?....fine..I'll do it." He muttered softly and looked down at the ground. He had just thrown away his pride for a one single crush. Something that meant so much to him but was used against him in such a twisted way. He had to breath in and out deeply to calm down as his vampire side died down. He just gently scoffed at the two other males and how they were practically drooling over him for no reason he could find. It was fairly odd and suspicious.

The two hyena like males looked at each other with wide eyes, was the bored looking yet cute male just going it? Follow Kris's orders without fighting back? Well then's not like he could fight back.

Kris just had that devilish smirk pulling in the corner of his mouth again, "Good choice, I mean it would have been a shame if I would have had to tell Zitao about this little crush of yours." He said, the carelessness leaking from his voice. Honestly he couldn't care one way or another if Tao knew about Sehun's crush on him - he was only interested in making the boy miserable. Why you may ask? He's the devil type. The one that looks dashingly handsome on the outside and is cruel and evil on the inside. The bell for classes rang right as Kris was going to add on something else.

"Ah- it can wait. But for now come with me to class my slave." He winked, grabbing his bag off the floor before shoving it into Sehun's arms, grabbing his wrist as he walked.

Sehun could clearly hear the carelessness in the other's voice about telling his crush to Tao and just mentally glared at him. But he lucky that he usually had an expressionless face or just looked typically bored. He didn't even bother to protest or anything, knowing it would probably cause him to become more miserable. "N-neh.." He mumbled before a bag was shoved into his arms and he was dragged towards the giant's classroom. Which was quite farther than his own class with Xiumin as he frowned and bit his lip. He knew that the teacher would be worried and call home to see why the other was missing from class but he was doing it for a good reason- for the moment only.

Just as Kris was pulling the bored looking boy to class, they passed the feline-eyed boy in the hallway that just tilted his head at his head at the two. Why was Sehun even with that jerk? He narrowed his usually sweet and adorable eyes at the taller male. He didn't even notice though as he kept walking to his class pulling the rag doll like boy around.

"You should be lucky to be even seen with me, I mean I am a star. Even bigger than Zitao in more ways than one." He shot a smirk at Sehun before pushing him in his classroom. All the girls giggled and took out their phones to take pictures of the duizhang before their teacher, Mr. Kim shot them all a look.

"Ah good to see you Mr. Wu, it's nice of you to stop by class with...who is this?" The teacher asked, raising a brow at the unknown boy.

Sehun's sighed in frustration and annoyance before answering the teacher himself with a bored expression. "Choi Sehun" he mumbled and bowed politely to the teacher. His umma had always asked him to be a good boy and show manners to elders.

Mr. Kim nodded with a small smile, "Ah well you're not on my role so i'm assuming you have to go to class soon." He stated the obvious, gesturing for Kris to let go of the boy's wrist. The taller male grabbed his bag quickly from Sehun before giving him a subtle push forward that made him trip.

"Hurry to class rookie." Kris whispered in his ear before making his way to his seat in the back of the class, pushing past a few girls and boys that were oggling over him. 

Xiumin on the other hand was panicking and calling Sehun's phone every five minutes because Mrs. Park counted him absent for the first time in his whole life. "S-Sehun! It's Xiu! H-Hurry up to class or songsaengnim is going to call your umma!" He whimpered, not wanting his best friend to be in trouble but as expected Mrs. Park was already at his desk - snatching his phone from his hand.

"You'll get this back after class." She said, shaking her head in disappointment before she began the lesson. Halfway through they all heard the back door of the classroom closest to Sehun's seat open the sight shocking them all - Choi Sehun, the one that was always on time and never late to anything.

Feeling his phone blowing up with Baozi calling him every five minutes and when he finally managed to pick up, there was no answer on the other end. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair while glaring at anybody who dared to look at him in the hallways. He finally made it to class and opened the back door before bowing deeply to his teacher. "I-im sorry mrs.park for being late" he said and went up to the front of the class for his punishment.

Just as Sehun was getting his punishment, Zitao was in the front seat watching the entire thing as their teacher called Sehun's mother before he felt his phone buzz in his pocket making him jump a little. "What the.." He mumbled to himself before reading the message from Kris. 

'Meet me at the soccer field for practice.' - Kris
The younger of the two raised his eyebrow slightly before typing back that he would be there on time just as soon as their last class let out which was in about an hour. 
After Sehun's punishment, Xiumin hugged his best friend and whimpered even more. "Hunnieeee you're umma is going to be so angry! And and she won't let you come over! What about you watching that new drama with me?" He bit his lip, blinking up as at Sehun as if he were going to cry.
But they were both interrupted by the older male's phone going off. Watching Sehun pull his phone out of his pocket, Xiumin peeked over his shoulder - an unknown number? And one that was demanding his best friend to go to the soccer field?
He wasn't so keen on the idea of this at all.
Waiting for Sehun and Tao to arrive, Kris kicked around a ball while scheming his plan. He wouldn't exactly let Tao know about Sehun's crush on him - yet. He wanted to make the tension build up and then tell everyone. This was going to be perfect.
Right after class, Tao started making his way to the soccer field when suddenly he saw Sehun practically jogging - falling all over himself to get to the soccer field as well. He couldn't help but smile a little, he could be so dorky it was cute sometimes. "Sehun!" He called out, waving his hand a little. "Want to walk with me?" He asked, giving him a friendly smile, thinking it would probably be better to walk to the same place together.
Sehun immediately jogged out the field after classes had ended. Anything that had to do with that giant was probably not going to end up good at all. And the text itself seemed suspicious, why would the male want to meet him at the field? Unless he was going to reveal that he had a crush on Tao which made him jog even more, falling over himself a couple of times.
Flinching a little, Sehun froze when he heard his name shouted before turning to see his crush waving at him. He instantly blushed and bit his lip as he nodded before heading over to the handsome male to walk with him. Which proved his ideas right, so he was going to have to prepare himself for everything that would come next. Shame, humiliation, and the wrath of his umma all in the same day.
"Thanks for walking with me, I thought I was going to get lost on my way over to the soccer field without you guiding me." Tao teased with a light grin, reaching over to ruffle Sehun's paltinum locks.
 "Hey you okay? You seem nervous about something.." He tapped his chin, trying to think of what it might be. "Oh, are you going to join the soccer team? I've seen you play and let me tell you that's some amazing goalie skills you have." He said, trying to encourage him a bit - just for the wrong reason. It was probably a good thing how painfully oblivious Tao was.
Sehun just shook his head and chuckled softly. "I don't think that's highly possible since you're almost always at the field" he teased right back, though he was shy and nervous around the other. He pouted and tried to fix his hair when it was ruffled by tao and shot him a playful glare. He bit his lip when the other noticed how nervous he was and nodded. "Mm no, I don't think I'll ever be able to play as good as any of the other players" he said softly and blushed. He hadn't realized his crush had watched him when he did participate in practices just for fun or with Xiumin. He saw the blonde giant near the middle of the field and glared a little before shooting him a bored look.
The panda like male shook his head, "Mmm you're right." He let it sit for a while just to see if Sehun would notice before grinning to show he was kidding. He took his gaze over to Kris though before waving to him as well. "I brought someone to practice!" He called, setting his bag down before pulling the smaller boy with him. Kris raised an eyebrow at how nice Tao was being to his little slave.
"Awwh look it's Sehun." He smirked a bit, stretching his left arm over his body as if he were thinking about playing a game today. a sense he was. Just not one Sehun wanted to play.
Sehun pouted and glared playfully even more at Tao. This male could be pretty playful at times. He saw how the other waved at the giant and groaned softly. He couldn't believe that this had gotten much worse at the revelation that the two of them knew each other well. He flushed even more than he ever had in real life when he was pulled by tao over to the blonde. "Yeah. Nice to see you again" he said softly and looked anywhere else but at the other. He was sick of this game and decided that he wouldn't put up with this for much longer.
"You know Tao...i've heard that Sehun here is one of your biggest fans. I mean he just talks non-stop about what a great soccer player you are, isn't that right Sehun?" Kris's eyes flickered over to Sehun who was giving him one of the worst glares he had ever seen. 
Tao tilted his head slightly, "Really? I'm flattered, Sehun. I mean I honestly don't get that many compliments on my playing anymore." He sighed a little before smiling again. "But now that you've said it though, I feel like I can do even better in tomorrow nights game." He gave the blushing boy a thumbs up before eyesmiling.
Sehun flushed even more and glared at Kris even more than before. He could not for the sake of his life try to rein in all of the evil thoughts that were gathering in his mind. His mother would probably scold him for having such bad thoughts but if he knew what was happening then maybe he would sympathize with him for today. He would just wish for a hole to swallow him whole right then and just nodded while smiling at Tao not even that sincerely at the moment. This was low even for him and he started to plan ideas on how to get Kris back for everything that had started because of the stupid letter.


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updates are coming tonight ^ u ^ // 8.8.13


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reepeater #1
Update please...
Chapter 6: ah kailu is so sweet :') but but why sehun date tao... *pats kris
kirachan1213 #3
Chapter 4: Aaaaah please update more... i love u'r story... 4 people i love the most... Hunnieeee >.<

I Feel bad for Kris... and... I dunno which couple I support...
I love them both :)
krishunvn #4
Hi ^^
Can I ask you for a favor ?
May I translate your fic into VietNamese ?
I think your fic is really insteresting , so I want to share it with my friends ^^
Of course I'll take out of full credit :3
Thank you ^^
Chapter 5: Oh yay!

That's what u got for being a jerk to sehun kris kkkk
sehunnaexo #6
Chapter 5: really like this~ next chap juseyo~~~
Chapter 5: Ooooooo. A love triangle. Interesting and original obstacles.
Can't wait for more updates! ^^
Chapter 4: Wow triple updates!!!!

Sehun lost his memories but he still remember kris??? ; ^ ;
Chapter 4: omg poor babies T____T

no kris no you're such a meanie :((( poor sehun losing his memories like that :(

hwaiting authornim!